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Berlin Q or Bust: Road to sub 2:45



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Lol I grew up playing Madden too and now that you mention it give me a pang to drag the PS3 back out!
    Have you read the Friday Night Lights book? It's fantastic!

    Kaeps jersey eh? I bought a Jarryd Hayne #38 jersey, little did I know...

    Yep the book is excellent, one of my favourites. He released an ebook, After Friday Night Lights, a few years back and that was a nice little epilogue, big focus on Boobie Miles.

    Yeah Haynes made a decent fist of it to be fair. Those rugby converts just have so much information to download and tactics to learn that it's almost impossible for them to make it. I see Christian Wade made the Bill's practice squad earlier this season but that was it. Haynes was an absolute top drawer league player and he still couldn't make the switch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Yep the book is excellent, one of my favourites. He released an ebook, After Friday Night Lights, a few years back and that was a nice little epilogue, big focus on Boobie Miles.

    Yeah Haynes made a decent fist of it to be fair. Those rugby converts just have so much information to download and tactics to learn that it's almost impossible for them to make it. I see Christian Wade made the Bill's practice squad earlier this season but that was it. Haynes was an absolute top drawer league player and he still couldn't make the switch.

    Bill Goldberg spent 5 years on various NFL Rosters/Practice squads and Brock Lesnar spent a season on the Vikings practice squad. Bo Jackson best multi sport player in NFL.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Bill Goldberg spent 5 years on various NFL Rosters/Practice squads and Brock Lesnar spent a season on the Vikings practice squad. Bo Jackson best multi sport player in NFL.

    Bo Jackson! What an athlete.....that 30 for 30 on him was class

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Bo Jackson! What an athlete.....that 30 for 30 on him was class

    Some great sports documentaries on 30 for 30. The one on this man is my favourite:

    “Unguarded” is the title, well worth a watch even if your not a basketball fan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I'll get this blog back on track a little after Sunday evening's NFL/Sports documentary tangent :)

    Manchester Week 2:

    Mon: 13.2k Recovery: 1:07:15 @5:09/km
    Across the plains for this one. Dark, grim and windy.

    Tue: 14k Easy: 1:08:07 @4:52/km

    Twice now in the last 2 days my watch has died, due mainly to own inability to put it on charge for any discernible length of time, but also to the fact that I've only one charging cradle thing for the 645. Have ordered a couple on Amazon so that will improve matters hopefully. Not a whole lot going on during this run, got out a little earlier than planned so I could catch the Manchester derby...FML :(

    Wed: Session: 6 x 1 Mile @5:45-5:40

    Wouldn't say I was exactly bouncing off the walls to do this session, but I'm in a nice little groove at the moment where I just sort of go into auto pilot when needed. Target splits, between 5:45-5:40, weren't overly aggressive but they still had to be ran! Felt pretty decent and if faster splits had of been prescribed then I reckon I could have hit them without too much fuss.

    Splits were 5:40, 5:42, 5:38, 5:40, 5:40, 5:41

    Big LR session on Sat before heading down to Wexford for the night for the brother in law's 40th. Gonna treat it like a race, watch nutrition, hydration and sleep next couple of days. Weather looks a bit hairy for Sat....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Thu: 8 Miles: 58:14 @4:31/km

    First run on a treadmill since I started this running gig in 2015. It was fine, passed quickly enough.

    Fri: 14k: 1:05:44 @4:43/km

    5k with the kids in school and then 9k afterwards.

    LR 32k: 2:13:29@4:10/km

    This run was looming large all week. One of the changes for this block is gonna see me drop a couple of sessions in favour of some harder LR's. The plan was for 16k@4:20/km & 16k@4:00/km. The weather conditions threw a big spanner in the works as my original route just wouldn't have worked in that wind. Decided last minute to head up to my regular tempo loop in the Camp. It's 1.4k and not really my idea of a spot for a LR, but needs must and all that. It at least gave me an opportunity gauge effort a lot easier...

