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DeVore in the well



  • Registered Users Posts: 331 ✭✭sendic

    nice well so far. keep it up!

    being involved with a live and online poker business, do you ever worry that some people on your site/at your events may be playing seriously beyond their financial limits?

    non poker:

    You used to be quite involved in the Irish gaming scene (running Gaelcon etc.). When did you get out of it? Why?

    What happened to the fanzine (psychobabble i think it was called?). That was one of your projects wasn't it?

    What are/were your favourite games (rpg, collectible card games etc.)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭Wisesmurf

    DeVore wrote:
    Extremely sweaty!!

    But not as sweaty as the big mama Karl and I were trying to prop bet each other 100 USD that the other would dance with and snog her, on the dancefloor.

    Jebus, I forgot about that! That biatch was single-handidly rocking the dancefloor!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭Goodluck2me

    i love your candour in this thread Dev, makes for great reading, it feeds the inner gossip in me!
    Im pretty sure this is the first wart`s `n all Well there has been.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,243 ✭✭✭✭Jesus Wept

    i love your candour in this thread Dev, makes for great reading, it feeds the inner gossip in me!
    Im pretty sure this is the first wart`s `n all Well there has been.

    I like the cut of his jib.

    Good read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    Yeah nice thread Dev.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Yeah nice thread Dev.
    Ah Hector, I was all waiting for the difficult ethical questions and poker conundrums! I have my Toby's Big Book of Morals and Modals, right here beside me! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    The well isnt over yet! I still havent figured out if I should be annoyed or not, and as such haven't decided on what exact tone I should use.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,243 ✭✭✭✭Jesus Wept

    The well isnt over yet! I still havent figured out if I should be annoyed or not, and as such haven't decided on what exact tone I should use.

    Go for something fantastically camp and fruity,
    Smack him on the arse and tell him to 'stop being such a naughty boy'.

    Just a suggestion.


    Heads up: Either a heads up match or heads up at the end of the live tournament. Deep stacks, DeV vs Mike, who likely wins, and how does it play out?

    What's Mike's game? I've never played him. (or you for that matter.)
    Have you two played against each other much? How did it go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,258 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,662 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hyzepher

    Hi Dev - we haven't spoken in a while

    1 question - where are you playing next so i can come along and bad beat you like the old days!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭pok3rplaya

    DeVore wrote: »
    Yes, he's written some of the most astounding books I have read.


    I've only read the God Delusion. Thought it was pretty good, what should I pick up next?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hi Dev

    a few shorties for you

    Q1. Do you think that the two casinos in Drogheda can continue trading, do you believe the numbers are there in the area to warrant the two?

    Q2. How many players do you have on the skin now and did you Mike and Brian have any aspirations when setting out on this venture on where you would like the business to be in 5 years time.

    Great read and i like your style of writing you should seriously look at getting your first book out there.

    EDIT: PS are u ready for an arse whipping in HU in serie A


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭RoundTower

    DeVore wrote: »
    you occasionally say things like "boards doesn't really make any money for the admins". However your profile here gives you an easy way to hawk sites like Antes Up and GJP, or to get involved in other profitable business endeavours.

    When have you ever seen me "hawk sites" on Boards any more then any other site own/tournie organiser does? In fact I do it considerably less then say the IPO-athon we have just gone through or the Big Slick Events or ... etc etc etc.
    How would you characterise the relationship between and For a long time AntesUp had a link in the drop down menu and a link at the top of the poker forum. This has to be worth at least as much as a banner ad. I don't know of other commercial sites that got this treatment. Komplett are the closest I can think of, but I'd welcome you correcting me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭C4Queen

    I honestley dont have a clue what this thread is about...:D

    BUT, as always to read DeVores words makes me smile, he is a great writer, so i have had a quite few enjoyable minutes now !

    Am very very impressed by the way he instantley when asked knows how much chips anyone at his table got, dunno know if its a kind of freakie behaviour or a super skill, but i actually would love to have it', i mean its right to the 100 chip! Amazing stuff!

    Was i the most talkative annoying chick you ever sat around a poker table with?

    :D i already know the answer! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,881 ✭✭✭bohsman

    Whats it like to get completely outplayed and stacked twice before the end of level one in a deepstacked tournament?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,538 ✭✭✭Requiem4adream

    1. You've inherited €10,000,000 from a long lost billionaire relative , stipulation being: you can donate it all to charity now or can't touch 1 cent until Retirement Age. What would you do? and why?

