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General Weight Loss Support Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Mellor wrote: »
    That's an arbitrary number MFP uses. It's meaningless as far a recommended minimum.

    I agree it's an arbitrary number, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it meaningless. The body still needs energy, and too many days of not getting enough energy can cause side effects. 1,200, arbitrary as it is, is a recommended minimum to make sure you're getting enough calorie intake to provide a typical required amount of energy to prevent such side effects, in the absence of being monitored by a trained professional.

    I don't think it's an unreasonable recommended minimum, at least until the individual can assess how they're feeling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭leanin2019

    Penn wrote: »
    1400-1500 really isn't that low if you're trying to lose weight. I was aiming for 1200-1400 when I was around 83kg. Now admittedly, I built up to that slowly, going from around 1800 when I was 133kg and reducing it by about 50cals every 5kg lost, but 1400-1500 at 74kg should be fine, especially starting off, and especially if those calories are loaded with veg etc to keep you full.

    The general recommendation, particularly on MFP, is not to go below 1,200 calories. MFP won't even lot you complete/post your entry for the day if it's below 1,200.

    Depends on how active you are. Most people wouldn't be very active at all so your probably in the ballpark.

    Id lose weight on 2500 calories at 75kg bodyweight. But I would be in the gym 5/6 days a week (4 strength and 2 conditioning. Sometimes conditioning on strength days but shorter duration) and walking over 20k steps per day on average.

    The weight loss would taper down very quickly though and then Id be maintaining weight on lower calories if I was say 70kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,168 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Penn wrote: »
    I agree it's an arbitrary number, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it meaningless.

    The body still needs energy, and too many days of not getting enough energy can cause side effects. 1,200, arbitrary as it is, is a recommended minimum to make sure you're getting enough calorie intake to provide a typical required amount of energy to prevent such side effects, in the p of being monitored by a trained professional.

    I don't think it's an unreasonable recommended minimum, at least until the individual can assess how they're feeling.
    Im saying meaningless as it has no relationship to a person's energy needs. I agree that there is a minimum for each individual, but that amount is ovaries, a lot. A blanket 1200 minimum makes as much sense as saying everyone needs 2200 calories a day regardless of weight, activity or sex. Which I assume we all agree makes no sense.
    1200 would probably be too low for me. But my GF's BMR is maybe 1400, so 1200 would be a really mild deficit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭chooey

    Im hoping to join you all too if that's ok! Towards the end of last year I went from 101kg to 85kg and was doing so well. This year started with my father in law being in hospital, a lot of back and forth between home and hospital and then eventually he passed away and my diet just went out the window. Between working full time and doing long shifts into late evening and having a lively 2 year old I'm just finding it very difficult. I lost my own mother a few years ago due to a heart attack and she was very overweight so I really want to tackle this to try and avoid having the same situation for my child as my mother was only 59 and I'm already at 38. I know why I need to do it but I just don't know why I can't. I have my fit bit charging beside me as I type and I'm opening back up mfp account and really want to get back on the wagon. I've gone back up to 95kg so I need to get my ass in gear so I'm not back where I began.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    Start Weight: 81.4kg
    Week 1: 79.9
    Goal: 65kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19 _Underscore_

    Starting: 79.8 kg
    Week 1: 77.9 kg
    Week 2: 77 kg
    Week 3: 75.6 kg
    Week 4: 74.3 kg
    Week 5: 73.5 kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    Starting: 79.8 kg Week 1: 77.9 kg Week 2: 77 kg Week 3: 75.6 kg Week 4: 74.3 kg Week 5: 73.5 kg

    Care to give us an example of your meal plan day to day and or what kind of exercise you are doing? Great results!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 _Underscore_

    Care to give us an example of your meal plan day to day and or what kind of exercise you are doing? Great results!

