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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Well done on the PB ! |Great stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Brilliant A!!! I hope that's not the report though :D delighted for you, loads of time left in the year for tons more PB's too ;)

    Will do an update later in week promise :) thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    On the PB train. Choo Choo !! Nicely done, congratulations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Hmmmm quietly dusts off the log in order to get ar*e in gear :).

    After pb in the Mini next race was the Irish runner 5 miles. 28 degrees and very hot in the day meant no pbs for me heat killed me found it very tough.

    Over the past few weeks have continued to cycle in and out of work 10 miles a day a few days a week. Weekly Pilates class working on core. 4 weeks aqua running class which I found really good and a lot more difficult than I expected. But would definately consider another course. Running continues but as the holidays approached work got busy and the weekly mileage suffered. Headed off on two weeks holidays with temps at 28 degrees by 8 am in Spain I didn't even try to go out and run. A bit of a breeze in Portugal made it a little easier only managed to get out twice for 4 miles but the heat just gets me every time and I have to stop numerous times which makes the runs frustrating and not enjoyable at all.

    Back last night and volunteered at jnr pr this morning heading out for a post holiday 5 miles with Mrs KennyG loosen out the legs.

    Got a bit of a shock reading Murph's log that Charleville is only 10 weeks away
    eeeek so dusting off the log with the intention of getting back into training and get back into some of the club sessions and getting rid of some of the extra baggage from the holiday's food and drink :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Okay so last week was all about getting back into things after the hols and sitting on my a*se for the guts of two weeks. Can't believe how the fitness levels suffer in such a short space of time and how much weight you can put on in such a short space of time, is wine not one of our 5 a days :D:D

    So it was all about getting the fitness back up and getting the miles in. Didn't look at the watch was more concerned about getting out for a run and running. Decided I wouldn't brave the club speed sessions till this week either. Ease myself back in nicely and that I did.

    Tues 11th 6 miles easy ! avg pace 10.24 splits, 10.46, 10.10, 10.22, 10.08, 10.17, 10.37. Lovely run along the seafront, bumped into Ferris on his way home from club session.

    Wed 12th Cycle in and out of work 10 miles total cycle. Work back to its crazy self again so didn't get out early enough and was feeling crap after getting some bad news in work of a colleague passing away tragically. Life can be so cruel. Just didn't feel like running.:(

    Thursday 13th all set to run home from work when I realised I had forgotten my keys which has my work locker key on them. So ended up on the dart home. Not happy:mad::mad: week not going to plan :mad: Had planned on going to pilates class at 7.30 so got home on time to get to this. Made my mind up I wasn't missing another run so went to pilates and went out afterwards, only did 4 miles as I hadn't had anything to eat since lunch time and figured 10 pm might be a bit late for having dinner.

    Friday 14th went to work colleagues removal after work, went for a drink afterwards with a few from work everyone feeling very low so was nice to chat to some old colleagues I hadn't seen in a long time. Last thing I wanted to do was run when I came home.

    Saturday 15th First parkrun in Fairview Park so decided I would head down with M to this. What a great turn out, loads of boardies Murph, Anna PR, Ferris, Killerz and family, AGYG, LauraAC, Bungy, racheljev (nice to meet you Rachel :) ) Wubble Wubble, AQuinn, Im sure I've missed someone. Decided to take it handy and have a leisurely run around the park nice and easy and have a sociable catch up with a few of the gang. Great atmosphere there and really enjoyed the run with AGYG, LauraAC and AQuinn who is looking very sprightly good to see her back looking strong. Finish time 29.46 considerably off my pb by about 4 mins but an enjoyable run, avg pace 9.20 splits, 9.43, 9.22, 9.08. Post run coffees and birthday cake for one of the St Anne's gang.

    Sunday 16th
    Was planning on doing 10 miles but the boss told me that was not a good idea due to my low mileage this week and to stick to 8 miles this week so did as I was told. Headed out early Sunday morning to a beautiful sunny morning along the coast in Clontarf. I even wore a pair of shorts which I never wear but it was just so warm. Was delighted to finish this off, none of my running crew were around so went solo on this one, amazing how the pace is slow when youre running solo. Took a while to get into a good pace the old body was creaking, tired after a busy week back at work, avg pace 10.41 splits 11.16:eek:, 10.39, 10.37, 10.33, 10.30 10.26, 10.36, 10.50. Off to the dubs match with M and Mc Jnr in the afternoon.

