If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact

DeVore in the well



  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    careca wrote: »
    How do you make a royal flush with the 4,7 spades without Jesus having one too ???

    Argh, I always make that slip. I've edited it now :p

    How bad were we all when we played those Antes Up 50 euro freezeouts (bearing in mind that some of us haven't improved at all) ?

    Probably pretty bad but to be fair there was nothing but 20-euro crapshoot rebuy tournies to play and practise in before that.

    What are the odds of the same player getting AA against you, two hands in a row :)

    44,000 to 1 I believe (off top of noggin).

    Careca brings this up because he pulled AA twice in a row on me, to my immediate left in a tournament! I'd like to point out that I got away from it both times!

    I have always found you very hard to read in games. Who is the hardest and easiest to read that you have come across?

    Really? I always thought I was fairly transparent :)

    Outside of our merry band I think Johnny Chan and Ferguson are both very very tough to read. Donnacha is ungodly, really the man has it down to a freakin science. Watch him play, he is a robot at the tables. Always the same pause, always the same motion to put his chips in, always completely serene.

    From Boards... Halibut, cos he honestly never seems to care :)
    Hector is quite hard to read too. I'm not a great reader of people anyway, so I'm the wrong person to ask.

    I remember being astounded by Lafortezza's reading ability when we started playing first. The very best reader of the game i've encountered might surprise you. Its a toss up between Nicky Power and Karl Hutson. I have played a lot with Karl on our travels and he has made some absolutely eye-popping folds and calls.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 119 ✭✭Scummyscousers

    Sorry Dev, this well is full of wellwishers, I need proper answers to proper questions. (Plus my course is cancelled today = bored)

    If you were locked in a room with roundtower for 10 minutes, do you think you could make him cry in that time, or would you require more time? (more time = join new dojo)

    If you were an evil overlord and a owner, would you allow shameless links to your evil overloard recruitment site? Or is that just TOO evil.

    You have 1 week left to live. (this is hypothetical so don't worry) how would you sepnd it ? (I bet poker is not on this agenda)

    How much of your well so far is fiction and how much is 'honest to jehova' truth. 70% is an excellent score here.

    Do you think the following did it.
    Joe O'reilly
    Michael Jackson
    OJ Simpson
    The Royal mafia (paris 2007)
    Neil Armstrong
    Bill Clintons cigar

    You wanna be a writer do ya? How important then do you think it is to develop your 'own style' in the lit world.

    Bill Hicks once said If Christ came back the last thing he'd want to see is a fkin crucifix? What do you think is the 1st thing he'd like to see then.

    Do you think you change you poker game when 'BIG reknowned players on the circuit' are at the table so that you can impress them and if so do you think this is -EV .

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    DeV wrote:
    2. The worrying increase in the sucide rate of young Irish men is a direct consequence of a feeling of being lost as a result of settling down later in life and the degradation of family and what that means within Irish society.

    I agree that there is a worrying increase in young male suicides, something that is a silent travesty at the moment. I dont agree with the reasons you give.
    Basically my views on this are entirely analogous with the film Fight Club. We have no great war, no great depression, no defining event or hardship. We are free and we are more educated then ever about the world and our place in it. We have the time and the luxury to sit back and say "now what? is this it?". Combine that with the ever increasing (and dramatically so) pressures and stresses of just running to standstill in our modern world and it creates a pressure cooker of malcontent and depression.


    I see your point and I think the issues raised have great merit. I do think there is a significant amount of hardship in the Irish economy for more people than are willing to admit it out front. Be that as it may, when I was keeping a blog I wrote a longish post on the increasing suicide rate, and the emergence of the so-called "quarter life crisis" brought on by the increased pressure of, as you say, running to stand still.

    I do believe that there is an element of young men feeling they where "lied to" for want of a better phrase. When they were kids they were told that if they work hard in school, and go to college then the world is their oyster. What they found was that when they left college, a huge number of other people also had degrees and where already in the workforce. Then they found that the jobs they get, because of their degrees, don't pay them enough to buy their own home or own a decent car.

