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How did you get on with your teachers at school?



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,763 ✭✭✭Aglomerado

    For the most part they were grand. I was a bit of a smartarse and lazy too but I was generally quiet and stayed out of trouble most of the time. I had my 20 year school reunion a few years ago and 11 of our old teachers turned up as well to see us! Most of them retired by then. It was great to see them and sadly two of them have passed on since. RIP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,823 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    I got on well with my teachers in primary school and the same with my secondary school teachers.

    I even still see the odd one about one who was my History teacher in secondary school is still as fit as a fiddle and rides a bike. This some 20+ years since I finished school.

    We have never had a school or class reunion and if it has happened I was never invited thankfully. Not something I would enjoy. I liked school not the students I went to school with do. I did have friends in most of school but something happened in 6th year that I decided I do not need any of them as friends. Maybe it was a wrong decision maybe not but that is what I done and I have never regretted it.

    Live long and Prosper

    Peace and long life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,008 ✭✭✭Gorteen

    National school was ok for me. I was fairly clever and found subjects easy. Teachers were nice to me with no bad memories. Secondary school was good and not so good. It was a Christian Brothers School and this was where I first saw children being subjected to corporal punishment. Leather straps, canes, and occasionally objects being thrown at pupils. Sometimes I could see that the student "deserved" the caning... but there were times it wasn't so obvious and seemed a bit arbitrary.

    One day I was sitting at the front of the class and our geography teacher (who I quite liked) was giving us a spiel about how the west of Ireland was as advanced as the rest of Ireland because "...they have JCBs too".. and for no reason whatsoever he felt the need to give me a slap across the face that left me stunned, ears ringing, on the verge of tears.... I have never forgotten nor have I ever forgiven the bastard! It completely soured me about school...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,394 ✭✭✭jmreire

    In a the CBS school I went to, the walls were lined with pictures depicting historical scenes, but they all had one thing in each of them the glass in the frames were cracked or broken from pupils being picked up and slammed against them. And to make matters worse, in one big long room, the classes were separated with sliding glass partitions, so each teacher could see clearly what the other teachers were doing. Pity compo culture was unheard of then...I was speaking to another past pupil recently, and as he said, "what could you learn in a place like that, when we were terrified out of our wits each day?"
