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Suspected case of Foot and Mouth in UK with rapid diversion into Agribusiness policies and politics.



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    And Irish farmers were that sad/lazy that they couldn't build a factory of their own.... hard to comprehend isn't it,for all the reasons you mentioned.

    We didn't have the lowest price in Europe, Poland had and anytime I was in France on an IFA junket, french price to farmers was lower than here.

    On investigating factories, what goes on in factories is none of anyones business no more thatn any business

    It's not compulsory for farmers to sell to them, farmers can go where they like with their cattle

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,265 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    And Irish farmers were that sad/lazy that they couldn't build a factory of their own.... hard to comprehend isn't it,for all the reasons you mentioned.

    There are competition rules and regulations and protections against monopolies for a reason. There are train worker strikes on over in the UK at the would hardly be a solution to suggest that the strikers build their own railways instead of striking.

    The below article is over 20 years old now, and at that time it quoted the closure of 700 local abattoirs over the previous decade

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,842 ✭✭✭amacca

    I'd contend that it more or less is compulsory to sell to them if we are talking fit animals .......that is their final destination after way or another that is who you are slling to unless its pedigree/breeding etc

    + they have a spurious 30 month limit that devalues your stock if you choose to hold and ensures more throughput and heads....nothing will convince me that **** isnt a swizz and they would like it lower if they could to exert even more control on the supply as would other vested interests...

  • Registered Users Posts: 562 ✭✭✭GNWoodd

    Regarding the UK train strike , If Irish farmers had the likes of Mick Lynch as their representative we might have got somewhere over the last thirty years .

  • Registered Users Posts: 562 ✭✭✭GNWoodd

    The thirty month limit and the resultant reduction in producer price is one of the greatest scams ever dreamt up . One which continues to be accepted by the farm organisations .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    A customer can specify as they like, no one is forced to supply them, only a saddo can think that you can make it different.

    Factories are only laughing at the playground tactics, miss miss.... ABP isn't playing fair boo hoo.

    Such're only making a joke out of farmers, would ye grow up, this is the real world suck it up, such a joke

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    They can do as they like same as any business, you don't have to farm, get with the reaL world, I've had the same shite about the entitlemnts for the last ten years.. time to grow up. you're only making a laugh of yourselve

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    They're only a monopoly because farmers aren't capable of building a factory and competing,

    A lot of those slaughter houses needed to close, they were rubbish. I left a lamb in this week to a butcher that has a slaughter house beside the main street in a village, how come he can do it right. I suppose he gets on with it, he doesn't whinge. Doesn't say much for farmers that can't do it for them selves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 562 ✭✭✭GNWoodd

    The saddo part of it is that decent hard working people paid a sub to a farm organisation in the belief that they were being represented .

    If your ideology is anything to go by , how wrong they were.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,265 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Not at all. Regulations put most of those 700 local abattoirs out of business that were mentioned in the 2001 article.

    Sure even the old turkey markets at Christmas were outlawed.

    Your buddy might indeed be set up correctly but it is also possible he's just getting away with doing something he isn't really supposed to be doing.

    Live exports are also fairly tightly controlled and regulated when they are allowed. So you can't really bypass the processors here.

    What are you suggesting wrangler? That the 70 year old fella with 40 acres and a few sucklers up in Mayo should invest a couple of hundred million Euro to give Larry a bit of competition? He might not quite have the funds sitting there doing nothing else

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    If farmers whingeing and protesting is such a great idea, why didn't Micheal O Leary whinge and protest instead of building another airline..

    Time to cop on now and stop whingeing and protesting and grow a pair of balls

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    nothing wrong with my ideology, if you don't do it the factories will have the ball at their foot in twelve mths again and I'll be still laughing at you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    My local processor didn't even have 40 acres when he started

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,265 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Cop on is right wrangler. You want individual farmers to build processing factories. As you appear to have conveniently ignored, the likes of Ryanair got their opportunity by being in there first after monopolies were broken up by governments - not reinforced by government policy and regulation.

    Recent planning permission here for a 40m plant in Offaly. Only took them 3 years as well.

    You must be on a big BPS!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,265 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    When did he start wrangler? I'll guarantee you it wasn't in the last 10 years.

    Don't be confusing the luck of opportunity and timing with some kind of genius. It comes across with the vibe of the ould fella lecturing the 30 year old about how easy it was for him to get on the property ladder back in 1975 and asking why the 30 year old can't just do the same now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Alas My BPS is another victim of whingers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    If he was a whinger he'd never have started, Why wasn't he closed 20 years ago if this fabled cartel existed

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Those young people in 1975 that saved during their 20s got on the property ladder and those that didn't save didn't get on the property ladder It's the same now.

    I know guys that are working twenty years and don't have a bob and those working the same and have houses now.

    It's no harder now than 1975, don't forget interest rates were multiple of those now

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭smallbeef

    End of the day its capitalism that wins out. The world has gone away too far down this route but no stopping it now. Its true things were easier to get off the ground a few decades ago, now the big players have most things sewn up. They can undercut and swallow up everything beneath them, then fu@k over the producers. Its the same in most industries now. We need to move away from this model as consumers first.

    Most of us buy our beef in supermarkets. We pick the beef cuts on sale and are delighted we saved X%. Why would the general public buy anything but the cheapest beef they can get if we can't even resist it. I am going to deep-freeze a bullock this year for the first time so wont be buying anymore beef in supermarkets. 400euro to butcher and package it. Haven't done the sums but I'll at least feel better that I haven't subsidized the factories/retailers. Still have to sell the rest of my cattle to them though so they have the last laugh 😘

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    It'll be a huge commitment if it's not nice to eat, tough or something

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  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭smallbeef

    Probably be nicer than dry dairy cows making almost as much per kg as my 'prime' U30 month bullocks 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,842 ✭✭✭amacca

    Ffs...are you for real....I think its clear from your post there's one or a combination of three things going on

    1) you have a vested interest of some sort

    2) you have a chip on your shoulder about some perceived or perhaps real injustice at the hands of other farmers or types of farmers in the past (or perhaps you had it hard and don't see why others should look to improve their lot, they should take their turn too)

    3) you actually believe fully the shite you are spouting as you are some sort of hostage to an ideology or are suffering from a form of Stockholm syndrome.

