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have you ever made someone cry?



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,786 ✭✭✭wakka12

    When my nephew was a baby every time he saw the video of Whitney Houston singing "I will always love you" his little chin would start wobbling and then he'd start whimpering and finally start wailing crying. I always used to put it on just to see if he'd cry cos it was so funny. Poor baby must've thought we were all nuts busting our asses laughing while he was crying.:)

    hahaha thats hilarious
    The titanic theme song my heart will go on was the one that started the water works for me as a child!

  • Posts: 26,052 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    razorblunt wrote: »
    Jeez, I cringed reading that, sorry buddy.

    First I laughed, then I cringed. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭armaghlad

    Tears of sorrow? No

    Tears of ecstacy?


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    My son.

    Seeing me cry in pain. He's only 8 and has autism and has rubbed my back and cried saying it's ok mum don't be sad :(

    Anyone that says kids with autism don't understand or feel emotions has it all wrong!

    Right in the feels

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    yep an ex breaking up with her ......

    and this lovely one....I was out in a country nightclub one night and off my tits went off this girl ...she wasn't the best looking by any stretch and the kind that you wince when the nightclub light come on at the end of the night but I was fleutered so ya , woke up next morning regreted it instantly but then came the slew of texts and not wanting to be a bad guy I texted back for a while eventually I stopped but the texts kept coming so she asks me down to her gaff for a while one night , again not wanting to be bad I went down (nothing happened) even though she tried it on , so i text her when i got home that night that I'd rather stay friends she said grand

    Que two reccuring incidents 1st time in the local pub where i walked in it was packed i knew everyone and I hear a shout Brian I kept a seat for ya , You're one again and everyone in the bar was roaring laughing (all my friends)....This occured twice in 2 weeks so once again i text her telling her I wasn't interested

    So another week goes by and everyone is going to this party down the local gaa community centre. a massive place , So night is going great I'm pretty drunk and a little off my head on other things when i get chatting to this cracker (who is now my fiancee i might add) and one of the lads calls me and says brian there is a ****ing cracker looking for you outside

    Sooooo long story short I go out and it's you're one AGAIN ! and she's seen me kissing the other girl and has blown a gasket and starts spouting all this **** in front of everyone in the smoking area oh I thought you wanted to be with me and all this crap so me having had enough of her now and being quite pissed uttered the following , Would you ever go way and f.uck you're self off a bridge you fat c.unt I told ya about 100 times i wasn't interested now go on fuc.k off ...and i flicked her head and turned heel and walked back inside..

    yeah i'm going to hell

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭armaghlad

    You're some boy Brian lol ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,913 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    ..I was out in a country nightclub one night and off my tits went off this girl ...she wasn't the best looking by any stretch and the kind that you wince when the nightclub light come on at the end of the night but I was fleutered so ya , woke up next morning regreted it instantly...

    So night is going great I'm pretty drunk and a little off my head on other things when i get chatting to this cracker (who is now my fiancee i might add)

    Would you ever go way and f.uck you're self off a bridge you fat c.unt I told ya about 100 times i wasn't interested now go on fuc.k off ...and i flicked her head and turned heel and walked back inside..

    Hateful post!

    I'm not sure what is worse, the fact that you actually spoke to another person in that manner (drink ..."or other stuff" is irrelevant) OR the fact that you actually admit to doing so.

    One thing is certain though, the cracker(who is now your Fiancée) is the real winner in all this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭Utdfan20titles


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    I am the oldest of four siblings and the mother of one so yeah I have made people cry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,576 ✭✭✭Keane2baMused

    anewme wrote: »
    Hateful post!

    I'm not sure what is worse, the fact that you actually spoke to another person in that manner (drink ..."or other stuff" is irrelevant) OR the fact that you actually admit to doing so.

    One thing is certain though, the cracker(who is now your Fiancée) is the real winner in all this.

    Agreed. Drunk or not that's a shocking way to treat someone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭LDN_Irish

    Yes. I was in Calais off me nut and started telling some lad a load of sad stories I made up when I was wired. Then I seen him in the Dail bawling about them. His name was Mick, I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,313 ✭✭✭✭Sam Kade

    Tandey wrote: »
    Yes a few women over the years......Sorry girls:o

    In fairness it's very easy make women cry.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    yep an ex breaking up with her ......

    and this lovely one....I was out in a country nightclub one night and off my tits went off this girl ...she wasn't the best looking by any stretch and the kind that you wince when the nightclub light come on at the end of the night but I was fleutered so ya , woke up next morning regreted it instantly but then came the slew of texts and not wanting to be a bad guy I texted back for a while eventually I stopped but the texts kept coming so she asks me down to her gaff for a while one night , again not wanting to be bad I went down (nothing happened) even though she tried it on , so i text her when i got home that night that I'd rather stay friends she said grand