    1a. What are your 5 favourite charities and why?

    2. You're walking to the NightLink bus stop from Luke's when you see a guy being mugged by 2 thugs. What do you do? and why?

    3. A new extreme right wing Cabinet has decreed poker, online poker and every variation of the game illegal. Do you subvert the law and continue playing + organising underground tournaments?

    4. If you had to live in some other country which would you pick and why>

    5. Favourite place in ireland?

    6. When you're time on Earth is up:

    how would you want to be remembered?
    how do you think people will remember you?

    7. What epitaph would you like on your grave?


    A. Do you believe it's possible to be a top class, big winner without having an enormous dose of self-confidence or arrogance? Is humility and decency -EV? I can count on 1 hand the amount of (particularly american) big winners online who dont possess enormous brash confidence.

    B. What importance do you place on memory skills? Is it a big edge to have a stellar memory?

    C. Can you remember 1 hand in particular over the years that always sticks in your mind?

    You've been donated 5 million quid with the sole purpose of running Boards to the best of your ability. What changes would you like to make if money is no object?

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    From Sendic:

    being involved with a live and online poker business, do you ever worry that some people on your site/at your events may be playing seriously beyond their financial limits?

    Nope and I dont worry that the Food and Drink forum is leading people to obesity and alcoholism either.

    Liberty is the freedom to go where you please, even if that may not be a good place.

    "And it hurt no one, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law".

    non poker:

    You used to be quite involved in the Irish gaming scene (running Gaelcon etc.). When did you get out of it? Why?

    I never really "got out of it", but after a dozen years of running Gaelcon and having held the chair of the IGA, Gaelcon, Leprecon and TCD Gamers I kinda felt I had done all I intended too... I made way for new blood who, if not given the reins by the "old guard" will lose interest. If you love something, let it go... I guess :)

    Gaelcon is still something I am amazingly proud of. The charity auction is my favourite bit too :):)

    What happened to the fanzine (psychobabble i think it was called?). That was one of your projects wasn't it?

    Yep, that was a collaborative work of myself, Caelen and a number of other people. For the uninitiated poker players, I used to edit a "pro-zine" for the board games subculture in Ireland called "Psychobabble".

    We stopped after 18 months of publishing I think. It was very halcyon days in the early 90s and we were all in college, experimenting with drugs, getting involved in politics, protesting, drinking, writing the Great American Novel etc. Or at least so we thought... :)

    I guess we felt its natural time had come and though we always had a ball producing it (and my god was it successful as far as it went!), we wrapped it up before it became a chore.

    What are/were your favourite games (rpg, collectible card games etc.)

    I'm a big fan of train games. 1856, 1870 etc... They are the most crucifyingly competitive games I have ever played and I play them with a shower of knackers who wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire!

    I still have about 3k Magic cards... havent played in years though. Almost all of my cards are now excluded from competitions anyway :)

    My favourite all time game is Empire in Arms. A recontruction of the rise and fall of Napoleon down to the squad level. It has a map thats 6x8 and can take about 2 years to complete if you play for a solid night every week. Its a game you really have to *commit* to , lol.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    The Rigger:

    Heads up: Either a heads up match or heads up at the end of the live tournament. Deep stacks, DeV vs Mike, who likely wins, and how does it play out?

    Mike is actually a hard bastard to play against. In our history I think I'm ahead on clashes but its pretty close and I know if I am going to play Mike its going to get rowdy. He's never content to check and give up a hand. I have been pushed around by him occasionally but I've also made good calls against him. The normal routine is that Mike and I sit in a game, Mike trashes it, stacking people left and right while I slowly grind. Then at the end Mike dumps it all to me because he's been drinking and he cant stop bluffing when he drinks :):)

    We have a running joke that I've made him more money in tournies then he has made himself. We often swap %'s or Mike will take some of my action and I've had to pay him literally thousands of pounds in the last 18 months. Conversely I think he's made me something like 75. :p
    Mike says his money is lucky but I think thats just an excuse to buy some more % of me :)

    In terms of cash games, I dont think I can hold a candle to him, unless he has been drinking!