    So while their parents (for the most part) by the age of 27-28 had their own home, had a job for life and were married with kids, they are now hitting the same age and have no home of their own, no settled job (or at least not a job they see as being a lifelong pursuit) and no family of their own. Effectively they are missing all the elements that they were used to growing up with and expected/thought they would have.

    I accept that the above is a generalisation, but I do believe that a lot of people feel "lost" when they get to their late twenties because they are unable/not in a position to have the things that thier parents have and they were used to.

    anyway, don't want to derail this thread. Thanks for the answers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,441 ✭✭✭Killme00

    Do you think the following did it.
    Joe O'reilly
    Michael Jackson
    OJ Simpson
    The Royal mafia (paris 2007)
    Neil Armstrong
    Bill Clintons cigar

    Very good, add Bertie to that list


    Do you feel that or the owners should be help responsible for the views of some of the posters that post here? Should a discussion regarding antisemitc views be closed? I note with interest that their is a note on the Martial arts forum now not to dicuss MAI, its instructors, classes, courses etc. Do you view boards as a public discussion forum? In your opinion is there any basis in irish or european law whereby websites can be held accountable for the views of its contributors. ( i am talking about discussion here not the transfer of files or other clearly illegal activities)

    What if any impact do you feel Rage against the Machine had on the youth of Ireland?


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Iago: Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy **** we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    muffler wrote: »
    I know this is the poker forum but i would just like to chip in(Christ I just love the puns) with a couple of questions

    1. If you were just a plain ordinary boardsie what if anything would you see that should be changed?

    I would like the admins to be faster to respond to stuff, lol!

    2. How do you feel about the cat pics being posted - especially when the topic is still alive and kicking.

    Sometimes its fine, when people are making the point "I dont agree with you and I think you are dumb" in an alternative manner, but sometimes they are a distraction from the topic at hand. Mostly they seem to be fine but I had to bark at people a while ago to get them back into line so now posters are a little less keen to jump into the thread with them while its still going.

    3. Have you ever been in our neck of the woods (Donegal) and if so would you agree with the Board Failte slogan from a couple of years ago "Up here its different"

    Been up there once with three friends on a road trip. We ended up pretending we were all novices from a seminary out for a last weekend before taking our vows, picking a lock at 3am to try and go swimming in the pool but along the way one of our group broke his left arm, we had to go to the hospital (as plastered as you can possibly get) and we drove home in his car the next day, with me shifting for him. Thats the sanitized version of this story too :)

    So yeah, theres something very odd about Donegal as far as I remember it!

    4. If you met Paddy20 in a pub would you buy him a pint or kick him in the nuts (or both)

    I dont have any particular reason to do either. Someone told me once that Paddy20 was a wheelchair user so the latter option would seem less then wise!

    5. Where do you see yourself (in life) in 5 years from now and what is your vision for boards in that timeframe?

    Where do I see myself 5 years from now?!?! WTF? :eek:

    Dude, I couldnt tell you for sure where I'll be by the weekend

    I used to meticulously control every aspect of my life, 3-year plans and career-maps, the lot. I made strategic moves from company to company, ticking the boxes of experience.

    Its all bull****. The idea that you have more then a passing say in controlling your future is a myth foisted upon people by evil markeeters who show you what you "should" be like and leave you deeply dissappointed when your career/life doesnt match up to Thirty Something or Sex in the City.

    Ok, let me give this a shot... ahem...

    5 years from now I want to be so far away from the fnckin rat race of daily grind trying to eek out a morsel of life on weekends between soul crushingly boring days full of work you hate so you can pay for sh1t you dont need that I couldnt see you if you were sending me smoke signals.

