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Positive Vibes. Negative Splits.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Fair play on grabbing the bull by the horns so to speak, clubs depend on the better runners such as yourself within to help others learn and progress. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but give it a while, you’ll enjoy it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sensible week man. Refreshing to see. Fair play. Not easy to step back when needed

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    You sign up for Trim before it sold out?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    healy1835 wrote: »
    You sign up for Trim before it sold out?
    No, unfortunately. I only noticed on my Facebook feed that it sold out during the week. Did it sell really quick or was I asleep at the wheel? I guess it's Bundoran now... I signed up for Raheny 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    No, unfortunately. I only noticed on my Facebook feed that it sold out during the week. Did it sell really quick or was I asleep at the wheel? I guess it's Bundoran now... I signed up for Raheny 5

    They allow transfers as far as I'm aware....Bundoran a tough track from what I've heard! Would love to do Raheny too but prob won't fit in the plan for Manchester (I'll certainly ask can I run it but I'm guessing a 5 mile race and 10 mile race on consecutive weekends probably won't make the cut :) ). Raheny is my favourite race :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    For this weeks I'd like to share this podcast on my favourite race distance! They are talking more about track race but I think it's interchangeable to the road.


    PM: Road. 30 minutes easy. 6.6km @4:39/km


    AM: Mainly trail. Easy 45 including 5x 20 strides near the end. 9.75km @4:37/km


    PM:Track 6x1km with 100m shuffle recovery target to start at tempo and work down to cruise.

    Late getting to the track warm up just over 2.1km cut it short to make sure I got my activations and drills done.

    There was 3 in our group today. We took turns leading the train. I did 3 and 6. Tempo with it slightly progressing into cruise.



    Cool down 3.4km

    Funny with all the marathon talk, I get ask if I'd consider 3000m to 1500m track races next summer at training tonight... Also as mentioned I had planned Trim 10 miler but like a dope I forgot to register until I see its sold out on my Facebook feed when I got home from training. I registered for Raheny 5 mile instead...


    Club training that I mentioned last week was postponed due to a bereavement.

    PM: Road. Easy 45 minutes 9.62km @4:41/km.


    PM: Road. Recovery 30 minutes 5.9km @5:09/km.


    AM: Road. Easy 25 minutes with 4x 15 seconds hill sprints 5.4km @4:47/km

    This seems to be the usual any day before a race at the moment. 20-25 minutes with 4x 15 seconds hill sprints.


    Hollymount International 10km

    I've been meaning to race this one the past 5 years, but something else has always come up other races, injuries, etc. Its one of those old school races. It probably doesn't attract the numbers it did in the past unfortunately. This was the 54th edition of it. There's a junior race first 3k (1 loop) then a womens race 6k (2 loops) and finally the mens 10k (3 loops). Looking at the elevation per km on Strava you might think is a decent course but in reality it's a hard one. With that in mind I'd still highly recommend this race. On my race, because its starts off with a hill I was a bit conservative there maybe I should have pushed on to the lead group I don't think I would have got isolated. After 3k on the start of the second loop I was on my own. The rolling hills and headwind made it hard going. It was a solid workout to be fair. On my last lap I was lapping a few of the slower lads, I always feel a bit bad doing that. I'll always say something like well done, keep going but maybe that sounds condescending... Just before the 9th km I managed to overtake the guy in 9th to move up a place from 10th. I made no real burst after that or wasn't overly wrecked at the end. Nothing like someone breathing down your neck to push you on a bit more to empty the tank. It still was a honest effort and I think on a better course or with a bigger field I'd be closer to sub 36 on the day. I'm happy with that one especially after missing 7 days with that chesty cold and also missing out on two quality workouts. 9th place and 36:51

    Warm up 3.15km then activations and a few drills. Another 1.14km doing strides and staying warm.



    Cool down 2.62km

    Total distance this week 66.5km with seven days running and a race on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    For this weeks I'd like to share this podcast on my favourite race distance! They are talking more about track race but I think it's interchangeable to the road.

    Hollymount International 10km

    It still was a honest effort and I think on a better course or with a bigger field I'd be closer to sub 36 on the day. I'm happy with that one especially after missing 7 days with that chesty cold and also missing out on two quality workouts. 9th place and 36:51

    I cant quite get into the Science of Running Podcasts - I want to like them, but their podcasting style is not my cup of tea. I've turned off more than I've listened to.

