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Are summer holidays abroad done ?



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    I go on holidays any month of the year, except July and August.

    Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia are lovely countries, very good value too, highly recommend.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,096 Mod ✭✭✭✭AndyBoBandy

    We holiday regularly in Lithuania by the coast in a seaside town called Palanga.

    I first went there about 12 years ago while based in Lithuania for work with my gf at the time (who is Lithuanian), and couldn't believe how nice the place was (and still is). I'd say probably 90% of the people you see there are Lithuanians coming out from the cities to spend weekends/summer holidays there, the other 10% would be Lithuanians coming home from abroad, and within that 10% you'd get the likes of me who have reason to go there (Lithuanian OH) etc.... It's quite refreshing to be one of very few native English speakers in the area (that I notice anyway), so much so that if you hear someone else speaking English it's really noticeable as its not very common... and in that, most of the English speakers would be the children of expats who live abroad in either the U.K. or Ireland... (and the guy below wearing the Irish jersey who I presume is a Paddy, and only noticed the jersey after getting home and looking back through the pictures...).

    The main thoroughfare of the town is a long pedestrianised street which houses a sh1t load of restaurants and loads and loads of stuff for the kids to do. Between the areas where the houses/apartments and town are, the entire coastline has a strip of forest that you need to walk through to get to the beaches, but every hundred meters or so there are wooden walkways that go through the forest and lead to the beaches, and at almost every point where you access the beach, there are mobile freezers wheeled out daily selling ice cream and cold drinks... then on the beaches themselves, about every 500m or so there is usually a beach bar/restaurant... All in all the place has a very chilled out & relaxed vibe, and while it can get busy during the summer months, it's nothing like what you's see in the 'traditional summer destinations' for Irish tourists....

    One of the big things here is bike and electric bike rental where you can travel pretty much the entire length of the coast through the forest on special walk/bikeways, and away from roads with cars etc...

    A few years ago I jokingly suggested to herself we should buy a little holiday home here... and low and behold we did just that last year!! It should have been ready last summer but the war in Ukraine delayed a few things being completed, but we eventually got the keys in October and have been back a few times since, and are going next week for a few weeks for our 1st summer holiday in the new house (which is in Sventoji in the video above, which is about a 25 minute cycle/10 minute drive to Palanga).

    And to think if I'd never have been sent to Lithuania to build a power station, I'd have never met my OH, and I'd have never have ever even known Palanga existed, or probably ever visited Lithuania (Which was about a million miles off what I expected before I first went there in Jan 2011).

    I know as well that theres a resort about 60km up the coast in Latvia that gets similar feedback to Palanga, in that its very beautiful, and relatively still 'untouched' by western tourism.....

    So I guess the point of my post is that there is an awful lot more out there than your typical Southern Europe sun destinations.... Have a look around, and maybe try and find that gem before it goes mainstream...

    In Winter the place is also something to behold....

    And in a few days I shall be sat on this deck drinking an ice cold local beer.... giving as few iotas as possible...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,690 ✭✭✭I see sheep

    Late September/Early October is the best time to holiday in southern Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,652 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    I was in Seville last August and it was 43 degrees and I really enjoyed it. Straw hat, plenty of sunscreen and took a large bottle of water everywhere. Really enjoyed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭Fabio

    This is the kinda post I want to hear more about!

    Mind if I ask do you have any things I could read up on about the link between these Spanish holiday resorts and British miners and the stock exchange? Genuinely fascinated!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 487 ✭✭Baba Yaga

    your really selling the idea of a holiday...where can i get your brochure? 😁

    "They gave me an impossible task,one which they said I wouldnt return from...."

    ps wheres my free,fancy rte flip-flops...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,244 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,198 ✭✭✭Ubbquittious

    Why does every flight from Dublin leave at stupid o'clock in the morning?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,390 ✭✭✭UsBus

    Been going away Feb or November the last few years. Just started a new job and they want me to take 3 weeks leave in July-August. Nothing booked as it's short notice. It's practically a deal-breaker for me!!!!! Gonna enjoy a three week break and start job hunting for the winter once I get back 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭NewbridgeIR

    I hate that

    Flew from Shannon this month (first time) for that very reason

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,154 ✭✭✭OmegaGene

    They don’t all fly at stupid oclock, I’m flying out in the afternoon this time

    The internet isn’t for everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,718 ✭✭✭seenitall

    I thought that was mostly Ryanair? But then, I have a Ryanair flight Dublin - Basel next week and that is in the early afternoon, so not necessarily. (On the other hand, I do “skyscan” specifically for afternoon-ish flights, as we travel from the Wesht to Dublin airport so would have to start out in the middle of the night for morning flights and that’s just yuck.)

