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Dream immigration policy



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    Dream immigration policy ?

    Ban all Americans from travelling to Europe or Asia or anywhere actually! I can't stand them, its no longer a case of "Most of them are tossers" or "some of them are ok". The vast vast vast majority of them are complete muppets who are wasting oxygen.

    Any of them who have half a brain usually have dual-citizenship with another country anyways (i'll compromise and let these guys travel) and YES I know a lot of these human sized maggots have Irish decent. American culture just breeds stupidity and ignorance.

    Canadians must pass a basic knowledge test and a specially designed "Am I an ignorant twat who should be suffocated" test.

    Honestly, I know smart decent Americans exist, where the hell are they ? Cause I've never met any smart AND decent ones. I met a decent one, and a smart one before but not both in the one package.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,560 Mod ✭✭✭✭Robbo

    Dream immigration policy? Nightmares detained at the border and a strict embargo on cheese before bed.

    I make no apologies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,339 ✭✭✭congo_90

    check criminal records. Give them 3months to get a job or get lost.
    If they don't have valid documentation then stick them on a boat to wherever they came from.
    Finger print them and make sure they're clean. IE; nothing like AIDS. We don't need it here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭Tha Gopher

    Raekwon wrote: »
    No 'and/or' about it, all hot Eastern European ladies should be given grants to come here. We could setup an exchange programme so that they can take our mingers.

    In fairness they have their fair share aready. Do you know any of them, or is your opinion based on the fact you want to lamp the two fine yokes in your local abras and you saw two fine blonde leather clad Pole women on your way home.

    Having worked with litreally 100s, in terms of the proportion with the looks Id fa rather have Irish women. Ive no idea where this AH E Euro women thing comes from, most people i know in RL would far rather their work was packed out with Irish than poorly dressed birds who dont care for their appearance.
    Diceicle wrote: »
    If you could make up your "dream" immigration policy, what would it contain?
    Mandatory basic english?
    Testing for TB and AIDS for "high-risk" countries immigrants?
    I.d for all?
    Deportation if crime is commited?

    All of the above, for common sense as opposed to racism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭condra

    I don't agree someone should be denied entry for having HIV/AIDS. Seems pretty harsh.

    I do agree that serious criminals should be deported.

    I wish people would take this topic a bit more seriously, but I suppose, its "Rec > After Hours".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    Mandatory basic english?

    Yes, say a test a year after you get here to show you've at least learned the basics.
    Testing for TB and AIDS for "high-risk" countries
    Doubt it would be constitutional, in any case it smacks of dehumanising people

    I.d for all?
    No, but if Irish people ever need one, then it follows suit everyone in Ireland would too
    Absolutely not, this isnt the US
    Deportation if crime is commited?

    If violent, then yes

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    biko wrote: »
    Send all Australians home today!

    I think the many Irish living it up in Australia would not like the repercussions of that :P
    We get sent home to a lovely, well run, sunny place, and you get shipped back to this windy, rainly, scumbag infested...*ahem*, I mean... well organised country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭AngryHippie

    I'm not even sure about that one to be honest,
    To be fair, I've heard plenty of Irish people who's attempts at communicating in English have been borderline incomprehensible, at least somebody learning the language has an excuse for their ability levels, Most of them do make the effort. I think mandatory attendance at English class (not of the "myles" type) would be a better idea, perhaps a smattering of Irish history and culture could be introduced to this, just to give these guys a chance.