    Regarding the 10k - thats a solid run. Well done for that - its November you know. (& All the best runners run slowish 10ks in November......ahem....)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I ran a 36:51 (decent PB at the time too) on Jan 1st this year! Built a good bit on that time as the year progressed, hopefully you'll do even better :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    healy1835 wrote: »
    I ran a 36:51 (decent PB at the time too) on Jan 1st this year! Built a good bit on that time as the year progressed, hopefully you'll do even better :)
    I ran a 35:56 10km a few weeks ago on a fair course, I'd call this one a tricky course. I'd like to think I'll be down to mid 35s on a good course

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    The only thing is we don't have many decent 10k courses where I live. I'll have to travel east for it :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I cant quite get into the Science of Running Podcasts - I want to like them, but their podcasting style is not my cup of tea. I've turned off more than I've listened to.
    I get that and know where you are coming from but I think the point the make are golden

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck Saturday S, run well man!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Thanks B. I'm not in Rathfarham shape but I hope to give it a good crack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I haven't updated this the last few weeks, just alot going on and haven't had the time. Quick report on Saturdays race. I haven't been firing on all cylinders since I was off with a cold but I feel I'm getting back in the swing of it again. Myself and buddy left town at 7 am we were there before 930 so we did a short walk to loosen up after the drive. There was 4 from our training group racing. My buddy is pure old school no watches for any race up to 10k. I couldn't really get going at all my legs felt heavy from the start. I finished 17:18 chip it's my second fastest 5k but a good bit back from Rathfarnham 17:06. My heart rate was quite low throughout the race which isn't what you expect to see in a 5k. Good competition between the lads around here, and good to meet you all again. I feel I'm in a position to put the head down and train hard for the next few weeks. I might get a 5k over the Christmas and see if I can get the low 17s again

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Did you see this pic of Evan Scully and the winner, Hiko Tonosa? It's on Evan's Strava...;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Did you see this pic of Evan Scully and the winner, Hiko Tonosa? It's on Evan's Strava...;-)
    Haha I saw the photo been taken alright :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    January - Winter miles, Summer smiles.

    I hoping for a big year. Big mileage and PBs from 5k to half marathon was my mindset. I started off 2019 two races firmly in focus. Raheny 5 sub 30 target, then Den Haag Half in March with the target was 79:xx. I didn't think I had it in me for for a sub 80 half coming from a 5k background but I was willing to give it a good honest attempt. I racked up 359km for the month as I had planned to increase my mileage with Den Haag in March, our clubs c25k program added to this too. It was actually my highest monthly distance of 2019. I finished off January with my goal of a sub 30 5 miler in Raheny in 29:06...

    February - Rule number 1 of running: Listen to your body...

    I started off this month in high confidence and the first two weeks I had some brilliant sessions but I was starting to feel niggles. There was still double days with the c25k/beginners 5 to 10k program too. I wrote off the niggles as just part of the process and pushed on. In week 3 my shin started to cause issues which put me out for a few days, then I got a bad cold more days off... I tried to make a few come backs but I think it only made things worse and delayed my recovery. The rest of the month was more or less a right off. I decided to rule out the half marathon in March and get back to 5 to 10k stuff. I ran just short of 190km for February.

    March - Practice what you preach...

    At our clubs c25k/beginners 5 to 10k I would be constantly be telling them follow the 10% rule it's just a pity I didn't listen to my own advice. I ramped the mileage and especially the work load up way too quickly after been out for 3 weeks straight. I was very anxious to get back as I was disappointed how February went. I ended up with ITBS injury on my left side. Time for a master reset and a new approach. Almost 162 km for March. That half then Den Haag which I planned to race was cancelled on the morning of the race, I felt bad for the lads who travelled over. Disaster of a month really...

    April - Decided rather than react.

    This ITBS injury was pretty serious. Having pressed reset, and decided to take my time, how ever long it would take. My attitude was just take each day as it came while trying to build it up slowly. I was told to keep running but not when in pain. I found it very frustrating and at times I thought the journey to recovery would be longer than what it actually was in the end. The worst day was a 6am run in the forest where I had to stop after 2.5km and limp back to the car. I was very disciplined with my rehabilitation. I'm not a gym guy but I did what I had to do. Just over 92km for April, which was my lowest monthly distance for the year. I started off the month running 2 times a week but in the last week I managed to run 4 times.

    May - Steady as she goes.