    Going to Switzerland as we’ve never been, always wanted to go of course as I am crrrrzy about mountains and the older I get the crazier about them I get. I must have crisscrossed Austria several times over at this stage. But as with Iceland, haven’t been to Switzerland so far because of how expensive it is. Luckily, I now have an old friend living in central Switzerland so we got invited for a week, don’t you love it when that happens! :D I did have a look at the temperatures there for next week and surprisingly they seem predicted to be in the early twenties? So we might escape the unbearable heat etc., hopefully.

    Otherwise, I always go to places that really interest me, and they just happen to be more in northern than southern parts of Europe lately. I’m from the general southern Europe area myself, anyway, so you could say I’ve had my fill of long hot summers, and in those long gone times when “hot” meant 30-35 rather than 40-45 C that it does today. Yes, that’s how old I am!

    (Truth be told, it turned out well to be living in Ireland if the continental temperatures carry on being nuts in summers as they are……. Going for a good hot summer hol is all well and good, but spare a thought for the millions who actually live in Rome, Madrid or elsewhere in the south. I know a family who relocated to the wild wesht of Ireland here, in great part due to just wanting to get away from the scorching summer temps in their big city - the combination of the summer heat and the city asphalt, going by their descriptions, is a very bad one, there is no respite and it seems to be a living hell for a third of the year or so.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,798 ✭✭✭ebbsy

    You are indeed the personification of pure evil.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,966 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,184 ✭✭✭riclad

    I thought this was going to be a post about climate change and some country's will not attract tourists as they get hotter than is comfortable .my tip travel after August it's much less crowded and maybe you might get a bargain hotel deal

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,337 ✭✭✭AllForIt

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭Mike3549

    Its all fun suggesting traveling in September, but with school age kids its a not always an option.

    But yeah, i totally agree, if possible September is the best. Not too hot, reasonably priced hotel, flights etc, not too crowded

  • Registered Users Posts: 828 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,244 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Yeall yeah - if you're not capable of behaving yourself, of course it will - Iran is actually a beautiful and amazingly hospital place (and yes, I have been there!) - you just have to show a bit of respect and stay out of trouble.

    You're probably safer there than an American in Dublin.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 828 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Iran itself is a lovely country and great people .... pity it is ruled at present by a gang of 5th rate Putin wannabes ... before 2021's rigged elections it was ok enough and before Trump and his stupid withdrawal from the JCPOA it was actually showing promise .... always when there is a moderate in power in Iran some hardliner in America will knock them down allowing some Putin wannabe in Iran to gain more power .... there is no way I would visit a country with the death penalty and a government willing to concoct charges to imprison anyone ... Iran needs a government transplant ASAP ....

    Dublin? Possibly the most dangerous place on earth that is not ruled by a dictatorship, that does not have a war going on or is not in a pro-Trump part of America .... seriously it is a disgrace that large parts of Dublin incl the main streets are often full of violence .... it shouldn't happen and it shouldn't take this awful incident the American tourist had to go through for the government to consider cleaning it up .... it should have been cleaned up years ago ...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,244 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Well, you never judge a people by their leader,let's be honest, but what you say is true: it's a bit longer than 2021 than I was there.

    Beyond that, everything you say about the death penalty and conconcted charges would apply to the US too - especially parts of the religious conservative south. That said, that is one part of the US I wouldn't mind visiting.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,810 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    Coastal Morrocco - Agadir for Christmas for me and Mrs Northern. Went to Cassidy travel and were quoted 1800 each for the Canaries at Christmas so decided to look elsewhere. Hotel with breakfast, lunch and dinner and flights for 2 weeks working out about 900 each.

    I'm not sure what to expect but looking forward to the break and some sun. We decided to go away this year as we had both been sick the last 2 Christmas's running. 2021 with Covid and I had a bad flu last year. Time to change it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,860 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    For those lacking in imagination. For those lacking in adventure. Yes, maybe.

    For the rest of us, Party on Garth!.

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭slystallone