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Hyzepher wrote:
    1 question - where are you playing next so i can come along and bad beat you like the old days!

    Hey Hyzepher, I play in CHL now or the Fitz if they have a tournie I like on.

    You were the worst bastid for bad beats. Never got one on you and always seemed to get done by you :p
    You or that bollox Pudding!


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    I've only read the God Delusion. Thought it was pretty good, what should I pick up next?

    Start with The Selfish Gene then read The Blind Watchmaker and The Extended Phenotype. They are a lot more about evolution then religion and he's a much better writer on that topic. They arent very "sciency", theres little or no bio-chemistry in the books at all.
    But they completely changed my view of why people act the way they do and the driving force behind just about everything.

    Why those books are not on the biology syllabus I dont know.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    From jackyback:

    Q1. Do you think that the two casinos in Drogheda can continue trading, do you believe the numbers are there in the area to warrant the two?


    Q2. How many players do you have on the skin now and did you Mike and Brian have any aspirations when setting out on this venture on where you would like the business to be in 5 years time.

    Despite my candour in this thread, I dont want to give away company secrets. If the lads say "ah no worries" then I will but it wouldnt be fair to divulge things without consulting them first.

    When Mike and I started Antesup we mostly wanted an all expenses paid trip to the WSOP. So I sold the idea to Paddys who sent us and took the ads on the forum. Other then that we intended to write our blogs and write some news too. We never really had a plan at the time for what would come after!

    When we started GJP we didnt have a plan but we felt that we were well positioned and it seemed like it could support us and build into something. Its definitely exceeded our expectations at this point and we are replanning at the moment.

    EDIT: PS are u ready for an arse whipping in HU in serie A

    So far so good in Serie A! Bring it on!!


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    RoundTower wrote: »
    How would you characterise the relationship between and For a long time AntesUp had a link in the drop down menu and a link at the top of the poker forum. This has to be worth at least as much as a banner ad.

    Wow... thats your beef with me?? That I gave me a banner ad for free? Perhaps I should have invoiced me? I could chase me down for late payment!
    I mean, I should know if the cheque is in the post.. right?

    You dont mention that Antesup's forums had a link BACK here though. In fact it still does! It had that link since day 1 when we were doing the WSOP reports in 2005 which probably did more promoting of Boards then the other way around.

    No you dont mention that because you WANT to dump on me, you want to portray me as a dishonest person. You twist things and see things in that manner simply because it suits your warped view.

    No mention that when the links were exchanged he banner ads WERENT FOR GJP, they were for PPP.

    But ultimately, despite your supposedly brilliant intellect, you never stopped to consider that the antesup forum USED TO BE ON BOARDS. When I opened the forum on I closed the forum here. While doing that I noticed an option to replace the forum with a link. I thought "that will be a handy way for me and anyone else to bounce back and forth between the forums". So I activated that and put another link on Antesup for the return journey.

    But no, you cant see it that way. It has to be some Machiavelian trick I am pulling to deceive the masses. But not you, OH NO! No, you alone see through my lies and deceptions.

    Or it could have just been a fncking link, Dave..... Yeah?

    Any thats why you have a beef with me?? Yeah, you're stable.


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I honestley dont have a clue what this thread is about...:D

    Every so often, the village elders (read: moderators) throw someone down the village well. They dont get out until they answer every question put to them. They dont have to answer truthfully :)

    Am very very impressed by the way he instantley when asked knows how much chips anyone at his table got, dunno know if its a kind of freakie behaviour or a super skill, but i actually would love to have it', i mean its right to the 100 chip! Amazing stuff!

    It comes from counting stacks at tournaments for reporting. You'd be surprised how quickly you can get good at it. I like to know everyone's stack at the table roughly so that I know when I can pressure someone or when another player is about to pop and ram the rest in. Something like that can save or gain you a lot of chips.

    Was i the most talkative annoying chick you ever sat around a poker table with?

    I'm trying to think of an answer thats not "yes".

    Yes. I sat beside you at the game in Waterford and I thought "oh my god, does she ever shut up?! I mean, I talk alot but I stop for breath occasionally". All the same I admired the way you played, being so shortstacked and was sorry to see you first off the final. We had a good laugh on the way there too...!


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    bohsman wrote: »
    Whats it like to get completely outplayed and stacked twice before the end of level one in a deepstacked tournament?

