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General Weight Loss Support Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,740 ✭✭✭✭josip

    Put on a few kilos over lockdown and fatter around my arse and waist.
    My motivation is that I don't want to have to go shopping for new swimming shorts for the summer.
    So between now and July I hope to go from 89kg back to the 83kg I was on for years.
    To achieve that I've given up (as of yesterday)

    • 2 mini mars bars with morning coffee,
    • 1 packet of Tayto after lunch,
    • 2 doughnuts with afternoon coffee,
    • half a packet of choccie biscuits and doritos in the night time working late.
    It's just meals for the foreseeable, with coffee as the 'treat'.
    Gosh, I was eating some amount of sh1te :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    I have been having 1200 calories a day for the past 2 weeks.Plus doing some exercise.
    I have been logging my food but i think i have been over generous on a few occasions.

    When you realise how many calories are in 2 eggs,or half an advocado it really opens your eyes to all the throwaway calories we consume.

    Things that you dont even realise.

    This really opened my eyes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    josip wrote: »
    Put on a few kilos over lockdown and fatter around my arse and waist.
    My motivation is that I don't want to have to go shopping for new swimming shorts for the summer.
    So between now and July I hope to go from 89kg back to the 83kg I was on for years.
    To achieve that I've given up (as of yesterday)

    • 2 mini mars bars with morning coffee,
    • 1 packet of Tayto after lunch,
    • 2 doughnuts with afternoon coffee,
    • half a packet of choccie biscuits and doritos in the night time working late.
    It's just meals for the foreseeable, with coffee as the 'treat'.
    Gosh, I was eating some amount of sh1te :(

    The 2 mini Mars bars and the package of crips is ~ 340 calories on its own so an easy way to cut back!

    Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Im really struggling.
    My weight is not shifting at all.
    Im not drinking alcohol or having takeaways.
    When will this weight shift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,828 ✭✭✭✭Mars Bar

    dubstarr wrote: »
    Im really struggling.
    My weight is not shifting at all.
    Im not drinking alcohol or having takeaways.
    When will this weight shift.

    When you're in a calorie deficit. Have you been tracking?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Mars Bar wrote: »
    When you're in a calorie deficit. Have you been tracking?

    Yes im on 1200 calories.I have been tracking and even have a portion plate.

    Last night i wanted to just eat everything in sight.But didnt.
    And am feeling better today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭insert name here 123

    Hi first time to post here, how often do people here weigh themselves? I've heard of some doing it weekly and others monthly. What's the best way to do it? My scales (mechanical) at home is not great.

    Do people go to their gp or pharmacy etc.. to get an accurate picture of gaining/losing?

    Im new to weight loss, was 18.5stone, im now just under 17stone within a month give or take.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,740 ✭✭✭✭josip

    I'm going to do weekly at the same time of day.

    We've a digital scales that's very consistent as long as I measure on the same piece of floor each time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭Niall_76

    josip wrote: »
    I'm going to do weekly at the same time of day.

    We've a digital scales that's very consistent as long as I measure on the same piece of floor each time.

    For me weekly is best. Daily fluctuations can play with emotions too much and hinder progress

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,168 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Niall_76 wrote: »
    For me weekly is best. Daily fluctuations can play with emotions too much and hinder progress

    You can also have a daily fluctuations on a weekly weigh in date. Which means you don’t see progress for 2 or 3 weeks.
    If you accept daily fluctuations you can very easily spot the trend downwards.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭insert name here 123

    Can I ask, smoothies/protein shakes, are they healthy (as part of overall diet) I use fruit and vegetables only in smoothies i make.

    I've understand they are quite sugary but would like people's opinions here.

    Do you make them regularly?
    Are they actually healthy?
    What to avoid adding to them?

    Thanks all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Lost 2 lb,so delighted with that.

    Im in a really good frame of mind today.Ordered new stuff so should make working out easier.

    Anyone reccommend some light weights for running. Need to push myself,as i can be lazy when it comes to exercise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    I went from 135kg to ~90kg in around 13 weeks or so.

    Calorie deficit, healthy, non-portion controlled diet. Mixture of resistance training and cardio training.

    I'm not a PT or nutritionist but I'd be happy to answer any questions.

    I made a short web video about it for my youtube channel. PM me if you're interested. I'll send on the link.

    NB. Not in the weight loss business. Won't try to sell you anything.

    Just happy to help. :-)

    Or you can ask me anything here if you wish...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭SouthWesterly

    I do daily just before I have my morning shower.

    I find fluid retention is a big factor. I've meds for it which I take during the week which can often account for a kg over the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    I do daily just before I have my morning shower.

    I find fluid retention is a big factor. I've meds for it which I take during the week which can often account for a kg over the week

    Meds for fluid retention? Sounds serious.

    I guess you've already thought about cutting down on the salt intake? That can help I've been told.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,786 ✭✭✭Hooked

    MouseMan01 wrote: »
    I went from 135kg to ~90kg in around 13 weeks or so.

