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I need male advice!!

  • 20-08-2009 1:28am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 27

    I don't want to be invading my oestrogen around this area but i need some serious advice from a man that a woman just can't give me.
    I am together with my boyfriend almost six months now. We have a slightly long distance relationship, him being almost a 3 hour drive from me but we see each other every week for two or three days. We are crazy about each other and seem to be on the same level about everything in our relationship except sex. He is almost 23 and on our first night coming home early from a night out to what i thought would be a passionate evening he told me that he was a virgin. He said he just never got close enough to any girl he was with and was always really shy. His friends make jokes about his sex life etc... and have just pressumed he has one which he goes along with and i'm sure they make him feel worse and must feel he is under pressure. I have told him that of course i want to sleep with him but that i would wait forever and we are still intimate and have fun with foreplay(which he is very confident with).
    Last month he tried to penetrate me but he was so nervous he just went soft. I reassured him that we will keep trying until it happens for us and sure we will have fun trying!! But every time we get to that stage and he is rock hard the minute i mention us moving on further he is soft again. He says he is in his head too much, nervous nd should have got his first time out of the way and over with years ago. I have tried and tried to tell him that sex is not just something you do it's what you share, otherwise it's just mechanical. Every time we fail to get further i see a little part of him get even more upset about it and he says it's in the back of his mind all day everyday. I have said everything i possibly can to reassure him, to help him relax and now i just don't know what to do and i get upset because he is. I tell him i don't know what to do and he says he doesn't either and now we are stuck and not able to move forward. I have asked him would he talk to a male friend but he says he is too ashamed about it and i am the only one that knows. Can anybody point me in any direction?



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,255 ✭✭✭anonymous_joe

    You've the right attitude. Some people panic a little, every lad has a first time, and it's surprisingly easy. But like, give him time, and let him see that he's pleasing you. Even if he isn't. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    Thanks! I know i sound like i'm making a big deal and that time will help and he will eventually get there. But i would say we have tried a good twenty times now. It's the fact there is no progress. He seems to really want it to happen but his body and obviously his natural thoughts won't let him and i need help in advising him. He is tearing himself apart about it at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭doctorjohn

    Well done for seeking advice as opposed to adding fuel to the fire of his unconscious fears of performance. Exactly as per previous post , take the pressure off him. His performance anxiety is subconscious.
    Give the lad a good BJ and get him to come and feel comfortable with him doing that with you. get him to feel comfortable pleasing you the same way.
    Penetration and full intercourse will come (pardon the pun) in time.Patience but take the pressure off re penetration.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    diferent things work for different people. But a lot of couples are in this situation. And one tactic use is to put a ban on trying for the next while. That means he's not thinking about it when ur in bed all the time. Tell him ur not going to even try with him for, say, 2 months. Then it will probably happen on it's own. Never plan it. He'll just worry in advance.

    If you have a look at this thread you'll see it happens to lots of guys:

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thank you for the honest advice,it's really helping my confusion at least. I have got one more question though. You say to take the pressure off ,focus on other acts like oral. This is what we have been concentrating on the last week or two and what i sense, is that he is relieved he doesn't have to worry about it for another while...but won't the same problem arise again,just postponed? I have felt like we continue to get closer and more comfortable with each other every time i see him but maybe he's not feeling close enough to get comfy?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    A ban could work but would that not make him feel relieved that he can stop worrying about it for a while? But that the worry is just postponed? One major problem is that he seems to be so so ashamed of his age in this situation and keeps panicking that he is getting older and it's still not happening for him. god what can i say that will make him see i am crazy about him and that i'm not a spectator to his ''performance'', I'm his girlfriend who is truly falling for him and want to be as near to him as physically possible??!

    seems like an agreed ban is the best option......

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,320 ✭✭✭Teferi

    Bring him out to the pub and give him just enough dutch courage?

    (Obviously not too much or he won't be able to get it up anyway. :pac:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,925 ✭✭✭Otis Driftwood

    Its a common problem OP.As someone else said,maybe have a drink before hand,I mean a glass or 2 of wine,dont get soused.Prehaps watching an erotic movie,I dont mean hardcore porn either,just something to take his mind off things.Maybe try a different position eg you on top so he doesnt have to worry about entering you,you can just control the situation and let him go with the flow so to speak.

    And by the way,kudos to you for being so understanding,he obviously means alot to you,he should count him self lucky.

    Best of luck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    Maybe try a different position eg you on top so he doesnt have to worry about entering you,you can just control the situation and let him go with the flow so to speak.


