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Dyslexia and the internet



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Incidentally i seem to remember you cant take elec-engineering if you fail a colour blindness test (Can someone verify or dispute this plz?) So what do we do for colour blind people who want to do engineering?</font>
    Absolutely totally and completely incorrect. Believe it or not, colorblindness is not even slightly inhibiting to becoming a good engineer (here m8, what value is this bloody resister? - 20 ohm. - Cheers m8 <---gosh, cant let this tit become an engineer! smile.gif)

    And you dont do anything for colorblind people (eg me) except allow for it when they cant tell who their team mates are (in any goddamn sport - quake , bleh, its only online, but soccer\gaelic OMG YOU GAVE THEM A GOAL IN THE CUP FINAL YOU *******!) and dont let them become members of the bomb squad (cut the blue wire? Which one is blue goddamn it?).

    I used work in a bar/restaurant, and it really could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

    Waitress: Give that fellow a pint of Murphys.
    Me: Which fellow?
    Waitress: The one over by the fireplace.
    Me: Which one of the 23 people at the fireplace?
    Waitress: The one with a red shirt.
    Me: Ack! Goddamn it Im colorblind! Which one is he?
    Waitress: Oh sorry. I forgot. See the guy with the baige pants?
    Me: No!
    Waitress: He is standing next to the girl with light brown hair.
    Me: Helloooo? Colourblind!
    Waitress: She is wearing a blue top!
    Me: For FVCKS SAKE! You give him the bloody drink.

    This is the problem with working with idiots smile.gif

    Dyslexia is a far more difficult thing to cope with. Although, when your girlfriend closes her eyes and asks you what colour they are, you wont be trés b0lloxed smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 08-05-2001).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    A bit mean, now that I think of it, that they actually called it "dyslexia" to start with... I mean... it can't be the easiest word in the world to spell, now can it?

    ... and no, I don't think that jokes about it are particularly funny... there is no Church of the Latter Day Dyslexics, and they don't pray to the one true dog.

    "We do know it was we who scorched the sky..."

  • Registered Users Posts: 898 ✭✭✭Winning Hand

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Paladin:

    (cut the blue wire? Which one is blue goddamn it?)
    That was my point, like there are no colours in circuits or capacitors and whatnot. I did ask for someone to verify it as i had heard it before (i wouldnt have posted it if i hadnt heard it) and after thinking about it made sense.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,035 ✭✭✭Megatron

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Paladin:
    Although, when your girlfriend closes her eyes and asks you what colour they are, you wont be trés b0lloxed smile.gif

    He he he he !!!!! biggrin.gif
    sorry but i can see it now and the slap that follows !!! tongue.gif

    No !!!!! I will crush you with my Bare hands.
    P.S. Avator fromerly know as Gamblor !!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    were can you get tested for dyslexia ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Coyote

    10% of people have Dyslexia in some way or a other, but for 90% of them it will not stop them in any way but to not be as good at spelling as most people.
    there is a number of diff types of dyslexia.
    it's diff for ever person who has it but there are a few main groups.
    there is no one resion that they know of that causes Dyslexia, it is hereditary.
    90% of people with very bad Dyslexia are male.

    there are a number of things that Dyslexia causes or is becose of, (IE: they do not know if it causes this or you have dyslexia becose of this)
    the brain is split in two parts the right and the left half.
    in a none dislexia brain the two halfs talk to each other more.
    when doing spelling:
    normal brain the brain ativtie from one side to the other is about 35-40% for a girl, a guy 25-30%, now a dislexia person would be about 5-15% the two halfs do not work with each other as well.
    depending on how well your two sides of your brain works wiht each other your brain develops in diff ways. if the two sides work well then you will be better at spelling, wrigheing and talking to others. if the two sides do not work as well wiht each other then your brain will develop in a diff way, this makes you better at spacul (working out spaces, reading maps and the like)
    this has all been proven.

    and as for amp it's not about checking your spelling, that is just checking your typeing. if you have bad dyslexia you can not spell things. even when you know there wrong. i can try spelling some thing i will know that it's spelt wrong, i know it's wrong and i can try 100 diff whys to spell it but. but i do not know why, (it's diff for ever Dyslexia person )

    as a person who has the worst level of Dyslexia i know what it's like, i can speed read and have never had a problem wiht reading. but wrigheing, when i did a test for spelling just over 2 years ago i was off the chart for not beening able to spell, (ie they did not have a level low enuf to mark me) it's not funney when you walk in to a bank and you can not spell your own name, and i'm not jokeing that dose happen.

