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Lady can't have her hairy balls waxed [mod notes/warnings in post #1]



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,149 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Speaking of young people i was reading a disturbing account from a doctor who was working in GIDS

    Here is an even more disturbing account from a young female who felt pressured into taking hormone blockers.
    After just a few consultations at the Tavistock, Jacob was referred to the endocrinology clinic at University College London Hospitals [UCLH]. He claimed the clinic did not consider his background, such as the trauma of a sexual assault at primary school, or his parents’ difficult divorce. He and his mother were soon making regular visits to London from their small village in the west of England for the injections.

    “They promise you that your breasts will disappear, that your voice will be deeper, that I would look and sound more like a boy. For me, that was the best thing that could have happened,” he said.

    Only, Jacob found that wasn’t what happened at all. Far from becoming one of the lads, as he’d hoped, he felt even more alienated from them as their physiques changed and Jacob’s remained the same.

    “At school, other people were maturing into adults. The guys I grew up with were growing hair and growing up. For someone who’s trying to fit in as a boy, that’s not what you want.”

    Jacob had always been the tallest among his friends. Now he was the shortest. When his little brother overtook him in height and strength, he found it too upsetting to be in the same room as him.

    “My little brother is 18 months younger and now he has completely outgrown me. I go to school and I feel like other people are developing and I still feel like a child,” he said.

    Jacob also claims he was not warned about the side-effects of the drugs.

    These have included insomnia, exhaustion, fatigue, low moods, rapid weight gain which caused his skin to become covered with angry, itchy stretch marks, and a reduction in bone density. “I’d never broken a bone before [taking puberty blockers],” he says. “I’ve since broken four bones.

    “I stubbed my toe, it broke. I fell over, my wrist broke. Same with my elbow

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,149 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Read the mod note in post one. You are misgendering and have broken the terms you agreed to when joining boards. Other posters have been banned for referring to she as a he.
    Your possibly going to get Woke with a ban hammer once a trans or trans ally reports that post. Welcome to 2019.

    Male and female are sex descriptors and have nothing to do with gender, therefore calling this person a male is a statement of fact cannot be called "misgendering". I don't believe the mods have made such a claim? They only care about people saying "he"/"his" right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    Male and female are sex descriptors and have nothing to do with gender, therefore calling this person a male is a statement of fact cannot be called "misgendering". I don't believe the mods have made such a claim? They only care about people saying "he"/"his" right?

    No the mods have asked that JY be referred to as “she” because it’s what THEY identify as. So forget your logic and biological learning and just pretend that guy is a woman or you’ll get banned. All it’s doing is further poisoning the well for the trans community, so follow the instructions as provided.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭Obvious Desperate Breakfasts

    ceadaoin. wrote: »

    Breaking bones so easily is in the realm of pathological fracturing. That’s honestly disturbing. :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭MrFresh

    A man or a woman would at the very least get arrested for trying to organise a topless pool party for pubescent girls. What kind of sicko thinks that's ok? Jonathan got away with it because wearing a ballgown means basic societal norms don't apply to him.

    Arrested for committing what crime?

    You just look for anything that sets off alarm bells. Like that swimming event that sought to exclude parents. Alarm bells. As a parent, I wouldn’t be stroking my chin looking for peer-reviewed journals on the topic. I’d just be keeping my children from the event, full stop. Ditto any parade where sexual activity might be on display. Changing rooms where men can wander in next to little girls. No! This is all just common sense.

    Sometimes alarms go off when nothing is wrong though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 786 ✭✭✭vladmydad

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,149 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Breaking bones so easily is in the realm of pathological fracturing. That’s honestly disturbing. :eek:

    They know about the side effects, and have done for years. There have already been lawsuits against them by women who were prescribed the drug as children for precocious puberty. The **** is going to hit the fan in a few years when these kids grow up and realise they were lied to and used as a medical experiment

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭Obvious Desperate Breakfasts

    MrFresh wrote: »
    Sometimes alarms go off when nothing is wrong though.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t take the risk personally. If there are metaphorical alarm bells ringing, I’m going to take heed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Actually that brings up another question; are these 50 odd pronouns ze, zir and all that bloody nonsense now present in other languages like French or Spanish, or Chinese, or is it just in the English speaking world influenced by the loons on US campuses and "woke" media?