    My diet isn't spectacular at all, I'm just maintaining a daily intake of 1400-1500 calories and what I get that from varies really - some days I might only have one proper meal and the rest is all just random snacks.
    Today, for example: I had two turkey sausages with unsmoked medallions for breakfast accompanied with a fruit smoothie. [low fat yogurt, mi wadi, frozen mixed fruits]
    Lunch was two chicken fillets with brown basmati and quinoa alongside assorted frozen veg.
    Had turkey slices on slimsters with a cup of tea.

    Snacking on anything low calories really - ice pops, rice cakes, popcorn, fiber one brownies.

    I do enjoy a can of pepsi max a few times during the week as well.

    Exercise wise - I'm actually not doing any atm. As I've said previously, I am on my feet a lot during the week so I guess I burn calories that way.
    I've been planning on buying weights to do exercise at home.

    Basically, it's just CICO and since I'm constantly in a calorie deficit, I guess I'm losing weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,031 ✭✭✭colm_c

    Weighed in at under 80kg (just) for the first time in 20 years today!

    Male, 38, 183cm

    Starting weight Jan 1st: 97kg

    Current weight: 79.9kg

    Goal weight: 78kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭Niall_76

    colm_c wrote: »
    Weighed in at under 80kg (just) for the first time in 20 years today!

    Male, 38, 183cm

    Starting weight Jan 1st: 97kg

    Current weight: 79.9kg

    Goal weight: 78kg

    Great results!! What were you doing to achieve this?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,031 ✭✭✭colm_c

    Niall_76 wrote: »
    Great results!! What were you doing to achieve this?

    Started going to the gym in Jan, with no plan or program, just to build the habit.

    Lost a little bit of weight, then from about March, I got serious and started logging with MFP and doing a strength program.

    Kept calories about 1500 per day, and strength program 4 days a week.

    A few cheat days along the way too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 _Underscore_

    Starting: 79.8 kg
    Week 1: 77.9 kg
    Week 2: 77 kg
    Week 3: 75.6 kg
    Week 4: 74.3 kg
    Week 5: 73.5 kg
    Week 6: 73.3 kg

    This has kinda pissed me off but I guess a plateau was bound to happen for at least one week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Alright, going to get fully back on the wagon and into diet-mode again. I put on 8lb since my lowest weight but that went on fairly quickly and has been fairly level the past few weeks, so I'm sure a good bit of it will come off easy enough. But I'm going to try get that 8lb back off, then knock another stone off. There's definitely still fat to be lost as there's still a bit of 'pudge' under the loose skin.

    Have moved the exercise bike upstairs and am planning on getting a small TV to create a bit of a home gym, and alternate between the bike and DDPyoga. I was trying the C25K but keep getting a pain in my abdomen which a friend who runs says could be the start of a hernia and I should try build up abdominal muscle first. So if the weather turns good I'll do some light jogging/walking too. Hoping to just go ahead and join a gym at the end of the summer regardless, and get into a proper programme to build muscle (loose skin won't be loose if I pack muscle in underneath).

    So, diet-mode engaged. Once more unto the breach, dear friends! Once more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    Start Weight: 81.4kg
    Week 1: 79.9
    Week 2: 80.2
    Goal: 65kg[/quote]

    Annoyed cause on Friday I was 79.0 but a eventful weekend meant 2 dinner and 2 breakfast ate out and although I tried to make health decisions I still went up in weight. Just got to try harder this week

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 _Underscore_

    Starting: 79.8 kg
    Week 1: 77.9 kg
    Week 2: 77 kg
    Week 3: 75.6 kg
    Week 4: 74.3 kg
    Week 5: 73.5 kg
    Week 6: 73.3 kg
    Week 7: 72.7 kg

    I didn't use MFP last week because I feel like I was getting too obsessed. [As in, getting really disappointed in myself if my calories remaining were red and negative]
    Just decided to take a break from it for a bit. I'm still eating most of the same food, so my calorie intake is bound to be similar but if I do go over 1500 one day I won't feel bad about it. [and probably won't even realise]

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Down almost 5lb over the last two weeks. Not buying crap food and treats really makes it easier to not eat them.