    i have read more that 99% of people about it other that people working at the A.C.L.D.
    people still joke about it but try beening in school 10-5 years ago when teachers did not even know what Dyslexia was, let alon know what to do.
    Dyslexia is a diff way of thinking, would i like to be able to spell yea, would i change the person i am just to be able to spell never. Dyslexia makes you think in a diff way to 95% of the people in the world, it has chanced me and i think i'm better for it in the long run. (spelling still sucks but smile.gif

    and the best way of puting it is this
    "It's a poor mind that can think of just one way to spell a word"
    mark Twane (guy wrouht huck bery fin)


    You try to be smarter,
    And I will try to be nicer

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Coyote

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dre as in Dray:
    were can you get tested for dyslexia ?</font>


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,429 ✭✭✭Gerry

    I agree with shinji's earlier post.
    Basically if you read a badly spelled post on the internet, with bad grammar, you don't know for certain that this person is dyslexic. If they are, well they can't help it, so I don't see the problem. I can't understand people who would have a problem with this. However, if they are not dyslexic, and they just can't be bothered writing properly, its extremely annoying. In my experience, I have found that I can always read a dyslexic persons post, spelling mistakes and all, because when you ignore the spelling mistakes, they are still making sense. Its non-dyslexic people who rush, and make no sense at all who are annoying, because you can't even get the gist of what they are saying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭Doc

    The only real difficulties I suffer from are my spelling and reading out in front of people.

    You all probably had to do spelling in primary school where the teacher sets 10 words each week. Imagine being the person in the class who always got 1 out of 10.
    As a child not being able to spell made me feel stupid but I always knew I wasn’t and could not understand why spelling was so difficult for me. As a result of my spelling being so bad my hand writhing became very bad to cover up the mistakes in my spelling

    “Unfortunately, many teachers aren't equipped to deal with it and they get angry when despite a student's best efforts, they can't get their spellings right.”

    Don’t I know it! mad.gif
    My English teacher in secondary school was told I had difficulties spelling. The first time I had to hand in an English essay to her (I was about 13), she brought me up to the top of the class and said in front of the whole class “I’ve heard about your spelling lets see your essay.” She then proceeded to read out every spelling mistake to every one saying things like “Oh my God look at this, this is a disgrace!” It was a long essay and nearly every line had spelling mistakes in it. She totally humiliated me in front of my class who I did not know that well yet frown.gif. How that I look back on it I realise that no one in my class ever said anything about it to me which says a lot really, they knew she had gone too far.
    I also was given no dispensation in the L.C. and as a result failed English, had to do a PLC and am now studying in England.

    There are a huge number of dyslexic Architects around. There is even one company in the U.S. that only hire dyslexic architects as apparently aptitude tests have shown they are more suitable to this carrier. smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Oh yeah, the public humiliation that is so important to educating young people. (B*stards) I hated school.

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    whats going to happen when she goes out for a job in a field where spelling is everything ...

    She'll use a spell checker, same as the rest of us, same as all the other dyslexic engineers. I was once the technical writer for an entire department (woooooh!) biggrin.gif

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Unfortunately, many teachers aren't equipped to deal with it and they get angry when despite a student's best efforts, they can't get their spellings right.</font>

    My parents were told that I was the worse student in my school for 20 years, and that the staff couldn't understand it as I wasn't a messer (ffs!). Nobody, and I mean nobody thought that maybe I had some problems like dyslexia. It was suggested that I leave school early and get a trade. Anyway, I finished school getting 2 D's and a C in pass subjects (LC) and honestly believed I was stupid, "Oh great" thought the young me, and started a course in remedial furniture making or something. About a year later I say a program on dyslexia and convinced my parents to get me tested. Turns out I am dyslexic so I went back to school and got 6 honours, although I dropped down grades as explained above, in honour subjects. "Oh GREAT" thought a much more confident me.

    Of all the students of that first school I've met, I'm the most successful. Not that I'm looking down on the other students, but "get a trade", huh, idiots!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Evil Phil:
    It was suggested that I leave school early and get a trade.</font>

    heh heh, I was told that too by my career counselor. smile.gif bastid.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭[fist]Snowball


    I did and now I hav'in a **** time tryin to get back into collage. Do ur leavin (it will be hard but there is help out there all u have to do is ask, also there is special circumstances out there for dyslexics doin' the leavin. JUST ASK!!!) u'll find it hard but in the end u can take a year off later and get some help to help u deal with collage.

