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i was told to put this here, it is a life theory



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    okay then, we will work on the other side, infinity. look at infinity. if infinity is everything, then it is 0 as well. but how can it be 0 if 0 is nothing? lol. now here is another way of putting it.

    Qwhat is the other side of infinity?
    A nothing, its infinite.

    My commentary, would then be, Excuse me!? you said nothing. hahaha. you see? it is very very complex. but it is also so simple its funny. its everything. :) ahhahahahahahah. <---i didnt actually find it funny, i am not crazy :P i just put it in for effects :D but you could go crazy trying to think about it, because you are trying to grasp 0 and infinity, when if you think about them directly, they will destroy you. so you think about them indirectly, which makes it so hard to explain, because you cant tell anybody what it is directly, coz you cant explain it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    If you accept that there is certain shit that you will never be able to define it will save your sanity. ;)

    cant wait till all the tCN dwellers wake up in the morning with hangovers and read all this. I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of "it" whether it is something or not.

    take it easy young man, I'm off to bed. have to be up early tomorrow (before midday) so I can get me favourite seat in the pub for the liverpool match.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    okay here, your going to drive me insane :P lol.

    here is anther way to think about it.

    in that supposed jar with infinity, was infinity. but how can it validate itself as everything, when there is nothing outside? all it has is an internal observation, so it has to create something, but then it is not everything because there is something else where nothing was.

    now infinity has something to compare to. <---p.s. this cant be solved because if everything is nothing, than it cant be everything, there is no way to compare it. so it creates something where nothing was. therefore, it is nothing as well as it is everything. and if you switch that around, nothing is everything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,930 ✭✭✭✭challengemaster

    Emoocrap wrote:
    really? so 0+1 is 1 but that means that 0 cant be 0? so your saying that you cant have nothing. which means you cant have anything. because before everything, was nothing. this means that 0 has potential, it is potential. it is neutral, means it can go either way, or even both. it at the moment though, is 0.

    yes but see, that is adding 1 to 0. therefore you're adding something to nothing and getting something.(obviously) in your theory, there is no 1 to add to 0 at the start. yes you have proved that 0 has potential to go either way, but there has to be another influence on it. it cannot do it by itself

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    Emoocrap wrote:
    outside? .
    outside what? ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    lol you GET IT NOW!!!!! yay. you see,you cant define it and that is why it is so hard to get other people to understand it. now imagine somebody my age, who is "average" intelligence trying to understand that hahahahaha. not gonna work lol, so i have to leave parts out. and leave it at a state where it would appear to be flawed, that flaw will be filled by ignorance and will appear to be correct, therefore they will be mindblown and simply follow my conclusion to continue on living life at its fullest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    what exactly have we achieved here except to conclude that the discussion was over before we even entered into a discussion on the origional post and we should just smoke a spliff now and chill out, in which case why discuss it at all, which of course is the point of the exercise. :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    first off, my bad for saying zero, because zero is a form of vernacular attached to nothing, and you cant thing of something that symbolizes nothing to understand it, i mean to say absolute nothing. i will say, absolute nothing from now on.

    please go read my two ways of explaining it to cbags. and see if that helps. i believe it was four or so replies back.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 29,509 Mod ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    Having made the mistake of reading this thread, I have now discovered how to bring on a hangover before I even stop drinking!

    Thanks, guys!!! :D

    (Where's Samantha Carter when you need her?!)

    By the way, I seem to remember being told by a mathematician that 0 wasn't always = to nothing ... he explained, but I didn't understand it! :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    mr cbag, you have figured it out. the original point of my theory was to create something that is not rejectable. you cant reject it, you can only accept that you can not define it. which is attaching a new meaning to life. it is what it is, and we should not spend our time trying to find an answer. the answer is that it cant be defined :) so you just have to mope along and deal with it. i started working on this all, because i had serious problems. i did not see a reason for me in this world, it seems preposterous that i was put here on earth to go to school and get a job to pay bills so i can feed my family so i can have kids that then can do the same thing. it is un-eventful, it is a waste of time. (i thoughT) so i started, like many, to quest to find my meaning of life. and i found it. you can not deny that it has been found. though the answer is not likely the desired answer to many, it is an answer. and it is not rejectable, because it cant be defined. i used this to essentially trick myself into loving life. though i see it as a trick, it is not a trick, it is real. but i have to see it as a trick, or else i have to define it. and i cant. so.... there it is. I AM MEARLY A CHILD WHO HAD NO REASON TO LIVE AND WANTED TO KNOW WHY THE HUMAN RACE, AS WELL AS EVERYTHING ELSE WAS CREATED. BUT I SUCCEDED. :D I WON. ty very much. and you just helped me prove it C= ty.

    this whole topic is of no use to you, because you dont have the problem of not doing anything until you find your reason to life, but there are many kids who are like i was, and this will work on them, but they likely will not see its "trick properties.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    I pretty much got what you were saying from the OP just thought you might have being trying to define it and was intrigued as to how you would. By the way your miraculous cure for depression will only work if the individual involved wants it to work and feels sufficiently satisfied at their new found enlightenment. I wouldn't hold your breath. A lot of people will just say meh and it will depress them even more. Not trying to depress you or anything. ;)