    I also agree that Irelands immigration situation will probably change as the demand for employment drops, and they find it harder to get jobs, The flux will switch back to the UK and other EU countries.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,296 ✭✭✭RandolphEsq

    Does anyone know what the implications are for immigration after the Leontjava v. DPP case in 2004? I cannot make head nor tail of it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭Rob_l

    Absolutely not, this isnt the US

    its already here aint it fingerprinting

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,134 ✭✭✭Lux23

    Diceicle wrote: »
    As immigration is such a hot topic the last few years I'd like to know:

    If you could make up your "dream" immigration policy, what would it contain?
    Mandatory basic english?
    Testing for TB and AIDS for "high-risk" countries immigrants?
    I.d for all?
    Deportation if crime is commited?
    The decision is yours...................:cool:

    What kind of crimes? Would they be deported for traffic offences or parking tickets?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    Rob_l wrote: »

    :eek:Pardon my ignorance. Did not know that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭blah

    To be fair, I've heard plenty of Irish people who's attempts at communicating in English have been borderline incomprehensible,

    Well maybe those guys should be given mandatory english lessons too! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭SubjectSean

    First in first out policy. All the Normans and Vikings should f**k off and stop crowding me out. I can barely move my elbows and it's getting too hot in here. Oh no hang on a second I'm tripping, it's f**ken freezing, there's loads of space and no fear at all of me being overcrowded.

    I have freinds in the "third world", they're mostly poor and hungry. I can go there anytime, they can't come here at all. Looks alot like apartheid to me. You're asking me what kind of apartheid I'd like the best. For a country that spent the last eight centuries exporting its citizens around the globe we sure turned our backs on the past real fast once we got a bit of cash. Humans should have free movement on the face of Gods earth. It is our birthright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,535 ✭✭✭Raekwon

    Tha Gopher wrote:
    In fairness they have their fair share aready. Do you know any of them, or is your opinion based on the fact you want to lamp the two fine yokes in your local abras and you saw two fine blonde leather clad Pole women on your way home.

    Having worked with litreally 100s, in terms of the proportion with the looks Id fa rather have Irish women. Ive no idea where this AH E Euro women thing comes from, most people i know in RL would far rather their work was packed out with Irish than poorly dressed birds who dont care for their appearance.

    I had a feeling that my post would smoke you out :D

    To answer your question, of course I know some Eastern European women, I wouldn't make a statement like that if I didn't. I am engaged to a Czech girl (going out with her for nearly 4 years) and I have made friends with loads of Eastern European's that I are living in Dublin over the last few years. In fact my best mate is going out with a lovely Slovak girl that he met through me & my girlfriend. It's way more common then you think.

    As for the women who work in your office :rolleyes: Okay fair enough, there are some German birds built like tanks and Spanish girls that wear horrible 80's clothes and thick rimmed glasses but if you actually go to places like Madrid or Berlin I guarantee that your opinion will change about them instantly.

    For the record, I am 28, travelled loads and worked with hundred's of different nationalities over the years and I have to say that IMO (okay I'm obviously abit biased) Czech/Slovaks are the best in my experience when it comes to looks and personality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Diceicle

    Lux23 wrote: »
    What kind of crimes? Would they be deported for traffic offences or parking tickets?

    Havent really thought about it in great detail, I was just being devils advocate. Seeing as how you asked though violent or sexual crimes should be a deportable offence. As for lesser crimes, if the person is a persistent offender and deporting them is an option then I say go for it.

    As for the mandatory english, I think speaking the local language to an efficient degree is necessary for a cohesive society. A friend who is a garda has related stories of foreign nationals being involved in traffic accidents and by them having poor english getting a straight story is a near impossibility.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,273 ✭✭✭Morlar

    Mine would be . ..

    Mandatory clean bill of health - as an example for each aids victim we admit the eventual direct and indirect costs (ie for every subsequent person who gets infected) can be ruled out to a large extent by this simple policy.

    Mandatory background check - and no criminal background - this would include fraud/robbery & any crime with violence. The specifics could be flexible - ie a doctor who bounced a chequeue as opposed to an unmarried mother of 14 with 56 shoplifting offences. Flexibility would be the order of the day and if over the course of several years of this one or two inconsistencies cropped up - then tough.

    If you commit rape/murder your deported on the last day of your no remission sentence.

    If you are a persistent petty criminal including shoplifting - 3 strike rule then bu-bye.

    Mandatory minimum level of english.