    When I DO write my book finally, that chapter is going to be called "walking into Oscars flopped nuts".

    Completely outplayed my arse :p

    "I suppose I'll call" says Oscar with the stonecolds!


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,267 ✭✭✭opr


    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions in such detail.

    Great well so far.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 677 ✭✭✭David Michael

    Enjoyable read. Glad to see I was not the only one with the book thing :p

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    From RequiemLife
    1. You've inherited €10,000,000 from a long lost billionaire relative , stipulation being: you can donate it all to charity now or can't touch 1 cent until Retirement Age. What would you do? and why?

    I give it away.

    Two reasons:
    1. I'm 37, by the time I'm 65 10M wont be much.... better to use it now.

    2. I want to retire off my own bat. I want to retire no more then 2 years from now in fact. Possibly 5, possibly 1. I have worked hard and played a high risk strategy with life. I own almost nothing, no house, no car, I think my laptop belongs to Antesup Ltd, my bed to the landlord. I think the most expensive item I own is my touring bike. After that, probably the office chair I'm sitting on. (its either that or half the Wii I share with Amp).
    (I have strong feelings about ownership of things and materialism etc)

    I dont want a salary. I want a payday and after that day comes I want to be sitting on a beach in Malta or Thailand sipping my half coconut knowing I was a stubborn cnut who took the road less travelled and retired on my on abilities, not on someone's hand out.

    1a. What are your 5 favourite charities and why?

    Barretstown. Butterfly Kids. Temple Street. Medicin San Frontier and Irish Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association where my father worked for about 7 years after retiring.

    I dont really have a "why". I like Barretstown because they focus on having fun. The Butterfly kids affliction is just so cruel I want to throw money at it to make it better. Its a very selfish reason to do charity but I would contend that most people do charity for secretly selfish reasons... I think thats fine too.

    Temple Street and Medicin Sans Frontier because well, you stand behind the people in the front lines and support them, no?

    IASBH is because my father (a shoe repair manager) decided he didnt want to retire and took up a semi voluntary position with them. These kids get a rough deal and watching them shrug it off and make the most of the hand they were dealt is inspiring.

    2. You're walking to the NightLink bus stop from Luke's when you see a guy being mugged by 2 thugs. What do you do? and why?

    I shout at them, get their attention and then clearly dial the phone (the cops) and tell them I am. If it continued I'd photograph/video them to get them to focus on me... and then run :)

    I have been in more fights then I care to recall when I was in my 20's. I was never a violent person per se but I have a phenomenal temper when it eventually explodes. Its not something I'm proud of and I have spent nearly a decade learning to deal with anger and a capacity for cruelty that scared me.
    I grew up in Coolock where you lived by your fists because if you didnt, you ended up living with someone elses. Years later I took up martial arts and studied a lot of philosophy and world religions (I'm not religious, but many have very self-sufficent ways of living). I also learned that wit, vocabulary and logic were more effective then anger and violence. The person who taught me that was a wide-boy from Sherriff street and a mathematician.... which led to me following his footsteps, possibly wrongly.

    3. A new extreme right wing Cabinet has decreed poker, online poker and every variation of the game illegal. Do you subvert the law and continue playing + organising underground tournaments?

    Yes, probably I would. I think I'd be involved in a few other underground movements too :)

    4. If you had to live in some other country which would you pick and why

    Amsterdam, Malta or Thailand are the only places I've found on my travels where I have thought "yeah, I could get used to this".
    If my family weren't here, I wouldnt spend another day in Ireland. Its not that I don't like the place but I really liked those other places....
    Thailand was heaven for me, its just a crying shame those people have had the rough end of the stick in the last 2 years. They are just so pleasant and nice...

    5. Favourite place in ireland?

    I really like Ireland, despite my assertions above. I really like the coutryside. I love the people of Belfast, I love the countryside of Kerry. For beauty I think the Ring of Kerry on a fine summer's day (not like recent summer's days... I mean one's with, you know, sunshine).
    Alternatively locked into shebeen somewhere with my mates and the landlord at 3am comes a close second!

    6. When you're time on Earth is up:

    how would you want to be remembered?

    I wrote this for my blog ages ago. I still can't put it better:
    I, DeVore, being of (not-quite-but-close-enough) sound mind and body (stop laughing down the back) do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament….

