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Irish Union & Revolt Against NWO



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    What action(s) can you profess to? Honestly tell me what proactive steps you have taken to tackle the myriad of contemporary global conspiracies?

    Generally I just point out the problems and falsehood put forward here.

    The ignorance about reality is simply staggering.
    So far all I can only hold you with is as much regard as a nay-sayer. Do you comprensivley understand where you fall on the hierarachy of all things truthful? It goes something like this:

    1. Informed benevolant activists.
    2. Misinformed benevolant activists.
    3. Informed benevolant inactivisits.
    4. Uninformed.
    5. Informed malevolant inactivisits.
    6. Misformed malevolant activisits.
    7. Informed malevolant activisits.

    Hmm, besides impressing myself with that concise little summary :D it should also be evident that you fall under the lower tier right at number three. Note thats less emperical that than number two, the misinformed.

    Hell, I'd rather be ever so slightly wrong and righteous rather than fully informed and passive like you.

    I'm open to the fact that I may have misjudged you (I doubt it) in which case you still owe an explanation for your smart-ass comment. A subsequent smart-ass comment will not suffice.

    I'm merely pointing out that a union's Raison dtre is to protect workers rights, not to fight a shadowy non exist organisation.

    Furthermore if an organisation like the NWO existed, don't you think a group of web activists trying to bring them down wouldn't be swatted out of existed the moment the surfaced?
    I'm looking for men and women of Ireland, void of saracastic inhibitions mind you, who are fed up of the bull**** thats permitted to transpire in this ****ty lifetime. Its time to put or shut up. Join me or choose to hide behind your inaction. Its time to fight. All I extend is my hand, its up to ye to grasp it. :cool:

    Wow. And my spine was truly tingled by that "Ye can run, and live, or fight and die" bit in braveheart, but the above jesus, wow.

    Tell us, rex how exactly will you fight, and what exact examples of this bull**** are you fighting against, and what alternatives do you suggest?
    Oh and Diogenes, your a dick. ;)

    And you're reported.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭Kama

    Very true but also bare in mind that our moustached philogical freind mentally collapsed at the feet of a flogged horse

    Syphilis will do that to you :D

    Just a note on praxis; if you are going to mount an elitist conspiracy based on subterfuge with a cadre 'in the know' with a 'Noble Lie' for the 'useful idiots' and the masses, announcing it in public *might* be a poor choice of approach. Mind you, it worked for the NeoCons!

    When staring into the Abyss, and the Abyss staring back, sometimes it's the Doctor who walks away, and sometimes it's the Master (The bees are dying, are you my mommy?). Fighting Monsters is Serious Business, but becoming one is lacking in lulz. Also worth remembering is the last Batman film: ''ve discovered that your boss, the richest man in the world, is a unstable psychopath who goes out at night and beats men half to death with his bare hands...and you want to blackmail this man?'.
    Translate that to a sociopathic ruling elite with massive coercive faculties, and perhaps you get the point. Against a bigger guy, you're probably better off using aikido than taekwando.

    Another general point is that you aren't alone, and it's easier to join something than start something; here's an Irish website by a guy in Wexford who has a pretty long-running discussion group and site on similar conspiracist lines, with more politics and less Gnosticism than say, Zeitgeist. Skipping to the end:
    In order for the movement to end elite rule and establish livable societies to succeed, it will need to evolve a democratic process, and to use that process to develop a program of consensus reform that harmonizes the interests of its constituencies. In order to be politically victorious, it will need to reach out to all segments of society and become a majority movement. By such means, the democratic process of the movement can become the democratic process of a newly empowered civil society. There is no adequate theory of democracy at present, although there is much to be learned from history and from theory. The movement will need to develop a democratic process as it goes along, and that objective must be pursued as diligently as victory itself. Otherwise some new tyranny will eventually replace the old.

    A last note: my cousin said something to me once which always stuck with me: 'If you're going to lie, you'd better have a damn good memory'. It's good personal advice, and I think has some relevance...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 8,486 ✭✭✭miju

    Oh and Diogenes, your a ***. ;)

    putting a smiley after this will not make you any less likely to recieve a banning.

