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Trans Women's Milk Just as good as mothers breast milk - threadbans in OP

  • 19-02-2024 3:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Jack Daw

    Seeing as the wokeism of the day thread was taken down I guess I have to start a new thread for this

    What utter lunacy, the fact that the NHS have come out and said this just shows you how the lunatics appear to now be running the asylum.This kind of nonsense once again really doesn't help trans people's cause at all it just makes all trans activism look like the work of a bunch of loons when Im sure the vast majority of transgender people would just like to get on with their lives in peace and not be linked with these nutters who promote this type of nonsense.There is also clearly a large degree of misogyny attached to issues like this as a alot of activists on behalf of transgender women seem to hate the fact that real women are different than them and have unique characteristics they will never possess,





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