    It would help if we could cherry pick those with skills that the country needs -' its not about what you want its about what we need' would be the new slogan.

    Enough funds to support yourself if the new job you already lined up before applying falls through.

    All immigrants to pay the full total cost of administering the system without constantly whining on and on about it like its sooo unfair that its the end of the world.

    No expectation of a free house, free car or free anything.

    No social welfare until you have paid into the system for at least 6 months.

    Paid re-patriations on request for family emergencies etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,692 ✭✭✭✭OPENROAD

    Don't knock the curious Yanks, They are proppin up our tourist industry,

    Its actually the British who are propping it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,083 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    monosharp wrote: »
    Dream immigration policy ?

    Ban all Americans from travelling to Europe or Asia or anywhere actually! I can't stand them, its no longer a case of "Most of them are tossers" or "some of them are ok". The vast vast vast majority of them are complete muppets who are wasting oxygen.

    Any of them who have half a brain usually have dual-citizenship with another country anyways (i'll compromise and let these guys travel) and YES I know a lot of these human sized maggots have Irish decent. American culture just breeds stupidity and ignorance.

    Canadians must pass a basic knowledge test and a specially designed "Am I an ignorant twat who should be suffocated" test.

    Honestly, I know smart decent Americans exist, where the hell are they ? Cause I've never met any smart AND decent ones. I met a decent one, and a smart one before but not both in the one package.

    Here I am, but I don't want to know you. I wonder why.

    I don't have dual-citizenship. Pittance really, I have been here 7+ years. My reasons for not getting one are my own. And no its not out of patriotism - how silly.

    Its not our fault, really: at one point it was our fault but that was a long, long time ago. But since World War II we pretty much began fearing our own government: and anyone who disagreed was labeled a Communist. The same patter has applied for decades. If you disagree you're a Terrorist or an Enemy Combatant.

    Well, I disagree. Im sure within moments of this post the CIA will pick this up on their internet spying network. but they'll probably ignore it. and may as well do: one check on my background should show me fairly harmless.

    See I have had the distinct priviledge of having moved out of the country just 6 months before Bush was elected. I've seen it all from the outside. From the 9/11 attack, the invasion of Iraq - and the bombing of civilians due to 'smart bomb malfunction', right on up to last year's activation of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act. Very few americans in the media will ever throw up a flag to any of this and theyre usually ignored: the likes of Michael Moore (who's latest film, Sicko, was even harder to find showing than Fahrenheit 9/11) and Jon Stewart ( But they get it right. Oh yes.

    In fact MY immigration policy is to rescue as many Americans as possible - best to get them over here just in time to start secondary school: which I enjoyed, and actually learned where england was on a MAP! A REAL MAP!

    etc. I'd write more but dinners up kthxbye ^_^

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭Tha Gopher

    Raekwon wrote: »
    I had a feeling that my post would smoke you out :D

    To answer your question, of course I know some Eastern European women, I wouldn't make a statement like that if I didn't. I am engaged to a Czech girl (going out with her for nearly 4 years) and I have made friends with loads of Eastern European's that I are living in Dublin over the last few years. In fact my best mate is going out with a lovely Slovak girl that he met through me & my girlfriend. It's way more common then you think.

    As for the women who work in your office :rolleyes: Okay fair enough, there are some German birds built like tanks and Spanish girls that wear horrible 80's clothes and thick rimmed glasses but if you actually go to places like Madrid or Berlin I guarantee that your opinion will change about them instantly.

    For the record, I am 28, travelled loads and worked with hundred's of different nationalities over the years and I have to say that IMO (okay I'm obviously abit biased) Czech/Slovaks are the best in my experience when it comes to looks and personality.

    Ah, you recall :D I was somewhat drunk last night posting.

    Aye, i do go on, its just the whole thing on AH baffles me in work.

