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There will be a rise in incel related terror attacks



  • Registered Users Posts: 691 ✭✭✭jmlad2020

    Careful now, you can't say that to an Incel. They might throw acid in your face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭chrissb8

    An incel is someone who is unaware they have no value or self-worth and project that on to women. A woman isn't going to get your life together.

    How some of these men are chronically unaware that sitting around all the time online, video gaming, eating slop usually to the detriment of their health are not desirable traits.

    Some of the type of women they are expecting to just want them as well is mind-boggling. They cut off a proportion of women based on some ridiculously high standard that they themselves are nowhere near. When really the best thing for them would be to find a woman to enter into a loving, stable relationship. Which would probably be the most healing thing for such bitter and damaged men like these "incels".

    That's the thing I think most Incels don't understand, they don't know what they actually need in their lives. They think they need lots of sex and set that up as the end goal when really all they need is that someone they can spoon with for hours. Like the majority of us basically.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,644 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    This is what some incels and redpillers are doing now that Kabul and Afghanistan have fallen...

    Reporting Afghani women with Onlyfans to the Taliban!

    Fúcking animals.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Surely a possible solution is intervention at secondary/college level to stop lads being sucked into a poisionus circle...but i guess self isolation is also an issue too?

    Like ive a head like a melted wellie,with some scars on the face,along with being terrible bad socially...and never,not once felt urge to kill/harm anyone over to stop people getting sucked into a circle of self pity and seeking out those to reinforce their views....fcuked if i know,but OP isnt wrong to fortell of it being a potential issue either

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,056 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    I used to get sneered at a lot in my last job for living at home. Some of the women doing the sneering were actually living at home themselves. It was a low paying job so the only reason why anyone working there wasn't living with their parents is because they were in relationships. The job finished up at the start of the pandemic which was probably a good thing for my mental health. But you're right, its not all internal. There's definitely a stigma there and it almost becomes a catch 22 if you're a single male.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,402 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    Listen as your day unfolds

    Challenge what the future holds

    Try and keep your head up to the sky

    Lovers, they may cause you tears

    Go ahead, release your fears

    Stand up and be counted

    Don't be ashamed to cry

    You gotta be

    You gotta be bad,

    you gotta be bold,

    you gotta be wiser

    You gotta be hard,

    you gotta be tough,

    you gotta be stronger

    You gotta be cool,

    you gotta be calm,

    you gotta stay together

    All I know, all I know, love will save the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭completedit

    Most incels don't care soley about sex, they care about being valued and receiving love. This is the reddit caricature of an incel which makes them easy to vilify

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭completedit

    Online dating is beyond brutal for average men.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭completedit

    Nobody wants to kill anybody except for people who have deep issues that go unresolved. I would never even considering hurting anybody and have absolutely no problem with women on an individual basis. I treat people how I would like to be treated. That doesn't negate the fact we are experiencing a loneliness epidemic and men are suffering the brunt of this. We all want to fall in love and feel valued but as my laundry list of traits and features shows, for a men you must meet a long list of expectations and requirements. As a guy, I don't want to date supermodels, I want to date girls I find attractive. But as a man below 6 foot it feels more and more an uphill task. And that's on top of all the other things that can and have worked against me in the past. I've had some awful experiences and have never truly been shown love in a romantic sense. I've had some brief moments but they ended when they saw me for what I was. This will kill anybody inside.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,275 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    Bollocks. Give the auld internet a break for a while. Will do you good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,525 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    'I've had some brief moments but they ended when they saw me for what I was.'

    You should read this again and again and think about what it really says. Do you think if any potential partner read your posts here that they'd be attracted to such a mentality?