    No of course they aren’t because only western nations seem to be buying in to this absolute bollixology (as evidenced here though that won’t last as the backlash increases). They can **** off with invented terms like ze, zir etc - that will never be accepted outside the echo chamber of college campuses and safe spaces they occupy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,802 ✭✭✭✭suicide_circus

    vladmydad wrote: »
    great to see it in The Guardian but its nothing that anyone with an ounce objectivity and common sense hasn't been saying for years

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Franz Von Peppercorn II

    MrFresh wrote: »
    Arrested for committing what crime?

    She wants topless teenage girls around her. (By the way this is where the use of the preferred gender of Yaniv is to my mind problematic. I’m following rules but using the biological gender for Yaniv would make that sound a lot more sinister. But I can’t).

    Sometimes alarms go off when nothing is wrong though.

    Would you listen to yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Franz Von Peppercorn II

    JohnMc1 wrote: »
    Can we get rid of those Gender Studies terms? Why legitimize those terms. Let's call "cisgender" people exactly what they are. Normal and sane.

    I was clearly criticising the term.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    She wants topless teenage girls around her. (By the way this is where the use of the preferred gender of Yaniv is to my mind problematic. I’m following rules but using the biological gender for Yaniv would make that sound a lot more sinister. But I can’t).

    Would you listen to yourself.

    Deflect deflect deflect attack is the modus operandi of trans “ally’s” - it’s in free fall now though and won’t work anymore.

  • Site Banned Posts: 297 ✭✭NKante

    The world is going mad, and I'm afraid it's the left that are behind the madness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭MrFresh

    She wants topless teenage girls around her. (By the way this is where the use of the preferred gender of Yaniv is to my mind problematic. I’m following rules but using the biological gender for Yaniv would make that sound a lot more sinister. But I can’t).

    As repugnant as that is, what crime has she committed? You can't just lock someone up for being morally reprehensible, male or female.
    Would you listen to yourself.

    There's nothing to suggest trans people, pre-op or post-op are more likely to commit crimes against children than anyone else. That's the long and the short of it. In any other case, if your alarm was going off when nothing was wrong, you'd think it was broken.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    MrFresh wrote: »
    As repugnant as that is, what crime has she committed? You can't just lock someone up for being morally reprehensible, male or female.

    No but as a parent you will take all steps to protect your child from disgusting creatures such as JY. If he invited my child to his pool party, locking up is the last thing he should be worried about because I’d kick his teeth in to the back of his head myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭MrFresh

    No but as a parent you will take all steps to protect your child from disgusting creatures such as JY. If he invited my child to his pool party, locking up is the last thing he should be worried about because I’d kick his teeth in to the back of his head myself.

    Good for you I guess. But it was specifically stated that she was getting away with things that non trans people would be locked up for. Nobody seems to be able to say what crime they would be locked up for though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,543 ✭✭✭Dante7

    MrFresh wrote: »
    As repugnant as that is, what crime has she committed? You can't just lock someone up for being morally reprehensible, male or female.

    While on its own, it may not attract a criminal charge, when it is grouped with other examples of grooming behaviour it will likely be used as evidence. Such as in the case of Yaniv grooming a 14 year old girl online.

    There's nothing to suggest trans people, pre-op or post-op are more likely to commit crimes against children than anyone else. That's the long and the short of it. In any other case, if your alarm was going off when nothing was wrong, you'd think it was broken.

    Trans women are much more likely to commit sexual offences than women. They are more likely to commit violent offences than women, and they are more likely to commit paedophilic offences than women. In fact, the stats show that trans women's rate of offending closely matches that of male pattern offending. It's a real mystery.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    MrFresh wrote: »
    Good for you I guess. But it was specifically stated that she was getting away with things that non trans people would be locked up for. Nobody seems to be able to say what crime they would be locked up for though.

    Pedophilia, threat to young children, possible sexual exploitation of children, inappropriate male nudity in front of children, distressing scenes for children, inappropriate questioning of children, inappropriate conduct around you want me to go on or you fine to keep shielding a pervert?

    Trans allys are becoming an uncomfortable joke but you will perish on the sword on you try to wield.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,149 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    MrFresh wrote: »
    As repugnant as that is, what crime has she committed? You can't just lock someone up for being morally reprehensible, male or female.

    There's nothing to suggest trans people, pre-op or post-op are more likely to commit crimes against children than anyone else. That's the long and the short of it. In any other case, if your alarm was going off when nothing was wrong, you'd think it was broken.

