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RTE Radio 1: The Ryan Tubridy Show



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,910 ✭✭✭archfi

    Talking about grudges, someone needs to get over their grudge against Catmaniac (former moderator)

    Most of the thread readers thought that was over months ago.

    Maybe start a new thread where the content of the RT show is only discussed, never the quality. I think that's been tried a few months ago but perhaps was a bit dry to last...

    The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.

    The Entryism process: 1) Demand access; 2) Demand accommodation; 3) Demand a seat at the table; 4) Demand to run the table; 5) Demand to run the institution; 6) Run the institution to produce more activists and policy until they run it into the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    That is just typical on the spin on here.

    Tubridy gets constant abuse dressed up as banter. I never abused the former moderator in any way shape or form merely questioned the approach and the creation of such a negative culture. Which many posters on here are falling over themselves to do. They profess at how much they don't like the show and keep coming back time and time again looking for an opportunity to throw snide digs at Tubridy.

    It is not constructive criticism in any way shape or form, Actual discussion of content is rare. Unless it comments like 'better than usual' or the funniest was when Tubridy was not on and posters made up lines what Tubridy might/would have said.

    I never said criticism of the show should be only positive merely constructive, informative and sincere.

    I myself have commented on aspects of the show I did not like. But I did not attack the presenter.

    But posters on this thread are incapable of separating their strong bias against Tubridy and it is just a guise to resort to personal attack. An attitude which has now manifested against Tubridy on the streets

    The former moderator was clearly the pied piper in the creation of this negative snide culture. That is self evident and beyond doubt.That former moderator and cheerleader posters should take a long hard look at themselves and be ashamed of their behaviour. It was/is rotten nasty stuff.

    The throwaway defence is that it is ironic. It never seemed that way to me snide 'in jokes' repeated ad nauseum etc

    What you are doing in your above post is a creation of a non sequitur and protecting the former moderator (and by extension yourselves) from moral culpability.

    And a former moderator used to rule the roost with an iron fist to protect that snide nasty culture. And the negative snide insincere culture became the norm. All because posters feel good about themselves attacking a person in the public eye for the fun of it. Because such posters have codded themselves into thinking it is their 'right' as Tubridy earns xyz etc etc. That is just a mental trick posters have used to justify being knobs basically.

    The chickens are home to roost now you call all see the mindset some have contributed to. Tubridy verbally abused on the streets. Well done. Maybe you are proud of yourselves?

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    That moderator was the genesis of the culture here. A culture which stinks and a new moderator was left to try and fix. It did not work because the posters have become so embedded within a negative snide culture that they are utterly incapable of solely discussing content and output. The in jokes on the thread are tired and repetitive. It would not be so bad if a bit of wit and intelligence, humour, or some craic was shown in the attempts. But it all seems to be juvenile or nasty type stuff.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Why listen then?

    If the majority of like minded people to you felt the same Tubridy would have no listeners, no one would watch The Late Late Show. TV ad revenue would drop drastically and Tubridy would be replaced. However in a previous non covid year 2019 I believe the listenship actually increased. Have you ever thought of just changing the channel or the dial? If I don't like something I don't bother with it. Posters on here on the other hand seem to enjoy whinging about hating it. Using many of the points in the list you posted as justification for throwing digs at Tubridy and reveling in sneering, and low quality 'in jokes'.

    Have any of the posters on here have any experience in radio/tvnor Community TV. Or thier own podcasts? Or pirate radio or the like. If there is and they are any good surely people would take note? I just get the feeling there is a lot resentment and 'hurlers in the ditch' type stuff on this thread.

    Think you can do a better job? Show people the technology is there in this day and age. Who knows if you stand out you could take Tubridy's job so people could give out about you too in the future!

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,915 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Is there any proof of this vile attack on Ryan or it's just his word we should take? Now, the reason I ask this is, as far as I can see, Noel will go to any lengths to keep his boys and girls up there in the limelight. Expect to see an article soon about Kathryn Thomas mother being dragged by a US marine from the landing gear into the cargo hold of a C-5, 3000mtrs above Kabul airport - only for it to turn out to be a nightmare Mrs T had because she was so upset about the Afghan women.

