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Listowel Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    reic wrote:
    I probably can't spell it but may the place near DUAGH is called TRIENERAGH ? My father owned a farm out there- it is out in the sticks but we spent many a happy summer holiday out there, cutting turf and saving hay. Over here in the USA instead of hay stacks the hay is rolled up like a gateaux cake.You probably pass my brother on his walks. The 'Park' was known as "The Cows' Lawn". Do they still have the tennis club there? I remember the Garden of Europe from my last visit in 1999.My town here is smaller than Listowel or Ballybunion, I hope you get the chance go to Ballybunion, drive down to the CASHEN (beyond the Golf Club), Great place to relax and read. Also Doon Rd ( SNOWSCORPIONS habitat) . Great view from up there looking over the town.Continue on to Asdee to visit "the Jesse James Pub",

    Yes! TRIENERAGH is the name of the place, thanks for that and I haven't been to Doon Rd in Ballybunion, will do so next time I'm there (a month or so) and take some pics of the view. Must also do a series of pics of streets in Listowel, cheers.

    You probably know now how to embed pics, same way as Snow Scorpion said. Just click on the yellow button at the top of the reply page (insert image) and paste the URL of the picture there. I always use the "preview post" button, next to the reply button, just to make sure the picture posts ok.
    Hello Reic .
    TREINERAGH may be in the sticks, but look at the countryside !
    I took this in 1983.
    For a great view of Listowel from BALLYGRENNN.
    Go down the Bridge Rd and instead of turning right ( for Tralee) go straight thru and up Ballygrennan hill.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    I must try that view of Listowel, always go that route back to Cork but as far as I remember there's no easy place to stop a car there without blocking half the road? Will look more carefully in a few weeks, going to an 18th birthday party in Trieneragh!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    this was our old farm in Trieneragh.
    Sold in the 1960s.
    Owners not interested in the house, just the land.
    This is how it was in 1983.
    It's a shame!
    Great photo of Ballybunion.Thanks a lot.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    Would the new owners have been O'Keefe's by any chance?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    reic wrote:
    Would the new owners have been O'Keefe's by any chance?
    Hi REIC,
    no. It could have been TRANT but I am not sure after 39 years!
    There were O'Keefes who lived close by.
    Jack Barry and wife lived close by and also Tommy Sheehy.
    I THINK one of them the O'KEEFEs (Eilleen?) lived up the country somwhere.
    The 'old-timers' would know.
    I think we rented the farmhouse to COLLINS family at one time. The 52 acres were rented to some farmer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    There's a family of O'Keefes in the area, for a long, long time. Have a big farm with a few horses still (as well as the usual farm animals). The road cut's through their land and thay have a tunnel under the road for bringing the animals from one side to the other. The Smearla river runs through their land as well. My friend, who's just finishing building a house there, bought the land from them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Listowel view , maybe from Ballygrennan.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16 reademandweep

    MissT wrote:
    Just saw the 'listowel thread' am actually looking for info on a guy from listowel, screwed a friend of mine over recently, wont get into details yet, but its a pretty interesting story!. Dont want to give his full details out. HIs name is Eddie, he is a physio in Cork- if you have any info let me know!
    Why would anyone bother ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16 reademandweep

    I sent a private message to you some days ago with details on who should be able to give you "chapter and verse" on Frank looks like you havn't read it ???

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭snow scorpion

    I found this in one of my many, many, many :o folders.

    I have no idea where I found it ... or when.

    But the caption I put on it way back when says, "Isn't this Listowel?"

    So, is it?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    It certainly looks very like it. Next time I'm there, in the near future, I'll take a photo from the same spot.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    Very nice drawing BTW.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭snow scorpion

    reic wrote:
    Very nice drawing BTW.

    It is, isn't it?

    I'm always planning to teach myself to draw one of these days. (I've been planning to learn to draw for almost 20 years now.) And I thought this would be a nice, easy picture to start with. It's almost all straight lines in two-point persepective.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    I found this in one of my many, many, many :o folders.

