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modern day parenting



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    When I was growing up in the 80's we used to be out until dark playing football or kick the can or whatever etc. Thing is we never caused anyone any problems though. We didn't bother our neighbours, damage anybodies property etc. The kids I see around where I live today just don't give a sh*te about anything or anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,069 ✭✭✭carlybabe1

    When I was growing up in the 80's we used to be out until dark playing football or kick the can or whatever etc. Thing is we never caused anyone any problems though. We didn't bother our neighbours, damage anybodies property etc. The kids I see around where I live today just don't give a sh*te about anything or anyone.

    Well there is that too. What I was actually annoyed over was the fact that there was kids as young as six out on the road unsupervised, no parents around, and some of them were from the far side of the estate. Though I could hear them it wasn't the noise i was concerned about. When I was a kid (im talking 11/12, not 6/7) I was only let stay out late provided I stayed were my parents could see me (by lookin out the window) and if I disappeared there was blue murder.
    These kids were out without so much as a twitchin curtain.
    Who do the parents think is gonna look out for their kids :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,806 ✭✭✭Calibos

    When I read this thread I couldn't help but think of that recent case of the 2 year old getting knocked down and killed. I know its not related to the original point of the thread about unsupervised kids being out late at night but it does relate to parenting.

    Was I the only one who while feeling terribly sorry for the kid and feeling sorry for the feckless parent, couldn't help think FFS when reading the story.
    The mother bawling....."Why me God, how could this happen..etc etc"

    It happened because you gave a f*cking 2 year old a euro to buy sweets at the shop across several roads on the other side of the estate on his own!!!

    This ties in with the 'happy medium'. That example is one extreme. The other is putting your 10 year old to bed at 10 on a Summer night during the Summer holidays while its still bright outside.

    If the kids out at 11pm were on a busy road and playing chicken with cars or climbing over cars or bouncing a ball off your windows, or pulling down newly planted tree's or knick knacking then you would have a point. If they were still playing Kerbs or chasing or hide and seek, ie. innocent things in a cul de sac at 11pm then Yes, you are a dinosaur. Actually no, thats wrong, a dinosaur implies old fashioned views. Your's are new cotton wool views.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd be tut tutting at a gang of little scrotes acting the bollix 'only having a laugh like' outside at that hour, but if it was just some young kids playing innocent games, just making some noise then I think you are over reacting. Did you stand at your window for an hour scanning every neighbours front door and curtains. How do you know, no one was keeeping an eye on them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 515 ✭✭✭In All Fairness

    carlybabe1 wrote: »
    So here I am at 11.45pm watching tv (well I was), my ten & six yr olds in bed fast asleep since 10.00pm, (in off the road since 9.30pm) when the sounds of screeching and laughter come through my open windows. I know the voices, and they're all between the ages of 6 & 11. Out on the road at 11.45pm, no sign of an adult anywhere. This kind of cr*p really boils my piss, I mean SERIOUSLY,is it just me??? Am I out of touch altogether, or is there something very wrong when we let such young kids wander round this late at night without supervision?
    It comes across as the parent/s not giving a f*ck as long as the kids arent indoors annoying them and disrupting the tv shows.
    Am I just an outdated dinosaur, or do you think I have a point?

    One of the most reassuring sounds a parent can hear. It's when you hear whispering or nothing that your spidey senses should start tingling.;) They're like fcuking Ninjas when they're letting the air out of your tyres.:)
