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Devil blamed for Haitian disaster.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,686 ✭✭✭✭PDN

    Robertson is an ass. This is just the latest bizarre pronouncement he has made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,870 ✭✭✭doctoremma

    PDN wrote: »
    Robertson is an ass. This is just the latest bizarre pronouncement he has made.

    How do the "normal" Christians here feel about other Christians spouting such drivel? Do you feel it reflects badly on "normal" Christians? Or do you expect everyone to see the bald truth - the guy's a nutter and it doesn't matter what he calls himself? Can any of you understand where he's coming from? How far is he twisting religous teachings?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,686 ✭✭✭✭PDN

    doctoremma wrote: »
    How do the "normal" Christians here feel about other Christians spouting such drivel? Do you feel it reflects badly on "normal" Christians? Or do you expect everyone to see the bald truth - the guy's a nutter and it doesn't matter what he calls himself? Can any of you understand where he's coming from? How far is he twisting religous teachings?

    Are you counting me as one of the 'normal' Christians? :)

    The terms 'Christian' and 'Christianity' get used in such fluid ways, and there are so many branches of Christianity, that its not like some monolithic organisation where someone who is a total embarrassment can be kicked out or disowned.

    I expect that those who don't have an axe to grind will see the bald truth, that Robertson is a nut who does not represent or speak for the vast majority of Christians.

    However, I also expect that others will seize on this with delight and try to use it to attack the beliefs of Christians in general.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,683 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manach

    In reply to doctoremma, in about the same way as someone (who speaking on the radio this morning) blaming the consequences of the quake on US free-market economics, supposedly imposed during the 1970s. i.e. Not assigning any weight to the argument.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    The guy is a head case, nothing whatsoever got to do with christainity. Im not a believer mysmelf but I would never let eelits like that lad cloud my view of christians as a whole (most of my family are, good folk:D)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭studiorat

    US free market economics has a profound effect on the Hatian economy. The US is the main importer of their produce. If the price of coffee of rope or whatever changes in the US it comes back to Haiti. So the poor communications systems that are causing problems right now can be seen as a result.

    Blaming anything on an outside agency (the devil) is a complete cop-out, even on a personal level. My opinion would be that to blame the devil for anything is removing the responsibility for one's own actions.

    Given that Robertson has such a position of power it would seem he has a certain amount of followers and in the right places. Or perhaps they just have him on de telly for the "Car Crash" factor. You know, you should look away but you just can't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,711 ✭✭✭keano_afc

    Meh, its the same as AH posters blaming everything on God. I wish people would make their minds up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,870 ✭✭✭doctoremma

    PDN wrote: »
    Are you counting me as one of the 'normal' Christians? :)

    Of course.

    Diary of a "normal" Christian:
    Morning: I attended church and participated in discussion group afterwards.
    Lunch: Grabbed during a shift in the soup kitchen.
    Afternoon: Took some cake to the old lady down the road, delivered unwanted clothes to local charity shop.
    Evening: Big family dinner, followed by a game which managed to be fun, educational and wholesome, before tucking the kids up with a nice bedtime story.
    Night: Some Song of Solomon stuff...

    Diary of a "jibbering nutcase" Christian:
    Morning: Colouring in with the kids. We made placards with the slogan "Fags go to hell". Went to local rally denouncing gay people. It was brilliant.
    Lunch: Usual 30 minute "grace" followed by bread and water, led by Grandad who is head of our private church. It was brilliant. Smacked my eldest daughter (19), who questioned the necessity of having bread and water EVERY day.
    Afternoon: Supported a picket line outside local abortion clinic. I brought my gun but unfortunately didn't see any doctors. I'll get one of them one day. Did get to shout nasty things at a young girl who went past us. She was already pale and crying but you should have seen her when I'd finished with her. It was brilliant.
    Evening: Attended church service, where Grandad exercised a devil from a woman who was writhing on the floor. It was brilliant.
    Night: Went to bed and worried slightly about my eldest daughter (19), who was talking to a boy today. Then sleep, secure in the knowledge that me and my family will be the only ones in heaven. It will be brilliant.
    PDN wrote: »
    I expect that those who don't have an axe to grind will see the bald truth, that Robertson is a nut who does not represent or speak for the vast majority of Christians. However, I also expect that others will seize on this with delight and try to use it to attack the beliefs of Christians in general.

    It's difficult. I don't imagine for one moment that he represents the majority of Christians. My gut instinct is that he's probably claiming to have support (by weight of numbers) of a lot of people who don't actually support him. Do Christian groups speak out against him?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,686 ✭✭✭✭PDN

    doctoremma wrote: »
    Do Christian groups speak out against him?