    Ok you might think recent events have triggered this morbid fascination but in reality they have only crystalised something I’d been consciously planning for the last while: A video will.

    I’m currently making a will of my last wishes, through video. You know, the "if you are watching this, I’m dead" sort of thing. (Its really quite an interesting excerise, in an Addams Family sort of way!)
    I’m making a CD of divx’s, one for each group that know me so I can say my goodbyes to them in character with how I would interact with them.

    Oh, I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, before any of you start calling The Samaritans on my behalf (or start angling for my Admin position!) but well, you never know the day nor the hour and if you stop and think about it I bet you you have a ton of things you’d like to say to your mates and family if you could only get one more chance. Think about it for a moment, if you got run over tomorrow wouldnt there be plenty you’d want to say or sort out?

    "I told you that was a bad idea" being top of my likely list.

    I thought I’d write a short journal on my overall thoughts on remberance and grief. Ok, so they’re not traditionally topics that generate a bellyful of laughs. But (and I’m improving on my "speed-to-making-a-goddamned-point" here if you noticed) thats my whole point! People make an unholy dogs arse of the very last thing that happens with you.


    I mean what kinda feckin’ sadist invented funerals? You’re dead. Thats very sad. I guess people will grieve for you in their own way. Most likely tears will be shed into pillows. But who the hell thought it would be a giggle to gather everyone together for a good-aul grieve-in three days later. I mean… ffs!

    Here’s my thoughts on funerals should I pop my clogs unexpectedly: Dont.

    Ok. Yes. I know. Not exactly strectching the old grey matter with that am I? But I’m pretty serious. I guess pragmatically its probably something that *should* happen. I mean, my parents might find closure in it or something. Other people who’ve had family members die have said that it helped them greatly to see so many friends at the funeral. I guess thats a good thing. But if I should shuffle off this mortal coil I would ask you to do it for them, not for me. I dont want my last interaction with anyone to cause them sorrow or grief.

    So what should you do? Just toss my body over a wall? Well that really depends on you and how you know me. I’m certain some people would want to visit my grave with a bag of pills and the Bumper CD of Techno Hits 17 to dance the night away 6 foot above me, pausing only to occasionally gob on it. Others might be sorry to see me go… because I owe them a horseload of cash!

    But if there is anyone out there who would want to mark the occasion I ask one thing of you. Have ****ing fun. Do NOT, repeat, do NOT sit around all quiet and depressed and talk in hushed tones about how I was taken in my prime or **** like that. Here’s what you do: Throw a party. Crank the music. Dance like noones watching you.

    Or maybe thats not your thing. But there must be some reason we knew each other. Maybe we went snowboarding together. Maybe I met you through Boards or at a Boards beer. Or a Lan. Or Gaelcon. Or whatever…
    However I knew you… go and do that.

    So if I went snowboarding with you, organise another group trip to Livigno. Bring some of my ashes (Oh yeah, thats another thing, I want to be cremated so theres no ****in’ grave to tend or visit every year. The only thing worse then a funeral is turning it into an annual event. GrieveStock ‘03 or some ****…) and go to my favourite slope. You know the one. Sit there for a few minutes and if the feeling takes you, tell stories of you and I doing something funny or stupid. Theres more then enough material for the latter. Something that remembers me when I was alive. No sad stories, theres nothing I hate more then those tear-jerkers people recall when someones dead. So when anyone who wants to has told a story… get up, sprinkle the ashes and then just ****in’ ride and enjoy it.

    If I knew you through computer gaming, at the next lan have the biggest possible game of something, it doesnt matter what, and blast the **** out of each other. Have a laugh. Shout "Wheres the ****ing Bomb Centre?", "who stole my network card?" or "NOT AT MY LAN" at each other for laffs. You get the idea?

    I’ve spent a lot of time and energy over the years trying to make people around me laugh. I love a good laugh. I cant stand to see people hurting. So think about it, how ****in’ stupid is it that the last thing I do would be to cause EVERYONE I EVER CARED ABOUT a whole pile of grief. Literally.

    Its a morbid topic I know. Its been on my mind for a while now (and flying LyingAir recently didnt make that any better). So I thought I’d tell everyone in case I dont get any warning of the event! Please please please celebrate my life, dont grieve my death.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I have about 50 more years of living to do… if thats ok with everyone.

    how do you think people will remember you?