    "She took the situation there very badly" said Kathryn tearfully in the article - which was then followed by 5 pics of Kathryn trying to look foxy.

    I wouldn't put anything past these ****s tbh.

    Post edited by Gen.Zhukov on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,669 ✭✭✭Brian Scan

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,420 ✭✭✭✭sligojoek


    Were you up all night thinking of that one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,737 ✭✭✭Doodah7

    Why? So the herd can continue to bash Tubridy with abandon and without any counterpoint? I fully agree with the other poster that pointed out that the previous moderator allowed the culture of this Board to fester over time and I, for one, sought to call her out on it several times. I was threatened with a ban if I 'derailed' the thread any further.

    Of course the moderating kitchen started to get a little hot when the 2FM breakfast presenter left and she scuttled off because the pressure of modding was too much. It's great fun being down the back of the bus messing with the lads but not so great when you have to tell them to stop. Perhaps reigning in the nastiness and vitriol in the first place might have served the former moderator and this Board far better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,669 ✭✭✭Brian Scan

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    I heard Ryan's opening patter this morning about 'a hotdog taking 36 seconds off your life' and do you know what I thought? That this show would take an hour off MY life - so I turned it off.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo


    "But posters on this thread are incapable of separating their strong bias against Tubridy and it is just a guise to resort to personal attack. An attitude which has now manifested against Tubridy on the streets"

    Really you think a thread on boards has that much power over people on the street?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭hawley

    "I think the carry on of the internet and online is starting to seep in a sort of Trump-y way out onto the highways and byways of Ireland. I think it’s minimal. Sometimes I wonder if it is even worth talking about.”

    Aggressive behavior from both young men and women is far more common than years ago. The Gardai and ordinary people are afraid to tackle it head on, because they know that these thugs will be backed up by the legal system. It has literally nothing to do with Trump, but how we have let society develop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭Pelvis Parsley

    If he had a bad dose of the trots in the morning after too much ginger beer, he's find a way to blame Trump for it.

    A vacuous, uninspiring, and uninteresting little man-about as far removed from a "personality" as you could imagine.

    It is only in RTE that such a fool would prosper.

    I do hope I haven't upset anyone with such a vile example of Trumpery Trollery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,530 ✭✭✭PieOhMy

    Be carefull. There could be feral inner city lads after reading what you just said and are now going to head off into town and 'disagree with everything people represent'.

    That's how it works right? They read online criticism of radio programmes and then get so riled up that they think it's ok to criticise someone and then go out and beat the head off random people.

    The guy that attacked the Olympian must have just read some online criticism of his performance in Tokyo and naturally then went on to suckerpunch him. Its all the same thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,385 ✭✭✭Nerdlingr

    I dont listen to Tubridy in the mornings anymore..thankfully i had to good sense to turn it off and reclaim that hour back!

    I do however however hear the odd clip, few minutes of it here and there. Nothing has changed in the time since i stopped listening.He is till spouting the same drivel. Good for you if you like that kind of thing.

    I've no problem being critical of him so long as it doesn't get personal. But his replacements while he went off for ANOTHER holiday have shown that they're quite capable of spouting rubbish on the airwaves too, so people are right to question how is he paid so much for so little! However, linking what is said on this thread as some sort of assent to what happened in Dun Laoghaire and somehow we are all culpable is ridiculous and utterly laughable. Its comical really.

    Maybe the poster who insinuated our implied compliance in this attack on Tubridy could return to posting a day to day synopsis of the show. That whittled out fairly quickly. Because, as they found out, talking about content is all well and good, but not when the conversation pieces / content repeats itself. every. single. day. I think some admissions may have even been made of over the course of said adventure/experiment that Tubridy was , as other posters had stated previously, (for which they were attacked) bringing the tone down with stories of death / illness/ cancer / sickness etc. Alas it was not a Damascus moment.

  • Posts: 1,263 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I'm still laughing at 'the herd' reference in a previous post 🤣 Tubridy vs The Herd.