    Most Christian groups don't actually get into issuing fatwas every time some nutcase comes out with something wacky. But Robertson gets a fair roasting on the letters pages of many Christian magazines.

    After one of his previous outbursts (it could have been his call to have Hugo Chavez assassinated, or possibly his assertion that Ariel Sharon was struck down by God for closing Israeli settlements in Palestine) the National Association of Evangelicals issued a statement saying, "Pat Robertson no more represents evangelical Christians than does Dr Phil represent the mental health profession."

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭Soul Winner

    "Haiti had sworn a pact with the devil when it freed itself from French colonial rule." Pat Robertson

    Says a man who thought that running for President of the United States was worth turning his back on what he believed was a divine calling in his life to evangelize to the world.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    ... running for President of the United States

    That would've been both very entertaining and very scary at the same time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,686 ✭✭✭✭PDN

    dvpower wrote: »
    That would've been both very entertaining and very scary at the same time.

    A bit of a non-starter, at least everywhere except in Robertson's own head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭Soul Winner

    dvpower wrote: »
    That would've been both very entertaining and very scary at the same time.

    No, that would have been really scary. Just leave him in his 700 Club, as much out of harm's way as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,343 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    If there is such a thing as satan, I'm pretty sure he's on Pat Robertson's side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,245 ✭✭✭✭Fanny Cradock

    So we are agreed! Robertson is a raving idiot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    studiorat wrote: »

    The reason for posting this here is hopefully to give the peeps here an opportunity to register the same shock that I feel at this supposed Christian's sick point of view.
    Robertson is just another false prophet milking the gullible. He comes from the stables that have brought us such wonder-workers as Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn. False healings, false prophecies, fat bank accounts.

    Yes, Haiti is a corrupt and troubled country and no doubt their history of immorality contributes to that - but to say this caused the earthquake is a big presumption.

    God sends every circumstance - some of it is just the natural consequences of our dying world, the judgement following from Adam's fall. Nothing to do with the victims being any worse than anyone else.

    For others it IS a particular judgement on them. For others again it is a trial of their holy faith, not judgement at all.

    It is very presumptuous of anyone to say what applies to each case.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,009 ✭✭✭✭Run_to_da_hills

    There was a similar thread on this subject in the AH forum.

    Haiti 'cursed by pact with devil' Irish Independent

    I have no time for these guys and their money grabbing 700 series "God channels".

    Robertson lives in a huge mansion with his own private airstrip, He owns the Ice Capades, a small hotel, diamond mines in Zaire, a vitamin company known as Kalo Vita, involved in a multi-level marketing scheme along the lines of Amway (That Pyramid household product), and until recently, International Family Entertainment, parent company of the Family Channel (see below) all estimated to be worth between $150-200 million. Source

    How does a televangelist, who is supposedly involved in non-profit work, manage to create such a fortune for himself?


    The fingered gesture above of Robinson depicts the "horned devil", also known as the sign of Il Cornuto and Diabolicus familiar with heavy metal groups, the illuminati and sataism. :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    PDN wrote: »
    ...."Pat Robertson no more represents evangelical Christians than does Dr Phil represent the mental health profession."

    PDN, thank for you brightening up my day,

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    Robertson is just another false prophet milking the gullible. He comes from the stables that have brought us such wonder-workers as Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn. False healings, false prophecies, fat bank accounts.

    Cant the same be said for ANY religious leader or spokesperson?

    Yes, Haiti is a corrupt and troubled country and no doubt their history of immorality contributes to that - but to say this caused the earthquake is a big presumption.

    Immorality of any shape or form didnt cause the earthquake, energy and seismic waves on the earths crust did

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,114 ✭✭✭homer911

    I was looking up Haiti yesterday on Google Maps and came up this link:

    Look like Christians are very active in Haiti!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,686 ✭✭✭✭PDN

    homer911 wrote: »
    I was looking up Haiti yesterday on Google Maps and came up this link:

    Look like Christians are very active in Haiti!

    Haiti has a higher percentage of churchgoers than the USA.

    I notice that both Franklin Graham and Rick Warren have condemned Robertson's comments. Warren called them 'nonsense'.

    Rick Warren has also offered to mud-wrestle Rainn Wilson (from the US version of 'The office') on pay-per-view television to raise money for Haiti (no joke!). :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,041 ✭✭✭Comer1

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    God sends every circumstance - some of it is just the natural consequences of our dying world, the judgement following from Adam's fall. Nothing to do with the victims being any worse than anyone else.

