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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Tuesday 8.05 miles @7.54 + 3 miles @8.42

    Straight forward relaxed enough run in the morning. The opportunity was there to get out for another half hour in the evening so took it for a few recovery miles on grass.

    Wednesday 6x 400, 3x200

    Lunchtime run on grass up in Marlay Park. Lovely day although there was definitely a wind attacking me on some of these reps. Reps averaged 75 seconds for the 400 and 37 for the 200 which is what I was targeting. I was happy to hit them but recoveries went from a gentle jog to a crawl on the last rep. I don't mind that as could have been walking recoveries anyway but was hoping I didn't push the knee too much on this. The grass would have helped here though.

    Thursday 7.79 Miles @7.54

    No recollection but seemed a bit pacy after session for me

    Friday 8.11 Miles @8.29

    Slowed up the easy run here to more recovery pace to give the legs a bit of a break. Did the trick

    Saturday 14 Miles @7.3

    Up at the crack of dawn here and out the door just after half 5. I was back to get a lie down for 15 mins then before the kids were awake. I did 45 mins here of what I think would be my marathon pace if i was targeting sub 3(which I'm not of course :D) Most of these miles were handy enough as elevation was kind on this section. A nice run but was tried enough for day. These early ones after a few cans the night before might be catching up on me a bit.

    Sunday 6.22 Miles @8.14

    This was planned for lunchtime but sure kids don't do plans. Out early and done for day and week now. Happy to hit 60 miles for week but will ease back closer to 50 next week followed by a step back week to coincide with 1mile TT. Thanks for reading.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I obviously don't know the full history here but sub 17 5k runner, with a mile pace in or around 5 mins isn't targeting a sub 3? What am I missing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    I obviously don't know the full history here but sub 17 5k runner, with a mile pace in or around 5 mins isn't targeting a sub 3? What am I missing?

    Ah it's more a joke at myself. My predictions for some earlier races in the year on reflection were a bit sandbaggy. I put in a very aggressive prediction for 1 mile TT as a result. I will be targeting sub 3 at next attempt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Ah it's more a joke at myself. My predictions for some earlier races in the year on reflection were a bit sandbaggy. I put in a very aggressive prediction for 1 mile TT as a result. I will be targeting sub 3 at next attempt.

    A bit :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    A bit :eek:

    How very dare you?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    How very dare you?

    A lot sandbaggy is what you actually meant ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Haha sorry. I've called you out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Monday 7.52 Miles @8.04
    Early morning run incorporating some local climbs including the apt named Heart attack Ridge on Stocking Avenue.

    Tuesday 7.55 Miles @8.20
    I upped my climb game on the previous day. Approx 1000 feet elevation gain as I ran up 3 rock Mountain first thing. Took it nice and easy on the way up and tried my best to leave the handbrake semi on , on the descent. Its mad how easy you can just take off and lose control of your legs on such a downhill.

    Wednesday 200,400,600,800 at 1mile pace
    I did a small session here at lunchtime. Is was a very warm day and I felt it. I don't want to overdo myself on the speed stuff at the moment . I do like the 5k distance but at the minute the jury is out for me on the 1 mile distance. I'm hoping I will like it in about 8 days times though. I put in a target of 4.59 for the mile. I'm really not sure if I can get there of even in an ass's roar of it, but I will give it a good rattle anyway.
    200 rep target 37 - actual 34
    400 rep target 1.15 - actual 1.11
    600 rep target 1.51 - actual 1.53
    800 rep target 2.30 - actual 2.34

    Thursday 9.01 Miles @ 8.14
    Bit of a mad run this. I got lost trying to take a shortcut and ended up almost getting a chase off 2 security guards as I found myself trapped in the grounds of a temporary closed business due to Covid. I ended up running through brambles, climbing through a gap in a fence and entering a lethal section of the main road which I was trying to avoid running on in the first place to break free. Heart rate noticeably climbed around here :)

    Friday 7.11 Miles @ 8.28
    Nothing exciting here just some easy miles to keep the heart rate low and the legs kicking

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I'm not sure even mile runners 'like' the mile distance....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    I'm not sure even mile runners 'like' the mile distance....