    I found it tricky to lock down a 4:20 pace at the start as the wind was ridiculous. Ended up settling eventually and
    averaged 4:18/km for the first 16k. First half of the run dagged a bit, but a mate of mine was cooling down after a session and did about 3k with me which perked me up a bit. Took on a gel & water at 16k. When I put the foot down it seemed the body took a while to get going and a 4:06 first km was slightly disconcerting, but I settled in again after a couple of Kms. I felt better moving at 4:00/kms than I did at 4:20/km which I'm taking as a positive. Was working last couple of miles but felt good. Averaged 4:02/km for the 2nd 16k.

    Big confidence boost to get that in so early in the block and in those conditions.

    Sun: Rest. 40th down in Wexford had me tired today, plus my wife was a bit worse for wear so I was solo parenting today too.....103k for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    With a big few weeks coming up, I was just looking back at last years training during the first couple of months, and there's a couple of things that I'd forgotten. With a 10 Mile tempo, Raheny & Trim all coming up in the next 3 weeks, I'm just gonna take each run on it's own merits and see how things fall. Workouts and plans on paper can sometimes look a lot more difficult than you might think...

    Last year I had the MSB 5k on the Monday where i PB'd (an admittedly soft PB) and the K Club 10k on the Sat where I had a massive PB. I also managed to read the wrong week of my plan and do a 16x400m workout averaging 76s on the Wednesday!! I suppose my point is that some times we can get too focused on a big 4/5 week period, and maybe it can be helpful to just take each workout as it comes (preferably not adding in any though ;) ) and trust the process. I could of course be talking waffle, but I reckon it'll help me through the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Manchester Week 3:

    Mon: 10 miles treadmill: 1:13:14 @4:31/km

    Only option really on a day like that.

    AM: 7.5k: 37:37 @5:01/km
    PM: 5 Miles: 38:54 @4:49/km

    Pair of commutes.

    10x60 secs on/off

    A study in how not to go about a session. Workday was pretty testing, and I found myself having to stay near the school to meet someone. This ruled out planned hill session and I was feeling pretty uninspired I have to say. Did a 5k warm up, 10x1min, and then a 5k cool down. Didn't feel great at all, but it was purely down to the humour I was in. Next time I'll just scrap the session and go for an easy run i think

    Thu: AM: 5 Miles: 38:46 @4:49/km
    PM: 9k: 41:39 @4:39/km

    Felt great today. It's all back on :) Manchester route announcement got me quite excited about April...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Fri: Rest. Had a few bits on that meant I could only fit in a run in late evening which wouldn't really suit as I'd a 10 Mile tempo early Sat morning. Suited me really and I was happy enough to take the day off

    Sat: 10 Mile Tempo: 61:01 @3:47/km

    Plan had the pace range from 6:10-6:00, so I had something around 61 mins in my head. My 10 mile pb is 60:33 from Frank Duffy in 2018 and I knew that if I was of a mind to, I could have made a dent in that but that would have been a bit gratuitous really. I'll get a chance to do something about that in a couple of weeks in Trim.

    Had a route worked out in my head, however the roads around the new Lidl depot in Newbridge were horrendous and, on the fly, I changed route to basically run up and back along alternating sides of the dual carriageway 3 times. Not perfect but it was the only real option if I wanted roads that weren't like an ice rink.

    About a mile in whilst passing the Lidl depot I was put on my arse, luckily apart from a bruised ego and backside I was ok and continued on. The run was ok, getting over the grass median at one end of the carriageway presented a bit of a problem and another time I had to wait maybe 10 seconds for a break in the traffic, but apart from that it wasn't too bad. Held the pace well and felt pretty good.

    Sun: 30k Easy: 2:17:15 @4:34/km

    Glorious morning for a run. Went with a club mate who's also training for Manchester. Headed down to the County Novice 5k to lend a bit of support (was disappointed not to be able to run, but with Raheny and Trim something had to give, would have been there or thereabouts for a medal if things had gone to plan but that's neither here nor there).

    114k for the week with a day off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Tell the truth, you had a 30 minute wait getting across the dual carriageway didnt you!!

