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JFK Assassination Autopsy Details Revealed After 55 Years



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,353 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    any chance you could answer the questions in the post you responded to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Note the approach, whether it's Alex Jones or some conspiracy poster here, it's always the same.

    Bait posters into proving granular details. Claim it still doesn't make sense. Subjectively reject it. Create a list of these. Claim the event can't have happened due to that "list". Conspiracy must have occurred. Never bother to explore or support the conspiracy.

    It's a constant endless loop of the above. If I decide I don't "get" the theory of gravity, you, nor a million scientists, can ever prove it to me on an internet forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Secret Nazis, Oswald sheep dipped (but wasnt involved), CIA, mafia, Russia, shooters on the knoll, on top of another building etc etc.

    Evidence free waffle.


    Anyway happy 15th anniversary to the book that finished off th consiracy theories really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Two different bullets impacting different people is not difficult to understand. A single bullet theory seeks to explain multiple injuries to two people by claiming that one bullet caused all of it.  

    Apparently that magic bullet, which supposedly did all of this, turned up hours later at the hospital and wasn't even deformed except for a few grains of tip broken away. According to theory the magic bullet struck Kennedy's back, caused damage inside, exited out the throat again, reentered Connelly's shoulder, struck bones in the ribs, then made another exit near the right nipple, striking the wrist bone and getting embedded in the thigh. 

    Bullets are coming from behind. Since they were seated in close proximity, it was not surprising that Connelly was hit. There is only one real question about the back: how many shooters and how many bullets were fired from that area . Oswald, was he involved in the crime( part of a kill team) that will forever remain a mystery or was he merely a patsy as he stated at the Dallas Jail.. 

    I believe that the rear had shooters, shooter in the grassy knoll, possibly near the bush to the north were a kill team. How many bullets fired probably 4 to 5 

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Yep, as predicted, more evidence free waffle.

    Sure why not 8 or 9 shots?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,353 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    two bullets that hit at almost the exact same time? that is your theory?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Two people in the car were injured by this alleged magic bullet, the car itself was damaged both inside and out, a bullet missed where it that go?. I have not seen any photographs of it. It hit a person who was nearby least fragments of it. In the event that that individual had not been hit by the missed bullet, everything about the story may have turned out differently. Could more bullets have missed the target? Based on what is known, 4 to 5 bullets make sense., 

    Don't buy the nonsense there was no cover up here everything points to something major went down here to hide the truth, 

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Theres no proof James Tague was hit by fragments from the first shot. Its the most likely scenario but it could've hit the grass and got buried. Or hit a curb and landed miles away. There was a dent in a curb that could be from the bullet.

    The autopsy concluded there was transit through JFKs neck. Therefore the bullet that emerged intact from the President's throat had to go somewhere.

    What was in the path in front and slightly below that bullet? Connally was. Otherwise, where did the bullet go that exited JFKs throat? Did it vanish? Now thats amagic bullet.

    Just after the first shot. Theyre all looking around to the right and behind them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    My theory is this Kennedy and Connally were hit by two separate bullets. If Oswald did it his two bullets hit Kennedy and Connelly separately and third missed. The final head shot came from somewhere else. 

    Not Oswald then another shooter was in the back area shooting too and bullet of his missed Kennedy and hit Connally. In my opinion, it is not necessary to remove Oswald from the picture; possibly he was a member of the kill team and one of his shots struck Kennedy. Perhaps even the second one? 

    There is no evidence in the video, which supports the claim that a single bullet caused all of the damage to both men, even the medical wounds disprove that assertion. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,353 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    it is impossible for oswald to have fired two shots that hit kennedy and connelly at the same time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    In the first scenario, Oswald fired both shots; in the second scenario, two shooters fired shots. It is up to you to decide which scenario is more plausible. The theory of the Magic bullet is absurd. 

    The sign blocks everything that can be seen. As far as we know, Kennedy was struck when the car passed this sign. ( keep that in your head) How long would it take for the car to reemerge again probably 1 to 2 seconds? I don't think it is impossible that Oswald fired the first shot and then fired another when Car reemerged again. There is no evidence that one bullet caused all of those injuries to both men.  

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    I am trying to explain to you a bullet missed, and we believe it originated from Oswald's rifle, but you cannot be certain that no other bullets missed here because nobody ever seen that other bullet. Cannot be certain of how many shots. A cover-up concerning the missing bullet ( if found) may discredit the Oswald theory?  