    Calorie deficit, healthy, non-portion controlled diet. Mixture of resistance training and cardio training.

    I'm not a PT or nutritionist but I'd be happy to answer any questions.

    I made a short web video about it for my youtube channel. PM me if you're interested. I'll send on the link.

    NB. Not in the weight loss business. Won't try to sell you anything.

    Just happy to help. :-)

    Or you can ask me anything here if you wish...

    Just needed to put this down on paper (virtual paper LOL) as I've hit that wall and really need to get the weight off. I'm 42, was relatively active - playing 2 games of soccer a week. 90 mins - fairly intense... And was pretty fit & fast at around 15 stone & 6'2" (Have never really been lower than this) - but the covid weight is piling on.

    I'm now a smidge under 17 stone. I need to get back to 15 stone minimum. 14 stone "and XX:D lbs" would be dreaming - as I'm a broad/big build.

    So - I guess I just wanted this post as a point of reference.

    Here's what I know I need to do.

    • Cut back on the beer. Far too easy to crack a can and unwind these days... Limit to a few beers to the weekend ONLY. Max 6 beers total.

    • Cut out the treats at work. I usually hit the vending machine for a "bar" at 11am. Replace with fruit. Try and kill the tea, maybe - (hot) water and lemon?

    • Portion size - My plate is always too full. I eat brekkie, lunch and dinner - religiously at 8am, 2pm and 6pm... need to look at better options, smaller portions.

    • Try and get out for a 3-5km run two or three times a week. I used to love running, but that's 10-12 years or more ago. The knees and body are older!

    • Lift some weights. I've a small setup in the attic that's never used. Time to fix that.

    I guess I don't have a tonne of bad habits. I have a fry on a friday as a treat. We (me & wife, no kids) allow ourselves 1 take away, usually saturday - and I have grown quite lazy and fond of the sauce... (boredom mostly) as Covid has killed any of our usual weekend trips to the beach or my sporting outlets.

    So here's hoping a routine and a little sacrifice daily will add up at the end of the month(s)!

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    Hooked wrote: »
    Just needed to put this down on paper (virtual paper LOL) as I've hit that wall and really need to get the weight off. I'm 42, was relatively active - playing 2 games of soccer a week. 90 mins - fairly intense... And was pretty fit & fast at around 15 stone & 6'2" (Have never really been lower than this) - but the covid weight is piling on.

    I'm now a smidge under 17 stone. I need to get back to 15 stone minimum. 14 stone "and XX:D lbs" would be dreaming - as I'm a broad/big build.

    So - I guess I just wanted this post as a point of reference.

    Here's what I know I need to do.

    • Cut back on the beer. Far too easy to crack a can and unwind these days... Limit to a few beers to the weekend ONLY. Max 6 beers total.

    • Cut out the treats at work. I usually hit the vending machine for a "bar" at 11am. Replace with fruit. Try and kill the tea, maybe - (hot) water and lemon?

    • Portion size - My plate is always too full. I eat brekkie, lunch and dinner - religiously at 8am, 2pm and 6pm... need to look at better options, smaller portions.

    • Try and get out for a 3-5km run two or three times a week. I used to love running, but that's 10-12 years or more ago. The knees and body are older!

    • Lift some weights. I've a small setup in the attic that's never used. Time to fix that.

    I guess I don't have a tonne of bad habits. I have a fry on a friday as a treat. We (me & wife, no kids) allow ourselves 1 take away, usually saturday - and I have grown quite lazy and fond of the sauce... (boredom mostly) as Covid has killed any of our usual weekend trips to the beach or my sporting outlets.

    So here's hoping a routine and a little sacrifice daily will add up at the end of the month(s)!

    First of all. Cut out the cheat meals/days. There is probably over a 1000 calories in your fry and takeaway. You have to sweat like crazy as a mature, unfit adult to work that off. Cheat days are for fatties :-)

    I gave up the booze altogether. 6 pints us too many. Alcohol is the enemy when it comes to weight loss.

    Have a meal plan. Don't starve yourself. Eat a healthy calorie deficit instead. I have an appetite personally.

    I use paper plates for dinner. They are smaller.

    Study nutrition online. Find out not just what to eat. But why you should eat it. Ditto exercise techniques.

    Sugar will make you ravenous, result in energy crashes and lead to serious health problems down the line. Fruit, vegetables, tuna, wholegrains are all high on the satiety index ie. they make you feel full.

    I'm 42 years old. 18% body fat. I run around 40 miles a week no problem. Sounds like a conditioning issue. Not an age issue.

    Get a good weighing scales. I used a budget one and it gave me a body fat % of 25%. Use regularly.

    Lastly, I subscribe to email newsletters from health line, webmd and mayo clinic. I've learnt an awful lot about health from them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    Just a quick point. My weight loss rate probably wasn't ideal from a health point of view.