    For others it IS a particular judgement on them. For others again it is a trial of their holy faith, not judgement at all.

    I'm sorry Wolfsbane, but your post really makes my blood boil!

    God sends every circumstance??! So God crushes some children under the rubble of their home or school, because some bloke ate an apple 8,000 years ago. Why only some children? How does he choose what poor two-year olds to have their body crushed and suffer a horrible death that could take days. Surely all children in the world are just as guilty of the crime of Adam's apple eating "outrage."

    Why does He send Judgement down on some evil people, while He lets others off scott free (until judgement day at least). How does He choose who should have their "holy faith" put on trial? Why does he choose one family to loose their child to leukemia and not another? Do you consider that the family who get choosen are blessed or cursed?

    I just don't understand how anyone can justify the existance of a loving god when things like this happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,245 ✭✭✭✭Fanny Cradock

    For a different opinion on a different but all too familiar tragedy, people might consider the this excellent article from David B. Hart entitled Tsunami and Theodicy .
    As for comfort, when we seek it, I can imagine none greater than the happy knowledge that when I see the death of a child I do not see the face of God, but the face of His enemy.

    For a three-pronged perspective of such disasters see here here and here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    Comer1 said:
    I'm sorry Wolfsbane, but your post really makes my blood boil!
    Much better than indifference! :)
    God sends every circumstance??! So God crushes some children under the rubble of their home or school, because some bloke ate an apple 8,000 years ago.
    A dysfunctional world is the consequence of Adam's sin, Yes. We are familiar with the concept in human affairs - the drug abuser who gives birth to an addicted baby, for example.
    Why only some children? How does he choose what poor two-year olds to have their body crushed and suffer a horrible death that could take days. Surely all children in the world are just as guilty of the crime of Adam's apple eating "outrage."
    Yes, we are all born just as guilty as the next person. But it is not individual guilt that determines which child dies and which not. All are exposed to a dysfunctional world but it is God who permits (or not) disaster to come any individual's way.
    Why does He send Judgement down on some evil people, while He lets others off scott free (until judgement day at least).
    He is God and would be just to condemn us all immediately. But He spares many of us so that we will be brought to repentance and faith. Others He permits to continue in their evil throughout a long life - not that He favours them in doing so, for they only add to their crimes and the consequent punishment in hell. He is the Creator and is entitled to dispose of His creation as He sees fit.
    How does He choose who should have their "holy faith" put on trial?
    He doesn't say, but He does say that He never gives us more than we can handle. He gives necessary grace to bear each affliction.
    Why does he choose one family to loose their child to leukemia and not another? Do you consider that the family who get choosen are blessed or cursed?
    If they are His children, they are blessed by the trial. All things, good or evil, are for the ultimate benefit of His children.
    I just don't understand how anyone can justify the existance of a loving god when things like this happen.
    I could show you that my picture of God is the one given in Scripture, but let me first ask you if the alternative is any more palatable to you:
    God is not in control, bad things happen because He is unable to intervene. We are at the mercy of nature and our fellow-man. When they decide we suffer, we do - unless we are stronger than they. No point praying to God about it.

    Is that a happier picture?

    As to why evil things happen, the answer is not that God is unloving. Rather it is that we are sinners in a fallen world. Consequences flow from Adam's sin and indeed from ours - not only to us but to our society and following generations.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,047 ✭✭✭bill_ashmount

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    Comer1 said:

    Much better than indifference! :)

    A dysfunctional world is the consequence of Adam's sin, Yes. We are familiar with the concept in human affairs - the drug abuser who gives birth to an addicted baby, for example.

    Yes, we are all born just as guilty as the next person. But it is not individual guilt that determines which child dies and which not. All are exposed to a dysfunctional world but it is God who permits (or not) disaster to come any individual's way.

    He is God and would be just to condemn us all immediately. But He spares many of us so that we will be brought to repentance and faith. Others He permits to continue in their evil throughout a long life - not that He favours them in doing so, for they only add to their crimes and the consequent punishment in hell. He is the Creator and is entitled to dispose of His creation as He sees fit.

    He doesn't say, but He does say that He never gives us more than we can handle. He gives necessary grace to bear each affliction.

    If they are His children, they are blessed by the trial. All things, good or evil, are for the ultimate benefit of His children.