    Does that answer your question? :)

    As for Boards, I dont know what it will become in that timeframe, predicting Boards is hard. Real hard, not like the Times Crossword hard. Harder. I think it will become a black hole for Irish discussion, that is it will have such critical mass that it will be de rigeur to have a Boards account and it will be discussed around the water cooler at work like TV is now. In fact, I'm pretty sure that happens already. There are all sorts of possible things that might happen, we could get completely shut down and I could end up in jail for libel. The site might implode under its own weight of users. The whole thing is a precarious house of cards as it is! But I think we will grow organically until we are just too big to ignore and we'll finally force the general media, the politicians and the populace to deal with us on our terms. yeah, that would be cool :)


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Drakar wrote: »
    I think people here have a secret plan by asking all the questions they can think of we'll have the book read for free!

    To play devils advocate a moment:

    Does this mean that in another life you'd be happily running a gun shop in the States?
    Guns have only one purpose, to kill things. Generally people, sometimes animals, but suffice it to say they arent used for like, DIY yeah?

    I'm genuinely sorry if liberty leads some people to harm themselves through playing poker but that was never my intention when organising games. I dont control the world so I can't be held responsible for it. Ask me to help them, I'll run a charity event or something, sure! Ask me to restrict the freedom of the majority of people doing something that hurts no one in its practise simply because some people might develop a problem? No. Not for poker, not for anything else.

    Like I said, there are people who have eating disorders out there.... but we dont shut down restaurants.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc

    great read Dev...

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Sorry Dev, this well is full of wellwishers, I need proper answers to proper questions. (Plus my course is cancelled today = bored)

    If you were locked in a room with roundtower for 10 minutes, do you think you could make him cry in that time, or would you require more time? (more time = join new dojo)

    My only problem with Dave is that he has a problem with me. It would take a lot more for me to resort to violence.

    If you were an evil overlord and a owner, would you allow shameless links to your evil overloard recruitment site? Or is that just TOO evil.

    Ok, you are going to have to start making sense pretty soon... :confused:

    Its sounds like its too evil. I'm not completely opposed to advertisement (we have banner ads on every page just about), its when that spam interferes with the flow of conversation then its out of line. Komplett does very well here but they stay in their Komplett forum where you can go get Komplett info if you want it.

    Its the difference between having a buffet of tasty information to choose from or having all the grapes shoved down your throat by the grape-salesrep, preventing you from trying anything else.

    You have 1 week left to live. (this is hypothetical so don't worry) how would you sepnd it ? (I bet poker is not on this agenda)

    Gosh, for a moment there you had me worried... :rolleyes: :)

    Sorry to be boring but I spend it with my family and friends. When push comes to shove they matter more then anything else.

    How much of your well so far is fiction and how much is 'honest to jehova' truth. 70% is an excellent score here.

    eh? everything I have written is genuinely my opinion or historically true events. What bits do you think I made up? :)
    Why would I make up sh1t up? If i *was* going to make up stuff... why would I make up that lot! lol :)

    Do you think the following did it.
    Joe O'reilly - Yes
    Michael Jackson - Yes
    OJ Simpson - Yes
    The Royal mafia (paris 2007) - wtf?
    Neil Armstrong - Yes
    Bill Clintons cigar - Yes

    You wanna be a writer do ya? How important then do you think it is to develop your 'own style' in the lit world.

    Critical. I dont think you could maintain faking a style over any length of time. Certainly for me it would ring hollow and the best stuff I write is when it comes from the back of my head and out through my finger tips almost without processing. Then I go back and polish and polish and polish but the essence of it comes out in one big gush and I can usually tell if I'm going to be happy with it during that gush because it "feels" honest or it doesnt.

    Bill Hicks once said If Christ came back the last thing he'd want to see is a fkin crucifix? What do you think is the 1st thing he'd like to see then.

    Pontius Pilate.... "hey bitch, I'm baaaack!"

    People say they were crucifixes to remind them that Jesus died for their sins to give them everlasting life...

    You know, if I genuinely believed that.... its not the sort of thing that would slip my mind.

    Do you think you change you poker game when 'BIG reknowned players on the circuit' are at the table so that you can impress them and if so do you think this is -EV .

    I played with a few big names in Vegas at a charity gig. Mike was pissing himself because I didnt recognise a few people (like Erick Lindgren who I referred to as "that stupid muppet" when he knocked me out with a terrible call and a miracle flop). I dont really care if you have a reputation or are famous, as I said during this game after being scolded for an admittedly awful call, in any given hand you're just another bloke with two cards.

    I see a lot of people make some weird plays against famous players in the WSOP simply to say they played a hand against them.

    Thats dumber then a bag full of bricks imho.


  • Registered Users Posts: 45,953 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    DeVore wrote: »
    But I think we will grow organically until we are just too big to ignore and we'll finally force the general media, the politicians and the populace to deal with us on our terms. yeah, that would be cool :)DeV.

    That would be like something Paddy20 would say ;).

    Oh and just to clarify he most definitely is not in a wheelchair. I know him personally but what I can say is that there are those out there who would possible leave him in one at times :D

    At least one of your crew had a smashing time in Donegal.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,013 ✭✭✭kincsem

    DeVore wrote: »
    If you were to write a book about irish poker and wanted to get the book off to a good start what would your first chapter include? A story? A particular hand? A biography of an Irish poker legend? etc and Why?

    I am working on a history of Irish poker at the moment (just in the initial stages in fact, may never come to anything!). It is a book of short stories of the last 25 years of Irish poker as best I can collect them over the next 6 months or so.
    I have written the intro which is a reworking of the "how did you get in to poker" piece I wrote as the opening of my particular story as an introduction to the narrator.
    Best news ever for Irish poker imo. Plenty of research will produce a fine book. There must be a few stories / leads in the boards poker archives, and plenty of players from the old days still active.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,676 ✭✭✭✭smashey

    DeV, this is probably the best thread I've seen on boards so if you would indulge me, I have a couple of questions.

    1. Do you ever get days where there is some pointless/silly arguement going on in feedback or in some other forum, and you think to yourself "why do I bother"? Bearing in mind tis the interweb.

    2. Do the admins ever fall out amongst themselves, and if so which one of you would be the "calming influence"?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭HighFinance

    Hey Tom,

    A great well session. One question if i may:

    If you had to live in any poker 'aeon' which would it be? (To borrow Des Wilson's five ages - Wild West, Texan Road Gamblers, The Brith of Las Vegas, WSOP and 21st Century?)


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    Fair play to you devore for all of your very well responded answers. If you ever release that book let me know. I have two questions for you.

    1: You state:
    In fact I'm coded in the CIA's irish database as an activist from my days in college. (They are remarkably open about telling you that sort of thing by the way! Weird story behind that)

    id like to hear that story providing you dont think you will be snatched the next time you fly out of dublin airport to thailand etc..

    2: Would you get into the ring and go 3 rounds with roundtower for a charity fight ?

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 21,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dub13

    Give us your top 5 Boards threads...?(or if you cant narrow it down to 5 then 10)

    Are you aware of the US Woman who was fined $220,000 for downloading 24 songs,I assume you have views on this kind of thing...?

    What was the first computer you bought/had access to...?mine was the glorious Atari ST.What a machine changed my life.

    Why are Polish chicks so hot...?