    Regardless of that, that magic bullet fails to stand up to scrutiny. Either Oswald himself who fired two shots or Oswald and another shooter hit Connally and Kennedy. A Zapruder video and medical evidence are in opposition to the official narrative 

    Cracked window windshield and hole in the upholstery of the car, maybe the bullet was found there and was covered up?. That car was messed with after the event, 

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    "I can't believe it so I have rationalised there must be another shooter who I conjured based on the fact that I can't believe it"

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Specter: As to the wound on the back of Governor Connally, was there any indication that the bullet was tumbling prior to the time it struck him?

    Shaw: I would only have to say that I’m not a ballistics expert, but the wound on his chest was not a single puncture wound, it was long enough so that there might have been some tumbling.

    Specter: You mean the wound on his back?

    Shaw: The wound on his back –- yes, it was long enough so that there might have been some tumbling. In other words, it was not a spherical puncture wound.

    Mr. SPECTOR: So, would you say in net that there may have been some tumbling occasioned by it having passed trough another body or perhaps might have been occasioned by the angle of entry.

    Dr. SHAW: Yes, either would have explained the entry wound.

    So Ill ask again: If the bullet that exited JFK’s throat didn’t hit Connally, where did it go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    This doesn't change anything about what debunkers have said for decades. Shaw didn't give different entry wound sizes for the same wound. You won't want to admit that because you'll have to admit the info was wrong.

    All this information took you a considerable amount of time to find. Maybe there were some tumble that affected it. The wound size was misrepresented by debunkers for decades to prove a sideways 3cm wound.

    "or perhaps had something to do with the angle of entry"

    The bullet came in from a slight angle doesn't mean it was tumbling or exiting a throat. He agreed to both points Dr Shaw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    So Ill ask again: If the bullet that exited JFK’s throat didn’t hit Connally, where did it go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Where's the missing bullet? The first bullet was never found, so that's the story. Can the second bullet also be gone?

    All the evidence shows Connally and Kennedy weren't hit at the same time. Kennedy had already been hit when the car was behind the sign. Connelly was seated forward when the car came back into view, so he wasn't hit by the same bullet.

    You got yourself into a mess trying to discredit Dr. Shaw (Connally's doctor), and you didn't even apologize for it. If you were a serious researcher, you'd say that wound was misrepresenting on my part, so let's try it another way. I don't like the way you attacked Dr Shaw and lied about him. It's not even what I believe here that matters, but trying to discredit someone with a good reputation, what are you doing?

    Post edited by Cheerful S on

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Another pathetic question dodge. Time waster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    What a time-waster, I already told you Connally and Kennedy got hit by two bullets. It's a mystery where that bullet went after leaving Kennedy's throat.

    The bullet that allegedly caused the damage has no chain of custody, and it turns up on a stretcher hours later at Parkland Hospital. Tested Carcano bullets that hit bones were deformed and bent. I don't know where the bullet came from, but it did not hit two people and pass through their bodies, and damaged bones. 

    The size of the wound on Connally s back and the visual evidence points to a second bullet. Connally says he was hit by a second bullet, and doesn't think it was the same bullet that hit him. So what does that tell you when visual evidence and wound size back that up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    So a bullet goes through JFK from behind, comes out of his throat and goes.... where? Where did it go? How did it not hit Connally?

    How was Connally hit by a different bullet then and for that bullet not to hit JFK? Who was in the way.

    The markings on the stretcher bullet, the fragments from the head shot and the three casings found in the TSBD match the barrell of Oswalds rifle to the exclusion of all other weapons in the world.

    The revolver Oswald had in his hand when he was arrested was proven to have fired the four .38 caliber shells recovered at the Tippit murder scene to the exclusion of all other weapons in the world.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Kennedy didn't block Connally's shot at all, this is just another myth. A bullet had plenty of room to strike Connally's right shoulder, evidenced by the pictures.

    The person who found the bullet says it was nothing like the one in the archive. He says the FBI took it and the Carcano one showed up later. That video I watched a while back I'm pretty sure someone has written about that online somewhere that the bullet in the hospital is even disputed. If come across the video I will post it.

