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Should we have a cannabis board?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Coyote

    There are a few problems as I see it, but there are ways around them.
    1. making people agree that they know what the forum is about, that they are over
      a set age (IE: 16, 18, 21, 65 )
    2. Possibly making a new menu at the top with a list of the forums that people have to subscribe to. (Then other forums that might not be just right for total open forums could be added.)
    3. Like the CS board you would have to be approved by a mod. To cut down on messing on the board.
    4. To remove as much legal responsibility from that you can. By making the forum open too all that want to talk about it but not set as a default open board to people when they join

    This way anyone can join and post and see all the open boards, but they would have to ask to join the other boards and agree not to post any thing illegal and follow the laws of Ireland on the subject matter.

    This will not remove the all the risks but it would stop most complaints that could be put at about letting children reading about unsuitable material.

    I do think that it would be good to have a fourm.


  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Originally posted by bonkey
    If you create a canabis board (which I am in favour of), you must also consider the precedent which you are setting in the way in which you do it - boards will no longer be all "clean and above board", but rather will have some potentially controversial content. Once you've done this, it becomes harder to deny the creation other boards on grounds of "unsuitable content".

    Strangely enough though, 'controversial content' = more interest. If some parent made a big deal of it, then every single irish person between the age of 13-16 would sign up. A situation I don't think most of us want. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with 'young adults', but an influx of them would triple (quadruple?) the work mods have to do, and boards could become a 'hang out' for angsty teenagers (moreso than it already is :p). Young teenagers tend to be immature anyway, ie muppets.

    The problem here then I see is avoiding having a lot of attention drawn to it, and that means stamping out trolls the second they start. IMO, it should be a general drugs board (if created) and it should be pointed out sternly that any points should be backed up with relevant links, etc. Posts of the type 'Cannabis makes you blind/deaf/sterile/dumb' without backup should be edited.

    Basically have it on lockdown until we know what kind of stuff is going to get posted. The same thing I suggested for the CS board - give all mods moderator powers on the board, so anything dodgy/stupid will be dealt with right away. Plus operate a 3 strikes system, where users face a permanent ban from the drugs forum after 3 trolling/flaming/paranoid posts.

    Plus you could debrief all of the mods together on the mod board (or thru email)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,412 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Live free or die.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Coyote

    so any idea on what your going to do DeVore ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    "Should we have a cannabis board?"


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    I think Seamus has the right idearas for the forum to keep it *safe* enough.

    IMHO..prolly be a better choice to have a general Drugs forum for discussion. Chances are, Cannabis will be the main topic anyway.

    Just my 10 cent...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Ok... it really seems like people are making a massive deal out of something that's not really all that big. The age restrictions... I doubt they'd be neccessary. Any muppets (and i mean the young 'uns in this case) show up and they'll be kicked out, and since they'll be told to feck off they probably won't tell their friends to come here. So that's a good thing.

    Secondly, once there's a certain limit placed on the board, so it doesn't become a place to organise deals and once it's made clear that all arguments must be kept... polite, there should be no hassle.

    It's not like it's some kind of pornographic board. Fact is, so long as nothing illegal is done there, there shouldn't be any problem allowing access to the younger board goers. And if illegal sh!t starts going on then it shouldn't be there at all anyway.

    And that's what i say. Aye.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 725 ✭✭✭pat kenny

    Seems like a big waste of time to me,just leave it on the after hours board ,I dont think its big enough to warrent a board.

    Can we have an Atari jaguar board insted?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭Inspector Gadget occurs to me that something like that will be terribly hard to police unless you adopt the policy use (and everyone was putting down in a previous thread) of having all posts "censored" by a moderator.

    I can't help but get the impression that:
    1. There's no way of validating anyone's age here - all they have to do is say "Yes, I'm eighteen/sixteen/thirteen/whatever" and they're allowed in - while it may be legally sufficient it's certainly not going to be sufficient for the so-called "moral majority" if they find their little Johnny trawling the board and realise what it is...
    2. Banning users - so what? All they do is come back with a different username - while banning IPs is effective to a certain extent, that extent is quite limited as (considering the chronic shortage of IPv4 addresses) most IPs are dynamically allocated rather than static, not to mention that even if you do block IPs all the person has to do is switch to another free ISP...
    3. The "honour principle" for discussed topics, as suggested by lordsippa, is interesting; however, it's highly unlikely that people will adhere to such a system, especially as many of them will feel that no-one knows them on the boards, and all that...
    Plus, if the kind of content control suggested in the posts before mine were implemented, I can't see people taking kindly to being told that their post was off-topic/not-to-be-discussed/legally-dubious/unwanted/?

    Just my 2c...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 103 ✭✭king of fifa

    i think you just created a ganga board by starting this tread

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭mayhem#

    Please don't!
    Stoned potheads talk way to much anyway...
    Either smoke it or don't smoke it, don't keep yappin' on about it...