    What's the name of that 90's hip hop group again... ah yes House of Pain!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Saturday 12.2 Miles @ 7.33
    With the recent confirmation of DCM getting canned, I decided I would take in a few of the local miles on the route that are within my radius. Alternate MP miles with easy miles with the last 20 minutes all been easy. I had planned 45 mins of MP in a row but filled up on alcohol a bit much previous evening.

    Sunday 5.7 Miles @ 8.27
    few easy miles to wrap up the week - approx 55 Miles for week

    Monday 7.4 Miles @ 7.54
    Bot of a step back week this week. After getting lost trying a new route last week, I had another go to find this shortcut. If i had just ran straight rather then trying to be creative last week, I wouldn't have got covered in nettle stings. Anyway, this magic shortcut opens up a few more options for me now. Crossed 1,000 miles for year somewhere on this run.

    Tuesday 6 Miles @7.21
    4 x 400

    Now if i could put those 400 metres together on saturday thats my 4.59 target - easy :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Congrats on the 1000miles :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Tuesday PM 3miles @8.31
    Popped out again that evening as the kids were in bed a bit earlier after a busy day and wanted to give a trial run to the new Asica Novablast. Verdict - Comfy

    Nothing spectacular then for the next few days. Wednesday and Thursday consisted of a couple of enjoyable 10km runs around Marlay Park. Nothing nicer then having that park to yourself early morning as the birds awake and squirrels scarper for the trees when they hear you coming. Friday was 5 easy miles with a few strides towards the end. It was hard work though as it was my birthday the day before and I may have filled up on cake and alcohol.


    No surprises I was up early here and out the door to attack this Time Trial. I was initially happy with my result(5.03,5.04) here then a little unhappy and my thoughts continued to flip flop on it as the day went on. I was working afterwards but wasn't getting much done thinking of that and FOMO of not been out in the great day.

    I was happy with the time I achieved as my 4.59 prediction was a bit pie in sky I thought, although tinman had me in and around that after the 5k TT.
    The frustration lay with the fact I left the sub 5 out there in Bushy Park. I simply went off a bit conservatively and didn't look at watch for maybe first minute. When I did it was reading 5.20 and i was hoping to see 5.10. I then thought I upped pace a little but clearly not as another minute later i was still averaging 5.20.
    Half Way point, I pushed on and anytime I glanced at watch i was at approx 4.50 and was feeling good now. Don't get me wrong I wanted it to be over as much as the next person but I knew I would finish it at that pace.

    As I was approaching probably 100 metres left, I looked at watch again and thought i was going to go sub 5. A man had come from nowhere(I'm sure he didnt, I just wasnt paying attention) and was slap bang in the middle of the path. I was too close to get past him on his right but as i went left i realised a tree was going to block me out trying to get back on path . I just decided here to do a hard left as only had bout 40 metres left. Unfort, I was now running on loose pebble stones and had to really concentrate on my footing . I was actually heading towards the bushes at the perimeter of the park and was just hoping that dam beep from my watch would tell me it was finally over. Eventually It did before I had to jump Beechers Brook. I probably leaked a second or 2 at the end due to this but I still may have been just outside 5 mins.

    I think I can now go sub 5 and my stubbornness will dictate it will be the same venue the next time I try.

    Sunday 10 Miles @6.47
    Originally planned an easy few miles as it was due to be step back week. Instead I was awake early after been up a few times already due to the heat so just decided to get out the door at 6am. 60min tempo(ish job) which was exactly what was needed.

    52 miles for week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    I had lots going on this week so I really should have planned my runs in advance. The week basically consisted of me doing the wrong run at the wrong time on more then one occasion which has resulted in my legs feeling pretty battered up at the minute.

    Monday 7.22 Miles @8.19
    Nothing too much wrong with this one. I had done a good 10 Miles at MP the previous day so maybe should have slowed it a bit more and took in less hills.

    Tuesday 7 Miles @7.59
    Bit faster than previous but heart rate well down, Felt relatively easy.

