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Traveller: Life in the Marches - A ship of our own



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Banjo wrote: »
    "Well, you seem to have come down a little in the world since Walston. Are they treating you well?"

    Evan addresses the leader, noting any signs of augmentation, tattoos, scarring, etc.
    The leader has a biomechanical arm.

    "Yeah, yeah, the Scout con was a waste of time and Imperium funds, we know. Cell is alright yeah, what are you here for anyway?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    "a waste of time..." He repeats.
    "My employer doesn't see it that way. My employer feels an investment was made. And investments should always yield a return, don't you think?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    The leader narrows his eyes.

    "Your employer, the Scouts is it? What are you getting at?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Evan smiles.
    "It seems you are as....*limited*as I was lead to believe. Well, I'm sure the Scouts will convey you onwards to... Well, the destination is not important. The journey - make sure to enjoy the journey. Such a fraught business, space travel."

    He turns to leave, removing a small wafer from the jack in his neck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,587 ✭✭✭Mollyb60

    Fourier wrote: »
    "We have to deliver a few food supplies to the twenty or so people living there. It's mostly coffee I think. You guys are the next delivery after that. My main job is delivering equipment to a naval base near Mora, but you will all be long gone by then.

    I think, if the log is right, we're only waiting on one."

    'Very good. I'm sure the group will all be along presently and we can get underway. With your permission I might take a tour of the ship. I'm interested especially in your engineering section'

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    Dhinor heads to the bridge, with the intention of charming the captain of the ship.

    He reaches the bridge and introduces himself to the captain.

    'Captain, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You have a sterling reputation from what i can gather. I wonder would you join me for a meal so that we can share tales of our time in service?'

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    Fourier wrote: »
    The database has an note attached to K'Kree physiology linking to Bakleth's file. Nestor can see that Bakleth suffers from a rampant anti-social disorder that the K'Kree view as a shunnable psychosis. In essence he prefers his own company sometimes and doesn't need to always be around others. Ironically the outcome is that he closely fits the psych profile of a conservative and family-oriented human.

    Nestor can see the gene strands of himself and the rest of the crew, viewed abstractly he can see the extensive modifications in his own humanity to the baseline of Terran humans.

    The far trader's computer picks up on her physiology and begins to play soft jungle sounds to mimic an evening on Ghost.
    Smiling at the computers attempt to make her feel good Nestor cuts small tree and shrubs out of a sheet of paper and sticks them around her lights to cast jungle silhouettes in her room. "There ya go computer, home from home don't ya think?"
    She ponders the report about Baklath. "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not an analyst." (Jim was the name of a professor in her university who told her she should specialise in Psycho-analytics)
    She comms the K'Kree. "Bakleth, I need 10 minutes of your time to get some baseline readings for my medkit. Notify me when you are available".
    She plans to use the 10 minutes to try and put some form of relationship together even if it is purely professional. "There has to be some common ground. If not this crew is doomed before we even start."
    To prevent the K'Kree becoming paranoid she schedules a 10 minute interview and baseline data meeting with the rest of her crew too.
    "Verne, you free a few minutes available for me?"

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Fourier wrote: »
    The young lady climbs into the pod and presses a few buttons on the lid. The lid closes and various tubes and needles insert themselves, replacing her blood and taking over from the lungs, the net result being unconsciousness and slowed aging.

    OOC: Do I know who this person is or just crew that I havent met yet?

    Alex finishes up with his gear and places it back into his backpack. He takes a stroll around the ship, making sure to identify the layout, exits and where everyone else will be basing themselves. He stops off for some hydration in the canteen (?) and settles back reading a book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,587 ✭✭✭Mollyb60

    OldGoat wrote: »
    "Verne, you free a few minutes available for me?"

    Verne taps the nearest communication device on the wall [OOC: no idea if we have communicators on the walls like original Star Trek or ones on our clothes like TNG Star Trek but it's a minor detail]:
    'Of course Nestor, I'm just about to pop down to engineering, I can swing by your quarters on the way.'

    Verne locates Nestors cabin on the computer map and heads in that direction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    Mollyb60 wrote: »
    Verne taps the nearest communication device on the wall [OOC: no idea if we have communicators on the walls like original Star Trek or ones on our clothes like TNG Star Trek but it's a minor detail]:
    'Of course Nestor, I'm just about to pop down to engineering, I can swing by your quarters on the way.'