    Savage training at this stage in the cycle.
    You'll do damage in the next 2 races.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Tell the truth, you had a 30 minute wait getting across the dual carriageway didnt you!!

    Savage training at this stage in the cycle.
    You'll do damage in the next 2 races.

    I'd surely have gone under 60 if I'd 30mins recovery in there :)

    Raheny is an absolute free roll of the dice and a blow out. If I don't PB I won't be too disappointed but i'm going in with the intention of breaking it. Trim is be a little more of a target. I'm in a slightly weird situation in that 60mins is a natural target and has been a big target for me over the last 18months, but I actually think I'm in a bit better shape than that....Will see get over Raheny before I start planning for Trim I suppose. Either way, looking forward to racing both :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck tomorrow J, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Manchester Marathon Week 3

    Mon: 14k Treadmill: 1:10:00 @5:00/km

    Have decided to do the Monday recovery run on the treadmill from here on out. Mindless stuff, accompanied by Second Captains.

    Tue: AM: 7.5k: 37:01 @4:56/km
    PM: 5Miles: 37:54 @4:42/km

    Pair of dark and wet commutes.

    Wed: 4x2k off 2mins

    Meant to be 5x2k but was breaking in a pair of Zoom Fly 3's and laced up the left shoe a bit on the tight side. By the end of the 4th rep my left foot was fairly numb, and as my hands were too cold to actually untie the damn thing I just called it a day after 4 and warmed down i the Epic Reacts.

    Had been working hard enough during the session. Thes last couple of Wednesdays have been tough enough to get the session in on time. Might have another look at the Wed session and see what my options are.

    Splits were; 7:20, 7:17, 7:18, 7:19

    My planned 10 Mile pace give or take.....wasn't exactly shouting about this workout from the roof tops. About 10 Miles for the day.

    Thu: 10 Miles Recovery: 1:20:07 @4:59/km

    Up in Citywest for a conference for a couple of days, got a nice run in and around some old Tallaght haunts.

    Fri: 10k: 46:37 @4:40/km

    Got away from conference and headed over to the Raheny course for a little trot.

    Sat: 5 Miles inc strides: 37:31 @4:40/km


    Sun: Raheny 5 Mile: 28:12 @3:31/km

    The plan was for a bit of a blowout with an eye on being sharp for Trim next weekend. I knew I was in decent nick and while, unlike last year when I trained for Raheny, I wasn't doing a whole lot of shorter, fast stuff in training...I was still hopeful of a good result.

    Got up there in decent time, parked in my sisters place on the Howth Rd and ran over to the bag drop. Got about 5k of a warm up in and headed for the pen, determined not to get stuck too far back like last year. Lined up with Mellow Yellow from these parts and we had a good chat. Even though we got there in good time, we were probably still too far back, but once the gun went and we negotiated a bit of traffic, the first corner proved uneventful this year thank God.

    I set off with the plan of 3:30 k's, knowing the 3rd and 7th km would be tricky but if I stuck in there I might get close to 28mins.

    Just tried to not get carried away in the first km and managed to do so. Went through in (3:28) but it would have been very easy to throw in a 3:20 or something and maybe put my race at risk.

    2nd km was more of the same, settled in a decent group. Not feeling like I was flat out but safe in the knowledge that a tough km was coming. 2nd km in (3:29)

    Stuck in with a couple of guys for the drag in the 3rd km, but was feeling pretty ok. Glanced down at the watch a couple of times and I could see I wasn't gonna bleed too much time here. Through 3rd km in (3:34)

    Down Sybil Hill Rd? for the 4th km and I knew I could make those seconds back here. Didn't force things, and found myself passing a good few here who might have gone out a bit hard over the first couple of miles. 4th km in (3:25).

    Through 4k on the watch in 14mins. Still on for 28mins or so at this stage as the watch had been a couple of metres behind at the mile marks thus far.

    The stretch coming down towards St Anne's was quick and I found myself starting to feel the heat here a little. Got a little isolated for maybe 20 secs but made a decision to make up gap to the group ahead before we got into the park. Km beeped at 3:31.