    I have no idea where I found it ... or when.

    But the caption I put on it way back when says, "Isn't this Listowel?"

    So, is it?

    Nice piece of work ! (Artist has a Gallery in Main Street)
    The location is the intersection of William Street and Market Street.
    On the left is Jack McKennas LTD
    John B Keanes's is the dark red house along the group of buildings.
    also along that row on the right(out of view) is where you(or was it ALFA ?) remember the Tourist Info.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    Jack McKennas is now a clothes shop selling "hip" clothes for men who are younger than me!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    Also, if you walk pass McKennas in the direction of Tarbert there is a woman's lingerie shop with rather naughty items in the window! My God, what's happened Listowel, lol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    reic wrote:
    Also, if you walk pass McKennas in the direction of Tarbert there is a woman's lingerie shop with rather naughty items in the window! My God, what's happened Listowel, lol.[/QUOT
    Hello REIC.
    There are stores over here like those ( naughty items), they are called "Victorias Secret", they are all over the place.
    Bet you the naughty items" sell like hotcakes" and can be found worn in Abbyfeale, Knocknagoshal and Duagh !
    Back in the 1970s there was edible underwear !!!!
    It brings to mind the old song:
    " In olden days a glimse of stocking
    was looked upon as something shocking ,
    but now God knows,
    anything goes"
    ( Cole Porter ?).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 307 ✭✭SexeeAussie

    ok....obscure crazy question here....

    But who knows the Kennelly's??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    ok....obscure crazy question here....

    But who knows the Kennelly's??
    A few Kennelly's in Listowel.

    Did they live in the town itself or out in the country?

    Some lived in Main Street, others in Market Street.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 307 ✭✭SexeeAussie

    Actually referring to Tadhg and his family....he is playing for the Sydney Swans out here

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    He and his family are well known and admired in and around Listowel. Give him our best. Must check to see if he in any photo on the Listowel Emmets web site.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Nice piece of work ! (Artist has a Gallery in Main Street)
    The location is the intersection of William Street and Market Street.
    On the left is Jack McKennas LTD
    John B Keanes's is the dark red house along the group of buildings.
    also along that row on the right(out of view) is where you(or was it ALFA ?) remember the Tourist Info.[/QUOT


    Attachesd photos of Listowel and Listowel people

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Does any one have any old photos of Listowel that they could post?
    Thank you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 418 ✭✭Lovely writer

    It is called "Lovely Listowel" because these are the words of the song by Bryan McMahon. This is the title of all web site which we made about six years ago and when I found this forum I registered as "Lovely writer”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    It is called "Lovely Listowel" because these are the words of the song by Bryan McMahon. This is the title of all web site which we made about six years ago and when I found this forum I registered as "Lovely writer”
    " Like the week of the races in lovely Listowel"
    Did you ever hear of Prince Monolulu that used come to Lovely Listowel?
    Would you be M C ? If so, I enjoyed the pictures of Listowel buildings before and after views.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 418 ✭✭Lovely writer

    I am very slowly getting used to the idea of this forum. I am sorry for the mistake in my first letter. Because I use voice software these mistakes sometimes happen.

    I have heard of the Prince but I do not know any more about it. The photographs that are on our website "Lovely Listowel" are put there by my wife Mary.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    I am very slowly getting used to the idea of this forum. I am sorry for the mistake in my first letter. Because I use voice software these mistakes sometimes happen.

