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What's your phobia?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    I'm not sure if these are two seperate, unrelated sentences but I don't think they are. Anyway, just to be pedantic and clear something up...

    Vertigo is dizzyness/a feeling of movement when you're still. It's medical, generally attributed to ear imbalances. Although it does have some relevance to a spinning feeling when you're up high.

    The amount of times I explain to people that I'm having a bout of vertigo and they say "But sure we're on the ground!".

    Acrophobia is a fear of heights.

    On-Topic, no irrational fears here that I know of. Friend had a fear of cows though.

    I know that vertigo isn't fear of heights. I get dizzy and have a desire to fall forwards when up high, a good reason to be afraid of heights I reckon! Lol. Also, looking up at tall buildings makes me dizzy. Have had inner ear problems all my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Red-Devil

    I run in terror if I see Moths.
    I ****ing am terrified of them!

    Im fine with spiders and other stuff but i cantstand those fluttery bastards.!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭WooPeeA

    I'm afraid of doing nothing and losing my time.

    Is there any name for such kind of phobia?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    Well the fear of time in general is called chronophobia.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭Dinter


    I'm not so much afraid of injections, just the actual tool that's used. Just seeing someone advancing on me as they unwrap one initiates the flight or fight reflex.

    Got on a bus once and was about to sit down on the back seat when I spotted a clatter of syringes sitting on it. Jebus that would be bad enough for someone who doesn't have an irrational fear of them. I yelped like a four year old and scurried backwards. Actually pretty shaken even remembering that!!

    Oh, a real crazy one is a fear of my own heartbeat. Hate when I can feel my pulse like when you're getting your blood pressure taken. Makes me feel really uncomfortable. I squirm around like a mad man which usually means they've to do the test again!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,535 ✭✭✭Raekwon

    I'm terrified of needles, and also not very fond of hospitals, doctors and dentists. I've no idea where the fear came from as I've never been really sick and apart from a few hours in casualty 2 years ago I've never been in hospital. I also can't touch the part of my arm where they take blood from!!


    I absolutely hate needles with a passion! If I have to go for a blood test or something then I get weak at the knees, breakout in a cold sweat and go very pale. I haven't had to get many injections in my life thankfully but I did have a minor operation a few years ago and they needed to insert an IV into the top of my wrist. I had a mini panic attack and I nearly threw-up as the doctor inserted it and it left an instant bruise! Even the thought of it now is making me feel ill :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,055 ✭✭✭snickerpuss

    I hate touching coins. I hate the noise they make when they hit off each other, I hate their feel, smell, everything. Yuck.
    And it's not something I can really avoid so I feel horribly gross all the time. I love my Laser Card.

    I've had it ever since I was a child, it's really odd. I also hate jewllery so maybe it's a metal thing in general. That's weird isn't it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    That's weird isn't it?

    It's no weirder than anything else tbh. Don't worry, you're among the craziest of the crazies here!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,367 ✭✭✭✭watna

    Update on my tomato phobia:

    On Friday I went for lunch with my OH. I asked for a corned beef sandwich. As usual, the restaurant didn't state that it came with tomatoes (it's my pet hate, not everyone likes tomatoes and I actually won't eat food that's touched tomatoes but loads of places don't tell you on the menu that the sandwich comes with tomatoes). Usually I send food back when it comes with unannounced tomatoes but the restaurant was busy so I took off the tomatoes, wiped the sandwich clean and actually managed to eat the sandwich! Tis a big step for me!

    Good website for fellow tomato haters:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    Wohoo! Well done watna!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,367 ✭✭✭✭watna

    Thanks, it probably sounds so silly to some people, but being able to enjoy my lunch and not send it back made a big difference!:)

    My Oh was impressed too, I think he was expecting me to make a fuss. He's very good about it actually, he told me to look away and then ate all the tomatoes I'd taken off the sandwich so they were gone when I was eating!

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭steps_3314

    I hate the thought of lying on my stomach trying to crawl through a tight space with little or no a tunnel maybe. Its worst if i imagine im doing it on my own. I wouldnt be afraid of tight spaces generally e.g lifts.