    Also getting in a good bit more exercise and walking (thanks to the good weather). Also about to buy myself some new duds.

    Keep it rolling, folks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Hi everyone, would it be ok join in. I just posted a new thread similar to this. Didn't realise this one was here.

    Well I'm once again back on a weight loss journey. Went shopping for clothes the other day and it was horrible. Have a holiday in 5 weeks, daughter's communion next year and our first family foreign holiday next year too. I weighed myself yesterday morning and was 11 st 7lbs. Aarrggh.... I'm only 5 ft. My BMI is 31 which is classed as obese. I got to my goal in weight watchers in 2012 of 8st 10lbs. Have gone back a few times since but have never lasted long. Also tried sw briefly. I'm going to follow the ww plan. My big downfalls are take aways, wine and bread. Any tips on how to replace bread? Really hope this time I can stay motivated. I am a sham to 3 children one of which has severe special needs so it's a busy house! Looking forward to chatting you all x

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Penn thats a great loss in 2 weeks. Well done! What eating plan is everyine following?

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭tamara25

    Hi aug, welcome to the weight loss thread. I’m similar to yourself, 5ft 3 & 11 stone. Follow my fitness pal off & on but sometimes feel very hungry on it so not sure if I’m consuming enough calories?? I walk : times weekly for 45 mins, have to as my job is very sedentary.. how does the new weight watchers plan work? I also have a wedding end of July, absolutely hate looking for a dress to wear to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Thanks for the welcome Tamara. I know that dreaded feeling of having to get a dress. Had my daughter's confirmation and sons communion this year. Got something in Debenhams that I wore to both cos it fit lol! Have younger daughter's communion next year and really don't want to have to do the same. It's been a while since I was at ww but I'm trying to use the points system. It's smart points now. There is an app the converts points in everything. Pending on your weight and height you are allowed so many daily points (I'm 23) and then so many a week (I'm 30). I try keep the extra 30 for weekends. When I was doing it before I always went a little over my points but list weight. There is lots of food that are free, Chicken, Eggs, Veg, Fruit, Fish. Have a look at their website. I have a rare morning to myself as oldest daughter still in school (July Provision) and smaller two in a siblings camp. I'm going to go stock up on low points food for the week. Natural 0% fat yoghurt over fruit is gorgeous and all free. You can also squirt dome of the Robinsons squirt juices into the natural yoghurt.
    Best of luck to everyone this week x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    aug16 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, would it be ok join in. I just posted a new thread similar to this. Didn't realise this one was here.

    Well I'm once again back on a weight loss journey. Went shopping for clothes the other day and it was horrible. Have a holiday in 5 weeks, daughter's communion next year and our first family foreign holiday next year too. I weighed myself yesterday morning and was 11 st 7lbs. Aarrggh.... I'm only 5 ft. My BMI is 31 which is classed as obese. I got to my goal in weight watchers in 2012 of 8st 10lbs. Have gone back a few times since but have never lasted long. Also tried sw briefly. I'm going to follow the ww plan. My big downfalls are take aways, wine and bread. Any tips on how to replace bread? Really hope this time I can stay motivated. I am a sham to 3 children one of which has severe special needs so it's a busy house! Looking forward to chatting you all x

    Hey aug16, and welcome!

    Replacing bread is a tough one alright. I always found it just so quick and easy to make a few sandwiches or throw on some toast. As far a bread replacements go, I don't know how many good ones there are out there, and maybe someone else can advise better on that. I'd say to start off with though, even just reducing the amount of bread will help a lot.

    Don't have any experience with WW or SW (though there are threads for both on this forum with people sharing their experiences). I just use MyFitnessPal and calorie counting. Aside from that, it just has to boil down to pure motivation. Pick small achievable targets. They say you shouldn't try to lose more than 2lb per week. Given how busy your schedule sounds (being a sahm mother with a special needs child certainly can't be easy), how about setting your first target as 7lb to lose in the next 5 weeks (to get you to 11st for your holiday)? That's just over 1lb per week, and you could lose a good bit in the first few weeks as more tends to come off quickly due to water retention if you up your water intake and eat fewer salty/processed foods).