    By they way this thread has been a great read,well done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    very good read dev

    1. Would you mind going into a little detail about how you came to set up boards, who;s brainwave . . . and the steps? and perhaps a small chronological time line of its up + downs from your admin point of view

    2. I presume it is successful in many ways, mainly financially otherwise you wouldnt give up your time to run it (wrong assumption??) - were does the major income come from? advertising? or is there some deal depending on how many hits the site receives (if too nosey apoligies, just always wondered and admired its success)

    3. What is your opinion on chuggers? i, like yourself am often involved in charities, through different aspects, and would wonder do you hold a strong opinion on them (ill give mine once you reply)

    4. Do you ever read some things on boards, not specifically in this forum but perhaps in some others, that you actually think is fkn hilarious, and if your wernt in admin that you'd be involved in (on a joking side) aswell, only that you cant? if so example?
    perhaps it would be easier to ask, does your admin role restrict the freedom to enjoy the forums as much as other users

    5. How much of a thin line do you think there is between people blatantly advertising through threads/to those doing it illegally/to those who completely take advantage of bits of leniency shown to them?
    When you see how some use the site, and the undoubted value they gain from the poker community here, shouldnt they atleast be taking an advertising banner??
    (this is asked mainly to judge were you draw the line in the sand, and how much i guess it vexes you)

    6. Do you think that, presuming the poker boom continues as it is, that there is any possibility of you not being involved in the industry in some form or another in ten years from now (on a business perspective)

    7. if you had no association with boards do you think antesup and GJP would have enjoyed the same amount of success?

    8. What ever happened to Paulys well?

    9. Who do you admire most in the business world, nationally and then internationally

    10. is there any questions you are hoping you will not be asked - by answering this honestly you got amnesty from having to answer it

    11. Describe a day in the life of yourself

    12. i really cant think of any more random Q's no matter how much i try, so for now TY for all the answers!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    Thank god someone asked what this well business is all about because I hadn't a clue. Then again I also know feck all about poker so that really didn't help. Poker interest or not Devs replies have been very interesting.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Killme00 wrote: »

    Do you feel that or the owners should be held responsible for the views of some of the posters that post here?

    Aaah, yer just jerking my chain now!

    From day 1 on boards I coined the phrase "you own your own words". If there was one thing I would want to do before I died, it would be to clarify the law in Ireland to ensure it is the AUTHOR of the words who is held responsible for them, not the owner of the automated distribution method.

    Holding me responsible for what is written on Boards is like holding a builder responsible for what is graffitied on his wall.
    Bring it to our attention and we will do somethin about it, if not then fine, sue us too. But you can't just wake up the morning after something like a concert (for example) or something, see fair criticism's of the event and then go after the entire platform. Thats ridiculous.

    The reason I'm so mental about this is not because I want personal immunity (I do but thats not the main point). The reason is that if we allow the site owners to be held responsible for what is written on their site then who in their right minds would run a site like Boards? No-one.
    Thats a very convenient control mechanism to stiffle free speech and online congregation.

    Have you never wondered why someone more powerful then us hasnt copied us? I mean, why doesnt Eircom have a Boards-esque site? Esat? Ryanair? all of these people could instantly create forums with huge numbers. Considering its the new buzzword, "social networking", dont you think that they'd splash out the 100 odd dollars it costs for vBulletin?? Ever thought about that? Why dont they? Why are 5 guys with no funding, 0 advertising, some weird hippy ethic and no permanent employees being allowed to (very very slowly) corner this massive "market segement"?

    The system of control works very well, it keeps people too afraid for their own welfare to start sticking their heads up and creating places that allow people to communicate en masse directly rather then through the traditional, easily cowed, mass media. It just doesnt work when you put 5 odd balls in charge of something whose priority isnt money and so arent scared of being sued. We're broke anyway, wotcha gonna do? :)

    Should a discussion regarding antisemitc views be closed?

    Discussion regarding antisemtisim should be allowed.
    Antisemitism should be removed in accordance with the UN Charter of human rights, of which Ireland is a signatory. Everyone has the right to live their life free from hate. (#18)

    If you come back to me with the schoolboy argument of "but what about people's write to freedom of expression" I will slap you and point you at the final declaration (#30) which expressly forbids the use of one right to undermine another. Quite simply the right to freedom of expression does not apply to expressions of hate.