    I have heard of the Prince but I do not know any more about it. The photographs that are on our website "Lovely Listowel" are put there by my wife Mary.
    During the Listowel Races ,some years past,Prince Monolulu ,who was African ,used to parade around the town in full colorful African robes, ostrich feathers. His phrase was " I've got a horse", We ,as children, were intrigued with him in all his pomp and circumstance and trailed him all over the town.Maybe in reality he was from Brixton or Paddington !
    Thanks to Mary for the photos. They bring back memories of the town I love so well.
    Hope some of St. Michaels former pupils, I am one myself, will find this forum and respond.
    Also some of Listowel National School former pupils who remember Master Frank Sheehy and reply to an earlier thread in this Listowel forum by the author AWAYYABLAGGARD.
    I checked out the Listowel Emmets website and was glad to see a photo of one of my brothers when he played for the Ashes ( photo #52).
    I Just GOOGLED Prince Monolulu, we had a star within our midst!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭snow scorpion

    I knew I had more Irish pictures around.

    I got a new computer last February, but when I tried to use the "File Transfer Wizard," the Wizard said it would take 25 hours to move all the stuff from the old computer.

    So I got a jump drive and moved the files that way. I thought I moved everything. But where were the other Irish pictures? Turns out I left a couple folders (and sub-folders) in the old computer. :o

    I'll sort through the pics and post whatever I think will be of interest to you guys in the Ballybunion and Listowel threads.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Thanks for this map , as it lets you know the 'backways' and short cuts of Listowel:
    Behind Church Street. William Street and Tae Lane. Also the road from the Castle to the Race Course Bridge on to The Island.
    You can see where the Market is ( or was), that is also where Birds Amusements etc were during the Listowel Races.
    Did you check out the website wher A90Six had his photos ? Good photos of Listowel as well there.
    Reic must be 'on the road'. Where is ALFA ??.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭snow scorpion

    Where is ALFA ??.

    Frustrating, isn't it?

    He said at the start of the Ballybunion thread he's a cop in Tralee (used to be stationed in Ballybunion) and he likes driving his new car.

    I checked his public profile once to send him an email, but he checked some box blocking any email from

    I suppose he's busy and he's forgotten about us. :( But I figure sooner or later he'll remember us and come wandering back to see how things are going here. All we can do is wait.

    As far as A90's pics go, the Knockanore pics and the Francis Road knocked me for such a loop I forgot about the other pics. I'm going to go look at them now while I listen to David Letterman.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Now who is CHAINREACTION ?????????? ????

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    Thanks for this map , as it lets you know the 'backways' and short cuts of Listowel:
    Behind Church Street. William Street and Tae Lane. Also the road from the Castle to the Race Course Bridge on to The Island.
    You can see where the Market is ( or was), that is also where Birds Amusements etc were during the Listowel Races.
    Did you check out the website wher A90Six had his photos ? Good photos of Listowel as well there.
    Reic must be 'on the road'. Where is ALFA ??.

    Hi all
    I'm new to this. Who is A90six and may I see his photos too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    reic wrote:
    Jack McKennas is now a clothes shop selling "hip" clothes for men who are younger than me!
    You have confused Mc Kenna's with Scully's Scully's is now a clothes shop Infidel. McKenna's is still a hardware shop:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Hello Cherry Tree,
    The map of Listowel is a few threads back in this Forum, in SNOWSCORPION notes.

    Do not know who A90six is, but go back a few threads and click on the website he mentions in his notes.

    If you are in Listowel, hope all is well after Holloween.
    know of the Scully's
    I am in USA.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Hi all
    I'm new to this. Who is A90six and may I see his photos too.
    go to the BALLYBUNION Forum for A90Six photos !!! Click on * BALLYBUNION PHOTOS* in the last reply #154

    I forget which Forum I am in at times.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    go to the BALLYBUNION Forum for A90Six photos !!! Click on * BALLYBUNION PHOTOS* in the last reply #154

    I forget which Forum I am in at times.