    There were a lot of fishy things going on in that Dallas jail where men showed up and would not let Oswald talk to former intelligence officer John Hurt in North Carolina. John Hurt lived next to a spy training base where recruits got trained as spies to infiltrate the Soviet Union. Oswald is weird in every way, including his friendship with George Mohrenshildt, an anti-communist who hates the soviets. He was a White Russian with intelligence ties, even the woman who Marina stayed with has intelligence and political ties. Oswald doesn't really spend much around people that are communists, at all. All evidence is he was recruited at very young age sheep-dipped to do intelligence work, I think his background as marine and seemly has good intelligence was ideal recruit for the intelligence networks.  Even CIA people testified that they saw a file saying Oswald was paid by the CIA, all of those files have probably been shredded now. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    What a load of fact free waffle.

    You didnt answer this

    So a bullet goes through JFK from behind, comes out of his throat and goes.... where? Where did it go? How did it not hit Connally?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Show me the first bullet and we'll talk about the second one. The first bullet was never found and the second bullet is just another deflection from you. 

    Again, you got it wrong. Claim Kennedy blocked Connally, as I showed you by the image in post-1765 (false). A second bullet could have hit Connally's right shoulder and not hit Kennedy. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal


    First bullet hit a curb, some of it hit James Tague and was never found as it likely smashed into a milion pieces.

    Photo here

    2nd bullet then. Again - So a bullet goes through JFK from behind, comes out of his throat and goes.... where? Where did it go? How did it not hit Connally?

    You wont answert this - because you can't. Case closed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    The link doesn't say anything about a bullet breaking up into pieces., Just leave it as some speculation. Regardless, a bullet wasn't found in any form left near the shooting. 

    What happened to the second bullet? We have proof that Kennedy and Connolly both got hit separately. Video time-lapses and Connally's back wound back that up. Connally's bullet had to end up somewhere I agree with you there.  

    There was a bullet found, that's true. Neither side disputes that record. At Parkland hospital, a bullet was found. 

     Is that bullet ( FBI archive)t the one Connally was wounded by or was it planted there later or changed out?  

    When two people who found the bullet ( one of them) confirmed on video that the bullet in the archive didn't match the one found on the hospital stretcher?  

    Well, that makes sense, the story is more plausible that Connally's bullet got switched. The fake was put there instead. Totally messed up on Connally's rib and wrist bones getting hit, it would seriously deform the entire surface of the Carcano bullet. When you're doing a quick switch of bullet days or weeks after the events, you'll not have all the facts and medical records to know that bullet looks out of place.

    How do we know that bullet that hit the curb wasn't the one that exited Kennedy's throat? it could have gone anywhere after leaving the throat. A lot of people at Parkland Hospital reported there was a small hole in the windscreen of the presidential limo. You can see a small crack on the windscreen when Clint Hill was jumping on it from the rear (photographs) Did the first bullet exit the throat, went through the windscreen and hit a roadside curb, and land somewhere? 

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Didnt answer the question again. Cowardice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    I did answer it. Three shots, only.

    Kennedy was hit, Connally was hit and then Kennedy was hit in the head by another.

    It's possible that the missed shot actually hit Kennedy's back, exited his throat, hit the Windscreen, and went through it before hitting a curb? 

    Another bullet hit Connally on the right shoulder and it was in his pants and fell out?

    Shot three- grassy knoll/stockyard, Kennedy's head explodes.

    Doesn't completely rule out Oswald as a shooter in the back. There is no evidence that one bullet passed through two bodies at all here. Then we have the testimony of two people who found the bullet said it was a pointed bullet they found on the stretcher. Carcano bullet ( FBI archive) was shown to them and they said it wasn't the one we gave them. A single person who found the bullet might have been able to make the mistake, but two seem odd. If it wasn't a Carcano bullet that hit Connally, there had to be another shooter somewhere in the back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    It's possible that the missed shot actually hit Kennedy's back, exited his throat, hit the Windscreen, and went through it before hitting a curb?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    You debunkers ignore all the Consequential details. Moments after the shooting, you can see a crack in the windscreen. Ignore that Connelly's right shoulder wound is only 1.5cm, so it's likely the tip of the bullet hit him and penetrated the skin. This disproves the long-held belief that the bullet exited Kennedy's throat and was tumbling sideways.

     Don't mind that none of the Warren Commission's ballistic tests replicated the same damage to the bullet?. Ignore the bullet found at Parkland hospital by the head of security and another worker was a different caliber bullet? How many red flags do you need to convince that Connally was not hit by the same bullet? Even Connally says he believes he was hit by a different bullet. 

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    There was no bullet hole in the windshield.

    There was no other bullet found on the stretcher.

    So - 5th time of asking - if a different bullet hit Connally, where did the bullet that passed through JFKs neck go?
