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Women's fashions



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,168 ✭✭✭lucalux

    Don't forget, matched with a pair of Fila Disprutor's ;)

    I actually really like that look.

    I don't wear that style myself, I prefare my own coats to be tailored.

    I think that's why I can get away with wearing leggings. It's because I just look like a professional who has thrown on a pair of runners to do some errands & I don't think the leggings are even noticed.

    Plus I'm slim so they actually look nice on me, but I wear them more for comfort than for the look.

    & not every day either, I'm down to only one pair atm so I've to wear my skinny jeans again :rolleyes: :D

    Gotta agree, am a huge fan of layered comfort based looks, can balance out an oversized top/coat or trousers with some styling, and chunky runners along the lines of the Disruptors are a love of mine, need to get some new ones soon.

    (Hankering after some proper platform ones, but I'd break my ankles no doubt!)

    I agree with the leggings thing, they're not sloppy in and of themselves, it's how you put them together isn't it.
    Practical and not massively noticeable no, unless as already said, they're see through etc. Skinny jeans look good on any size I think, once they fit well.
    Finding good leggings, like jeans, is a holy grail thing isn't it :)

    I'm happy enough that I'm never gonna win any best dressed awards, or style nods, have always dressed a bit 'outside of fashion', but if I'm comfortable - I'm automatically gonna be feeling better about everything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,645 ✭✭✭SineadSpears

    When I'm not in a rush I'll wear loafers & as I said, I wear only tailored coats. But sometimes I'll wear the leggings because I want to tone down my look.

    Sometimes skinny jeans with loafers & a tailored coat can be a bit much for the day time so the leggings are actually a better option.

    Then there's plenty of days especially in the summer, I'll wear a leather coat, leggings lol, a loose t-shirt & maybe converse.

    Up the leggings! :D

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