    I also hate f**king cucumbers...cant be near one

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭CCCP^

    I have a fear of Spiders, heights and Water, especially large steel-frame structures and water and also those large statutes of the Buddha. Plus the last three combined. It happens in dreams =/

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Lets see, fish, bugs, spiders, women, failure, scobes, mentalists, nuclear war, cancer, debilitating skin diseases, being alone, falling in love, finding out there actually is a God and he took all that **** I said mighty personally, going blind, going deaf, skag, micro organisms, drug addiction, the establishment, revolution, losing my mind, vegans, homicidal AI, ghosts, tutors, coleslaw, egg mayonaisse, being stabbed in the back of the neck with a syringe by some mad **** on a nightbus, erectile disfunction, getting erections at bad times, fashion, hot things, electricity, people who look pissed off all the time, oh and I'm pretty sure I'm safe but male pattern balding would be fairly ****ing ****.

    But mostly fish and creepy crawlies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,103 ✭✭✭misslt

    Spiders, heights, water in my eyes, needles and insects. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭36Degrees

    being force fed bannoffi pie/cheesecake/both!

    Seriously, I cant even think about them without wanting to puke!

    Also needles, but only when theyre used to remove blood from me. I dont have a problem with injections! :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 aahuwill

    flying, the dark, needles, vomiting, cotton wool, nails scraping on a blackboard, polystyrene foam, bees and wasps, dentists (especially the sound of the drill :eek:)........I have more but that's more than enough to be listing

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,972 ✭✭✭orestes

    I have recently developed a new phobia. I don't think there is a scientific term for it, but believe me, it's something that terrifies me.

    It's a chronic and debilitating fear of Lady J with a camera in one hand and hair-clips in the other. The sheer thought of it makes me huddle in the corner in the fetal position and weep like a like a small child.

    It's horrible, just so horrible.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 283 ✭✭popecatapetal

    I hate bridges. Most of the time, I can force myself to cross them, but the one at Sydney Parade DART station makes me go stiff with terror... I consider it to be rational, but everyone I've mentioned it to says it's not. But that bridge is a death trap. It's made of old rusty corrugated iron, welded together, and in some places rusted through. Rust and welding both weaken metal - that bridge is going to collapse.

    I also hate the thought of being buried alive. Like Nick was in that episode of CSI...

    I used to not be able to go up those stairs without backs - you know, the see-through ones. Now, after living in an apartment with them for over half a year (it was the only one I could find), I can go up them, but only if I can put my hands down in front of me and go up on all fours. I'm not sure what I think is going to happen, I just don't like them...

    I don't like repetitive patterns in nature. Like a close up of a verruca, or the inside of a passion fruit. Or cracks in mud.

    I worry about people I care about. And if I don't worry about them, and I realise that I haven't been, I worry that something will happen to them, and it'll be my fault for not having worried about them. Like when my mum used to pick me up from school, I'd worry that she'd crash her car on the way, and that it'd be my fault cos she wouldn't have done it if it weren't for me. I talked myself into not worrying over a few years, and then, about a month later, she crashed her car on the way to pick me up...

    I don't like internal parasites. The thought of a worm living inside me disgusts me. So do those bugs that burrow into your skin. Even the episode of the Simpsons where Homer squeezes the penny so it goes into his hand made me gag.

    I also really don't like the eyes that grow on old potatoes. Or cactuses (cacti?) and other succulent plants. I freaked out in Kew gardens when I was ten cos my dad made me hold one...

    I recently partially got over my fear of phones by taking a job in a call centre to raise money for my college. Had a shaking fit after making my first call, but now I've worked there six months, and they want me to be superviser next year:) Unfortunately, we only make out going calls there, so I'm still worried about answering phones, especially if I don't know who's calling me.

    I don't like not knowing where I am - unfortunate, as I'm also pretty pants at map-reading. I also dislike losing my glasses. I have nightmares where I can't find them.

    I don't like tall buildings which wobble in the wind, or buildings with windows right down to the floor.

    Also, anyone touching my ears scares me. I can manage it if I know it's going to happen, like my boyfriend doing it, or getting my ears pierced. But if someone does it by surprise, I freak out a little.

    That is a ridiculously long list, and I've probably forgotten some stuff too... Good grief...