    I note with interest that their is a note on the Martial arts forum now not to dicuss MAI, its instructors, classes, courses etc. Do you view boards as a public discussion forum?

    No, I view it as a giant purple elephant.

    If you have a question, ask it :)

    In your opinion is there any basis in irish or european law whereby websites can be held accountable for the views of its contributors. ( i am talking about discussion here not the transfer of files or other clearly illegal activities)

    There is considerable libel law which implies a possibility/probability of responsibility. It hasn't been tested yet for websites such as ours but suffice it to say we have a fight on our hands.

    This is an excellent summation of the situation at the moment. Our contention is that Boards serves as a Service Provider and so benefits from the defense of "Mere Conduit".

    I would URGE everyone to read that very short, very engaging round up.
    I suspect that everyone here will be shocked at the controls that are put on websites in this country. China barely achieves a better result.

    What if any impact do you feel Rage against the Machine had on the youth of Ireland?

    Well, I'm a huge fan :)

    When I want to get angry enough to do something I will throw on Calm like a Bomb (listening to it right now in fact), Bullet in the head, Bulls on Parade, Know your enemy etc.

    I am not that angry young man any more, going 12 rounds with life and losing a good few of them will knock the naive edges off anyone. You'd only drive yourself around the bend. The trick is to fight the fights you can win, accept the outcomes you can't change and have the wisdom to know one from the other.

    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both"

    Ironically that is a quote from Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States. How would he view the world of post-9/11?

    We need more people to fight back, if RATM gets people thinking about whats happening in their society then I like them even more.


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    smashey wrote: »
    DeV, this is probably the best thread I've seen on boards so if you would indulge me, I have a couple of questions.

    Thanks, I've really enjoyed it a lot more then I thought I would.

    1. Do you ever get days where there is some pointless/silly arguement going on in feedback or in some other forum, and you think to yourself "why do I bother"? Bearing in mind tis the interweb.

    Um, I dunno if I feel "why do I bother" but sometimes it can be tiring pulling the children off each other and being looked to as some sort of ultimate Solomonic arbiter. I mean, I'm not qualified for that. On the other hand, it seems like people have come to accept my rulings on things like feedback etc.

    There are days its hard, lately we've had Irish1 and Rozie both back again complaining about moderatorship and this afternoon I have about 11 pages of Politics Feedback to read in that thread and then come to a decision and take actions based on it. I've been hiding in this Well trying to avoid it to be honest. Its not particularly enjoyable.

    2. Do the admins ever fall out amongst themselves, and if so which one of you would be the "calming influence"?

    We have remarkably few arguments in fact. We are remarkable blunt and direct with each other which you would think would lead to more arguments but everyone gives as good as they get!

    If you told me "there's been a big row and one admin is sacraficing personally to make things work" I would say "Vexorg". He's definitely the most consiliatory of the 5 of us.

    Its really quite weird that all 5 of us possess just the right mix and overlap of skills to bring this together. Cloud's manic energy and focus (not to mention his big pulsing brain), Regi's tech expertise, my clarity of language and seeming ability to guide the community, Vexorgs cohesiveness, Ecksors ability to do much of the above. Because we overlap in a non-strutured way, we somtimes step on each others toes but mostly we work those things out.


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Hey Tom,

    A great well session. One question if i may:

    If you had to live in any poker 'aeon' which would it be? (To borrow Des Wilson's five ages - Wild West, Texan Road Gamblers, The Brith of Las Vegas, WSOP and 21st Century?)

    I always wanted to be a cowboy since my father and I sat and watched all the Spaghetti Westerns as a kid so I'd love to say Wild West but from talking to Scott Gray and Padraig I'd choose to be back in the early days of the WSOP in Binions. He makes it sound like it was a halcyon era and a genuine blast!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,676 ✭✭✭✭smashey

    Thanks DeV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭Glowingmind

    This has been a very interesting read, wp Dev.