    I continued this month as I finished April. I could see steady progress but I never rushed it. At first I started adding some strides to my easy runs I eventually got around to doing a session. Short tempo stuff, I was delighted. I still remember the buzz I felt after my first session 6am darkish morning before work, bucketing rain, puddles all over the dirt track. Happy days. I managed 3 sessions in May in total. One a week for the last three weeks. I got up to running 5 days a week by the end of the month, even managing 10 mile runs. Just over 215km for May.

    June - Positive vibes

    My confidence was growing again I returned to doing two sessions a week. I would tie in with Dermot the odd time and call down to the track when he had the kids from our club. But for June these were all solo sessions. I didn't just have the confidence to go back training on the track with the lads yet. There was two local 5ks that I half wanted to run. My Physio said go for it but the boss said hold off and keep building slowly with no spikes in the load. So no racing in June, I wasn't fit enough anyway and would have probably set by recovery back. He said to wait until July and try a local 4 miler as it was a tricky enough course and it's not a distance where I be comparing how far off I am and there wouldn't be any pressure. June turned out to be a great month with just over 288km. I continued the strides and strength work throughout the month.

    July - Negative Splits

    I started of the month with a four miler. This was my first race since January. I never ran this one before as I knew the route was a bit off putting. But not any more I was buzzing for this one. I ran a negative split 23:17 and a PB too. It's not a distance I don't run much so nothing really to compare it to, but what really boosted the confidence was beating a few local athletes who I thought would be a lot better than me. (they could have raced a marathon the day before for all I knew but it didn't matter it was about building confidence) The 2nd week of the month I was on holidays so just easy runs. Week 3 of July a local 5k. 4th place and 17:39. Negative splits again. In the last week of July I made my return to the boys on the track. Great month I really wasn't expecting that in April, never mind April I wasn't expecting that at the start of July. 302km for the month.

    August - A goal without a plan is just a wish...

    I got the race monkey off my back in July so for August the plan was no races, just keep training and slowly building it up. With the focus of a big PB in Rathfarham in the end of September. I was running 6 days a week, every week for the month. Including two sessions weekly. This was the most enjoyable period of my training this year. It just felt like everything was falling into place perfectly. I wasn't chasing anything just enjoying it day by day. 348km for the month.

    September - Good things come to those who wait.

    I started of September with a 1mile road race. This was meant to be just a bit of fun, if I could hit 5 minutes I'd be delighted but it's main aim was a turn over with a 5k at the end of the week as my goal. I think it ignited something in me. It was hard, really hard. No mile training, took off like a bullet and died a death after 800m. Crawled home in 5:12, its something I really want to revisit. I then had a local 5k after that race massive PB I really didn't think I was in the shape I was in. Finishing 4th in 17:21 this was better than my goal for Rathfarham. The next two weeks saw two monster 5k sessions I had to try for a sub 17 in Rathfarham now but I fell just short of it 17:06 Lots of ifs, maybes, and buts. It doesn't really matter I was absolutely delighted with this result. Just over 301km for September.

    October - Expect the unexpected...

    Two races in October with two very different results. Both I unexpected results. I started of the month with a local 10k the week after Rathfarham. Tricky enough course I didn't know what to expect going into this race. I was hoping to break my 10k PB of 37:14. I ran this blind with insulation tape over my watch. I smashed my pb with a 35:56 finish. I spent the next few weeks trying to build strength but I think I was fatigued going into the national XC. I expected better but I had a terrible race. I think I could have done with 6 or 7 days recovery after that 10k. I ran two massive races back to back at the end of September/start of October. I think a slight step back would have suited me better. Almost 324km for October.

    November - Learning from past mistakes.

    That fatigue feeling continued and been ran down I picked up a chesty cough/cold/man flu. I decided to take 7 consecutive days off. I had hoped for a sub 17 Jingle Bells but I wasn't going running myself into the ground trying to achieve THAT now. I ran another 10k 10 days after coming back from the cold it wasn't the best idea ever. It was a case of heart winning over mind. Its been a goal race for years. It was a hilly, windy, and isolated 36:51 10K. It was a result I kind of expected. Also this month I started helping out again with club training unfortunately, none of the senior guys were able to commit so it fell on my lap to get them started. 233km for November.

    December - Rebuilding...

    I started of the month with Jingle Bells 5k. My target was sub 17:20 I got home in 17:18 I really enjoyed that one, and good to catch up with some of you lads here. I continued helping out with club training, just getting them to re-understand the basics etc, so some double days. There was a 5k at end of month I decided to target but I think I was a bit aggressive in my training straight after Jingle Bells, I felt I was starting to over cook it a bit so I stepped back as my body wasn't having it. 17:23 in that 5k. I was happy enough with it. Solo effort for the most part and very windy too which cost me 12 to 15 seconds. Just over 321km for December.