    Wednesday 6.05 Miles @6.54
    This was my first mistake of week. I had a window of about 45 mins to get out on my lunch and wanted a bit of pace. Quick scroll through Garmin to find something to fit time period and I picked the session I did for 1 Mile TT the previous week. I ran 400's and 200's at 1 mile pace when there was no real need and i was already tired before I set off.

    Thursday 8.01 Miles @8.17
    This seemed like an easy enough run on paper except again I picked wrong here. I went up the mountain with a 400ft elevated mile in there - fook knows why. Exactly what I shouldn't have been doing after speedy session the previous day. I felt very stiff around the left side of my body all day then, hips, hamstring and groin all felt tight.

    Friday 5.04 Miles@8.38
    Debated taking my first rest day since 13th March but legs felt a bit better here so had a nice easy 5 miles which I seemed grand then after

    Saturday 13.12 Miles@7.30
    10 miles progression here which was fine till about mile 8. Legs simply had enough but i pushed them through the last 2 miles up hill under 7 min mile pace. I should have done an easy long run here and regret that i didn't let my legs recover.

    Sunday 5.52 Miles@ 8.17
    Easy Miles and ran through stiffness

    52 Miles for week but it felt more like 152

    Next few runs will defo be all easy now and may take the week of easy runs. Its the first time in last 3 months I have felt anyway sore and probably need a rest at some stage. I had planned to get to a streak of 100 days running before I took a rest day but It may be needed before then. I will see what the next couple of days brings first.

    With stuff opening up, I Just booked to go away on a domestic holiday on the 4th of July now so I wont do the 10 Mile TT now which I was leaning towards. Depending what time we set off at it will be either 10 mins or 10 km at stupid o clock in the morning i'd imagine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Feeling more energetic and legs no where near as heavy as previous week. At this stage, I would like to have a race to use this fitness but sure it is what it is.

    Monday 8th 5.33 Miles @8.18

    Tuesday Double Runmute
    AM 6.76 miles@8.09
    PM 6.8 Miles@8.16
    I will be making the trip now to the office once a week for time being. Few things just far easier to do from there than home. As long as I'm doing that, I decided I may as well run both ways. Previously when I was commuting, I would cycle in with my bag(clothes for 2 days) the first day and run home without it that evening. The following day I would run in and cycle home with the bag - rinse and repeat. Now, I will be carrying a bag both ways and increasing daily mileage so 'Ill travel as light as I can. The run in is pretty much all downhill so its hard to keep the pace in check sometimes. The way home is the opposite and is usually a drag.

    Wednesday 6.39Miles @7.10
    45 minute window here in the afternoon - did about 15 - 20 mins at tempo and only eased off the gas a bit before and after. Enjoyable run

    Thursday 6.31 miles@8.12
    Friday 7.13 miles@8.17

    Saturday 12.01 miles @7.17
    I took in a small bit of DCM route here from Rathgar up as far as UCD. I was going to go up Heartbreak Hill but that hill is a mere mound compared to Mount Anville Road which I would have had to take then to get back home. I Kept the pace consistently between 7.10-7.20 for entire run and felt very comfortable throughout. I was testing out the new pegasus37 for first long run which seem decent without blowing me over as such. This was a lunch time run and the humidity out was something else. I was wearing a new pair of shorts here too and nearly threw them in the bin after scraping them off.

    Sunday 6.23 miles @8.19
    Up and out early for a few easy miles. Did the lap around Marlay as opposed to inside it as it wasn't opened yet. I've no idea how I was up at 6.15am running as I had a fair few drinks the night before. I may not have been sober and napped when my youngest napped too around lunch time which probably proved it.

