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Broodmother wants more children



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,420 ✭✭✭Lollipops23

    B0jangles wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's slightly more productive to help people get out of difficult situations than shove them face down back into them, then berate them for being there in the first place.

    They have been helped. They've been helped to the tune of hundreds of thousands of euros.

    Cap children's allowance at 3 kids. Nobody should bring kids into the world that they can't support themselves. I'm putting off getting married or starting a family because I can't afford either right now. I will be at some stage, but not right now.

    I've always said I don't mind paying taxes, as long as they're spent appropriately. I wonder how many extra nursing shifts/special needs assistants could have been provided over the years if this couple had splashed out on a box of condoms at some point?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    You could write that but it might be easier to put in that childrens allowance going forward is capped at €3-400 a month regardless of the number of children.

    Ah, so the intent remains the same, but you just mask it very slightly, how courageous.

    Hey, how about claiming the real intent is to combat childhood obesity? Call it the "How can they get fat when they don't get fed?" campaign, that'd sell really well with the usual crowd here on Boards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,500 ✭✭✭BrokenArrows

    I wonder how many extra nursing shifts/special needs assistants could have been provided over the years if this couple had splashed out on a box of condoms at some point?

    well 48k would pay for 1-2 people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,365 ✭✭✭✭McMurphy

    People are free to have as many children as they like but should have no reasonable expectation that it's societies responsibility to fund her clown car vagina.

    One of the funniest descriptions I've heard on this site, ever.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    They have been helped. They've been helped to the tune of hundreds of thousands of euros.

    Cap children's allowance at 3 kids. Nobody should bring kids into the world that they can't support themselves. I'm putting off getting married or starting a family because I can't afford either right now. I will be at some stage, but not right now.

    I've always said I don't mind paying taxes, as long as they're spent appropriately. I wonder how many extra nursing shifts/special needs assistants could have been provided over the years if this couple had splashed out on a box of condoms at some point?

    I'm not talking about this specific family - they appear to be a perfect storm of tabloid-headline generation. I'm talking about people wanting to re-write economic and social policy for an entire society with the intention of preventing extreme outliers like this family.

    You don't write national policy based on the extremes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭Caliden

    So let's do the maths here for a minute.

    48k which I'm going to assume is 24k each for her and her fella.

    If they were to both work they would need to be on €28150 gross each to pull in the same amount.
    There are college grads earning less than that and I could be wrong but I think a minimum wage job at 40 hours a week is much less than that.

    Sometimes I wonder why I bother working at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,560 ✭✭✭Wile E. Coyote

    B0jangles wrote: »
    Hey, how about claiming the real intent is to combat childhood obesity? Call it the "How can they get fat when they don't get fed?" campaign, that'd sell really well with the usual crowd here on Boards.

    How about calling it the 'Having some personal responsibility and ensuring you can feed your own kids' campaign? I've no problem with childrens allowance, job seekers benefit or any other form of social welfare to help those when they're struggling. What I do have an issue with is people using it as a longterm lifestyle choice and then moaning and b*tching when they aren't given a free house on top of it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    How about calling it the 'Having some personal responsibility and ensuring you can feed your own kids' campaign? I've no problem with childrens allowance, job seekers benefit or any other form of social welfare to help those when they're struggling. What I do have an issue with is people using it as a longterm lifestyle choice and then moaning and b*tching when they aren't given a free house on top of it.

    And you think it is a good and moral thing to make children suffer in order to teach adults a lesson?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,796 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    Who the fcuk said this is a dole bashing thread?

    This is a woman who has 8 kids, wants more, can't afford to put a roof over their heads so expects the state to house them and fund them.

    How about no. How about you go and buy your own 8 bed house for your family?

    Dole bashing me arse....this is a family of spongers who want the tab for their lifestyle choice to be picked up by the rest of us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,236 ✭✭✭Dr. Kenneth Noisewater

    While I'm not a generally in favour of copying everything the UK does in relation to policy, a benefits cap similar to the way theirs works would seem appropriate in Ireland. I know that most people who are on SW want to work, but it is very definitely a lifestyle choice for some who wouldn't have much interest in gainful employment.

    The fact that it actually pays these people to reproduce is scandalous (and to be fair, a large proportion of their offspring will continue in the same vein when they grow up).

    That couple couldn't afford to get a job, simple as. It'd be funny if it wasn't so serious.

    That family whineing about not getting a free gaff on top of everything else is a giant "f*ck you" to the rest of us working hard to try to meet mortgage payments, rent or trying to save a deposit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,167 ✭✭✭Fr_Dougal

    Synthol wrote: »
    ''A couple whose sole income from welfare payments totals €48,000 have taken a court case over getting pushed off the waiting list for a council house after having their eighth child.