    Verne locates Nestors cabin on the computer map and heads in that direction.
    "Let's meet in the canteen, my quarters are a bit...chilly." I don my thermo suit and over clothes and head to the canteen. I see Alex there.
    "Ah, perfect. I can update the med-scanner for you too. So, Alex right?. Whats your story?"
    Nestor busies herself taking reading and recording the data.

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    OldGoat wrote: »
    "Let's meet in the canteen, my quarters are a bit...chilly." I don my thermo suit and over clothes and head to the canteen. I see Alex there.
    "Ah, perfect. I can update the med-scanner for you too. So, Alex right?. Whats your story?"
    Nestor busies herself taking reading and recording the data.

    Alex looks over the top of his book for a second then puts it down.
    Not much to know, a few tours in the Cavalry, some peacekeeping and a couple of war injuries made me decide it was time to go freelance. No major injuries or illnesses to speak of. Anything else you need to know?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    "Any known allergies?"
    "Favourite food or special dietary requirements?"
    "Last full medical checkup?"
    "Bio-mechanical enhancements?"
    "Can you touch your toes?"
    "Embarrassing childhood nicknames?"
    "Has your left pupil always been larger than your right one?"
    "Just joking, they are both as large as each other."
    Nestor taps the measurements into the medscanner.

    I hand Alex a light beer from the fridge. "Here, this will help level out your sugars, you're running a tiny bit low at the moment. So, you are all guns and knives then. Any other specialities or abilities?"

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    I'm used to running recon missions, millitary tactics and so on. I did spend a few years in peacekeeping and learned how to handle delicate situations there without the need for "guns and knives" as you put it. I did some basic field medic work as well so I can lend a hand if anything comes up. All going to plan it wont though. I'd hope this can all be resolved without needing to resort to the.. ahem, "guns and knives" end of things.
    Alex laughs at his own joke and eats the beef.
    Whats your background then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    "My species are secretive at best, isolationist almost to the point of fanatical. We are deeply religious and have certain scared rites. I'm am...different. At my university where I studied medicine I had the chance to meet with other worlders and I learned to see beyond my own planet. I could see the artworks never conceived of by my people.
    However, I betrayed my religious trust and I was discovered to be giving, performing sacred art to offworlders. I got outcast as a result. They thought that was a punishment, the worst thing they could do to me but here I am, travelling the stars, finding the beauty in the creations of others. I was born with a curious nature and that'll probably* be the death of me."

    OOC: *Not foreshadowing, right Fourier?!??!? :)

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Banjo wrote: »
    He turns to leave, removing a small wafer from the jack in his neck.
    Evan feels his head clear a little as he walks out onto the promenade. He can see a boarding announcement screen indicate that he is the last remaining passenger for the 'Wind on Stars'.

    From the large window at this part of the station he can see it attached via a long docking tube. A standard enough far trader with a white circle within a larger black one painted on its hull.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Mollyb60 wrote: »
    'Very good. I'm sure the group will all be along presently and we can get underway. With your permission I might take a tour of the ship. I'm interested especially in your engineering section'
    "Of course, this way"

    She stops when Verne contacts Nestor.

    "Well I'll just show the way quickly"

    Dagonet leads Verne out of the bridge and across the hall and into the cargo bay, a largely empty warehouse looking room with a high ceiling. Bakleth is asleep in a make-shift stable at the back left. At the other end of the cargo bay she types a code into the iris lock and it opens to reveal engineering and steps through.

    The ship's power plants are compact enough, being about as big as a car each. The M-drive (slower than light) just consists of two powerful rockets fed from the fusion plant. The Jump Drive though has clearly had work done on it. The way it connects into the hull of the ship has been altered from "standard" practice.

    She writes the code for engineering into her datapad which is sent to Verne's.

    "I'll be back on the bridge"

    OOC: Typical Traveller Jump Drive

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Pter wrote: »
    'Captain, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You have a sterling reputation from what i can gather. I wonder would you join me for a meal so that we can share tales of our time in service?'
    She looks him up and down.

    "Alright, not tomorrow night, but the night after, I want to see us safely into jump. In the common room, around 20:00."

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Fourier wrote: »
    Evan feels his head clear a little as he walks out onto the promenade. He can see a boarding announcement screen indicate that he is the last remaining passenger for the 'Wind on Stars'.

    From the large window at this part of the station he can see it attached via a long docking tube. A standard enough far trader with a white circle within a larger black one painted on its hull.