    57 Miles for week and 93 days in a row

    Monday 7miles@7.56
    Early morning run before work-nothing to see here

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Tuesday Double Runmute

    AM 7.01 Miles @8.02
    PM 6.01 Miles @8.07

    Morning run fairly bland, although is nice to run towards the city centre early doors when its a bit quieter than normal. Nice to see a fair few cycling and running and a few less fumes to breath in.
    Afternoon run - I was meeting the family elsewhere so was taking a different route back for a bit of variation. It was a humid day but about a mile into the run the clouds cleared and it was a scorcher all of a sudden. I took another re route here and decided to run on the beach at sandymount Strand. It was a delight with the sea breeze ,so much so I whipped the top off and went full Mitch Buchannon tipping away down the sand ;) As I was approaching the reality of the road again, I noticed Ireland Rugby Manager Andy Farrell doing a bit of hardcore S+C tucked away in the corner of the promenade. Hes an absolute beast of a man and, I couldn't get my top back on quick enough here.

    Wednesday 6x4 Mins@CV 6.5 Miles@6.37

    I was going to go out early for this but I could hear the rain pelting off the window so I rolled back over in bed. I wasn't working here and had booked to go into the Zoo to check out how the aul covid zoo experience works. Turns out, its pretty good,a well oiled machine infact. You have to go a certain way all the way around but with it been quieter, its easier to get glimpses of all the animals for the kids. Schoolboy here is that I forgot to bring the kicks to do the session around the Park after. Headed back my direction and did it locally in the end. Not exactly sure what CV is for me at the moment but if I'm targeting sub 3 marathon , I suppose its around 6.05-6.15 mile mark. I did it at 6.05 with 2 min floats at 7.45-50. I did this on grass and like to do at least one run a week fully on grass. I was happy to hit the paces and seemed to get stronger as it went along which I was happy with anyway.

    Thursday 5.5 Miles @8.29

    They happened to be opening the gates of Marlay as I ran past so took the opportunity to do a few recovery miles here on grass. Great having the place to yourselfbar a few squirrels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good session there D.

    For reference. CV is about 10 sec slower than your recent 5k or about 30min effort. Quicker than 10k pace, unless you are a 30min 10k runner..

    On the sub 3- you are putting in good mileage, great consistency and you have good speed. A plan, long runs and plenty of MP miles and you are there...:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Good session there D.

    For reference. CV is about 10 sec slower than your recent 5k or about 30min effort. Quicker than 10k pace, unless you are a 30min 10k runner..

    On the sub 3- you are putting in good mileage, great consistency and you have good speed. A plan, long runs and plenty of MP miles and you are there...:)

    Ah yes thanks M. That sounds familiar now you say it. I plugged in 2.59 marathon into tinman and that popped out. If I had done it correctly and based off recent 5k and 10k TT ,I should have been running at least 20 seconds quicker per rep. I would then need the 2 mins as recovery rather then a floating time.

    A plan is my next step :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Friday 5.10 Miles @8.15

    Had planned to do about 8 miles here but knocked it on the head after 5 as was playing golf for first time in nearly a year shortly after. I shouldn't have bothered as I was spraying the ball everywhere but the fairway. Great to catch up with a couple of friends though.

    Saturday 13.11 Miles @ 7.09

    Did a warm up mile and was feeling very stiff- at this stage wasnt looking forward to what was ahead.
    Once I sped it up , I felt looser. I did about 7 miles here starting off close to MP and getting closer to HMP by the 7th. I eased off then and did the last 5 miles at a moderate pace. Enjoyed that one.

    Sunday 5miles @8.27

    A recovery skip around marlay to notch up 100 consecutive days running. I think I will take a rest day now tomorrow.

    This exact day last year, I got a pop up add on social media advertising the last chance entry for DCM on July 1st. I had never ran more then 2 days in a row or longer then 40 minutes for that matter(bar a couple of charity 10ks). I spent the next 10 days debating it.

    The marathon site crashed on that July 1st date. After 30 extremely frustrating minutes, I gave up on an entry and was thinking, sure it was a nice idea anyway. I went off and made a coffee and I said for the craic, I will try one last time when I get back to my pc.
    It only went and worked and I got my confirmation mail a few mins later.
    I immediately panicked and was already looking for ways out of it ;)
    A few days and drinks later, I got myself a pair of runners and a garmin and started running like an eejit-way too fast with no plan. After a bit of googling and a gentle nudge, I fell upon the novice thread on here and it changed my whole approach after a few weeks.