    No but the fact is, that males, regardless of their gender identity are more likely to commit crimes and acts of voyeurism against women and children than females. It's one of the reasons that places where people are in a state of undress are generally sex segregated. there is a lot of evidence to suggest that these self ID laws are being abused by male predators to gain access to victims . Can't wait until the incels cotton on to this, or maybe they already have

    So at what point do you think that something should be done to stop this? How many victims?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭MrFresh

    Dante7 wrote: »
    While on its own, it may not attract a criminal charge, when it is grouped with other examples of grooming behaviour it will likely be used as evidence. Such as in the case of Yaniv grooming a 14 year old girl online.

    Trans women are much more likely to commit sexual offences than women. They are more likely to commit violent offences than women, and they are more likely to commit paedophilic offences than women. In fact, the stats show that trans women's rate of offending closely matches that of male pattern offending. It's a real mystery.

    Are you sure you linked the right article? That says they are halfway between bio men and bio women. He also has to "guesstimate" some figures.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Franz Von Peppercorn II

    MrFresh wrote: »
    As repugnant as that is, what crime has she committed? You can't just lock someone up for being morally reprehensible, male or female.

    I think we know what crime is more likely to be committed.
    There's nothing to suggest trans people, pre-op or post-op are more likely to commit crimes against children than anyone else. That's the long and the short of it. In any other case, if your alarm was going off when nothing was wrong, you'd think it was broken.

    There’s plenty of research that predatory men are more likely. And self id enables that.

    Yaniv herself is in fact under investigation which doesn’t stop you thinking a play date with topless teens would be alright.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭Obvious Desperate Breakfasts

    MrFresh wrote: »
    There's nothing to suggest trans people, pre-op or post-op are more likely to commit crimes against children than anyone else. That's the long and the short of it. In any other case, if your alarm was going off when nothing was wrong, you'd think it was broken.

    If I was a parent, I wouldn’t allow my child to that event, no matter who it was run by. The point is, would your average biological male or female even attempt to organise such an event? The person who tried to organise it seemed to be trying to use inclusivity as a shield. That’s problematic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,519 ✭✭✭✭dudara

    JohnMc1 wrote: »
    Can we get rid of those Gender Studies terms? Why legitimize those terms. Let's call "cisgender" people exactly what they are. Normal and sane.

    Transgender is no longer classed as a mental illness. To imply otherwise is not acceptable.


  • Registered Users Posts: 28,127 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    1 in 10 Traveller are identifing as Trans in prison, 1 in 50 of other prisoners. The rate for being Trans outside prison is 0.5%
    Those figures are for the UK.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    Do not discuss mod instruction in thread. Contact a mod directly, or use the Help Desk


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,628 ✭✭✭klaaaz

    Dante7 wrote: »
    Trans women are much more likely to commit sexual offences than women. They are more likely to commit violent offences than women, and they are more likely to commit paedophilic offences than women. In fact, the stats show that trans women's rate of offending closely matches that of male pattern offending. It's a real mystery.

    You're scaremongering with language like that painting trans women as rapists and paedophiles, no surprise from the conservatives.

    According to that article which extrapolates from
    , 60 trans women prisoners out of a UK trans women population of 500k committed sexual offences. It does not say if any of the offenders are just claiming to be transgender jumping on the bandwagon or how many are genuinely transgender with GRC's obtained or in the process of obtaining the certs. The BBC article is a reality check hence it's name rather an article written by some anonymous blogger which you posted here..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭The Specialist

    Banned for one week for continuing to debate mod actions, despite previous warning.

    I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. Do not discuss mod actions on thread. Contact a mod directly, or use the Help Desk.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭MrFresh

    I think we know what crime is more likely to be committed.

    There’s plenty of research that predatory men are more likely. And self id enables that.

    Yaniv herself is in fact under investigation which doesn’t stop you thinking a play date with topless teens would be alright.

    But is there any case of self ID actually enabling it?

    If I wasn’t a parent, I wouldn’t allow my child to that event, no matter who it was run by. The point is, would your average biological male or female even attempt to organise such an event? The person who tried to organise it seemed to be trying to use inclusivity as a shield. That’s problematic.

    only if it works.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,127 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    True transgender isn't a mental disorder anymore it alludes to the fact that over 41% of transgenders have mental health problems including disorders though.
    The screwed up thing here is JY does seem to have a mental disorder and those that can spot it are some how wrong for not identifying her correctly as a mad man in the first place.
    She's just a lesbian girl trying to get her lady balls waxed, have topless pool parties with 12yr old girls and help them with sanitary pads.

This discussion has been closed.