    Oh look you've just got one for 3 days ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Will you people that dont know if he's right or not please stop assuming that he's wrong?

    Believe it or not, when you start to look into this stuff it becomes blindingly obvious, and not because you are brain-washed, because it's just TRUE!

    You wanna see brainwashed? Look out the window at the girls who wont be seen in their own skin, the fellas in skinny jeans trying to be the other fellas in skinny jeans...come on man...look at the facts. **** opinions.

    Im down with helping against this problem in anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭DubTony

    Diogenes wrote: »

    Well, we know where you stand on all this stuff. And if anyone had any doubt, they're well informed now.
    But are you sure, and if so, How do you know?

    Oh and by the way

    from here

    In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405," Mr. Rockefeller writes: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

    I thought this was common knowledge. :confused:
    But I guess you'll tell me it's not a secret ... or something.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    DubTony wrote: »
    Well, we know where you stand on all this stuff. And if anyone had any doubt, they're well informed now.
    But are you sure, and if so, How do you know?

    Oh and by the way

    from here

    In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405," Mr. Rockefeller writes: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

    I thought this was common knowledge. :confused:
    But I guess you'll tell me it's not a secret ... or something.

    Ah so David Rockfeller is part of a shadowy secret organisation dedicated to world control, and then admits as much in his own autobiography

    Do you understand how retarded that argument is?

    Rockfeller is simply stating that he wants a more integrated global political and economic structure, and some people view that anyone with this ambition is part of some kind of shadowy NWO cabal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭DubTony

    Rockefeller has stated that some people believe has conspired with others to form a world government. Maybe his involvement with Bilderberg and formation of the Tri-Lateral Commission has something to do with that. He set up Tri-lateral because other Bilderberg members wouldn't allow people from Asia to attend meetings. And without Asia his dream of a one world government would never happen.

    Rockefeller is a committed globalist who has a desire to see the whole world governed by one government. No secret or argument. He has stated it pubicly.

    With so many different cultures, beliefs, religions and nationalistic ideals prevailing in the world, how can anyone seriously believe he can ever hope to see the whole planet governed by one entity. The only way it can come to being is by subterfuge, to slowly allow the people of the world to allow it to happen, and then by domination of those very people to ensure that the ideal holds.

    As for the argument being retarded, I refer you to Kama's posts about "plans" being disguised as conspiracy theories so as to hide the intention. It's really is simply a matter of opening one's mind to the possibilities and maybe then exploring them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭Kama

    Do you understand how retarded that argument is?

    It isn't completely retarded, there is a self-confessed global elite who want certain things, and they have a lot of power. They don't have to meet in smoky rooms and wear cowls, they can meet in boardrooms and sign contracts instead. It's about power concentration without transparency beyond democratic control, 'seekret' or not...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    The problem with people not believing in the NWO is that they wont even entertain the idea to see if it is true.

    They attack the Rockefella quote arguement, or the 9/11 arguement, Masonic handshake arguement.

    What you need to do is add is:
    Rockefella Quotes
    Kissenger Quotes
    Bush Quotes
    Gordon Brown quotes
    Politicians masonic handshake pictures
    Evidence of masonic imagery in politics
    Evidence of masonic architecture all over the world
    Teach people the secret Masonic history of the world (whaa?!)
    Evidence of 9/11
    Evidence of 7/7 bombings
    Evidence of Omagh
    The Patriot Act
    The heroin out put of Afghanistan
    The war on natural psychoactive substances
    The evidence of JFK
    The evidence of Princess Diana
    The evidence of Malcom X
    The evidence of John Lennon
    The evidence of Tupac/Biggie
    The evidence of CIA involvement in drugs
    The evidence of AIDS
    The evidence of Hitler/Bush connections
    The evidence of HAARP
    The evidence of the ridiculous war on drugs and how it doesnt work (most cant comprehend)
    The evidence of what's pushed on society (conformity, limited education, guilt, lies)
    The evidence of chemtrails
    The history of Skull and Bones
    The evidence of politicions involvement in Skull and Bones
    Evidence of CIA/Bin Laden money connections
    Evidence of Bilderberg
    Evidence of hidden history of Egypt
    DMT, Mushrooms, Ayuahasca and what they have to do with all this.
    Evidence of Masonic symbolism in films/music (Rihanna Umbrella is the NWO, vid. included)

    And then connect all these very well and neatly.