    If you had to give every penny you had to a regularly posting boardsie (by regular i mean somoene who averages at least one post per day) to play poker with at the highest level possible, who would it be?

    The highest level possible being that all your money = 100bbs in this game.

    You're not allowed play yourself.

    Halibut. I'd do it tomorrow if he would take it.

    Not allowed to play myself?!?! Mate, if he would take every penny I had and play it it wouldnt matter if I could play myself, I'd still give it to him :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    Sorry not a poker question but...

    Is bubbles back on boards yet? If not do you think you'll ever *allow* him back? :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,441 ✭✭✭Killme00

    DeVore wrote: »
    Do you feel that or the owners should be held responsible for the views of some of the posters that post here?

    Aaah, yer just jerking my chain now!

    From day 1 on boards I coined the phrase "you own your own words". If there was one thing I would want to do before I died, it would be to clarify the law in Ireland to ensure it is the AUTHOR of the words who is held responsible for them, not the owner of the automated distribution method.

    <snipped for length...>

    We need more people to fight back, if RATM gets people thinking about whats happening in their society then I like them even more.



    Thanks for your candour, it has been a great read and very interesting.
    Hope to see you on the table sometime


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    a-k-47 wrote: »
    AK asks about the CIA database story.

    Ok, if you thought the previous bits of this well were a little odd, this is a humdinger.

    In the early 90's I was involved in Amnesty International and was (and still am) a big proponent of the protection of people's freedom of speech. I don't mean the Feedback muppets, I mean people who are "disappeared" for saying "hey, maybe the government shouldnt be doing that!".

    I was also on the fringes of the hacker movement which was a lot more idiolistic back then and a lot less "criminal". Now we have "crackers" rather then hackers. It was a golden age of the internet and BBS's etc.

    In the states, Operation Sundevil kicked off and in a phenomenal coincidence, ended up kicking in the doors of one of my favourite roleplaying games designers, Steve Jackson. Put freedom of speech, internet congregation and gaming together and I think you can probably see that it was a concoction too succulent for me to ignore. :)

    I discovered the Electronic Frontier Foundation and along with Antoin O'Lachtnaib and a few others, we set up Electronic Frontier Ireland as a branch off of EFF. We wrote some white papers for the government (which, 15 years later, they have suddenly decided are good ideas, like puting web access into libraries) and took on a few cases (like the DCU case where an idiot wrote a mail to Clinton threatening him and his wife. Cue the arrival of the US authorities. Cue DCU over reacting and shutting down all first and second year email accounts.)

    Anyway, Computimes did an interview with me , remember this is way back before was even a twinkle in our eyes...

    So, at the end of that interview they appended my name and my parents address (I was still living at home) and I thought nothing more about it and about 6 months passed uneventfully.

    I arrived home one day to find my mother a bit worried and she said "there's a letter for you from the American Embassy". I opened it and found (to my utter shock) that I had been invited to a black tie evening of cocktails and nibbles to hear the american G8 (I think it was G7 back then possibly) delegation host an evening in the US Embassy. Now, there was no conceiveable reason why a nobody like me would be invited to such a thing.

    I brought this into the EFI group of hactivists, rights campaigners and civil rights nuts (:)) who's response was "what are you going to do, you arent going to go are you?" ... "too right I'm going!" :):) and so I donned my fathers black tie suit and armed with a copy of the "invitations" list with which a friend of mine who was, shall we say, talentedwith computers provided me. The guest list was a who's who of in irish business. The head of Telecome Eireann, the head of the ESB and I distinctly remember the head of the Irish Small Farmers Association being there too, because I couldn't work out what his connection to the event was! Mind you, I had less right to be there, but I had a ticket and so Cinders headed off to the ball.