    A year on and I couldn't imagine my life without running now. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    You've made massive progress in a short time. Real natural ability and talent. I think you'll go sub 2:50 in the not to distant future.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    Enjoyed my rest from running on the Monday, although I spent hours gardening and lifting heavy loads between work meetings.
    Straight back at it with 2 runmutes on Tuesday which combined to about 12.3 miles @8.17

    Wednesday 8miles @6.48
    4x8 mins at half marathon pace . I felt a bit tight around glutes and hamstring at the start so first rep was a bit sluggish. I got more in a rhythm as it went along and didn't feel any more tightness until after I stopped. Plenty of foam rolling afterwards.

    Thursday 7miles @8.18
    Couple of early mornin loops on the grass of Marlay to give the legs an easy time.

    Friday 7.58 miles @7.58
    Nothing really of note. I did a further 30mins @recovery pace in the late afternoon.

    I decided the previous day that I wanted to test where I was over 10km. I would have done this as part of the Boards TT next week, but I will be too tight for time, so opted for 10 mins on that day.
    The 2nd run of 3.5 miles on Friday was to see where my legs were at. I had ran a 37.10 at start of lockdown in March, so I was hoping I might sneak under 37. I have done plenty of training since then which helps, but my diet hasn't been great in recent weeks. Few beers and choc bars has become the norm of late and got involved in both on Friday evening too.
    Anyway, usual crack of the dawn stuff for me. Put on the vaporflys and ran towards Bushy Park where I did the mile TT recently. Its just under a mile loop so was going to do 7ish laps rather then think too much about routes. I speak in miles so I knew anywhere about 5.56 avg mile pace would get me the target.
    Happy with how the first mile went but realised I may have miscalculated distance and may actually be 8 laps I needed to do.
    First mile was 5.48. I noticed on the 2nd mile I had slowed a bit on the drag section of the lap. Was trying to keep it at 6.05 pace here but climbed closer to 6.15 pace. On the downhill part I was able to get closer to 5.40 so almost levelled it off - mile 2 clocked in at 5.56.
    Even though this was bang on time with what I targeted, I felt like I had lost a bit of time so looked closely at time over 3rd mile.

    This is where the mind starting playing games. The loops were starting to grind on me and had thoughts here of just now doing 5k. It turns out this was my fastest mile at 5.39 as I drove it on thinking of the possibility of an early finish. I got a 2nd wind when I saw time here and said sure 4 miles is a distance I never raced. Let's call this a 4 mile TT now.

    Mile 4 was a solid 5.45 but I felt spent and if I continued doing loops the head was telling me 5 miles is your absolute limit. Half way through the 6th loop,I left the park for my sanity and took the DCM route from Terenure through Rathgar towards Milltown. ..Mile 5 was 5.48 which gave me a sub 29 mins for 5 miles. I wasn't prepared to jack it in now. I was finishing this by any possible means. My altered route had given me a new lease of life. Mile 6 was 5.48 and I just left everything out there for last part to post a 35.46 to my disbelief. The last couple of kms, I had a slight advantage with the gradiant but perhaps that levels out in a race situation- I duno..Either way I'm not bothered as I was chuffed and went home and made a full Irish and horsed it down.
    Warm up and cool down had me hitting approx 12 miles in total for day.

    Sunday 10 miles @8.14
    Legs felt fine. I went through the motions here as I caught up on a couple of football podcasts.

    60 miles from 6 days running

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,623 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    That’s a great run on your own.

    Well done


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    That's pretty spectacular

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Super stuff D! Brilliant run & time :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    That’s seriously impressive moving on your own D, fair play man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wow thats some effort for a solo TT, well done! Fabulous time!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,466 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Awesome as always D!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Super running. Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    That’s a great run on your own.

    Well done

    That's pretty spectacular
    Super stuff D! Brilliant run & time :D
    OOnegative wrote: »
    That’s seriously impressive moving on your own D, fair play man.
    Wow thats some effort for a solo TT, well done! Fabulous time!!
    Awesome as always D!

    Thanks all for the kind words. Much appreciated:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I'm expecting a 2:4x for when you race a marathon again