    Then people might say 'jesus, you kind of have a point!'

    Your up against their whole life of brainwashery, it'll come to everybody at some point though. I

    t's building up because of the time on earth we are at. Pluto is approaching earth, the energy of rebellion, this along with the upcoming events of 2012 is a serious recipe for success! This is known at the top of the mushroom *cough* sorry, pyramid.

    But i sound like Im mad! Haha. All I can say, is if there was nothing going on, we wouldnt have a theory. We'd have dodgey homemade videos and we would actually be nuts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Isn't that just seeing what you want to see? If you believe in the NWO, then all these things must be connected. You won't need evidence as you'll make up your own by connecting the most innocuous of things..

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Riahanna, Umbrella, WTF??

    clarify this one please.

    also what is with everyone shoiten on about 2012, the situation is occuring now people, dont be distracted by arbitary dates in the future.

    tis the same as the silence from the so called 'economic experts' now that the economy is in actual turmoil, tis all well and good to dismiss theories as crackpot when everything is going well or there is some arbitrary date in the future which will come and go like all others, tis much more difficult to own up to the reality of the situation we are presented with and deal with it directly and honestly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    No, there is hardcore evidence for each one of those conspiracys, and they are for the one reason. Believe me, this is not what I want to see!

    As for 2012, our civilisation knows nothing. We dont even know our Shaman roots, this is who we are. The 2012 prophecy is a Mayan one, they were great Shaman, very wise, they knew how the cycles of earth worked, the masons know this.

    The Maya predicted SAP would come from a wormhole and enlighten us, the Cern project is looking for a Sub Atomic Particle and using Mayan imagery.

    Rihanna- Umbrella is obvious! Dont make me go into it...ok!

    Rihanna is own by Jay-Z

    Mister Rockefella records/All seeing eye-
    Jay Z all seeing eye-

    Jay Z Masonic handshake-

    Jay Z owns Rockefella records. Rockefellas family is of Fed Reserve/NWO fame.

    Rihanna said recently (and it's obvious) that she had nothing to do with her imagery, her music or anything on her first album.

    Jay Z said of Umbrella "Oh yeah man, soon as I heard that track I knew what it was about"

    Here are the lyrics dissected-
    "No clouds in my storms
    Let it rain, I hydroplane into fame (Rihanna: eh eh)
    Comin' down with the Dow Jones
    When the clouds come we gone
    We rocafella (Rihanna: eh eh)"

    -You dont see the storm coming, let it rain, coming down with the US Economy. We Rocafella.

    "An anticipation for precipitation, stacks chips for the rainy day (Rihanna: eh eh)"
    They are causing and waiting for the 'rain'. Rain is terror/terrorism. The have RFID chips stacked.

    "You had my heart, and we'll never be world apart
    Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star
    Baby cause in the dark, we can't see shiny cars" - The world is not apart, just in the media. In the dark you can cant see the elite in shiny cars.

    "When the sun shine
    We'll shine together
    Told you I'll be here forever
    Said I'll always be your friend
    Took an oath imma stick it out 'till the end
    Now that it's raining more than ever
    Know that we still have each other
    You can stand under my umbrella"
    -It's raining more than ever, remember they were anticipating the rain, the problem and now their umbrella (pyramind) is the solution.

    "Fancy things, will never come in between
    You're part of my entity, here for infinity
    When the world has took its part
    When the world has dealt its cards
    If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart"
    More of the same ****e, the secrecy is part of her forever, when the NWO has done what it has done, the NWO will give you a solution.