    Realising he's spent far too long eating chocolate and no time at all buying equipment or supplies, Evan confirms he still has his emergency pants and socks sewn into the lining of his jacket and jogs to the boarding gate. Something nags at him, that decal on the hull. Probably just too close to the IA for comfort. There's a reason the imperium has a navy, it's so people don't have to trust their lives to dumb grunt soldiers trying to astrogate the big black. He reports to the captain, flashing her a dib dib dib salute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    conor222 wrote: »
    OOC: Do I know who this person is or just crew that I havent met yet?
    OOC: Just another passenger like yourselves, although she cannot afford a stateroom, so she has to go into cryosleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Mollyb60 wrote: »
    OOC: no idea if we have communicators on the walls like original Star Trek or ones on our clothes like TNG Star Trek but it's a minor detail
    OOC: Both are present in Traveller, so it's a minor detail as you said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Banjo wrote: »
    There's a reason the imperium has a navy, it's so people don't have to trust their lives to dumb grunt soldiers trying to astrogate the big black. He reports to the captain, flashing her a dib dib dib salute.
    The Captain and Dhinor are on the bridge when Evan enters.

    "Hello, Evan is it? Well then that's everything."

    She speaks into the ships computer.

    "Mastalise, go to engineering, begin prepping the jump drive and Tiopa come to the bridge."

    A few minutes later a sandy haired man enters the bridge and sits down, he begins typing in a few commands and the ship begins to pull out of dock. "Detaching docking clamp......" there is a moderate thud from the main airlock "...we are detached."

    Looking out the windows anywhere on the ship all the passengers can see the ship fall toward Flammarion.

    Tiopa speaks again "turning on M-drive"

    The ship passes over Flammarions only excuse for a sea, swings around the planet and out into space.

    "How long until it is safe to jump?" Dagonet inquires.

    "Four hours until we are far enough from Flammarion Captain."

    Down in engineering Verne meets with a human of unknown gender.

    "Hi Mastalise is the name, pleased to me you" it nods courteously.

    The human bends over the display and reads diagnostics from the jump engine and proceeds to run a jump calculation program from its datapad. A message flashes on screen.

    "Jump calculation time: 30 minutes"

    "Thrilling stuff huh?" they say baring their teeth in that apparently non-aggressive way humans do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Fourier wrote: »

    The Captain and Dhinor are on the bridge when Evan enters.

    "Hello, Evan is it? Well then that's everything."

    She speaks into the ships computer.

    "Mastalise, go to engineering, begin prepping the jump drive and Tiopa come to the bridge."

    A few minutes later a sandy haired man enters the bridge and sits down, he begins typing in a few commands and the ship begins to pull out of dock. "Detaching docking clamp......" there is a moderate thud from the main airlock "...we are detached."

    Looking out the windows anywhere on the ship all the passengers can see the ship fall toward Flammarion.

    Tiopa speaks again "turning on M-drive"

    The ship passes over Flammarions only excuse for a sea, swings around the planet and out into space.

    "How long until it is safe to jump?" Dagonet inquires.

    "Four hours until we are far enough from Flammarion Captain."

    Evan, having no where else to go, observes the commands entered, onscreen responses and and tangible effects he can observe in the ships behaviour. Every days s school day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    OOC: So I'll just let Verne have a bit of interaction with the engineer, have a post about the jump, a bit about Dhinor's meal with the captain and then everybody can just say how they spent the week in general.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,299 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    OldGoat wrote: »
    Smiling at the computers attempt to make her feel good Nestor cuts small tree and shrubs out of a sheet of paper and sticks them around her lights to cast jungle silhouettes in her room. "There ya go computer, home from home don't ya think?"
    She ponders the report about Baklath. "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not an analyst." (Jim was the name of a professor in her university who told her she should specialise in Psycho-analytics)
    She comms the K'Kree. "Bakleth, I need 10 minutes of your time to get some baseline readings for my medkit. Notify me when you are available".
    She plans to use the 10 minutes to try and put some form of relationship together even if it is purely professional. "There has to be some common ground. If not this crew is doomed before we even start."
    To prevent the K'Kree becoming paranoid she schedules a 10 minute interview and baseline data meeting with the rest of her crew too.
    "Verne, you free a few minutes available for me?"

    Bakleth grumpily stirs from his slumber and strolls to meet the puny doctor.

    'If one of them needles finds my arse we're going to have a problem medicine lady.'

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,587 ✭✭✭Mollyb60

    Fourier wrote: »
    Down in engineering Verne meets with a human of unknown gender.