    I think it will be in a very varied manner. There are very few people who know all facets of my life. Some of my best friends would barely recognise the name DeVore. I'd like to think people would remember me as someone who was fair, someone who liked a laugh and a joke. Someone who who took the road less travelled in life and ultimately someone who enriched life, my own and others.
    That would be nice.

    7. What epitaph would you like on your grave?

    I'd like this poem, Inviticus carved on my urn, thanks!
    This is a poem that every time I read it it inspires me. Not just because I agree with the author but because when he wrote it William Ernest Henley knew he was dying, painfully, of tuberculosis of the bone. I hope if or when I’m tested like that I find the strength he did.

    I hope we all do.

    OUT of the night that covers me,
    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.


    A. Do you believe it's possible to be a top class, big winner without having an enormous dose of self-confidence or arrogance? Is humility and decency -EV? I can count on 1 hand the amount of (particularly american) big winners online who dont possess enormous brash confidence.

    I can't count the number of top level winning players who are nothing but polite gentlemen (and ladies!). The number of tossers is quite small in fact.
    Self-confidence is different to arrogance. Arrogance is a killer in poker. It makes you believe that you do nothing wrong ... you CAN do nothing wrong.
    So its always the OTHER guy who is a chump.

    For example, Nicky Power made an extraordinary call in the IPO against me. Literally I haven't seen the like of it. Either the man is stone cold bonkers (and that may still be the case) or he nailed me. With the two of us a million miles ahead of the table and several multiples of the average, he called my reraise all in with A8. Thats an unmitigatedly AWFUL call. a 75,000 chip pot with the blinds at 300/600 was taken down with A8 all in preflop.

    Now, I can go outside and whinge about how big a station Power is. I can rail with my mates that he's the biggest fish in the world calling like that. You hear that sort of thing all the time. The fact is Nicky made a hero call against me on a read which was good. He beat me and if I dont learn from it I'm an arrogant tosser who deserves everything he gets.

    B. What importance do you place on memory skills? Is it a big edge to have a stellar memory?

    It can be yes. Unless you internalise things very easily or quickly then you are going to need to rely on past experiences to guide you. If you cant remember them, you can't be guided.

    More directly, remembering what that player had last time he raised that amount in that position is definitely +EV

    C. Can you remember 1 hand in particular over the years that always sticks in your mind?

    Hundreds of them, thousands of them in fact. I dont think I forget many hands I've played in of any consequence.
    Was there one kind in particular you meant?

    You've been donated 5 million quid with the sole purpose of running Boards to the best of your ability. What changes would you like to make if money is no object?

    I don't know if I would accept the money. Seriously! We have 700 moderators here who give their time selflessly. What will their reaction be to a sudden influx of money? Will they still volunteer to "work" for nothing? Being a mod can be a right pain in the hole at times you know. The donation could be the worst thing that ever happened to us! If you ever want to make things really fubared, introduce money into the equation! More friendships, bands, theatre groups, families have broken up over new found wealth. How many sisters and brothers in Ireland dont talk to each other over their parents will and legacy?

    If we were given money we'd spend it on expanding the functions of boards, bulking it up and promoting it. Then on coke and hookers. :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭C4Queen

    DeVore wrote: »
    I honestley dont have a clue what this thread is about...:D

    Every so often, the village elders (read: moderators) throw someone down the village well. They dont get out until they answer every question put to them. They dont have to answer truthfully :).

    Ohhh then i see. Nice!!

    but dont bother guys.. i never tell whos jumper it was, but i am thinking of aranging a raffle in Waterford, its a pretty ok jumper waste of good quality.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    C4Queen wrote: »
    Ohhh then i see. Nice!!

    but dont bother guys.. i never tell whos jumper it was, but i am thinking of aranging a raffle in Waterford, its a pretty ok jumper waste of good quality.
    Dont worry, you have to agree to do it.

    I can just see the advert on Ebay...

    "One jumper.... slightly stained".


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  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭C4Queen

    DeVore wrote: »

    I can just see the advert on Ebay...

    "One jumper.... slightly stained".


    LOL.. trust me, it was not stained in my room!! No one not even a 14 yr old can do it in that time it took for me to see it and to show him the door!