    Good stuff if your theory worked for you though. If you relapse just try getting your self a good girl, they're just as good a cure as understanding that you can't define infinity. (they could also trigger said relapse too though :( )

    No I'm going to bed or else I'm going to sleep through the match tomorrow(today) and kick off waits for no one, not even infinity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,706 ✭✭✭Matt Holck

    what if the universe is finite?

    why couldn't it be?

    does time exist before mt perception of it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    vat do you mean mt perception?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    hope your match goes well c bag but, my theory was generated for me, and then for those in my condition, i will not relapse, because i mearly needed an answer to why we are here, i had no motivation to do anything other than what i enjoyed doing, i have answered it with pure logic. (you cant have good without bad) and then i have found my ultimate answer. it will NOT fail me because it IS the answer. undeniably. and now here is this new guy.... i get to do alllll this again LOL :) good luck to me eh? at least i have my genius to keep me entertained. (remember i am mearly 15 years old, though my b day is on jan technically i am 16 lol) and i know all about the good girl things, and it did not help. though good sex (i mean good sex) as in (g spot good for girls)See! my genius is throughout many areas! including sex)) but, it doesn't last throughout the day, or else you wouldnt need to do it again :) hahaha. thats what drugs are for though. hahaha i am going to rail my thizzle (ecstacy) and pop some caps (mushrooms) smoke a bleezle (joint) and drink myself to sleep now :D.... jp (just playing) i dont do that ne more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    well supposing, that the universe was finite, that would mean that there is an edge (an end) and there would be something else on the other side?? and that one would be finite, so it would have an edge, so if there is a finite number of these universes, then there is another edge, so whats on the other side of that??? :) bahaha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,706 ✭✭✭Matt Holck

    the edge wraps to the otherside of the container?

    I'm finite in space, time and life span

    why should the universe be infinate?

    the concept is like a security blanket
    whose thread bear touch assures us that there is always more
    when there may be a limit

    ofcourse if that limit is beyound our perception,
    the point is relativy infinite

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    where are you getting a container from? The theory? because, the jar is a metaphor for the space between nothing and everything, though there really is no space...and i do not understand what you are trying to say. please take the time to write it down meaningfully, so there are no misconceptions.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    so if the universe its a mobius, therefore has no beginning and no end, then where are its limits?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    im sorry if i seem dull dumb or stupid right now, lol i have done alot of thinking, and i am only 15 so, i need to party anyways, its the new year, so i will talk more on this subject perhaps, tomorrow. when we may be entertained by a full audience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    It's true, I have comsumed several pints and thanks to young emo kid here I haven't had much sleep but I'd just like to say that peter crouch is a legend.



    Get in there ye big lanky legend!
    also much bulmers on an empty stomach and no sleep ftw!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,350 ✭✭✭Lust4Life

    Is HE the meaning of life then?:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,784 ✭✭✭Dirk Gently

    he is today lusty lady. Get in there.

    Bolton are a dirty horrible defend for 90 minutes team and I wasn't optimistic about breaking them down, until crouchy baby opened the flood gates. Now that manky Bolton are out of the way the Pool are going to claw back the points on chelski and put in a good run for the remainder of the year. Heres hoping larson flops and ronaldo breaks his legs in the next match to give us some hope of catching the mancs.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,350 ✭✭✭Lust4Life

    The Packers whooped the Chicago Bears a$$es last night as well.
    Brett Favre cried tears of joy. Ha!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    i slept like a baby :D sorry bout that there c bag. aaahahaha did you get any sleep then? meaning up to now? or did you just pull an all nighter? i will tell you, my head hurts though hahahah nad i feel retarded, coz i did dumb stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,930 ✭✭✭✭challengemaster


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    me? if your asking me, i cant. its illegal, and that would mean i could get banned. well i suppose if i was to say DONT DO IT, that wouldnt be bad :) well i did a lot of ecstasy and mushrooms last night, then i got really drunk :D it was a good new years party. all to myself :D hahah But drugs are bad for you, especially the ecstasy so dont do it. plus it kills your brain ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,706 ✭✭✭Matt Holck

    I'm just questioning the idea that anything has to be infinite

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Emoocrap

    please forget what i wrote in here. it is a recipe for insanity. i am so sorry for posting it, i did not realize its possibilities. this theory places an exact point for insanity, and i hope it hasnt done you any harm PLEASE forget this, go about your normal day, and skip this forum, skip it like it was never here. I AM SOOOO SORRY. i just realized how unstable i am. i cant sleep. and i cant stop thinking. as soon as i get off the computer, i will begin to freak out again. i cant stop contemplating it. HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. somebody help me. i dont know why i cant stop. everything i think about, i think and realize that it can be whatever i want it to be because, its infinity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Emoocrap wrote:
    well i did a lot of ecstasy and mushrooms last night
    That explains your opening post...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,488 ✭✭✭spacecoyote

    methinks you're right there hail, my primate friend. So when does emo-jebus start his next sermon from the mount?