    I did the me taking control approach, thinking it might relieve some of his 'technical' worries. Same thing as usual happened, he lost his erection the minute i got near him and we spent an hour trying to arouse him again and it just wasn't happening.
    If i put this ban on sex for a while. Do i ban everything? Or just what makes him nervous?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    Maybe try a different position eg you on top so he doesnt have to worry about entering you,you can just control the situation and let him go with the flow so to speak.


    I did the me taking control approach, thinking it might relieve some of his 'technical' worries. Same thing as usual happened, he lost his erection the minute i got near him and we spent an hour trying to arouse him again and it just wasn't happening.
    If i put this ban on sex for a while. Do i ban everything? Or just what makes him nervous?

    I probably shouldn't have said "ban"....more agreed abstinence. Both of you agree not to try for penetration again, and just let it happen.

    But talk to him about it. We don't know you. He may not be up for that. It's just an idea, but it will take the pressure off him for a while, and might get him used to just enjoying himself in bed again.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭suey71

    Maybe He's just worried about getting you pregnant?

    Are you on the pill? If not, then go on it. It might put his mind at ease.
    Sometimes putting a condom on can be a very self concious experiance when your being watched as its not an easy thing to do when your inexperienced. Plus you'l be worried about it breaking or falling off.

    When you say that you do oral and forplay, does he come?

    If not, do you come? If he see's that he has made you come then he'll realise that he is doing something right. Plus there is nothing like the site of a girl coming to make you want to complete the job.

    He's lucky to have a girl like you.

    Maybe he was ridiculed in the past for his inexperiance. some girls can be cruel.

    Does he masterbate when he is alone and can he come this way?

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭disssco

    He should visit the doctor and enquire about getting a prescription for Viagra or Cialis. It is unlikely that he suffers from erectile dysfunction but I'm sure the doctor would be willing to help if he explains the situation. Viagra will make it nearly impossible for him to lose the erection and once he gets over that mental barrier of having sex for the first time he won't need it and you two will be shagging day and night ;)

    I have no idea how you will bring the subject of ED medication up with him. It can be a hard subject (pardon the pun) to discuss, but from your post it sounds like you have an intimate relationship with your boyfriend so I'm sure you'll find a way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,925 ✭✭✭Otis Driftwood

    He is a 22 year old virgin.Viagra or any sort or ED medication is not neccessary.

    In fact,thats a wholly ridiculous suggestion.

    Any doctor that would prescribe medication in this instance should/would be struck off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,926 ✭✭✭trout

    The last thing this chap needs on his plate is any talk of ED / Viagra etc.

    No-one here is in a position to recommend such a course of action. If by any chance he does such advice & treatment, he can only get it from his GP following consultation.

    I like the agreed abstinence plan ... agree to do nothing; take away all the pressure to perform, kick back, get along with each other, maybe fool around if the humour takes you ... and let nature take it's course. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,262 ✭✭✭✭Joey the lips

    there is 2 ways you can handle this so to speak

    1. Make him please you orally so to speak

    2. You please him orally

    Guaranteed if this does not boost his confidence nothing will.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    He has no problem staying erect in any other circumstance....just when it comes to him getting near entering me.
    Also i do appreciate the advice but i think if i mentioned the word viagra to him he would probably cry!! And i wouldn't blame him. This whole thing is just fear of the unknown...i know that...he knows that...but neither of us know how to get through it. I have since mentioned an agreed ban, he seems o.k with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    As someone who has experienced the same problem (as a man) it is frustrating and is all mental, myself I was 27. My mates weren't aware (I'm sure they suspected but we're more of a discretion is the better part of valour type of group) but I felt it myself like I was supposed to have been with x amount of girls.

    Once I was with my girlfriend and got to that stage there were many times of me losing it once we got the, for want of a better phrase "about to stick it in", despite being fine beforehand . It was nervousness on my part and the expectation and everything i had built up in my on mind much as i'm sure like your boyfriend. (probably 3 months of regularly trying). I did have times where i false started just before the moment of truth. More than anything it's frustrating and with each and every false dawn the pressure builds in your own mind.

    You sound lovely and understanding [as my girlfriend was (and occasionally she let it show which made me feel worse)] so my advice would be to not let on that you're frustrated as i'm sure you are (but in an understanding way i mean).