    Que two reccuring incidents 1st time in the local pub where i walked in it was packed i knew everyone and I hear a shout Brian I kept a seat for ya , You're one again and everyone in the bar was roaring laughing (all my friends)....This occured twice in 2 weeks so once again i text her telling her I wasn't interested

    So another week goes by and everyone is going to this party down the local gaa community centre. a massive place , So night is going great I'm pretty drunk and a little off my head on other things when i get chatting to this cracker (who is now my fiancee i might add) and one of the lads calls me and says brian there is a ****ing cracker looking for you outside

    Sooooo long story short I go out and it's you're one AGAIN ! and she's seen me kissing the other girl and has blown a gasket and starts spouting all this **** in front of everyone in the smoking area oh I thought you wanted to be with me and all this crap so me having had enough of her now and being quite pissed uttered the following , Would you ever go way and f.uck you're self off a bridge you fat c.unt I told ya about 100 times i wasn't interested now go on fuc.k off ...and i flicked her head and turned heel and walked back inside..

    yeah i'm going to hell



    That's bad. I hope and trust you crawled back and begged forgiveness. Calling an upset woman out on her looks in front of a crowd is pretty vile, no matter how clingy she was. She must have been stunned, it must have been crushing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,585 ✭✭✭✭osarusan

    Yes, part of a previous job was counseling English language learners on their progress. In some cases, this involved letting them know whether they were on course to meet a certain level that would allow them to get a certain job/entry to a certain university.

    Telling people that they were unlikely to pass the exam or interview, or meet whatever standard was required, brought on tears in a few painful cases.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,372 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    There was this lad I went to school with and we used actually be good friends.
    He often burst into tears in primary school over little incidents. If somebody was brushed off him in the class room he could burst into tears. One day in primary school I gave him a piece of blue tac and he managed to get it stuck in his hair and he put his hand up and said Ms there's blue tac stuck in my hair whilst crying bis eyes out. There was other numerous incidents involving him in primary school.
    In secondary school we sort of fell out because he used often act the hard man and really pester people and if they faught back in any way he'd burst into tears. I did kick him one day after a few minutes of him punching me in the back and head and he burst into tears. There was numerous incidents of him crying for various reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,689 ✭✭✭Tombi!

    Sam Kade wrote: »
    In fairness it's very easy make women cry.
    Easier to make men cry imo.
    Ever see the reaction of a football fan watch his team losing the cup?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Chain Smoker

    Deadpan delivery and a total inability to gauge what sounds completely ridiculous to others regardless of how it's said have led to me unintentionally making a bunch of people cry.

    The time I told my mam that my brother was after failing his leaving cert and didn't want anyone to bring it up before he entered the house is a stand-out for sure. He actually had aced it, I was so sure everyone knew he was going to exceed his (ridiculously low, imo) expectations that they'd know I was joking...
    He isn't the kind of person who likes to brag, so he came in and said nothing, waiting for someone to ask really. The room was awkward as **** so I knew at this stage that I had made a total hames of it but didn't really know how to alleviate it either. Anyways after a few minutes she just broke down crying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,462 ✭✭✭✭WoollyRedHat

    One time in summer camp I called this kid who had a birth mark 'Two Face '. They started bawling, told on me and I got a good telling off for a complete lack of sensitivity. Not my finest moment, still feel bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,455 ✭✭✭maudgonner

    I did, at work. I had a f**ker of a manager who was more interested in brown-nosing the people he wanted to impress than keeping hold of the reins on the project. Which meant we had requirements that constantly changed and work that had to be scrapped/redone.

    I was the coordinator who always had to carry the can. The final straw was when I had to break the news to one of the girls on the team that the grunt-work she had been working all hours to complete so that she could move onto more interesting work was now useless, and that she'd be stuck redoing grunt-work for weeks more. She burst into tears and we ended up in the pub drowning our sorrows.

    The next day I handed in my notice. Haven't regretted it either :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭Hunchback

    1. When we were on a primary school tour to somewhere in Sligo 30 years ago I pushed a girl from some girls school down a small grassy hill. She went truly on her arse and started crying. My heart broke instantly that I could do this in such an unprovoked way to such a gentle creature. I have thought about this thousands upon thousands of times.

    2. My mum came to from Dublin to visit me in Galway when I was in my early to mid twenties. We had a nice night together watching a big jazz band in a venue that was called Cuba at that time. Walked her back to her B & B and we arranged to meet the following day for lunch in Eyre Square. I then went out to a niteclub and did pills and forgot to meet her. I noticed the time a couple of hours too late and when I rang her she was already half way back to Dublin. She had to pull in the car to talk to me when I rang her because she was crying because she was so hurt that I would leave her standing there for hours. Making your Mum cry kills you.