    Weekly mileage 21.5 (was glad to break the 20 miles)
    Not great quality of running but glad to get the miles in and get back to it.

    This week will be a bit more structured hopefully work doesn't interfere with that.

    Frank Duffy 10 miles coming up in August and Charleville Half in Sept.

    I have 3 options on speed work which I am hoping to mix up over the coming weeks, the 2 mile races in Raheny are on Tuesday nights, the club speed sessions are on Thursday nights and some of the park run crew are doing the speed work with Mick Cloheisey which I would also like to try. So will pick one of the 3 each week. Need to shed a good few lbs after the hols as well, so trying to watch what I am eating too. Will continue with pilates once a week and cycling in and out a few days too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Okay a good week for me. Back to proper training.

    Monday 17/7 cyclemute 10 miles, rest day from running
    Tuesday 18/7 6 miles runmute avg pace 10.09, splits 10.05, 10.25, 10.00, 10.10, Legs are feeling a bit tired achilles are quiet sore which I am putting down to wearing flip flops for the past two weeks on holidays. Booked in for a sports massage next week. Pilates class 1 hour.
    Wednesday 19/7Cyclemute 10 miles got soaked coming home. Rain stopped when I got home and was determined not to miss my run, so quick change and back out again. Got soaked again !!! Legs were feeling tired as was I avg pace 10.30, splits 10.59, 10.19, 10.20, 10.34, 10.18, 10.29.
    Thursday 20/7 time to get back to speed work was deligted to get a text from LauraAC to say she was heading down, so decided to do the club session tonight. Warm up then stride outs before 12 * 200 meters oh my God was this hard. We were divided into groups and each had a turn to lead out the group with no one allowed to pass you till a particular point. McMillan has my sprint paces as between 47 and 52 seconds. Splits 46, 44, 47, 48, 47, 47, 48, 48, 44, 50, 49, 49. Was wrecked, found this tough, but was delighted to do them all. Could not move that night and was in pain on Friday and Saturday !!
    Friday 21/7 Rest day :D
    Saturday 22/7 Toulouse running buddy from DCM novices 2015 is doing DCM this year so I said I would keep her company on her long run today. Myself and another park run buddy met at the stables in St Anne's and ran 3 ish miles out the coast in Clontarf to meet her, ran the 3 ish miles back to park run. Took in park run and a loop at the end to make it an even 10 miles. Really enjoyed the run and the company on a beautiful morning in Clontarf. Avg pace 10.38, splits, 10.22, 10.11, 9.54, 10.38, 10.59, 11.03, 10.58, 10.48, 11.02, 10.43. Post run coffees with M and Ferris and few park run buddies afterwards in the lovely sunshine.
    Sunday 23/7 My 7 year old nephew was staying on his holidays with us saturday night and decided he wanted to try Junior park run in St Annes. So got him registered Saturday night and printed off his bar code and off we went. Met AQuinn, AGYR, Bungy, LauraAC all on volunteering duties KillerZ RD for the day. Had visions of stop start 2km nice and easy but he belted around it occasionally looking back to see was I behind him. Bloody hell wasn't planning on this much effort !!! He was absolutely chuffed with himself finishing his 2 km run in 11.25 and delighted that his nana came down to cheer him on too:D:D. Spent the afternoon painting garden furniture in the sunshine.

    Weekly mileage 27.3 miles a lot happier with that.:D

    M is reviewing my training plan and is going to make some changes which he thinks will benefit my races planned for the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Great weeks training there A, nice to see you this morning, your nephew certainly looked very happy with himself on the way to the finish :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    You forgot to mention that junior parkrun could be one of your speed sessions :D. Good to see you back in the groove A, sorry to hear about your colleague.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Great training going on, and good to meet you in Fairview. And by the way, OH says he knows you from work - he was looking over my shoulder while I was looking at Strava and says he, I was at a meeting with a MrsMc, is it the same person? I reckon there aren't too many people with your surname (kind of like there aren't too many people with ours!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Nice training A, great to see the grà is back for the running. Tell the Hermit I said hello and hope all is good with his running endeavours seeing they are state secret now he doesn't share anymore!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Nice training A, great to see the grà is back for the running. Tell the Hermit I said hello and hope all is good with his running endeavours seeing they are state secret now he doesn't share anymore!!!!

