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Oh very good and who are you doing it for..?



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I would be good in the heat but was just careful as it was at the start of the marathon. After the first 5 km or so I didn't notice it at all to be honest. It was actually a nice day for running. Ms Djemba Djemba did it closer to 5 hours and it got hotter at that time of the day. We found it hot even watching. But to be honest it would be like a day here.

    I am biased here but I would definitely do it. The route is flat, no pinch points so you can get into rhythm easily. Lots of water/bananas/energy drink stops. Music at different points and a big crowd on route.

    We got accommodation near to the train station. Close to the expo, start line is out there too and very close to the finish line.

    The only mark against it and this is my issue is the loop back on its self. This happens two or three times. Although it does allow the same spectators see you twice.

    The city itself is easy to get to. Lots of options. We flew with Ryanair and were checked into our hostel within a hour. Aer Lingus fly to Dusselldorf and that is a hour train trip away.

    Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

    Thanks for that, I wouldn't be a good man in the heat at all came a cropper in Barcelona in March with the heat and collapsed so looking for something reasonably mild. Have accommodation booked already which describes itself as being 5 mins from Start/Expo, staying in an apartment as have two small ones coming. Cheers for the info, much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭djemba djemba

    Sure we will keep this going for another while.

    Currently on week two of two doing very little. Feet up eating lots of sweet things. Feet starting to itch now...looking forward to getting back out at it. On thursday I went to a pilates class, on Friday my legs were much improved.

    Plan to do some gym sessions during the week. Not sure what I should do that will benefit me.

    Also planning the rest of the year. I have signed up for a half marathon in November so that is my goal between now and the end of the year.

    Starting to think of next year. Looking towards a marathon around this time next year anyway.