    I stood around at the "do" bored out of my fncking tits drinking top class champagne until after about 30 minutes I was approached by a guy in a suit. As best I recall the discussion it went something like this:
    "You must be Tom Murphy".
    "How do you know?"
    "*smile* ... Look around you, you're half the age of the next youngest person"
    "oh, yeah... its a pretty high powered gathering isnt it (I produced the list and thumbed it)"
    "Where did you get that?"
    "Off my printer"
    <insert mindless friendly small talk and then slipped in right out of the blue as convivial as you like>
    "So, who else is in EFI?"
    "Er, I dunno. And if I did I wouldnt tell you". (er yeah, damn I'm smooth eh? :rolleyes:)

    This puts him off kilter a little and I take the opportunity to guide the conversation.
    "So, how come I got an invite?"
    "We queried our database for people coded under certain terms and your name was among them" <I found out the terms were "Internet, computers, communications"... the implication was that they never thought to sub filter undesireables from the set of results because at that stage undesireables we're connected with such things>
    "How did my name end up in your database to begin with?"
    "There was an article on you in the Times a few months ago with your name and address on it." <ok, right here I remember getting very freaked because thats not he sort of thing you just 'remember'. Thats the sort of thing you know because you have read up a background on someone>
    "Yeah, and?"
    "Well, we coded you in our database under certain terms relating to that"
    "You read the Times every day and code people according to their interests?" <I was gobsmacked>
    "All media"
    "What? Radio, TV, Press etc?" <my eyes were on stalks>
    "Oh yes, <shrug> its standard practise in every country we operate in." <this line I remember distinctly. I was shocked>
    "Should you be telling me that? You don't have to, like, kill me or anything do you? :) "
    "Its not a secret, as I said its standard operating procedure to code all media".

    At this stage I'm officially freaked but he's remarkably calm and friendly.
    "So what do you do here, whats your job?"
    "Oh, I'm translator...."
    "Vrai? Il y a beacoup de travail pour une traducteur dans la US Embassie en Irelande?" (really? is there much work for a translator in the US Embassy in Ireland?)

    He looked very amused, nodded politely and said
    "It's been really enjoyable talking to you Mr Murphy". And left.

    I decided to call it a draw, necked the rest of my expensive champagne and left quickly as well.

    You want to know the really bizarre thing about this whole thing?

    Every few years my parent's get a Christmas card from the US Embassy. :)

    2: Would you get into the ring and go 3 rounds with roundtower for a charity fight ?

    The only problem I have with RT is that he has repeatedly harassed and insulted me over some perceived issue he has with me about "intellectual dishonesty". I have previously simply ignored it but lately I've decided I dont see why I should put up with harrassment I wouldnt let go for 2 seconds if it were two other people.

    c[_] <-- insert storm.


  • Registered Users Posts: 24,196 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Hi Dev, a great read so far, you might consider an autobiography after boards replaces RTE as our states main source of news ;)

    Two questions:

    1. Has there ever been a moment you felt like just jacking it all in with respect to If not, what's been the lowest point in your experience with the site to date?

    2. The exact opposite: how often has got you laid?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    thanks for the reply dev, interesting read to say the least, bet you felt like james bond in the us embassy. An experience all the same.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 8,895 Mod ✭✭✭✭mewso

    Great read Tom. Still involved in Amnesty International? Are you a fan of John Pilger's stuff? Robert Fisk?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,434 ✭✭✭cardshark202

    Very interesting thread Tom. Been an enjoyable read. Can't think of anything interesting to ask you though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 291 ✭✭sumoward

    Great Embassy Story, sure he wasn't the Cultural attache?.

    Translator bit was excellent...I was waiting for him to say ..."No I expect you to die Mr Bond"....maniacal laughter, stroking of cat etc.

    So Your a Game Workshop fan?

    Q1. So whats your poison Fantasy Battle,40 K or Fantasy Roleplay (Human Pit Fighter FTW)

    Q2. Were you aware that Warhammer are bringing out a MMORPG?

    Q3. Have you any opinons on Gamers who make the move to Online Poker, ElKy and his ilk?