    And oh yeah, Slovakia is a different kettle of fish. Im not sure it actually contains any ugly women :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭pretty*monster

    One qualified immigrant per job vacancy that cannot be filled by an Irish citizen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭ParkRunner

    It will for the young (and hot) polish and lithuanians but not for the Nigerian scam artists. I agree with a previous poster, complete freedom for EU citizens and everyone else deported to airport of origin.

    Most Nigerians are actually here legally, they just were took advantage of the Irish born child scheme in 2005 (about 17,000 of them I think). It's the more recent ones really that have the dodgy documents. In 2010 they will all too become EU citizens anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭MyPeopleDrankTheSoup

    How do they become EU citizens? Yeah, it's not their fault, if I was born in Nigeria I'd be doing everything I could to get out of there as well.

    Class blog on the whole topic of immigration:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,692 ✭✭✭✭OPENROAD

    EF wrote: »
    Most Nigerians are actually here legally, they just were took advantage of the Irish born child scheme in 2005 (about 17,000 of them I think). It's the more recent ones really that have the dodgy documents. In 2010 they will all too become EU citizens anyway

    And you know they get free BMW's when they arrive at Dublin airport.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,398 ✭✭✭MIN2511

    1. Just to point out, not all Nigerians are living off the child born scheme. Some of them are students, or professionals that move to Ireland.
    2. All criminals should be deported immediately, imo waste of tax payers money.
    3. No job = GET OUT!
    4. No benefits for first year
    5. Give all non eu students residency especially when they have lived in Ireland for over 5 years :D
    6. Deport on arrival, no point keeping someone in the system for a year if you intend to deport them
    7. Stop Irish people emigrating, there is so much to do here why leave?:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭Tha Gopher

    Stop Irish leaving Ireland of their own free will? :eek:

    The East Germans tried that with their wall. We want an equivalent here?

    Some may say it would be economic suicide but Id almost wish we could leave the EU. We have exhausted the cash cow in terms of them throwing money at us since we joined. Nice one lads, the dosh really helped our economy get on its feet after 800 years of being thrashed, but now that we have a good economy and the EU is a burden to us, would it be such a bad idea?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Diceicle

    How do people feel about the state housing issue with foreign nationals? There are 2 housing lists, one for Irish and one for foreign nationals. Are people in favour or opposed? My own opinion would be that if you arrive in Ireland from a genuinely troubled country then the state should help you on humanitarian grounds but if you are an economic migrant then the onus is on you to sort accomodation before you board any plane.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭ParkRunner

    Problem is with the courts really. A plane left Dublin airport last week with only a handful of illegal immigrants on it. Lots more were meant to go but they took judicial review proceedings and the courts prevented most of them from going

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,661 ✭✭✭✭Helix

    Diceicle wrote: »
    As immigration is such a hot topic the last few years I'd like to know:

    If you could make up your "dream" immigration policy, what would it contain?
    Mandatory basic english?
    Testing for TB and AIDS for "high-risk" countries immigrants?
    I.d for all?
    Deportation if crime is commited?
    The decision is yours...................:cool:

    something like canadas, you dont get in if youre not going to, and able to prove, youll benefit the country as a decent, skilled member of the workforce, and you MUST have enough money to support yourself and any dependants for 6 months on entry

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  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭HollyB

    Diceicle wrote: »
    How do people feel about the state housing issue with foreign nationals? There are 2 housing lists, one for Irish and one for foreign nationals. Are people in favour or opposed?

    Do you know if one list is given priority over the other, or is it one person from the Irish list, one from the foreign national list, one from the Irish, one from the foreign national, and so on?

    Personally, I think that priority should go to EU citizens, based on how long they have been (a) on the waiting list, and (b) in residence in Ireland.
    Diceicle wrote: »
    My own opinion would be that if you arrive in Ireland from a genuinely troubled country then the state should help you on humanitarian grounds but if you are an economic migrant then the onus is on you to sort accomodation before you board any plane.

    If you are an asylum seeker, then you should be given a place in a direct provision hostel. If you're an economic migrant, you're on your own.