    If you think that society should not encourage people being focused on aesthetics/material things, then what do you think they should focus on? Show people that. Your list in your OP tells me that you have a set of demands for what a potential partner will be like but you are blaming them for having such even though I bet you won't find a single woman who would agree with this.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think we can safely say that one thing all so-called incels seem to have in common is spending way too much time online. There's a lesson in there, somewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,275 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    @banie01 That's what they claim to be doing. The girl shown isn't what they claim though. Just a frightened child with a sense of what her future holds. All the same, it'd take an entirely new subclass of prick to think of using her image for the onlyfans spoof.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,343 ✭✭✭BrianD3

    Has there ever been a school, workplace or "incel" type attack in this country? Excluding domestic murder suicides and subversive activities obviously.

    Closest one I can think of happened in Northern Ireland. A man named Garnet Stephen Bell attacked a school in Co. Down with an improvised flamethrower made from a fire extinguisher. Some pupils were burned, not sure how seriously. .No deaths. I have a TV documentary on the incident but there is not much about it on the web

    It may be of some comfort that the Republic of Ireland has some of the most absurdly strict firearms laws in the world. NI and GB are very strict but still considerably less strict so than here e.g in terms of air rifles, crossbows and black powder.

    The law is relevant as a lot of the mass shooters seem be relatively compliant with the law - until they aren't. But they are probably not the sort that would hang around a dodgy pub looking to buy an illegal firearm. Which goes back to my earlier point about the sort of people that do possess illegal firearms and regularly commit violent crimes in this country. They are unlikely to be on incel forums fantasising about harming women.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    "as my laundry list of traits and features shows, for a men you must meet a long list of expectations and requirements."

    Well no. You have not shown any such thing. You made a list - sure. But simply making a list does not mean anything on that list is automatically valid or true. You appear to be just making it up and imagining it is true. And doing so in a world where you are literally surrounded in people who hit every point on the continuum with all those traits and still manage to have active love lives and active sex lives.

    No I find myself strongly suspecting that what I keep saying every time you churn out another one of these threads (and you have made several) is true. I can only guess that you have put the minimum level of effort into your life or attempts to better yourself in life. And rather than own that and get after it - you cling to your "laundry list" of cop out excuses to justify this to yourself. But you are not quite convinced yourself so you make threads like this to do what people lying to themselves often do - to try to convince others in the hope it will help you convince yourself.

    So keep telling yourself it is your height that is getting in the way of your dreams. And keep ignoring the fact that people of all heights - including people of your height and significantly smaller - are getting it every day of the week in ways you simply are not. Tell yourself you need a big salary packet while ignoring the active sex lives of the unemployed and minimum wage. Keep gazing into your navel - so you do not have to notice the real world in no way matches up to your fantasy version of it.

    And I include myself in this. Especially in terms of height where I am likely around your height or maybe shorter. Explain how I was able to get myself out of the very same mental hole you are in if you can? Explain how my height is not an issue and I no longer am "dead inside" or hate myself and the life I find myself in? Explain how I have now been in a 15 year relationship with not one but two of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen? Girls that can not walk from one end of a bar to another to use the toilet without being accosted and hit on by 3/4 guys en route in each direction every time because they simply attract that level of attention from guys? And who love me as deeply as I do them? Lets see how your fantasy bends to explain that one away? Because trust me it is not penis or wallet size that got me there either.

    I can explain how I got from the mental and physical hole you appear to be in - to that place. The route I took and the routines I used.

    But you're not going to want to hear it I suspect because unlike you it involved A) identifying the things in my life I could control and change B) Putting out of my mind the things out of my control and C) Actually getting up off my sorry depressed lazy self absorbed ass and putting some effort in to do something about it.

    For too long in my teens and early 20s I took the easy lazy route in life and the result was a life and a self I hated deeply. I hated life. I hated myself. I hated women. I hated people happier than me. I was a ball of just pure hate and depression. And like you I blamed everything but myself for this - especially blaming things that I could never control or change (like my height and other things on your life). Then I just woke up and realised this was a load of bollox and I actively made the decision to change my thinking and my lifestyle. And it was not even massive over night changes. It was slow - incremental - and not actually all that much effort. On day one I changed a few very small things in my life style and in my thought processes - and kept making small relatively easy changes from there.