    "Hi Mastalise is the name, pleased to me you" it nods courteously.

    The human bends over the display and reads diagnostics from the jump engine and proceeds to run a jump calculation program from its datapad. A message flashes on screen.

    "Jump calculation time: 30 minutes"

    "Thrilling stuff huh?" they say baring their teeth in that apparently non-aggressive way humans do.

    Verne also bares his teeth in a hopefully non-aggressive way too. 'I am also pleased to meet you Mastalise. This is a fine ship you have. How does it run? I have little experience with human ships such as this but I notice that there seem to be some modifications to the engine. What are they for? How far is our first jump?'

    [OOC: christ there is SO much info on this RPG!]

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    Necrominus wrote: »
    Bakleth grumpily stirs from his slumber and strolls to meet the puny doctor.

    'If one of them needles finds my arse we're going to have a problem medicine lady.'
    "It's a big enough target, how could I miss? Rest assured though, if you need anything I'll put it on a lump of sugar for you instead, how's that sound. I'm Nestor. Nice place they set up for you here, love that smell. Reminds me of home."
    As I prattle on I take the (un)necessary readings and enter data into the scanner. I remain lighthearted, but observe intently, gauging Bakleths reactions and adjusting the conversation to try and put the man(?) at ease.
    "Have you worked for the scouts before?"

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    Fourier wrote: »
    OOC: So I'll just let Verne have a bit of interaction with the engineer, have a post about the jump, a bit about Dhinor's meal with the captain and then everybody can just say how they spent the week in general.

    OOC: Given the timing set by the captain, let me know OOC when you want to do this thang.

    Dhinor heads to the engineering section to gain more bearings on his surroundings. He was rather pleased with himself. In one day he had gained a commission, obtained a sword, and gotten a date with a captain.

    'Carpe diem' he said aloud, quietly to himself.

    Dhinor entered engineering and noticed his tall Aslan shipmate to be by the jump drive, with what appears to be a maleavolent grin on its face.

    'Well met my Aslan friend!'

    Carpe diem, Dhinor repeats to himself in his head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Standing in the bridge, Evan realises that it's been a couple of hours now, and possibly reaching the point at which he should start to feel awkward. It's fine though. That said, he's not a wiz with computers, and while he's no stranger to a flight deck, and is able to see the causal relationships between the pilot's actions and the ships reactions, he's not sure he's really getting as much out of this as maybe he could. He should stick to what he's good at.

    Hopefully none of the rest of the crew have a clue how the nuts and bolts of a ship work together - he'll soon have an opportunity to show off his unique selling point and demonstrate his value to the team. If the ships' layout is roughly standard, the engineering section should be right down here.

    He sees the Aslan and the cocky tool with the fancy sword.

    "****" he muses aloud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,320 ✭✭✭jasonb

    During the meanwhilst...

    Glenn sighed. He willed himself to leave his room and report to the observatory.

    Planet 567-908 was too small to be called a dump. You could barely call it a trash receptacle. He knew that most of the small group of inhabitants were there for their own reasons, and none of them were ‘When I grow up, I want to study the Flash/Bang of ships exiting Jumps on 567-908’. It was basically the definition of the middle of nowhere. Glenn knew that this suited his needs, but he couldn’t tell anymore if he was actually making his life longer, or just making it feel like it was.

    So he’d been both nervous and relieved when he’d got the message from Jansen, giving him an opportunity to work for the Scouts again. Nervous ‘cos if Jansen could find him here, so could anyone else. And relieved ‘cos Jansen’s offer gave him a way off the planet, and if he could be found here, then getting away from here was the next logical move.

    He stood up and stretched out his wings for a minute. He missed grass, and hills, and everything that 567-908 wasn’t, which was a lot. Hopefully the ship would arrive soon. He wondered what the rest of the crew would be like. He headed out for his shift at the observatory.

    OOC: I’m a newbie, please be patient!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Mollyb60 wrote: »
    Verne also bares his teeth in a hopefully non-aggressive way too. 'I am also pleased to meet you Mastalise. This is a fine ship you have. How does it run? I have little experience with human ships such as this but I notice that there seem to be some modifications to the engine. What are they for? How far is our first jump?'
    "Oh the modifications? Yeah, they're to make our entry into jump a little harder to track. Some people have equipment that can make a decent guess at where you're going, so best to avoid that.

    Everything is powered by Peg and Larry are two little workhorse fusion engines.

    We're jumping only around six light years, two systems over. Here have a look."

    She brings up the local starmap.

