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Just discovered DVDs I rented 6 MONTHS AGO....what to do?



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I remember when Xtravision used to threaten fines if you didn't rewind the tape to the beginning for the next customer! :)

    As said OP, just drop back the DVD's, the shop are happy to get them back.
    They are even happier to get a paying customer return. If you get a fine, it's won't be much, less then €10 per DVD.
    If the shop is desperate for customers you'll probably get an amnesty and can rent again with no fines

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,803 ✭✭✭Xcellor

    I returned a DVD to Xtra vision at xmas time. I specifically remember bringing it in and putting it on the counter. Next time I went in they said they never received it. I told them I had returned it (at this time I was spending around 20 euros a week on rentals lazy xmas hols etc. and always paid overdues before renting again). The person said I would have to speak to the manager and come back another time.

    To make sure I wasn't mistaken I checked all the palces it would be. i.e. in DVD player. Either they forgot to scan it and put it back into stock or someone pinched it from the counter.

    I have never been back to Xtra vision since then. It was a sh*te film and insulting that they would imagine i would have tried to keep it!!

    They lost probably around 200-300 euros a year.