    Of course a business can do as they like..within what should be their remit ..I support fully their autonomy to set the prices they will pay etc

    What I **** abhor is what appears to be a completely arbitrary age limit where the product I supply becomes devalued once it goes over it.....which effectively means more heads go through at lower prices etc .......

    And don't give me horseshit about the customer wants it.....if the powers that be were being fined for driving more production and consumption by incentivising low value large volume production they would u turn in the morning with a shiny campaign about the value of aged beef and the environmental benefits probably meddle there too and expect you to carry an animal for 5/6 years before slaughter.....the limits are there to benefit the processing industry and other vested interests not the primary producer....and that's **** stepping out of their remit and into mine....I'm not whinging I'm saying it's **** rotten to the core afaic.....In a way you are right they can do what they want such is the inertia and power they've developed but that doesn't mean the imbalance shouldn't be addressed without a lad thinking you should set up your own factory or become a michael o leary of the beef processing world.

    Some of the finest beef (wagyu/kobe aside) is produced from old dairy cows that are let out to graze for a couple of years..........after they've left their dairy life behind. Just goes to show what complete industry dreamed up tosh something like a 30 month limit should be declared criminal imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Any one that thinks they can tell an independent business how to run it is deluded, ICM don't want lambs over 21 kgs DW so we don't send them lambs over 21kgs, Beef processors don't want rubbish cattle over 30mths so how do they discourage it, they drop the price, As someone that sold 22mth old beef cattle all my life I don't see the problem.

    If you went to buy a 1.5 litre puegeot and some deluded idiot gave you a 3litre ford and expected you to take it and pay extra for it !!!!!!!! The stunt that farmers are trying to pull is the same. Everyone is aware of the requirements before they sell.

    I've no vested interest but have regard for factories selling all our cattle and have said many times I wouldn't stand at the gates of ICM. I knew farmers in the last protest that stood at the gates of one factory blocking fellow farmers while sending their cattle to another and they laughed at me when I put it to them, and you say factories are bad.

    Any way it's a schoolyard childish effort and should be left there. We've a producer group that's fifty years old this year and it's going grand, That doesn't happen by acting the pup

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    At the end of the day , while they can get enough beef they can set the parameters, that's the market


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Jjameson

    The market is the consumer. When you have a situation where a cartel of processors and retailers can manipulate the beef supply market to profiteer off the backs of farmers and consumers (who then have to stump up compensation for disgruntled farmers) it’s never going to be right and correct to say it’s just so. It’s the situation IFA/Fine Gael championed but the lies have been blown sky high by the grain market and a perfect storm of circumstances.

    European and uk retail beef price could only pass back €3.21 a kg for the majority of aa prime stock in 2019 according to Cormac Healy , You and the IFA. the same retail price now and we have seen even with weak Sterling these same type stock selling at €5.60.

    The Goodman, Quelly and Browne families having the entire industry in their pockets is an absurd situation that only the feeble minded or corrupt see as being ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Jjameson

    Interesting email this morning after filling a questionnaire some time ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,265 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Now wrangler, timing and luck play a huge part. It is not uncommon for people to attribute such luck fully to "hard work" or similar.

    I am currently looking out myself for land locally. I am a cash buyer and that cash was saved through salary - so it's not windfall from flipping a property or getting land away from building or similar windfall. I was still in full time education when the last crash and recession hit. Had that crash happened 5 years later, I would have bought land that went for sale in this area since then.

    If the arse fell out of the market tomorrow, selfishly, I would be delighted. Land in this area would be making nearly double what it made during the lowest point over the last decade. Why didn't I buy it at that point? - well simply because I hadn't had time to build my savings up high enough at that time. I had been saving the whole time but the market was running ahead of me. A loan wasn't really an option as I was working abroad for much of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    If your statements are true why have farmers being sitting on their lazy arses for years doing nothing, one year should have been enough for any organisation to be non performing. I'll tell you why, no one can do any more. If there was any UTPs beef plan would 've highlighted them but all they could do was spread lies about coveney healy et al. Another dirty practise.

    During the last protest 2012 I put in 20hr days for beef farmers, While beef farmers would arrive for few hours in the evening,, The joke was on them when RTE arrived at our factory and I couldn't find a beef farmer to talk to them, what a joke.

    Whatabout crossing the county with a 50 seater bus for a protest and getting 17.... don't make me sick.

    Whatabout being phoned one day to get support for a protest while I was trailering 550 ewes back to the yard for shearing and then being phoned the next day while we were shearing and told I wasn't doing enough......... sad farmers again, I had the sense to resign as county chairman that phonecall, again don't make me sick.

    Your post is typical beefplan, discrediting IFA while not being fit to put together a replacement organisation.

    As an average 120 acre farmer I've been very happy with the returns from farming, never in my dreams could I see the amount of money coming from 120 acres that I got. Apart from dairying, 120 acres could not be considered a full time job, even with the 550 ewes we'd only be working two days a week apart from lambing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Jjameson

    I’m not a beef plan member. Never was. Told you this multiple times.

    Every ifa protest since 2001 was only rhetoric for glossy membership propoganda pamphlets.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,111 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    And it worked 😁😁😁

    sounds like a farmers excuse alright for doing nothing