    You can run into my arms
    It's okay don't be alarmed
    (Come into me)
    (There's no distance in between our love)
    So go on and let the rain pour
    I'll be all you need and more

    [It's raining (raining)
    Ooo baby it's raining
    Baby come into me
    Come into me
    It's raining (raining)
    Ooo baby it's raining
    You can always come into me
    Come into me
    It's pouring rain (pouring rain)
    Ooo baby come into me

    Check out the Video, she makes a masonic protractor with her legs. A woman is tempted by the pyramid (Yes, not umbrella), outside it she seems naked a curious of it. By the end she goes in. She seems to realise she can get out and appears cold and trapped.

    Again, along with Jay-Z's Rocafella records, his symbol.. coincidence? That song was number one for how long? 2 months? On the radio 10 times a day!

    It's mind control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    Dear sweet jesus, the post above is utter ****e. Please tell me no one is taking this guy seriously... on anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭toiletduck

    You're reading too much into that song.

    She merely needs the umbrella to protect her from chemtrails.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    well I was waverin but the Rhianna -Jay Zed - Rockafellar obvious conspiracy, I knew there was a reason I detested that song, now I know its my highly atuned Conspiracy-dar

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭DubTony


    Definitely a nomination for post of the year there SmudgeyBoy.

    Mahatma, you're going to have to do a lot better to keep up with this guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    DubTony wrote: »

    Definitely a nomination for post of the year there SmudgeyBoy.

    Definitely one of my favourites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Haha, Im some nut-bar eh? Wouldnt that be perfect? If they could make the truth seem so ridiculous that people would never believe it?

    They could put it in films and everything (The Fifth Element is the 2012 prophecy, The Matrix is what we're talking about, V for Vendetta, Minority Report, Most Tom Cruise/Will Smith films, Transformers(huge amount of symbolism in that too), The Simpsons/Simpsons Movie, American Dad)

    Probably not true, sure what do I know anyway? The guy out in the street! He knows the score, safe as houses we are! Vote Yes to Lisbon and down with the Taliban! Read the Independent and watch the 6.01 news!


    Haha, Im off boys, chat ye later, going to meet some beings in the other world, see if they can comfort me from the stress of this dimension!

    If anyone can work out what the **** else that song is about please tell me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭Kama

    Eh, I can't track the meaning in the song; I probably just need to listen to it in the right state of mind. And I'm somewhat sceptical that Nas is a Mason, given his general ideological position and views on 911.

    CT is quite popular in rap, Nas, Immortal Technique, and so on, and a lot of the imagery has been recycled in it, as it has in popular culture generally. You don't need to be involved to be using the images, often they are references to their 'awareness' of a conspiracy.

    Still, I want to hear more; I'd *really* like to hear you on Transformers btw

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Technique is the **** man, respect for the mention! Im not too sure on Jay-Z either, I think he may be trying to make it obvious.

    He's good friends with Dead Prez who would be like Immortal Technique with their views, same with Nas, who's also friends with Damien Marley who views it all as Babylon lies!

    Edit: Nearly pissed myself with excitement earlier, Immortal Technique is playing Dublin on Sunday! Booyah!

    Im really gone now, between the NWO and Chemtrails I'm getting nothing done!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    Greetings my Irish cousins,
    My name is V. Carey from the U.S.
    First off, congratulations on defeating the Lisbon proposal, a good N.W.O. setback. I noticed allot of Irish anti N.W.O. material on the internet here of late and decided to do a “Irish N.W.O. search” and it led me to your forum. Rexus Diablos is right and an asset to your forum.
    It came to my mind that some of you might would like to see what is going on in the U.S. at a grass roots level so I’m posting a copy of a post I did at my myspace. It fits well with the subject matter here and believe us doubters, I have been learning and studying of the N.W.O. for almost 30 years and we aren’t talking out of our culos (asses). Pardon the lengthiness of the writing but it’ll let you see a resistance has been forming in America.
    In the U.S. we of the truth movement (truthers) call the socially engineered sheeple.



    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you all sooner but my thirst for true news seems to be unquenchable here of late. Time is short and I'm trying to make decisions based on the daily bombardment of N.W.O. crap being rammed down our throats.
    If I didn't have kids that need me I'd been in the out back right now as soon I feel the sheeple will get herded to the camps. Besides I lived outdoors and in a tent for 3 years as a youth and it was the freest I ever was. I’m just as at home in the woods if not more so than in a fancy house. Who needs bells and whistles?

    A solar powered shortwave is in order. Living like a groundhog with a knowledge of tactics and wilderness survival is the best chance of being in one piece when messiah returns after the devil has his appointed hour of power but we each have our own fate and if mines martyrdom, "so be it".

    Can't you feel it to your bones, our country is soon going to get it's just dues for being the 4th Reich and the sheeple that have been complicit by turning a blind eye to truth are to get a recompense. Who can say that this country doesn't deserve it and it will be a manifestation of the fathers will and judgment. The sheeple have been the biggest hurdle we face, they are our biggest obstacle to defeating our enemies and it is because of them that we can't defeat the N.W.O. For now most of them will be content to still have food and at least some made in China ****.

    Only a popular uprising can be successful.

    They will be blinded by materialism until there is no food. Then they will be willing to act. They will act like starving maniacs as they even contemplate killing for food and eating each other and become a threat to us. They are just as guilty as the N.W.O. oligarchs for they have ridiculed us and the truth. They are a disgrace to the ideals of the founding fathers and are “for themselves above the all“. They are a cheaper buy than Judas in that they will sell out for N.W.O. crumbs of materialistic self indulgence and self interests much less thirty pieces of silver.

    I am not saying I hate them, to the contrary, I pity them for the time will soon be upon us of much suffering in death and starvation and I wish that for no one, especially the innocent children, ours and theirs. But their lack of resistance whether it be from lack of conscience or selling out to self indulgent materialism and hedonism is the primary reason that we all will suffer as a nation. With the availability of the truth few can say at this point that they haven't been warned.

    This election has brought on us all a bombardment of N.W.O. manifestations that are happening almost daily. For those that know the hidden truths of things and realize these are orchestrated events it's overwhelming to the human psyche:
    psy·che [s?kee]
    (plural psy·ches)
    1. human soul: the human spirit or soul
    2. human mind: the human mind as the center of thought and behavior

    They have presented to us two presidential candidates that we know are both a different flavor of the same N.W.O. oligarch agenda. We know that Obama is being presented and portrayed as a almost messiah like relief from a Nazi like administration of 8 years when in fact if one investigates he is just as much of a N.W.O. lackey as Bush . What makes Obama even more scary is the fact that he is genius at the gift of gab and in his presentation. He is expert at playing the role of savior to the average minded sheeple.

    Whoever the next president is it seems certain that he is the one that will bring us into WWIII. All the dynamics of the global situation are set for what those that know the N.W.O. timeline and sequence of planed events as written of and laid out by Albert Pike (former confederate general and 33rd degree Masonic leader of the Scottish rite) in his letters to Giuseppe Muzzini. (successor to Adam Weishaupt in the role as leader of the Illuminati)

    The truth is a double edged sword in that we as truthers thirst for it and it may well eventually set us free in spirit if not in this world as it is, but a burden also comes with it. Our human minds hurt daily as the crap keeps coming out of the N.W.O. sewer pipe and we don’t have much of an audience available with which to share our emotions that burden us as we live in a land abundant with socially engineered sheeple, and that in it’s self is a large part of the problem and the source of much frustration for us.

    As for doing nothing? Perhaps not here of late but I’m not done yet so don’t turn me over with a fork.

    So if you want to be active educate others as much as you can but I’ve learned to dispense the truth with as much tactfulness as possible by reading the receiving party and playing it like a chess game with a marketing strategy. It’s easy to overwhelm a sheeple and a small dose well received is better than a large dose of truth rejected. I get overly excited at times and end up in arguments still so I let my emotions get the better of me but I’m better at it than in my earlier years, but I will always stick with the truth and the bottom line is they can eat **** if they can’t handle it.

    Believe me when I say that I could have had material wealth in this life by accepting an invitation to join free masonry. Then I could have had all the juicy contracts and jobs and knowing the globalist agenda and financial apparatus as I do I would have invested into the key corporations that are their tools to bring about their N.W.O. But I will never sell out the truth and humanity for the things of the world. I would rather die in rags than to be complicit in their Luciferian demonically inspired N.W.O.

    Attempted educating of others is your duty if you consider yourself a truther and for the most part that’s all you can do for now but the time is coming that we will have two simple options which are stand and fight or try to maximize our survial by fleeing in a preplanned manner and leave the sheeple that won’t accept that a N.W.O. noose is around their necks to the camps.

    The way things are going down it appears that as the infrastructure unravels and the preplanned emergencies unfold, there will be resistance everywhere from a number of sources such as militias ( which are becoming more popular as indicated by these videos.

    Food will be worth more than gold and hoards of the hungry will be desperately looking for food and will rob and kill for it. Many will be taken away never to be seen again.

    The armed resistance is not unified and it appears it will be a group here and there instead of a cohesive effort. Some armed bands will develop not to resist but to survive and defend food and family from desperate sheeple and troops.

    Not if, but when the **** hit’s the fan first thing to do is get rid of your cell phone. Preferably tape it or set it in the frame work to a far traveling truck to befuddle but at minimum get it as far as possible from you.

    No ,matter your choice if it be a band of survivalists, resistors or you want to hoof it with just you and those you love and can take(yes some of us will have to leave loved ones behind who cant handle what it will be like) You are going to have to go primitive. You are going to have to live like an Indian but more so by going literally under the ground and only pop your head out when it becomes imperative. I could write a book on how to do it but always blend in like a deer and night is not your cover because of infrared. And another imperative is to make sure you have no R.F.I.D. chips in your gear. Filter the heat signature of any fire with exhaust venting layers of brush and logs or twisting earthen ventilation and keep your fires small as possible.
    PS: For all the innocent of the world that might read this that have suffered at the heel of the N.W.O. tyrannical oppressors and will in the future my heart is with you. Not all Americans are oblivious and lack good conscience, there are many of us who know the truth and feel for you but unfortunately just not enough to effect real and tangible change, at least for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    Hmm your posting style looks strangely familiar.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    I've gotten around over the years. Quien sabe=who knows? Some quotes obtained from me at a presidential debate while there to support Ron Paul were placed in the N.Y. times.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    A joke came to my mind,

    Q: Why did the Illuminati invent whiskey?

    A: Because they knew that if it weren't for whiskey thw Irish would rule the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭DubTony

    Greetings my Irish cousins,
    My name is V. Carey from the U.S. ... yada yada yada yada

    I'm as open minded as anyone on this forum. But when it comes to this sort of zealotry, my brain starts to hurt. Mr. Carey, your words may invoke some sort of response on your side of the ocean, but in this neck of the woods, you're more likely to get a "who's that nut-job?" type of response. Tone it down a little, relax, kick back and enjoy the war.

    And when we do start killing each other for food, I bags the economists. :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    DubTony wrote: »
    I'm as open minded as anyone on this forum. But when it comes to this sort of zealotry, my brain starts to hurt. Mr. Carey, your words may invoke some sort of response on your side of the ocean, but in this neck of the woods, you're more likely to get a "who's that nut-job?" type of response. Tone it down a little, relax, kick back and enjoy the war.

    And when we do start killing each other for food, I bags the economists. :rolleyes:
    You are probably right DubTony.

    I apologize for the discomfort that I have caused your brain and any others for that matter .

    I am of the perspective that differing opinions in discussion are a healthy thing due to the fact that no one person can be totally correct about all things. Discussion by peoples with perspectives that are from various sides of an issue have a balancing effect to the interaction resulting in the education of all. As long as those in debate or general discussion are of good conscience nothing bad should come from it.