    Mother Winnifred Ward told the local council is trying to ‘stop the couple’ having children, and branded the treatment ‘shocking’.

    The mother of eight said. ‘I’d like a few more (children) – yeah. Of course I would, I’d like a good few more running around.’

    In total, the couple have a weekly income of €923.50, or just over €48,000 a year. Mr Fogarty said it would be argued that the Social Housing Assessment Regulations, which set the threshold, amounted to an unfair and unconstitutional attack on the family unit.''

    So this is where 40% of my wage go to, to support breeders on social welfare. I am working my ass off 60 hours per week and this is where all my finances are going. I basically have nothing left at the end of the week due to massive taxation.

    This is what's wrong with the country.
    No, it doesn't, you're not paying 40% of your wages in tax for starters, only a portion of that goes to the DSP, and the pension is the largest expenditure by the DSP, not the dole.

    Go tell the HSE to stop keeping people alive so long, the health service and OAP's are the ones feasting on your tax.

    Honestly, I wish dole bashing threads were just banned on here. They're ridiculously overdone, if you've read one you've read them all, nothing new will ever come out of them.

    You don't get any say in where your taxes go. Never have, never will. Get over it. It's not your money once they take it. In fact it is never your money, you just get to rent it for a while after it's printed. If you think people who don't work have it so much better, go and do that then.

    The government wastes huge amounts of money in a myriad of ways and will continue to do so as long as we have FF/FG establishment gravy train incompetents in office. We should be doing something to get rid of them if we are unhappy with the status quo.

    This woman's fanny can only stretch so far, she's hardly going to sink the country with it.

    And posts like this stink to high heavens. There's a sense of entitlement in this country that's getting worse.

    Can't afford kids? Don't fvcking have them. Simples.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    In a proper country both of these wasters would be sent job opportunities from the SW office. Refuse them, allowance cut.
    Why doesn't this happen in Ireland?

    There used to be a form that was to be signed by employers when they were approached about a job. Some people are very inventive when it comes to making themselves as unemployable as possible. I remember one story in particular: A can of beer soaked into a shirt, shirt worn open to the waist.
    You only had to show you'd asked for a job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,560 ✭✭✭Wile E. Coyote

    B0jangles wrote: »
    And you think it is a good and moral thing to make children suffer in order to teach adults a lesson?

    Who said anything about making children suffer? The introduction of a cap on payments wouldn't need to be brought in over night. Why not phase it in over the next few years slowly reducing the amount? Childrens allowance for 8 kids is currently €1,120. Drop it next year to a cap at 7 kids €980, 6 kids the year after etc. If people like this woman want more kids then they need to understand that as parents they are ultimately responsible for clothing, feeding and housing them. They can't continuously rely on the state for their needs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,460 ✭✭✭Barry Badrinath

    B0jangles wrote: »
    And you think it is a good and moral thing to make children suffer in order to teach adults a lesson?

    Well tbh,

    I know teenagers and early twenties kids who have been "educated" by their parents as to what they are "entitled" to from the State.

    How to exploit the system etc. Do you think that is ok? Should we not teach the adults a lesson whilst also teaching the kids?

    What do you think of "lifestyle choice" or "career" welfare recipients?

    Do you think it is sustainable and justified?

    Do you think a logical cap should be applied?

    Has the State got enough money to fund an increase in this activity if others decide to follow suit?

    If not, where is the money going to come from?

    Is it right that a full time worker earns less money than some "career" welfare recipients.

    I have zero problem with people availing of the welfare system in times of need if they have paid into it but it needs to be overhauled.

    Similarly, if someone ligitimately cannot work for medical reasons, then they should be provided for.

    If you are able bodied, I would introduce a generous 2 year cap on welfare payments. That gives you 2 years to get a job.....2 years. If at that time you have not secured any type of employment then it is likely that you CHOOSE not to work.

    Then it should be cut.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭red ears

    bigpink wrote: »
    Travellers im guessing?

    Yeah and they don't have a great employment rate. So most of those 8 children wont work and contribute to society. You can bet your local GP or solicitor or successful business person won't be having 8 children.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,135 ✭✭✭screamer

    B0jangles wrote: »
    And you think it is a good and moral thing to make children suffer in order to teach adults a lesson?

    So do you think it's a good moral thing to reward lazy adults in order to teach their children a lesson in how to freeload your whole life? Because that's what it is monkey see monkey do.....and the next generation of layabouts is well schooled in the entitlement culture and free for all.