    Small steps and changes can make all the difference, and will make things easier to stick to as you go forward. Checking in here and posting your progress as you go can be great for motivation too. For almost a year I posted here every Sunday morning, the good and the bad (mostly good thankfully), but I found it great for motivation as I was doing it without a Slimming World or Weightwatchers class, so for me it helped keep me accountable and motivated to keep going.

    Best of luck, aug16!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Thanks Penn, really good advice there. I'm already addicted to this thread. Usually I go to the ww class but with kids been on hols I'm going to try follow it at home myself and I think this thread will be a big help. Your right with the bread. Was finding it so hard to come up with food ideas for lunch /tea etc so had two slices of toast last night with poached eggs and bacon medallions. If I can keep it to two a day I'll be happy enough. It is all about small changes. I popped in for a latte this morning and usually I have a big scone with it. This morning I had a skinny latte and that was it and felt very satisfied. Fair play to you sticking to it for so long. Have you lost much?
    Penn wrote: »
    Hey aug16, and welcome!

    Replacing bread is a tough one alright. I always found it just so quick and easy to make a few sandwiches or throw on some toast. As far a bread replacements go, I don't know how many good ones there are out there, and maybe someone else can advise better on that. I'd say to start off with though, even just reducing the amount of bread will help a lot.

    Don't have any experience with WW or SW (though there are threads for both on this forum with people sharing their experiences). I just use MyFitnessPal and calorie counting. Aside from that, it just has to boil down to pure motivation. Pick small achievable targets. They say you shouldn't try to lose more than 2lb per week. Given how busy your schedule sounds (being a sahm mother with a special needs child certainly can't be easy), how about setting your first target as 7lb to lose in the next 5 weeks (to get you to 11st for your holiday)? That's just over 1lb per week, and you could lose a good bit in the first few weeks as more tends to come off quickly due to water retention if you up your water intake and eat fewer salty/processed foods).

    Small steps and changes can make all the difference, and will make things easier to stick to as you go forward. Checking in here and posting your progress as you go can be great for motivation too. For almost a year I posted here every Sunday morning, the good and the bad (mostly good thankfully), but I found it great for motivation as I was doing it without a Slimming World or Weightwatchers class, so for me it helped keep me accountable and motivated to keep going.

    Best of luck, aug16!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 _Underscore_

    Starting: 79.8 kg
    Week 1: 77.9 kg
    Week 2: 77 kg
    Week 3: 75.6 kg
    Week 4: 74.3 kg
    Week 5: 73.5 kg
    Week 6: 73.3 kg
    Week 7: 72.7 kg
    Week 8: 72.2 kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,889 ✭✭✭SozBbz

    aug16 wrote: »
    Thanks Penn, really good advice there. I'm already addicted to this thread. Usually I go to the ww class but with kids been on hols I'm going to try follow it at home myself and I think this thread will be a big help. Your right with the bread. Was finding it so hard to come up with food ideas for lunch /tea etc so had two slices of toast last night with poached eggs and bacon medallions. If I can keep it to two a day I'll be happy enough. It is all about small changes. I popped in for a latte this morning and usually I have a big scone with it. This morning I had a skinny latte and that was it and felt very satisfied. Fair play to you sticking to it for so long. Have you lost much?

    I wouldnt be too familiar with the WW plan but I assume things like switching from regular bread to one of the low calorie options (Brennans Be Good is my favourite) helps.

    Ultimately all those plans are a take on calorie counting/calorie reduction, so bringing bread down from maybe 200+ calories for 2 slices to 120 calories for 2 slices will help. As you say, its about making the small changes.

    I assume WW is also a big fan of things like frylight or other lowcalorie sprays? Make sure you're doing the basic things like that right, as uncounted use of oils/butters etc can really derail you if you're not tracking them accurately.