    Good luck guys!!!


    Another sign in name ... he ... whats new.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭Thorbar

    I'm a Dyslexic too but luckily for me my older brother who used to help me with my homework in primary realized I had a problem and got me tested at 7. I've got problems with spelling but seeing as I've spent the last 11 or so years working with it I've been able to improve my english to a fairly acceptable standard. I still have trouble with the difference been then and than and you're and your. I got a 66 in honors English in the mocks and was fairly chuffed. But the **** heads at the dept. of Ed don't believe I'm really a dyslexic for whatever reason even though I've got 2 different doctor's reports defining me as classic dyslexic. I've got an exemption from Irish and today I'm waiting for the dept. of education's appeal court to see if I can get extra time and spelling allowances.

    I generally spell check for everything I write over the net except for IRC and in-game for obvious reasons. It isn't that much of a hassle and you get used to coping and pasting into outlook for a quick check. Well played boards for putting in a spell checker but is it in American english?

    As for teachers humiliating me it hasn't been too bad. A few don't know or understand what dyslexia is but as I'm a fairly hard worker they've been fine. One old ******* asked me in front of the class if I really believed dyslexia existed and wondered out load if it wasn't a fancy name for laziness.

    oh and what shagger picked a word like dyslexia for a spelling disorder?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Thorbar1:

    oh and what shagger picked a word like dyslexia for a spelling disorder?

    probably someone trying to spell something completely different....

    Your Dungeon Is On An Incline;
    Irate Creatures Cannot Play Marbles

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,299 ✭✭✭irishguy

    first off i am dyslexic,i did my lc dis year on a tape i.e i recorded my ans on a tape [its realy hard 2 do an essay dis way]
    i am not that bad only writing,memory & spelling .but its strange i spelling is getting realy bad e.g latey i cant spell some of the days of the week,my memory have improved a good bit and my writing is the same 4 years strange huh? also it doesent help cus i work in argos and you have 2 find stock with a 7 diget number that i keep mixing up.the worst thing is sending a txt cus u have no spell cheak and it is imbarrssing when u cant spell every day words.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Lucy_la_morte

    I remember seeing a programme on television about dyslexia. Apparantly (like what Bob the Unlucky Octopus said), people with it are autistic. The programme shown that people who are autistic can visualise images better to compensate for their lower ability to process text. This makes the person themselves exceed at creativity. For a budding artist, such as myself, I am somewhat jealous of people with dyslexia.

    The programme also shown some very successful people who are diagnosed with dyslexia. One of which was Richard Branson (entreprenuer), another being Guy Ritchie (director/script writer/producer). Most certainly, dyslexia is not a disadvantage.


    Lucy la morte.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,349 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Doc:
    There are a huge number of dyslexic Architects around. There is even one company in the U.S. that only hire dyslexic architects as apparently aptitude tests have shown they are more suitable to this carrier. smile.gif</font>

    No offense, but lazy / dyslexic / illiterate / dyslexic Architects are the bane of my life and have given me more than one nervous breakdown.

    Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    My brother in law is viciously dyslexic.
    All the things you describe happened to him and more (he's older then me ffs smile.gif times were very different back then).

    He's now commercial director for Pierres foods (the people who do all the pizzas you guys gobble). He speaks several languages and does all their marketing for several countries even though to this day he still suffers from it fairly badly.

    Bottom line is you can let it stop you (it *is* after all a convienent and genuine excuse) or you can pucker up and say lifes a ***** and achieve your potential.

    After all, most of you here are considerably brighter then the average bear. Life deals a varied hand to us all it would seem!


    ps: That teacher thing was fncked tho!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 BOY-WONDER

    dyslexia is a hereditary condition read any of the many wonderful books by Professor T.R Miles and Elaine Miles on dyslexia which should be compulsory reading for all in the Teaching profession

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 BOY-WONDER

    Why is it that the Dept of Education in Ireland refuse to believe that there is Dyslexia in this country?? I went to the Depts Phsycologistin Ross House in Galway (sorry about the spelling) to get the Special Consideration in my Junior Cert. and he basically just said to me to write carefully!!!! Geez I never thought of that! I just loved writing in a carefree manner!!! He helped me in my Junior Cert. to no end!!!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 BOY-WONDER

    QUOTE:However, the Dept. of Education would not make allowences for me in the Leaving.....