    It could work for you too. Beware anyone who declares "What worked for me will work for you for sure". I can not know that. But I can tell people what worked for me and how and they can try it too or draw inspiration for other paths from it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yeah the really deranged call Islamist extremists "based" because of how they treat women.

    Completedit, why are you pretending that men "have to" have that entire list of traits for women when you know there are many who don't, and still have success with women? One would almost think you actually don't really want to do anything about it.

    Also, at the start you were guaranteeing there will be more incel attacks. Now you're backtracking on that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭WrenBoy

    The taliban boys aren't too interested in attracting a wife by increasing their personal recognition, more like just taking whatever women take their fancy. Their attraction to the men isn't much of a factor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    You’re not defined by your relationship and yet you mention it every time I’ve seen you post.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Which says more about you and which posts / threads you read than it does about me. This is what is called a self selection criteria.

    Defining ourselves by our relationships is probably not always healthy - even less likely to be healthy if you derive your self worth or well being from the relationship too much or even exclusively. That can foster a toxic neediness which can then develop into things like jealousy or resentment or worse.

    Mentioning things that are a big part of your life is not the same thing as being defined by that thing. Especially if you are only mentioning them in contexts where they are relevant. The question to ask yourself about a relationship - or anything else external to you like a job or money or peoples opinions of you or anything else - is do you truly believe that if that thing was removed entirely from your life tomorrow that you would still have the same level of self worth you did with that thing in your life?

    If you can answer yes to that question then you probably have a health relationship with how that thing in question affects you, your well being, and your self worth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cafflingwunts

    wow taxAHcruel, I was genuinely getting some inspiration from your posts there for a minute until I read the part about how you're tapping 2 chicks for the last 15 years and they both 'love' you.

    Grow up fantasist, giving that other guy a hard time about making excuses when your life as you described it here is clearly a fabrication.

    And to the notion that terror attacks will be committed by "incels" as they've so crudely named themselves is laughable. We're talking about people who can't even be bothered to hold a conversation for fear of conflict, how do you imagine they're going to go out and murder somebody? theyd need a little marching powder for that and I doubt they've the cop on to know where to get it.

    stupid thread, stupid people on it, rotten world we live in now.

    time machine please.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,033 ✭✭✭✭Richard Hillman

    Well actually, yes. With power brings women, in their case forcefully. They will stroll back to their village not as a 20 year old virgin with no prospects and inevitably be married off their cousin (yes that happens a lot). They'll now have a new wife, forged a new alliance with a different tribe and be praise to the hilt.

    They all yurn for going back to their towns and villages with their war tales of "Bravery" and their spoils of war. The may even get a second or third wife out of it after another family see this Taliban warrier is suitable to take on their daughter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,686 ✭✭✭Signore Fancy Pants

    It's already happening and has been a talking point within the EU security community for the last 2-3 years.

    See Plymouth a few days ago.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nothing I write is fabricated. Not even sure why it would be. I have been on the site for 12 years. Hell of a long term fabrication to be bothered with really :)

    Anyway if anything in my posts is inspirational - which I genuinely hope it is - then you should not let the value of that be demeaned by anything you believe about me personally. Either something I said has value to you - or it does not. Who I actually am while saying it is irrelevant. If a person says 2+2=4 that is either true or it is not. It does not matter if the person saying it is Einstein or Hitler. It remains true none the less.

    I can talk at length about my journey and how I made it - and how tiny easy changes I made in my life have led me to a place that is greater than the sum of its parts in terms of the happiness and well being I get from it. And am willing to answer any questions you want to ask or would find helpful or inspirational. And if you want to believe me a liar through the entire conversation then so be it - if you gain anything from the conversation at all then we are both winners regardless of what you believe about me.