    Into the park now and I'm going hard at it, hoping to make a bit of time before we hit the avenue. 6th km in (3:30)

    Up the avenue to the dreaded 180° turn. Decided to sit on a small group of about three guys to shelter from the breeze, but after about 50m I decided they were moving too slow and set off on my own. I was running by myself then but I was racing now so I wasn't too bothered. The hairpin was horrendous! 2 ACL tears would have me wary enough of turning sharply, add to this the vaporflys and disaster was a possibility :o even though I slowed up almost to a standstill, I still took the corner comically wide and I'd say I lost at least 7/8 secs was that bad! Anyway, didn't lose any positions as I had a bit of daylight behind me, so I set about finishing as strong as I could muster...(3:39) for Km7.

    I just went as hard as I could from the exit of the park until the end. Ended up racing a chap from Raheny I think, and we definitely got each other a couple if extra seconds around the last loop. 3:31 for the last km and 28:12 for the 5 Miles which is a 16sec PB.

    Really happy with that. Wasn't sure if I was sharp enough to PB so this was a nice bonus. Will hopefully carry this into Trim next week.

    Met Mellow Yellow afterwards who had a strong race, and then AMK and Singer in the Hall. Went for a cool down with Alan and even availed of his taxi services to my sisters place :)

    95k for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great running & an amazing time, but never paid for his taxi!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Deadly result. Lot to be said for just racing mid plan without taper

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Well done on a great race & race report :)

    I absolutely love that bit of a push at the end when racing against someone for the finish!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I absolutely love that bit of a push at the end when racing against someone for the finish!!

    He never told us who won that battle though..... ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    He never told us who won that battle though..... ;)

    Ah but you have to leave the reader guessing;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wow speedy PB, congrats! Not surprised as you are knocking out 60min 10 mile training run but way to race one out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    He never told us who won that battle though..... ;)
    Finish was a bit of a blur, but the finish line video tells me that I did indeed get him :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Great effort J. There were some huge gulps of air being taken in the last half mile, proper digging in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Great effort J. There were some huge gulps of air being taken in the last half mile, proper digging in.

    Thanks for the shouts.....I heard 3 over the course of the race I think! That last little loop is a killer......

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    You're in great shape congrats on the PB, especially with that distance this week. Good catching up and all the best next weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Manchester Marathon Week 4

    Mon: 17.2k Recovery: 1:27:30 @5:06/km

    Just trundled around an absolutely baltic Curragh listening to Second Captains. Ran with a mate for first 3 miles or so, and then decided I'd run for as long as the soccer show lasted for :) tired by the end.

    Tue: AM: 7.5k
    PM: 5 Miles

    Pair of commutes sans Garmin. Nothing of note on either run.

    Wed: Session 6x1 Mile @5:30 off 2mins recovery

    A juicy enough session to take on between Raheny & Trim, albeit with generous recoveries. Wasn't entirely sure how I was fixed for it, but once I got down to the track, threw on the flats and got out in the wind and rain I slipped into a nice rhythm and felt pretty good actually.

    Splits: 5:29, 5:28, 5:28, 5:27, 5:27, 5:27

    Just over 15k for the day. Will ease off a little before Sunday I think. It's a different approach than I'm used to; racing back to back & sacrificing a couple of LR's in the process. But I'm feeling pretty good and hopeful of a strong run in Trim. Weather forecast looking a bit on the dodgy side, but I'll be looking to set a decent PB (60:33).

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    healy1835 wrote: »

    Wed: Session 6x1 Mile @5:30 off 2mins recovery

    A juicy enough session to take on between Raheny & Trim, albeit with generous recoveries.

    How to spot a marathoner :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    KSU wrote: »
    How to spot a marathoner :D

    They were appreciated too ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    KSU wrote:
    How to spot a marathoner

    They didn't look all that generous to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    They didn't look all that generous to me!

    That's because you had a big softy of a coach :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That's some session between races and I thought I had a big one tonight :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Jaysus - thats a big session - are you sure you read the plan right - same thing last year if I recall :)