    But sure that's fair it's equal. My kids do without because I haven't the means from working my ass off to do everything for them... but their kids have everything because the government provide it.....yes fair very fair....all kids are equal my ass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,700 ✭✭✭Mountainsandh

    B0jangles wrote: »
    And you think it is a good and moral thing to make children suffer in order to teach adults a lesson?

    The reality is that other people's kids suffer because these adults are not being taught the lesson.

    Either way, some kids are suffering the consequences of these people's behaviour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,802 ✭✭✭✭suicide_circus

    A welfare system without limits is doomed to failure which will hurt the most vulnerable in the end.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,105 ✭✭✭Kivaro

    Honestly, I wish dole bashing threads were just banned on here. They're ridiculously overdone, if you've read one you've read them all, nothing new will ever come out of them.

    Ah right, censorship ...........

    So I need to update my list of what the Liberals do not want discussed on one of Ireland's largest Internet forums:
    The Dole. (We should really be punished because the OP is about the first two).

    Stopping the discussion on these and similar topics will not lead to the Liberal utopia of free money for everyone in Ireland .....
    I find that those who support this view usually do not work full-time jobs that pays taxes into the system to fund the welfare lifestyles of able-bodied recipients.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    7 Billion people in the world ... like this is sustainable ..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,299 ✭✭✭✭The Backwards Man

    The world would be a fine place if it was run by rabbles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,694 ✭✭✭✭blueser

    Fr_Dougal wrote: »
    Can't afford kids? Don't fvcking have them. Simples.
    Nailed it there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    Originally Posted by Fr_Dougal View Post
    Can't afford kids? Don't fvcking have them. Simples.
    Nailed it there.
    blueser wrote: »
    Nailed it there.

    But these cretins really believe it's some sort of fundamental right ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,135 ✭✭✭screamer

    Originally Posted by Fr_Dougal View Post
    Can't afford kids? Don't fvcking have them. Simples.
    Nailed it there.

    But these cretins really believe it's some sort of fundamental right ...

    Oh of course it is! .... How about a cash for contraception scheme.......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,478 ✭✭✭eeguy

    Kivaro wrote: »
    Ah right, censorship ...........

    So I need to update my list of what the Liberals do not want discussed on one of Ireland's largest Internet forums:
    The Dole. (We should really be punished because the OP is about the first two).

    Stopping the discussion on these and similar topics will not lead to the Liberal utopia of free money for everyone in Ireland .....
    I find that those who support this view usually do not work full-time jobs that pays taxes into the system to fund the welfare lifestyles of able-bodied recipients.

    Why don't you actually do something about it then? We live in a democracy. The people who put these welfare rules in place have phone numbers and email addresses available. They have offices in nearly every town in Ireland.
    Why don't you call a few and change the rules?

    Maybe because its easier to look down your nose at someone than actually get up and change things.
    Fr_Dougal wrote: »
    Can't afford kids? Don't fvcking have them. Simples.
    Saying she can't afford children is untrue. If she's actually pulling in 48k then she can afford children. You can talk about morals or ethics blah blah blah but if you want to change this then you need to change the SW entitlements. So put in a quick call to your TD and register your outrage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,571 ✭✭✭Red_Wake

    The welfare state has a lot to answer for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,537 ✭✭✭Badly Drunk Boy

    B0jangles wrote: »
    I see.

    Personally, I think it's slightly more productive to help people get out of difficult situations than shove them face down back into them, then berate them for being there in the first place.
    You're not helping them to get out of a difficult situation, you're making them comfortable in the situation they got themselves into.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,346 ✭✭✭✭homerjay2005

    Red_Wake wrote: »
    The welfare state has a lot to answer for.

    with the exception of medical and disability allowance, there should be a total cap of €25k for welfare per household in this country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭team_actimel

    Much of this is true but it is interesting that in many cases those who rely on the state are more likely to reproduce than those that work. It's Darwinism in reverse. It's a weird and unspoken social contract involving the transfer of genetic success from the worker drones (sterile) to the Queens. We should probably be grateful for people like this if only because they buck the trend of falling birth rates.

    Grateful for lazy spongers to reproduce children who will inevitably follow their parents' lead and have a career working at 'full time mad b*****d'?
    No thanks.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,593 ✭✭✭Wheeliebin30

    Highest family jobless household numbers in Europe.

    Which means it's been passed on from generation to generation.

    The easiest way to actually help these people is a bit of tough love.

    It will benefit them in the long run.