    It's a difficult situation and the best way is to get more and more comfortable together with each others bodies which makes it seem less daunting. For me there was mutual masturbation and me giving oral (she doesn't like it, which you could try if you're comfortable with it). I felt better acquainted with her body this way and the walls gradually became lower and in my mind penetration seemed a smaller and smaller step up. i imagine your boyfriend feels the pressure and expectation and being as understanding and assuring as you can be physically will give him more confidence. As you've said he can get an erection so the whole viagara route is nonsense as it's a solution to a problem, which doesn't exist (impotence), and even mentioning it will more than likely make him feel worse and even more inadequate.

    If you're not on the pill it might make it easier if you were comfortable with the idea (if not then i wouldn't go down a road i wasn't prepared to stay on) as putting on a condom can be a tricky experience when inexperienced with the act. If it's condoms then maybe keep touching him and pleasuring him or you putting it on for him (personally i prefer to do it myself) depending on whether you think he'd appreciate it or not. Touching him if he does it himself sould reassure and arouse him so it's not so daunting.

    I wish you both the best of luck and i'm sure it'll happen, as i know it is a daunting experience the older you get, don't lose faith. From the smallest acorn grows the mightiest oak.

    (Forgive me if it seems like bragging but i do make her come every time, i say this just to reassure you that it can and more than likely become fantastic, once he gets that confidence of success under his belt he'll become what you deserve)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    Thank you so much for such honest advise. I have a better understanding of it myself now and can see that i just need to have patience and be as suppportive to him as possible. We have talked about the pill( i can't take it for a while as i am on other medication) and in time i may go down that path after we see whether or not progreesion is made. At the end of the day, though it can be frustrating, this man is never off my mind and if it meant we never got there i would still be with him. Perhaps i need to focus on getting that through to him. I have been reassured by this thread and now my own confidence has improved as i realise it's not me doing something wrong. Getting an outside opinion has really helped. Thanks to everyone :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,373 ✭✭✭Dr Galen

    the tone of this thread has been set by both the OP and the answers she has received.

    Unhelpful and pretty much insulting comments like this aren't helpful, necessary or going to be allowed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,584 ✭✭✭PCPhoto

    OP ... same as others have said .....

    maybe you could try tying him up and blindfolding him ...... and teasing him - if he cant see whats going on he cant concentrate on it ..... then if/when the opportunity "arises" ....

    hop on the good foot and do the bad thing :P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    the tone of this thread has been set by both the OP and the answers she has received.

    Unhelpful and pretty much insulting comments like this aren't helpful, necessary or going to be allowed.
    What is op and what is being written that isn't permittted?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    What is op and what is being written that isn't permittted?

    Mystik monkey isn't online right now. But OP=original poster=you. He has most likely deleted a post where some fool has said something nasty. He;s not having a pop at you at all. You've been very brave to post here.

    I would re-iterate that this problem has nothing to do with you, like you were discussing above. Happens to lots of guys, and it's just because of nerves. It can happen to a bloke when he's in bed with the hottest woman ever. In fact, being in bed with someone you really like and are really keen to impress can make it worse.

    So, in a roundabout way, you could almost take it as a compliment :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    Aaaah i get it now Tallaght01 . A compliment indeed, thank you :)

    PC thank you for your advise also , but i think he would have a seizure at this stage of things if i was to produce a blindfold

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,477 ✭✭✭grenache

    OP i would just say lots of touching and teasing and it will stay hard eventually. Patience is what is required.

    Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,926 ✭✭✭trout

    Folks ... we've had to delete a small number of unhelpful posts that were in breach of the Charter, and bordering on trolling. Infractions have been issued.

    A ban beckons for the next unhelpful, inflammatory, abusive or trollish post

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,830 ✭✭✭✭Taltos


    something else you can try as foreplay is not a problem is - while keeping your panties on hold him between your thighs and just continue what you were doing. This will slowly break down his mind block as he sees nothing terrible happen here. To prevent the loss place him here while you are just starting so that while nothing is lost something might be gained.
    Then over a number of nights where he is gaining more confidence try it without the panties again being patient if things do not work out here.
    Finally after sufficient time / nights just allow the inevitable to happen on one of these nights.

    The whole thing is to go slowly and not to make a big deal out of it, though the biggest fight here is how he is dealing with this in his own mind.

    Mods - I have tried to be as circumspect as possible here but if you need to delete this post - sorry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    That could work! would that be better than holding off completely for a while, or will i stick with my mentioning of that too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,830 ✭✭✭✭Taltos

    Why mention anything - just make a game of it.
    If you make him think of it as a problem to be fixed he might just focus on the issue...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 backwards:)

    Alrighty so,cheers.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Deucemc

    You should try doing it in the morning! morning wood is impossible to loose! its worth a go maybe if you havnt tried already!