    I feel that all peoples perspectives stem from a compilation of their life experiences and in part from our inherent natures along with the information they are informed with.

    There are executive orders and contracts with corporations that if implemented will undoubtedly result in a Nazi concentration type scenario for many in Americans. A suspension of habeas corpus (trial rights, they can make you disappear)and posse comitatus (forbids the use of U.S. soldiers for domestic use against the populace) and legislation that defines any dissenters as domestic terrorists is setting the stage for horrific events here.

    The gov. here has finally brought some troops home but they are being trained to quell anticipated civil uprisings. They have used armed mercenaries from Blackwater corp. to disarm self defenders in New Orleans after Katrina thus setting precedent and training.

    So much more is happening here of that nature but I cannot write a book here. Bottom line is the populace is going to experience a Stalin/ Hitler type living hell here and I pray for all of you that you are spared that kind of future.

    I apologize for the extreme tone of the prior posting but I cannot sit back and enjoy the war because myself, my children and all those I love in my country are most probably going to be caught up in the middle of a bloody civil war, which is the intentions of those that in secrete hold the reins of power.

    Please understand the frustration and sense of duty that I and others of the truth movement feel here. We love our country and the ideals of humanity and freedom that were it's beginnings and I know I speak for many here when I say that we in good conscience wish for Ireland and all the rest of the world to be free from the yoke of tyrants in power with a inhumane global vision of slavery for those that are spared death.

    I invite you and all here to go to my myspace and encourage you to go to my friends list and examine some of the profiles that are obvious truthers.
    If noting else you will gain information and thus insight.

    I do posses a capacity for humor and I appreciate it's lightening effects, thanks. I'll start by consuming the bankers. A good day to you all....Victor

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭rexusdiablos

    meglome wrote: »
    Hmm your posting style looks strangely familiar.

    I hope nobody thinks that I'm loboloco. Was that aimed at me?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    Which brings to my mind the irresistible statement, "who is seeing a conspiracy where there isn't one"
    I base my writings on factually documented research and just point out the intended end results due to a knowledge of N.W.O. agenda.
    The similarity that could compel one to conclude that you and I are one of the same is my communicational knowledge of Spanish (not Latin). I only know some Spanish because in the U.S. the influx of Hispanic workers in my field of residential construction has made it a practical tool.

    I can assure all doubters that I'm not RexusDiablos, just look at my profile link above. loboloco means Crazy Wolf and I use that handle as well due to being part Choctaw.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭roneythetube

    well i have not read much of the posts on this thread but did have a look at the youtube links.
    i am interested in being free - so would like to know more of your union and how i can help.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 loboloco1861

    Zeitgeist is a move that has a tremendous amount of truth but it discredits modern Christianity and perhaps justifiably an extent.

    The movie uses the movement of truth to push an atheistic agenda.
    The move would have all who believe in it to think that atheism is for those too intelligent to believe in a fairy tale.

    They truthfully point out many of the pagan adoptions by organized religion but organized religion and the bible have little in common. Religion has become a social engineering tool of control for those in power.

    In the U.S. for a church to be tax exempt it must file a 501(c)3 which are articles of incorporation and creates what becomes a business. The government uses this contract to keep the churches in line and will strip them of their assets if they speak out against the gov. as they have done.

    There is a program here that is a part of homeland security in which pastors are recruited to help persuade church goers to be compliant with the government mandates in the event of martial law.

    As for me I'll read my bible but I steer clear of organized religion. To be fair, for those that want to view Zeitgeist I recommend doing a google video search of anti Zeitgeist as well so as to expose the pro atheistic lies that are cleverly mixed in with the truth.

    It seems an oxymoron to me that so many truthers know of the occult spiritual practices of the global elite but are atheist. I have attained some degree of spiritual knowledge and I can assure you that there are diabolical spiritual forces behind the N.W.O. Which explains how so called humans can treat others with a total lack of human conscience.

    As for your intentions for starting this forum RexusDiablos my best wishes are with you. Although I be American and far from you geographically if I can be of service feel free to let me know.