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,054 ✭✭✭✭citytillidie

    I dont like flying well its only the take off and landing i dont like, i dont mind when its a cursing level.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭turnsoutIwas

    The idea of eating mushrooms really disgusts me. I wont eat anything if mushrooms were near it. Fungus is not for eating...yuck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 699 ✭✭✭aoife2k

    Birds...Dead and Alive. Dead is worse as they can't fly away.

    Fish... Dead and Alive. Worse when dead and still looking at you. Fine on the dinner plate.

    Loose Teeth... The wobble, the squeeking sinus AHHHHHHH worst nightmare... cringing even typing this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,677 ✭✭✭staker

    dunno if they classify as phobias but hate travelling on a rear facing seat in a bus/train nor do i like eating spaghetti without a knife :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,533 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    snyper wrote: »
    But my greatestfear is to die a lonley old man, unmarried with no kids. :(
    I'm similiar enough. I feel that I have burdened myself with passing on my Dad's name, as I only have one male cousin who has the family surname too. What if he doesn't have kids? What if I don't find a willing female to help pass it on? What if my 'soldiers' ain't marching? It all sounds ridiculous and bordering on chauvenistic , but my sister made a light-hearted joke about it a few years ago and it has really stuck with me since.

    I used to have a fear of the dark too. If there was a dark room in the house with absolutely no light, I couldn't go near it. If I was walking down the street at night and a light was out, I had to cross the road and had to be under light everywhere (if anyone played the nightfall missions in Gears Of War, you would know what I mean). I battled this by taking my dog out for walks at nightime and purposefully going down dark laneways. Strange, since he is a harmless westie, but eventually I could do the same without him.

    I also freak out whenever I hear/feel my neck crack. A few years ago I had an accident and had to get my neck x-rayed, but am just afraid that the doctors didn't look properly due to the circumstances I was admitted under :o . Just have this constant fear that something might pop and I will be left paralysed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 129 ✭✭andgoodbye

    I have a fear that I would have thought would be here already:
    A fear of blades.
    I know exactly what caused it, it was when I found out that several of my friends were cutting themselves and one of them actually did it in the same roomas me.
    I was disgusted and I often get phantom pains on my arms just thinking about sharp objects.
    I don't feel at all comfortable with people holding and/or having sharp objects near me, and I have to pretty much constantly watch them.
    I have the bluntest Knives possible in my house.
    My arms are itchy and painful as I'm typing this
    I'm curious as to whether others have this particular phobia and If you do I would appreciate a PM

  • Registered Users Posts: 867 ✭✭✭giddybootz

    ah all my days i have been made fun of for this but i am TERRIFIED of helicoptrs.

    they are evil and ugly and unnatural....nothing in nature flys like them. its not a heights thing or a flyng thing...just a helicopter thing.

    people say i am weird but they can actually harm/kill you! i have gotton ok walking along street if one flys overhead...i just have to be able to watch it til its gone (as long as it is up very high) but a lowflying one or a military or police one or a landed one (on or off) FREAKS me out!!

    anyone else???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    I'm terrified of waps. Absolutely petrified.
    I have to get my Dad, my Mam or my sister to kill them for me!!
    My Mam told me I was stung by a wasp when I was very small. I can't actually remember the incident, but subconciously I suppose it led to my fear in some way.

    I'm also terrified of....wait for it....NAIL FILES!! :eek:
    I can pick one up, but no way would I ever touch one with my nail (I'm a guy so thankfully I won't ever have to)
    But if someone was filing their nails, I'd have to leave the room. I'm actually shuddering now just thinking about it.
    I mean, why would anyone do that to innocent nails? You might aswell us industrial sandpaper..ugh!! :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    Anatidaephobia: The fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

    Gary Larson
    LOL! LOVE that cartoon!! :D:pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Goooner4life

    I know its common but im terrified of heights.

    I work in a window manufacturing company in my local village. My boss was building his house at the time and i gave him a hand roofing it. I had no choice but to climb around on the top of the house,even though i said i was sacred of heights. Got through it though.

    Anyone have any stories about your phobia's?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 BricanaBarbie

    im scared of bacteria..seriously i squirm thinkin of it!!! im afraid of daddy long legs ewww!!.. surgery/operations (being awake whole time)!!!! snakes and slimy things!!! sharks and fish in general!! rats.. paper cut in my eye!! + loads more!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:haha