    God does that sound familiar!!! Have you contacted the Dept. since then? I got all my friends to e-mail/write to them and I hope that you all will too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 681 ✭✭✭Kopf

    there are a lot of replies to the original post about "slagging off other people's spelling" or something like that. I have to say that I tend to correct people's grammar (incorrect use of the apostrophe is a common one) and spelling on IRC, but only constructively - not to belittle the other person. This especially applies to people from non-English speaking countries; as I take pride in writing and speaking English correctly, I like to try help others achieve the same.

    I believe that patronizing the other person is absolutely "low-brow", but correcting someone's grammar or spelling in a polite, constructive manner is something people shouldn't make fun of themselves, but appreciate.


  • Registered Users Posts: 15,355 ✭✭✭✭Supercell

    People post opinions because they feel that they are worthwhile putting to open debate. This board imho is all about people exchanging opinions ideas etc.
    I can spell, but to be honest, sometimes i get mad and hammer away on my keyboard before checking spellings.
    One of the most annoying replies i can get is some person saying i spelled a word with an "s" instead of a z or a c, i mean didn't they see what i was trying to say?
    I make a point of trying to never critique spellers, ffs most of us can make out what they (me) are saying after all.
    The boards as far as i can tell are about peoples thoughts and opinions..not their ability to spell.

    Have a weather station?, why not join the Ireland Weather Network -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 nut job

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dre as in Dray:
    I always thought i had it because i can get realy wrong spelling mistakes.How can you check if you have it ? </font>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 nut job

    Originally posted by Evil Phil:
    I'm dyslexic too, for long posts I

    Oh, and I'm not able to distinguish between words like your and you're in text. I actually see the correct one as I'm typing but will notice the error later when I re-read something.
    [/QUOTall of what you said there i have??? i have never been checked for this i also just could not listen at school i write really crap but since i got my pc and the nokia phone my spelling is much think i should look into this? i have kind of suspected but i can now learn from my pc???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 nut job

    wow alot of this really concerns me as i have lots of the symptoms just as evil phil was saying it has got easy since i got my pc and my nokia phone, i have never thought it could be! i am also thinking that i never did really listen in school as my mind was elsewere, but my spelling is gewtting much better so could it be i was just lazy in school? my teachers were more intrested in getting me out of class then dealing with problems! mabey i should have a look into this

    be seein ya:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,609 ✭✭✭Lord Nikon

    Most of the time I'm just a clumsy typer. It's only when I've read what I've just written, that I see my mistakes. Not that I care.

    If someone was to dis me about my spelling, I'd tell them to "shove it up their arse".

  • Registered Users Posts: 491 ✭✭Silent Bob

    Originally posted by Thorbar
    oh and what shagger picked a word like dyslexia for a spelling disorder?
    it's "new Latin"

    Dys (bad) + Greek lexis (speech)

    It is a bit stupid though when the difficulty is with the written word...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee

    I heard a discussion on some poxy radio show about how society is contributing greatly to the dramatic increases of cases of people with fairly severe dyslexia. We exist in a Western society that now bombards us with abbreviations for most words and phrases, and the dude on the radio was saying that a lot of children in primary school pick up incorrect spelling habits that are very hard for them to break.... like a kids adventure centre being called "Krazee Katz"....... looks cool, spelt wrong..... I dunno how prevalent that is but I get their point...... my young cousin wrote me a birthday card and its full of "text message" talk...

    Dear Sorcha,

    happy b-day 2 da best cuz in da world!

    lots of luv..... Oz.

    When I was a kid my parents used to harrass the crap outta me about spelling properly, so I now have a paranoia that Im spelling things wrong when Im not.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    My cousin regularly writes me emails in teen homey txtspk

    Such as
    ah kewl! hope your car and your self are ok! from last nite! happy easter !

    spanx for da copy now i dont have to buy it! yipee! :) tanx!!!!!

    puddles fullacuddles

    The longer ones can take me half an hour to read.

    I've the greatest of sympathy for people who have genuine spelling difficulties or other reading and writing problems. My cousin, however has none of these. I suppose I should be rather glad that she writes to me at all:)

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