    So to round up 2019 I think overall it was a good year. Due to the PBs in particular in the second half of the year. My mileage was down a bit on the previous year too mainly due to that ITBS injury. I didn't quite hit 2000 miles... but still it was solid with 3103km for 2019. I'd like to think I've become wiser over the year, I think I learn more about running in years where I pick up a injury rather than a injury free year. Also this year I've become more consistent with strides, short hills, S&C, plyometrics and sleep. I think they greatly added to the improvements in my race times during the year.

    1x 1mile - road (Debut)
    6x 5km (PB)
    1x 4mile (PB)
    1x 5mile (PB)
    2x 10km (PB)

    I mentioned in the 2020 goals thread some specific time targets but ultimately I don't think they will make or break 2020 for me. I think if I can continue to be consistent with my training, including the non running stuff too. Diet is a big one where I can improve so that will be a focus too. More importantly train wise. So pull back when I have to, listen to my body and don't go down the route of chasing fitness.

    After taking some time out with my log I'll be updating it again. Happy new year everyone. Thanks for reading.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I mentioned in the 2020 goals thread some specific time targets but ultimately I don't think they will make or break 2020 for me. I think if I can continue to be consistent with my training, including the non running stuff too. Diet is a big one where I can improve so that will be a focus too. More importantly train wise. So pull back when I have to, listen to my body and don't go down the route of chasing fitness.

    Am I blind as I can't see your goals for 2020?

    Me and you are on a similar path this year by the sounds of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Am I blind as I can't see your goals for 2020?

    Me and you are on a similar path this year by the sounds of it.
    The second post in that thread :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Edit for my year review that should read 5x5km races last year not 6.

    My left achilles has been giving me some issues lately so I've been adding some of the rehab excerise I learnt from my injury in 2016. Nothing hectic 10 to 20 minutes most evenings. If it continues I'll have cut back on my running but at the moment it seems manageable. It can flare up from time to time.


    No running today I raced Sunday.

    PM: S&C legs, hips, achilles


    AM: Roads. 60 minutes easy 12.71km @4:47/km

    PM: S&C calves and achilles.


    AM: Trail. 8x1km with 60 seconds recovery target to start at 4 minute ks and increasing the pace as the session went on. Peach of a morning. It was great to do a session in day light, normally dark and wet this time of year.

    Warm up 3.3km I didn't do too much activations and drills. Also no strides short on time and I was starting the session at a comfortable pace.



    Cool down 3.6km

    PM: Achilles stuff


    AM: Road. Easy 45 minutes 9.47km @4:48/km.

    PM: S&C core plus more achilles stuff


    AM: Road. Easy 45 minutes with 5x20 seconds strides included at the end 9.45km @4:46/km.

    PM: More achilles stuff


    Working today so I couldn't get down to the boys. DTC young guns were in town last week and hooked up with our boys again I couldn't get down because of work.

    PM: Road. 5x 1mile with 2 minutes off recovery. targeting around cruise pace or sub 6 minutes mile pace

    Warm up 4km plus activations, drills, and a few strides. Bit longer than usual, just checking out the road for my session.

    Mile Splits
    5:51, 5:52, 5:48, 5:51, 5:50

    Cool down 3km


    AM: Road easy 20.5km @5:00/km with a couple of the older lads in the club. I only intended on doing 10 miles on my own but a change of mind.

    Total distance this week 84.6km with six days. I only intended 80km max this week but Sundays run and Saturdays extra long warm up added to it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    The second post in that thread

    So just blind then. Lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I didn't get an entry to the Dublin marathon on the lottery. I was 50/50 on it. If I got a entry I'd definitely aim for it but now I'll stick to what I love. Maybe Frankfurt 2021?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I didn't get an entry to the Dublin marathon on the lottery. I was 50/50 on it. If I got a entry I'd definitely aim for it but now I'll stick to what I love. Maybe Frankfurt 2021?

    Same here..... The unsuccessful part.. Not Frankfurt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Ah ****e!! Yourself and Swashbuckler :( I'd say target a HM in the Autumn and then a Spring marathon. Frankfurt '21 is a long way away!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Similar to Mellow I was 50/50. And like himself I'm planning on sticking with what I enjoyed about running in the first place (5k and 10k) but I'll see. Long year there yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Ah ****e!! Yourself and Swashbuckler :( I'd say target a HM in the Autumn and then a Spring marathon. Frankfurt '21 is a long way away!