    If I was to do it over, I'd spend more time monitoring my body fat % and muscle mass % and less time on my weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Ye i knocked the drinking and the takeaways on the head,
    Alcohol was my reason for overeating really. Few glasses of wine, order the takeaway.

    Saturday gone was our Valentines night,as i was in hosptial for it.

    So i got a small bottle of wine from Lidl,and had a few chicken wings.

    I dint enjoy the wine, as i look at it as empty calories now.

    I did enjoy the chicken wings though.:D

    But before Saturday its been about 5 weeks since i had alcohol and takeaway food.

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    dubstarr wrote: »
    Ye i knocked the drinking and the takeaways on the head,
    Alcohol was my reason for overeating really. Few glasses of wine, order the takeaway.

    Saturday gone was our Valentines night,as i was in hosptial for it.

    So i got a small bottle of wine from Lidl,and had a few chicken wings.

    I dint enjoy the wine, as i look at it as empty calories now.

    I did enjoy the chicken wings though.:D

    But before Saturday its been about 5 weeks since i had alcohol and takeaway food.

    Great stuff. :-)

    Maybe treat yourself to a glass of zero alcohol wine on a saturday night to unwind?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    MouseMan01 wrote: »
    Great stuff. :-)

    Maybe treat yourself to a glass of zero alcohol wine on a saturday night to unwind?

    If they're only having a glass, they might as well have one they enjoy, whether it has alcohol or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭MouseMan01

    If they're only having a glass, they might as well have one they enjoy, whether it has alcohol or not.

    Sure. Also I believe the tannins in red wine are good for your heart.

    If you can keep it to one glass of alcoholic wine on a Saturday night. Then more power to you.

    Some people can smoke the odd cigarette and not get cravings.

    For me personally though. I need to cut it out entirely or the habit amplifies over time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    MouseMan01 wrote: »
    Sure. Also I believe the tannins in red wine are good for your heart.

    If you can keep it to one glass of alcoholic wine on a Saturday night. Then more power to you.

    Some people can smoke the odd cigarette and not get cravings.

    For me personally though. I need to cut it out entirely or the habit amplifies over time.

    It's whatever works for the individual and context is king. Even if they have two, if it's just a Saturday night and that's all it ever is, they're more likely to sustain all of the good work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭insert name here 123

    It's whatever works for the individual and context is king. Even if they have two, if it's just a Saturday night and that's all it ever is, they're more likely to sustain all of the good work.

    I would tend to agree with you, i get 10k walk everyday and cut out white bread and most dairy products.

    Ill have a couple of beers the weekend as long as i eat a healthy dinner before drinking (no takeaways).

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    You just have to find what works for you,because if you do you a re more likely to stick with it.

    Anyone finding their appetite dropping.
    Some days im finding it hard to at my 1200 calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,740 ✭✭✭✭josip

    dubstarr wrote: »
    You just have to find what works for you,because if you do you a re more likely to stick with it.

    Anyone finding their appetite dropping.
    Some days im finding it hard to at my 1200 calories.

    I'm hallucinating about Mars bars and can spend a solid 3 minutes visualising opening a packet of Tayto, getting the smell, seeing the smear of crisp oil on the inside of the packet, choosing which one I'm going to eat first, turn it the right way, look at it again...

    I'm doing ok :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    josip wrote: »
    I'm hallucinating about Mars bars and can spend a solid 3 minutes visualising opening a packet of Tayto, getting the smell, seeing the smear of crisp oil on the inside of the packet, choosing which one I'm going to eat first, turn it the right way, look at it again...

    I'm doing ok :o

    That was me last week about a chinese takeaway.I would have gladly given my first born for a special curry:D
    But it passes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭PeterPan92

    I dropped around 2 and a half stone from September to Christmas last year (from 12st 10 to 10st.). I put on a stone of this over Christmas, which is coming off again now.

    I personally found my own form of intermittent fasting to work best for me. I have a glass of prune juice or orange and cranberry juice in the morning. I have tea (plant based milk and sweeteners) 5-6 times during the work day. I then have a huge dinner, primarily of whole food (potatos, roast veg, and occasionally protein like chicken or falafel), and a treat going to bed.

    I haven't worked out really, except for a lot of walking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭SouthWesterly

    MouseMan01 wrote: »
    Meds for fluid retention? Sounds serious.

    I guess you've already thought about cutting down on the salt intake? That can help I've been told.

    I've a heart valve replacement. Meds a couple of times a week keep fluid levels down. Nothing to serious.

    Just had a nice meal from local hotel for our anniversary. That definitely counts as a calorie additive rather than a deficit :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,133 ✭✭✭akelly02

    MouseMan01 wrote: »
    Just a quick point. My weight loss rate probably wasn't ideal from a health point of view.

    If I was to do it over, I'd spend more time monitoring my body fat % and muscle mass % and less time on my weight.

    is this easy to monitor?