    3. A few years later, when my oldest brothers marriage broke up I invited him to come over to Galway and visit me. He was UTTERLy broke financially and mentally, with three kids under 3 yrs of age. I withdrew some credit union savings and put them in a shoebox that I gave him when he was going home (only put them in a shoebox so that he wouldn't twig that it was money). The idea was that he would at least be able to buy himself a little run-around of a car to get from A to B (my mum and dad lent him their car to come over to Galway). When I checked my phone messages later at work that afternoon, he had left a voice mail on it and he was absolutely niagra that I would do this for him.
    To be honest, I think that that whole situation gave me the biggest swelling of fraternal love that I ever experienced in my life. (I almost feel like I atoned for pushing the small school-girl down the grassy knoll).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    Yeah, loads. I'm pretty good at knowing the right thing to say to really get to someone, when I start getting really angry I just have to keep my mouth shut, there are things you can't take back! It feels so satisfying for about two seconds and then just feels terrible immediately and for ever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    Oh god and when I was about 7 a lad in my class did something to annoy me and I pulled his pants and jocks down in front of the whole classroom and he started bawling. He was a very heavy young lad as well, standing there arse and mickey out, and wailing. Kind of formative moment for me really, but I do hope he's repressed that memory.

    Mind you he's a bastard now and he was a bastard back then but it was still pretty shítty of me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,913 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    Sam Kade wrote: »
    In fairness it's very easy make women cry.

    I find this post ironic, made on the very same day that the media is awash with numerous photos of proud Buncrana mother Louise James having completed the Belfast Marathon with 100 volunteers in aid of Muscular dystrophy in memory of her son Evan, having lost five members of her family in the awful tragedy just over a month ago.

    Perhaps you should not generalise so much?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    anewme wrote: »
    I find this post ironic, made on the very same day that the media is awash with numerous photos of proud Buncrana mother Louise James having completed the Belfast Marathon with 100 volunteers in aid of Muscular dystrophy in memory of her son Evan, having lost five members of her family in the awful tragedy just over a month ago.

    Perhaps you should not generalise so much?

    Women do cry more easily in general though. It's not a moral thing like, it's physical, hormones play a big part in the physical process of crying, I think I remember reading somewhere that there's more cortisol in women's tears too, so it's actually a far bigger release than it is for men. I think some men can misinterpret it though, because generally it takes pretty significant emotional distress for a man to cry, so they can think that either a) damn this bitch is upset out of all proportion to the situation, she must be incredibly upset to cry or b) she can't possibly be upset enough to cry, she must be putting it on or trying to manipulate me. There's also the thing that it's a far bigger social taboo for a man to cry which is a disincentive that isn't there for women to the same extent.

    Obviously everyone's different though, plenty of dry-eyed women and weepy men around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    anewme wrote: »
    I find this post ironic, made on the very same day that the media is awash with numerous photos of proud Buncrana mother Louise James having completed the Belfast Marathon with 100 volunteers in aid of Muscular dystrophy in memory of her son Evan, having lost five members of her family in the awful tragedy just over a month ago.

    Perhaps you should not generalise so much?

    Women are strong mentally, emotionally because they do cry. It shouldn't be seen as a weakness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,687 ✭✭✭✭Penny Tration

    Not that I'm aware of. Sooooo many people have made me cry, because I'm a wuss. :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    Sometimes I cry if I'm eating food that's really nice

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,363 ✭✭✭KingBrian2

    Never I reckon it is one of my best attributes. Made a fair few people cross or angry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    On my previous post I don't condone or think anything of what I did was right on any level and I know I was a nasty little **** back then when I said that, it was a culmination of a months worth of humiliation in front of my friends anytime I went out and yes I felt terrible about it and it always sticks in my head to this day it was 10 years ago and I'll never forget , but for some randomer on a message board to then make an assumption about me and my fiancee on one moment of my life where I wasn't the brightest ain't on either in fairness in the pursuit of likes or whatever on here look at the thread title I doubt qwho ever started this thread was expecting sunshine and rainbows

    And to put it some context on the girl not that it's needed the same one went out a friend of mine after that and 3 times she feigned being pregnant to keep onto him no joke girl has severe issues and I handled the situation totally wrong from the very start I should have never texted her back and cut off all contact after the 1st night and that was mistake so yeah it's definitely all my fault but again people make mistakes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,522 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

    Im a supervisor and one company I worked in had very agressive HR and review policies, down to delivering reviews on nights when employees were more tired and gave less backlash. Had quite a number of employees cry at poor reviews when they felt hard done by through the system. Glad to be away from that place now.