    I make a lot of posts on this forum which I hope are genuinely inspirational - or at least passably helpful - to the people who read them. I assure you I do this without any malice, dishonesty, or ill intention. And it would genuinely wound me if you found inspiration in my posts - were about to implement some of that in your own life for the better - and have in any way lost faith in doing so because you do not trust the source. I have been called many things over the years on this forum - including liar and worse - and I genuinely have never cared what people thought. But the idea someone might actually be getting someone from my posts but have lost that value due to suspecting I am lying - that for the first time actually does register with me emotionally. That is absolutely never the result I Would go for on this forum ever.

    Ignore the messenger. Evaluate the message. And I genuinely wish you well friend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 222 ✭✭franciscanpunk

    When i was younger i was almost completely involuntary celebate at times bar a few one off occasions. I thought that it was because i didnt fit the particular boxes of what society thought was good and woman owed me sonething for simply being a nice guy. The reality was overweight, not confident, cared about others opinions and wanted to impress them, was dependent on alcohol for dutch courage and was in general just a lonely guy. I'm not condoning incel behavour or views and thankfully i think the community is restricted to angry young men who just have not found their way in the world yet but i think many will understand how feeling lonely can suck you into a culture its prob hard to get out of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 222 ✭✭franciscanpunk

    also someone saud ISIS is based on incel beliefs which obv sounds like a rant as a reply said some of them have multiple wives. its important to reverse it to say that means many multiple of men will not be able to find a wive as some people have 4\5 which causes deep underlying societal issues.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,125 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    That having more than one woman thing is usually found only in societies that are, or were unstable, dangerous and warlike societies where men tended to be killed on the regular, so there tended to be far more women of marriagable age than men. When the societies settle down and become stable that tends to take a back seat as a practice, even if it stays on as an idea.

    I remember discussing it with a Muslim guy and what surprised me, but shouldn't have, is in the cultures where it's in play that it's the women who organise the sourcing of the second or third wife. Either the older women in families and or the first wives themselves. Makes sense, as he pointed out the cultures tend to be more strict in such things and men, married or not can't exactly talk with or approach single women too easily.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,975 ✭✭✭Yeah_Right

    @[Deleted User] I'm curious about the changes you made in your life that got you out of your rut and put you on th he road to happiness. I've never really had an issue with my self confidence, attracting women, improving my situation etc. but I'm always interested in hearing how people change and improve their lives. I had a brush with depression in my mid 20s but I realised I was smoking too much pot, I was in a relationship that was going nowhere and I didn't like my job. So I cut back on the pot, got out of the relationship and changed jobs. I was much happier after that.

    Now (nearly 2 decades later) I'm happily married to a fantastic woman and I have a good job that I enjoy. I suppose I'm in a bit of a rut at the moment as far as getting fit and socialising at the moment. I allowed this to happen during the lockdown. I got lazy and I admit I'm looking for some inspiration. Always open to ideas and suggestions

  • Registered Users Posts: 467 ✭✭nj27

    How do you explain all the ugly fat weirdos going around with girlfriends who are better looking than them? Do you not see some of the creatures who have girlfriends out there? And not even munters, actual proper girlfriends. None of those requirements must have been applied to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,858 ✭✭✭Church on Tuesday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭completedit

    I've thought about my OP a lot over the week and nothing said here has managed to disuade me from my beliefs. I have seen too often the perceived handsome guy get the girl that I like again and again. Sometimes I know my place and then others I refuse to take it like an obedient sheep. Maybe other people just accept their station but I refused to. I don't value looks above all else but I want my girlfriend to be attractive(as well as a whole host of other qualities) It's a moot point at this stage. I'm not even young anymore and my temperament does't suit some women or girl who has her eyes on kids and marriage. These are nice things but I want to enjoy the relationship for the relationship sake, not be a check list in somebodies life. It's all about growing with someone warts and all through the highs and the lows through your 20's. As a 30 year old you're expected to HAVE ALL YOUR **** TOGETHER. So maybe the looks requirement goes down a bit but the material things then rise to the top to offset that mometary relief.