    Seville in early Feb,

    Just saying, not that I have considered it myself :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Bit of a strange one this week.


    Rest day


    I fell asleep on the recliner Monday night and woke up at 1230 with a sharp pain in my right lung. It kept me awake most of the night and seemed to get worse that it was painful to breath. I had a doctor appointment for Tuesday anyway so they did a good few checks on me and had a xray but didn't really know what was wrong with me. Gave me pain killers and antibiotics.

    Rest day.


    Got a call from the doctors xray came back clear. I didn't think this was a virus, I had no temperature and felt fine expect it was a really sharp pain like a needle in my lung when I breath in. I was eating crackers when I fell asleep watching Netflix. My conclusion was I must have inhaled a bit of the cracker when I fell asleep. So I said f**k I'll chance training and see what happens. The pain wasn't as bad as Tuesday. The 1st mile of my warm up was rough I considered quiting, but the pain eased off to a mild discomfort after that. It was bothering me enough to put me off my session but after my session I actually felt almost fine again!

    PM: Track. 8x1km with 60 seconds recovery target was 3:30 so this was going to be a hard one. After 4 repeats I wanted to stop I think I've been over doing the legs S&C stuff and of course my breathing wasn't right. I got on the train to see how 600m would feel for one hanging off the back of the lads. I then did one final km before finishing off with 1mile steady which felt really easy.

    Warm up 3.2km plus the usual...


    3:32 (1km)
    3:31 (1km)
    3:30 (1km)
    3:33 (1km)
    1:58 (600m)
    3:34 (1km)
    6:48 (1600m)

    Only 1.1km for my cool down I had the boss with me and didn't want to have him waiting around in the cold he dose enough for us.


    AM: Mountain trail. 10.2km @4:40/km. Only a 15 minutes drive away but its another world up in the mountains. Really airy feel in the valley with the fog/cloud cover. I used to run alot in the mountains in my early 20s I'm rearly up there now. I felt fine, lungs A1 again.

    PM: S&C mainly achilles stuff


    AM: Trail. 11.38km @4:33/km. Maybe a bit too quick I didn't look at my watch. Legs and lungs felt great.

    PM: More achilles stuff


    PM: Trail/road. 8km tempo plus 8x100 targeting around 3:54/k on the 8km tempo. I only looked at my watch at every km on the trail loop to make sure I wasn't over cooking it. I did the 8x100m on the road where I have 100m marked out. I was delighted with this session

    Warm up 3.2km plus activations, drills, and a few strides.

    8km tempo 30:52 the 100m were 17-18 seconds

    Cool down 3.5km


    PM: Road.20.29km @4:44/km my left calf was quite sore once I stopped as I've said I think I've been over doing the S&C. I hope that's all that's wrong with it.

    Total distance this week 71.4km with five days running. Down around 9km than I had planned because of missing Tuesday's run.

    My calf is still a bit sore today so might have to give tomorrow a rest. I'll see how it is in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Strange one with the lung??

    That 8x1km was a monster given the 60sec recovery. - you'll be under 17 for sure this spring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That 8x1km was a monster given the 60sec recovery. - you'll be under 17 for sure this spring.
    Absolute killer of a session. I was in with the faster boys too they kept progressing and finished off with a 3:14 km. I'm no where near that shape. Great group of lads, there's a faster group too but in a completely different league.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day.
    Some self massaging on my upper calf and foam rolling.


    Rest day.
    Light stretches


    Rest day.
    I was confident I'd be okay and feeling good but I've this thing when I'm off with a niggle or injury I take a extra day off when I feel I'm ready to resume training.


    PM: Road. 6km @4:44/km.
    No issues.


    Rest day.
    Unintentional rest day. Break down at work I didn't get home until 8pm. Starving so had my dinner when I got home, I thought I'd be forcing it going out for a run at 930pm


    AM: Mainly trail. 10.24km @4:30/km
    I went a bit faster than easy pace to see how the body would react. No problem.

    Club AGM Saturday evening. I made a proposal of a 1 mile road race series for October/November. It got a good response. We haven't many senior members in our club. No one in there 20s early 30s. I'd like to do it in conjunction with the local GAA clubs and try and promote athletics here.


    PM: Road.16km with 4x1 minute pick ups @4:36/km

    I did the 1 minute picks at the start of the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th km.

    Total distance this week 32.3km with only three days running. Maybe I was a bit over cautious. I hope it won't have too much of a impact on Raheny...
