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Erectile Dysfunction and Porn



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭HellFireClub

    Nobody is saying it happens exclusively due to porn.

    So what other contributory factors are being discussed then that I've missed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent

    So what other contributory factors are being discussed then that I've missed?

    The whole point is that it may happen to some people. The website is for people with ED and it is saying that it can be a cause of ED for some people.

    I obviously should not have to re-state that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,805 ✭✭✭take everything

    Yahew wrote: »
    And note to some posters: not all anti-porn activists are religious. Some opposed are feminist, and others just think porn degrading in general to women. Particularly modern porn.
    If a woman wants to use her body to make a porn movie, that's her own business. It's bizarre that women through active feminism try to take this freedom away from her, in the name of furthering the agenda of women's rights, I find that to be absolutely weird.

    You seem to repeatedly infer stuff that isn't there.
    That post said nothing about the merits of feminist views on porn.
    His point was that anti-porn people include a variety of groups- religious, feminist etc. It was to illustrate that not all anti-porn people are religious.

    There does seem to be an annoying pro-porn consensus in recent years (no doubt partly a groupthink kinda backlash against previous religious repression) where "porn is harmless" has become dogma and any analysis of its potential problems is reflexively dismissed.

    I don't buy the notion that young fellows growing up today avidly watching hardcore porn, from their teens onward, will not be affected in some way psychosexually/in their relationships by this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 152 ✭✭Feckfox

    I don't really see why you feel the need to point that out or how it is relevant. I know Liah is female, so it's pretty obvious she doesn't suffer from ED.

    Why would you even think I was suggesting that? :confused: Whether Liah had E.D, had a partner with ED or had watched the video makes little difference to my point.

    I think it's quite normal for people to wonder what reason the OP had behind posting the video in this forum. There was no thought-provoking message with it, there was no question or opinions.. just the video - but the OP hadn't even watched it :confused: Threads generally need direction to have a purpose.

    Your point was "porn may lead to some problems for some people". There's really nothing to discuss about that point. It's too general. Some things might happen sometimes.

    That's why I quoted another user who dealt with that for you:
    Well yes, but we don't need a thread stating that.

    The very nature of creating a thread surely suggests there's something at play beyond the obvious - otherwise what's the point of it?

    Count Duckula gets a warning for "known anti-porn poster trundles in with a Youtube video telling us all how porn will mean we no longer get erections" and then banned for "There's a clear bias in this thread from those who are known to despise porn supporting this video and it's meagre evidence with all their worth".
    I don't understand why men require porn; I certainly don't need it to get off. I don't care about them masturbating or fantasizing as everyone does it, but imo it is not a basic human right to view porn and it is not something that has to take place in a committed relationship. I, personally, find it pretty disrespectful.
    There's also the nagging thought about what it means in regards to how he views women, depending on the type of porn he's watching
    I don't like sneaky porn in my relationships
    I just have issues with what porn represents, the idea that men REQUIRE it and it takes precedence over how a partner may feel, and what the act of viewing certain kinds of it indicates about a person.
    I wouldn't forbid it or anything but it's something that would always really, really bother me
    I won't look at pictures of naked people who aren't my partner when I'm turned on because it's disrespectful to the person I'm with, and I'd expect the same treatment.
    Neither are inherently wrong in most contexts, but when you respect your partner and choose them you give up on getting off with other people, usually.. and porn is other people.
    I can clearly see the difference between using an object to get off and using human beings by objectifying them to get off.
    I wouldn't give a damn, as I have said over and over, if my partner used mental images and fantasized. Literally everyone does. The issue is being unable to get yourself off without porn, and the disrespect of using it when being committed and living with someone
    (Emphasis mine)
    Boards is about attacking the posts and not the posters, not being a dick, and not getting personal.
    If you honestly think I'm anti-porn because of that, then you need to get your fecking head checked.
    I don't care if anyone else looks at it, and I haven't any issue with the industry.

    So not anti-porn in general but finds it disrespectful, that it objectifies women and is really bothered by it in a relationship. I'd say that is anti-porn but maybe I need my fecking head checked.

    Erectile Dysfunction is obviously an issue for some people and shouldn't be a problem to discuss if someone has questions or issues with it. But surely it's fair to call someone out when they post a video with no statement, problem or question when they do indeed have a post history stating they do not like porn in relationships.

    BTW, I don't care if the OP is anti-porn or not. That's not the issue for me. I just want justice dammit! :D

    P.S. There seems to be a lot of discussions on porn on Boards:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,925 ✭✭✭Otis Driftwood

    Im locking this thread as it has turned into a giant nit picking fest and that I dont believe will change however,I want to make two points.

    Boards operates on an attack the post,not the poster basis,users are well advised to remember this in future.

    Liah,you are on Boards long enough to know what its like.You posted a link to a video that you didnt even watch and that,for all intents and purposes,could have contained anything.You really should expect posters to question your motivation for posting things like that.This is The Gentlemen's Club after all.

    Thread closed.

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