    Glad you sorted that out. i have beenup and down and in and out of this thread and no A90Six. At least I'm learning my way about her. I'm off now to Ballyb.
    Hope the search is worth it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    Lovely photographs, particularly the castle.
    All well here after halloween

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 283 ✭✭reic

    You have confused Mc Kenna's with Scully's Scully's is now a clothes shop Infidel. McKenna's is still a hardware shop:)

    Well, I am from Cork loike.......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    REIC: All is forgiven. So now I guess the "naughty clothes shop" is in Church Street. Hope ye are having as good day weatherwise as us here in New York State. An Indian Summer. Wish I was in Ballyb for the afternoon.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    I am particularly interested in old and not so old photographs of Listowel and in hearing old stories of Listowel folk. although I'm a blow-in I have grown to love this place and its people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    I am particularly interested in old and not so old photographs of Listowel and in hearing old stories of Listowel folk. although I'm a blow-in I have grown to love this place and its people.
    Hi Cherry Tree,
    Hope you enjoyed your afternoon in BallyB ( it is at this the time of the year that I really love Ballyb).
    Check ( History 1885-1985) for photos of Listowel townspeople - sad to say some are no longer with us, and some you still pass on the street.

    Hope some other Listowel people will post photos here.

    Check at the library to see if Vincent Carmody's Photo book on Listowel is there or maybe at some book sellers.

    Also John Lynch did a grand video of Listowel back in 1972 (?)-it dealt with a year in the life of Listowel.

    Also see Fr. Tony Gaughans (?) books on Listowel .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    The Emmets site is brilliant. I'vre just spent a happy half hour browsing through the photographs and history. Thanks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Cherry Tree, I have been looking at the website where A90Six photos are and am looking up Listowel Photos . A question :where is the John B Keane /Brian MacMahon mural in Church Street?
    If you are walking from the Square or Main Street which side of the street would it be on and how far up the street ? It looks like it is painted on a wall of a building which seems to be torn down. I do not know how up to date this photo is.
    Glad you are enjoying the Emmets Site. Many faces and names I remember.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Cherry Tree, I have been looking at the website where A90Six photos are and am looking up Listowel Photos . A question :where is the John B Keane /Brian MacMahon mural in Church Street?
    If you are walking from the Square or Main Street which side of the street would it be on and how far up the street ? It looks like it is painted on a wall of a building which seems to be torn down. I do not know how up to date this photo is.
    Glad you are enjoying the Emmets Site. Many faces and names I remember.
    Cherry Tree,
    looking closer at the mural I see a reflection.
    Is it opposite the Garda Station?:confused:

    If so ,it has to be between what I know as The Bon Ton ( later Joan's Hairdressers) and Chutes .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    Cherry Tree, I have been looking at the website where A90Six photos are and am looking up Listowel Photos . A question :where is the John B Keane /Brian MacMahon mural in Church Street?
    If you are walking from the Square or Main Street which side of the street would it be on and how far up the street ? It looks like it is painted on a wall of a building which seems to be torn down. I do not know how up to date this photo is.
    Glad you are enjoying the Emmets Site. Many faces and names I remember.
    the mural was painted by Olive Stack who has a studio in Main street and who also painted the picture you posted of william St.
    As you walk up Church Street with the square behind you, it is on the right and opposite the Garda station.
    Of course you spotted that Bryan Macmahon is misidentified on the site as John B.
    The mural is a beatiful piece of work as is her other large piece in the bank of ireland.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 339 ✭✭Cherry Tree

    What on earth is the Bon Ton?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    What on earth is the Bon Ton?[/QUOTE
    The Bon Ton was a building across from the Garda Station. I think there was a laneway to it's left that took you behind the houses in Church Street.
    How long are you in Listowel ?
    REIC ( see earlier threads) is from Cork but visits Listowel on a regular basis.
    Ye probably cross paths as you walk around town.
    I still have family ( my twin:D :D ) in Listowel

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 840 ✭✭✭SandhillRoad

    Seen on the streets of New York

    Listowel Mayor seen on the Streets of New York on Saint Patricks Day 2005.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭snow scorpion

    MJ Carroll - I'm pretty sure I've been in that store. I don't recall it clearly, but I heard the name plenty times.

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