    I'd also suggest posting in the WW thread for some meal inspo that fits in with that plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    aug16 wrote: »
    Thanks Penn, really good advice there. I'm already addicted to this thread. Usually I go to the ww class but with kids been on hols I'm going to try follow it at home myself and I think this thread will be a big help. Your right with the bread. Was finding it so hard to come up with food ideas for lunch /tea etc so had two slices of toast last night with poached eggs and bacon medallions. If I can keep it to two a day I'll be happy enough. It is all about small changes. I popped in for a latte this morning and usually I have a big scone with it. This morning I had a skinny latte and that was it and felt very satisfied. Fair play to you sticking to it for so long. Have you lost much?

    You're making a good start anyway!

    I lost 8stone in a year (a very long year :D). Finished there at the start of May. I decided to treat myself in May by essentially going back to eating like I previously was (as being on a diet for a year is not fun). Unfortunately that was a bit of a bad decision as a) I could barely stomach most of what I was eating, and b) I put on about 11lb over a month and a half. So I'm back on the diet now and planning to lose even more (I was 21st, so got down to 13st, but even at 13st there's still more fat there to lose). There were things that made it a bit easier for me, no kids or partner meant I could easily plan and stick to meals, and meant there were no treats in the house as I simply didn't buy them (whereas with a family, chances are there'll be treats bought for other people which makes temptation a bit harder).

    Another big thing I'd advise (aside from making small changes and setting small interim goals as you go as well as having a main overall goal), is to make sure you still enjoy what you eat. It stops feeling like a diet if you can find healthier alternatives or recipes/ingredients for things you do like, and just becomes a change rather than a restriction. For instance I loved making chicken korma, but on the diet, I swapped out coconut milk in the korma for a different method using water and ground almonds, and reduced the portion size of rice, bulking it out with some chopped spinach in the rice and just having a bit more chicken. It reduced calories, filled me just as much, and still tasted great. It also meant I could still have chicken korma so I didn't feel like I was missing out on a meal I enjoyed. I even swapped the chicken out for prawns a lot of the time which was even healthier and tasted great.

    Enjoying what you eat will make things a lot easier to stick to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 878 ✭✭✭_Godot_

    aug16, I use thins when I want to make a sandwich for myself. I get the ones from aldi, a pack of 6 thins for 99c. I think they're 3 points each, these ones

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Wow! Penn that is brilliant. Well done. I'll be looking for motivation tips from you. Thanks Godot. I got thins yesterday. Day 4 and doing ok..... could be better but still eating a lot healthier than I was!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    aug16 wrote: »
    Wow! Penn that is brilliant. Well done. I'll be looking for motivation tips from you. Thanks Godot. I got thins yesterday. Day 4 and doing ok..... could be better but still eating a lot healthier than I was!

    Just be ok if it's small incremental changes in the right direction. It's important that the changes you make are sustainable, ie that they aren't just a short term fix to lose weight but an overhaul of the poorer choices.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,397 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Agreed. The temptation is to hit the ground running and go full bore into diet mode straight off the bat, eating nothing by raw carrots and rice cakes*. I think the best way to start off is at least identifying things you can easily swap out from your routine. Healthy alternatives and ones you'll more easily stick to. Plus portion size control of things you eat normally. See how you're going after a few weeks of that. Then try and find more areas you can improve on or more changes you can make. Gradual changes as you go on will help keep momentum going and make it easier to stick to, and it'll feel like less of a diet of restrictions, and more like you're just making better options.

    * I give out about rice cakes a good bit, they're not actually that bad, just a good example.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21 aug16

    Thanks a mil. My hubby was here this morning so I braved and went into weight watchers. Card showed I hadn't been there in 34 weeks! Had put up 4.5 lbs so could have been worse. Got all the books again so have some nice bedtime reading. Yes it's all about finding healthier options and smaller portion sizes.