    I could show you that my picture of God is the one given in Scripture, but let me first ask you if the alternative is any more palatable to you:
    God is not in control, bad things happen because He is unable to intervene. We are at the mercy of nature and our fellow-man. When they decide we suffer, we do - unless we are stronger than they. No point praying to God about it.

    Is that a happier picture?

    As to why evil things happen, the answer is not that God is unloving. Rather it is that we are sinners in a fallen world. Consequences flow from Adam's sin and indeed from ours - not only to us but to our society and following generations.

    I'm so glad I won't have to spend eternity with people like you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    krudler said:
    Originally Posted by wolfsbane
    Robertson is just another false prophet milking the gullible. He comes from the stables that have brought us such wonder-workers as Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn. False healings, false prophecies, fat bank accounts.

    Cant the same be said for ANY religious leader or spokesperson?
    Only if they perform false healings, issue false prophecies and live in luxury at the expense of their flocks.

    Even the false religions can have leaders who are in it sincerely, not for profit. Much more so then true pastors of Christ's flock, men who like the apostles spend and are spent in serving the flock.
    Yes, Haiti is a corrupt and troubled country and no doubt their history of immorality contributes to that - but to say this caused the earthquake is a big presumption.

    Immorality of any shape or form didnt cause the earthquake, energy and seismic waves on the earths crust did
    That is to ignore other than immediate causes. A bullet entering the brain causes death, but the finger that pulled the trigger was actioned by a person determined to kill. Or the car that crushed the cyclist was driven by a person fiddling with the radio. If Haiti was a judgement on some, the mechanisms were set in motion by God.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    I'm so glad I won't have to spend eternity with people like you.
    I'm sure that's true. The gospel is offensive to the natural man. They love their own righteousness and refuse to submit to God's.

    But I was once where you are now - so I continue to pray you will reflect on all this and come to a saving knowledge of Christ. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,041 ✭✭✭Comer1

    Thanks for the reply Wolfsbane
    wolfsbane wrote: »
    A dysfunctional world is the consequence of Adam's sin, Yes. We are familiar with the concept in human affairs - the drug abuser who gives birth to an addicted baby, for example.

    Yes, we are all born just as guilty as the next person. But it is not individual guilt that determines which child dies and which not. All are exposed to a dysfunctional world but it is God who permits (or not) disaster to come any individual's way.

    But you can't tell me why he lets disaster fall on some and not others when we all just as "guilty"
    wolfsbane wrote: »
    He is God and would be just to condemn us all immediately. But He spares many of us so that we will be brought to repentance and faith. Others He permits to continue in their evil throughout a long life - not that He favours them in doing so, for they only add to their crimes and the consequent punishment in hell. He is the Creator and is entitled to dispose of His creation as He sees fit.

    That's what he does, but it makes no sense that he lets some off and punishes others. To say it's His creation and he can dow what he wants is a cop-out. I'm asking how does it make sense to that he chooses some to suffer and others not to. My answer is that it just simply doesn't make sense.

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    He doesn't say, but He does say that He never gives us more than we can handle. He gives necessary grace to bear each affliction.

    My blood is boiling again :). How can you believe in a God that will take my child and not my neighbours, not because I am any worse a person, or because I love my child less than my neighbour loves his, but simply because I could bear it better than my neighbour.
    wolfsbane wrote: »
    I could show you that my picture of God is the one given in Scripture, but let me first ask you if the alternative is any more palatable to you:
    God is not in control, bad things happen because He is unable to intervene. We are at the mercy of nature and our fellow-man. When they decide we suffer, we do - unless we are stronger than they. No point praying to God about it.

    Is that a happier picture?

    As to why evil things happen, the answer is not that God is unloving. Rather it is that we are sinners in a fallen world. Consequences flow from Adam's sin and indeed from ours - not only to us but to our society and following generations.

    It makes so much more sense that there is no God and S**t just happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭rugbyman

    Wolfsbane, i get value out of a lot of your posts. Though i disagree with most of them, you are a calm and rational debater.

    the following was written by you, though tongue in cheek,

    "God is not in control, bad things happen because He is unable to intervene. We are at the mercy of nature and our fellow-man. When they decide we suffer, we do - unless we are stronger than they. No point praying to God about it. "

    I think this is , though you may not have meant it to be, just about right.

    Since I have no reason to beilieve in a God, so for me he does not exist, he cannot be in control, and cannot intervene.

    re mercy of nature, stronger than they, no point praying, my thoughts exactly.

    Regards Rugbyman

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,245 ✭✭✭✭Fanny Cradock

    Comer1, did you read the 1st link I put up?
