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the drunken walk home...



  • Registered Users Posts: 82,131 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    oh man.... ^^ about as classic as my 15 year old sister opening presents on the morning after she insisted she could be my brother (20 at the time) at shots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,171 ✭✭✭1huge1

    Tellox wrote: »
    The worst I've ever done? I decided to go for a walk around 1am.
    Harmless, right? No.

    Me and a mate were smoking rollies, and a passer-by in a car must have assumed something else. He pulls up next to us, and asks us where we live. Now, we were on my estate at the time, but I was half terrified of the man either being a cop who'd want to see the copious amount of drink in my house (17 at the time), or someone who wants to rob the house. So I said "Ehh, ardkeen village" (about 15-20mins away from the estate).

    So, suspicions sort of confirmed, he pulls out his "honorary neighbourhood watch badge", and demands we go home. Right, we say fine, and assume he'd **** off. Wrong! He instead demanded we walk in front of him back to our houses so he can watch us go in, or he'd immediatly call the gardaí.

    So, off we went, 1am on a saturday night/sunday morning, having had well more than our fill of drink. Nevermind anyway, the cold air woke us up soon enough. We finally figured that we have to ditch this fella fairly fast, since we've got no homes to get in to in that part of the city. So we finally find a grouping of bollards which cars cant pass through, and start running. We finally get to a pub where we could hopefully ring a taxi. Instead, a group of 10 strong tinkers spot my small, long-haired person, and want to "have a few words with yez". So, cue running off in the opposite direction.. And these lads following after. We run back towards a nearby estate, and see that ****er neighbourhood watch bloke on the road, and on the phone. So, like the smart boys we were, we hopped the wall to said estate, and kept running.

    After a short enough time, we found ourselves very lost, very cold, and could hear nothing but handbrake turns and what would appear to be shouting families. Turns out we were smack-bang in the center of farren park, which any Waterford resident can give you plenty of stories about.

    So, we went metal-gear solid stealth style, and found ourselves wandering around in circles to avoid all large gatherings of scum. And finally a car pulled up to us. Down goes the window, and mammy is staring back at me. Home from work early, had already been to the house, where my girlfriend had reported me missing while trying to hide the drink, and of course her smoke.

    As far as I can remember, I think that was the night I decided that there should be no more midnight walkies having drank.

    Apart from pissing on the door of mcdonalds, I think that's the dumbest thing I've done when drunk. Had a friend once who keyed a car, thinking he was hilarious. He didn't think as much when the driver saw the CCTV and landed the little prick with a summons.
    Interesting read mate, the best one so far