    Eh pot, kettle!! Besides, his strava fans know what he's up to :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Eh pot, kettle!! Besides, his strava fans know what he's up to :D

    Sorry I don't converse with Tri Fairies, your on the wrong forum to!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    racheljev wrote: »
    Great training going on, and good to meet you in Fairview. And by the way, OH says he knows you from work - he was looking over my shoulder while I was looking at Strava and says he, I was at a meeting with a MrsMc, is it the same person? I reckon there aren't too many people with your surname (kind of like there aren't too many people with ours!)

    Oh my god yeah I was small world :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Nice training A, great to see the grà is back for the running. Tell the Hermit I said hello and hope all is good with his running endeavours seeing they are state secret now he doesn't share anymore!!!!

    Get up on the owl strava B :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Running had been non existent for the past two weeks due to work. In early, working through lunch and working late. It's been pretty crap and I've really missed my running and I've realised I really depend on it dealing with the stresses of life. No running = stress city !!

    Plan for the summer was to try for sub 1.30 at the Frank duffy pb is 1.31 and sub 2 hrs in the charleville half pb is 2.03. Think it's time to reaccess those plans as my levels of fitness and base of training is not good. Will prob do Frank duffy as a training run instead and will decide based on next few weeks about charleville.

    Managed to do st annes pr this morning and I was delighted to be back had a nice leisurely run around didn't look at the watch at all.

    I'm hoping work is going to ease up this week and I'll be able to get out at a reasonable hour again.

    Here's hoping :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Was good to see your strava feed on Saturday A. Your Frank Duffy suggestion is an excellent one. Take care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    denis b wrote: »
    Was good to see your strava feed on Saturday A. Your Frank Duffy suggestion is an excellent one. Take care.

    Yes the dust got pushed off the strava was nearly expecting a message off it wondering where I was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    best luck in FD, hope you have a good race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    best luck in FD, hope you have a good race.

    It will be a slow plod around for me G fitness is just way off at the moment so no point in trying for any kind of time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Quick update of the last two weeks.

    Another busy two weeks in work working towards an end of August deadline meant my prep for the Frank Duffy was not good with a run mute of 5 miles on Wed 23rd August avg pace 10.27 and that was it !!

    Was exhausted on the morning of Frank Duffy and was feeling fed up and not in any mood of doing it. However I got kitted out and headed over to the PP meeting up with a lot of the boardies there. Met Aquinn who was delighted to be reaching a milestone in her recovery and having her first race post injury. She told me she was "participating" in the race and I thought what a great approach so I decided that would also be my approach. On the walk over to the start line I met a club member I do some of my long runs with and she was feeling a bit apprehensive about the race. I offered to pace her around and was delighted to have the distraction. It was a very warm day and its a tough course. We crossed the line with her getting a time 7 mins faster than last year so she was on cloud 9. Was delighted I did the race and delighted I helped someone have a good race too.

    Recover run on Sunday after Jnr Park run with Mrs KennyG.

    Last week was all about trying to get back into a routine while Im not quiet there its was a better week than the past month.

    Tues 29th Cyclemute 10 miles total
    Wed 30th working late and life got in the way:mad::mad:
    Thurs 31st Runmute 6 miles avg pace 10.34 what a beautiful evening really enjoyed this run.
    Friday 1st Sept Cyclemute 10 miles total followed by 4 miles easy avg pace 10.43
    Sat 2nd Sept Volunteering at parkrun so went out for 6 miles easy in the afternoon avg pace 10.34
    Sunday 3rd Sept Determined to get some decent weekly mileage headed out at 8 am for this run. Got absolutely soaked but managed to get 7 miles done, quick change into dry clothes to volunteer and junior park run.

    Happy with the 23.7 miles for the week a hell of a lot better than the rest of this month. building up the fitness slowly but surely.

    Still undecided about Charleville as it will be a "participating" run again !!:D

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