    On a more serious note, a quick trip to the good folks at DCU is in order for Ryan

    There he can talk about a) his penchant for kicking down b) his fear of kicking up c) his inability to be the better man and let stupid comments go and d) how all this ties into into his lickspittle gombeen man 'journalism'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,420 ✭✭✭✭sligojoek



    Fake laughing mid sentence.

    Irish meeeeeer (mirror)


  • Registered Users Posts: 25,420 ✭✭✭✭sligojoek


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,928 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    people don't take unasked for advice from internet boards people

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,530 ✭✭✭PieOhMy

    Doing his best to ruin that start up business as it tries to expand. A class act. Hopefuly the owner is contacting them to complain as we speak, hel probably be a guest on the show as a result.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,420 ✭✭✭✭sligojoek

    I haven't listened for ages.

    Jesus, that was some stream of gibberish.

    Music now.

    I'm guessing the misery is next

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    That is a complete non sequitur - my points stands you listen yet you don't like it one iota, yet you and others post here ad nauseum. This thread is a psychologists field day. As was mentioned on the Tubridy show a good while ago (which was not picked up on here ironically) - why people love to hate which was brought up on the show as an aside.

    It is that people (in this case many posters) have formed strong bonds over things/people they hate (in this case Tubridy)

    It causes a much stronger bond than liking a mutual interest.


    This online abuse in turn influences others such as those who screamed abuse at Tubridy in Dun Laoghaire. Such as 'virus' and 'I don't believe in your beliefs' etc. It is an online phenomenon. And many who partake in the online abuse have no realisation or self awareness that what they are doing is odd or wrong. And how it contributes to such abusive individuals on DL pier.

    I also suspect that those who enjoy giving critism and listen to moan have no experience in even attempting broadcasting either live or otherwise regardless of the level. Which is also ironic of itself.

    Post edited by gormdubhgorm on

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I only came back on to see if there was any dose of realisation or self awareness, of the type of online abuse and snide culture that can result in real life abuse. It influences people such as your likeminded friend on the pier for instance who abused Tubridy. It is connected.

    Sadly there does not seem to be any such self awareness at all. This odd thread seems to continue its course and posters have no self awareness whatsoever. Beyond help at this stage.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,406 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I am responding to posts as I have responded to yours - I will reply no further. You just have a think about what you are at whether you share some moral culpability for the abuse Tubridy received in the streets. That is self awareness.

    If people can't help themselves or want to change there is no point in trying to help them. I had hopes of a change in peoples mindset but posters have only dug thier heels in. Or worse enjoyed the fact Tubridy got abused on the street.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,928 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    That’s not really relevant, we’d all break an abusers legs if given a shot

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,928 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,931 ✭✭✭furiousox

    I dip into this thread on occasion, probably posted here about a dozen times in all my years on boards.

    I've been critical of Tubs, pretty sure I called him condescending on occasion ( I still believe that to be the case) but I've never been abusive or hurled personal insults at him (on print or in person)

    I can't stand him on the LLs, I think he's sold his soul and should sob into his pillow for what he's become there.

    I used to like him when he started a lifetime ago on 2fm with the "Full Irish" breakfast show but again that show is very far removed from where he is now.

    I try to listen to him on occasion on RTE radio 1 but I always end up switching him off after a few mins, he's a very professional broadcaster, just not a very good one (imo)

    I heard him today for the first time in a long time and he sounded very "Mid-Atlantic" compared to when I last heard him.

    So yeah, I don't really rate him as a broadcaster, certainly not as an interviewer but it doesn't keep me awake at night thinking about him or his salary.

    If I happened to meet him on one of his "walks", I'd probably nod and say howaya out of politeness and carry on with my day.

    I don't think someone walking up to him and screaming abuse in his face is acceptable or should be expected because he's a public figure.

    So no, I won't be taking on any blame, guilt or shame because of the actions of others, nor should I be expected to.

    CPL 593H

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭Bellbottoms

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,906 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    You see the world in your own way and not as it is! Lay off Tubs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,530 ✭✭✭PieOhMy

    Will do, enjoy reading back through months of the thread!
