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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Himself pointed out the targets are for the year not to be completed in the month of January !

    You should quote that sage piece of advice back at yer man now and again.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Another week means another week of running. Graduates plan is a little cut back this week due to the Raheny 5 miler on Sunday.

    Monday 25th

    Pilates tonight, really enjoy this lots of core work which is what the doctor ordered:p

    Wednesday 27th
    35 mins easy on the plan tonight so with no Winter Series on with Raheny Shamrocks tonight met Mrs KennyG in Raheny along with two others running buddies to do 4 miles. Was busy chatting so much so that I forgot to start the watch but Mrs KennyG kept the pace going and when the watch did eventually click in the pace was around 10.30.
    Feeling the effects of the pilates on Monday, sneezed and my stomach hurt !! so it must be doing some good.

    Thursday 28th
    It was a pyramid session on the plan tonight 10 mins warm up, 1,2,3,2,1 mins @ race effort and the same time recovery and then 10 mins cool down. Never did one of these before so another new challenge. Had to dig out the paces again so worked off the 5 miles pace seeing as the Raheny 5 is on Sunday, range of pace was between 8.44 and 8.33 using current pb and 2016 targets. Really didn't have a sense of race pace so did have to look at the watch a lot. Headed off out the coast and decided after the first mile to change direction as the wind was against me and having the wind with me doing race pace felt a little more inviting. Went well splits are below :

    1 min pace 8.11
    2 min pace 8.51
    3 min pace 8.31
    2 min pace 8.31
    1 min pace 8.07

    Calves are really acting up lately and the achilles are feeling it too so booked in for a sports massage tonight after my run to get the legs worked out before Sunday .... Ouch :eek: But legs feel good after.

    Rest day tomorrow :D love rest day.

    Jog or walk on the plan for Saturday - really starting to enjoy this week. On park run volunteering duties on Saturday morning.

    Hopefully see some of you boardies on Sunday at the Raheny 5, good luck all .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Good job on pacing, looks good for Sunday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    The best of luck on Sunday A! will be on cheering duties - bring your ear plugs :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Firedance wrote: »
    The best of luck on Sunday A! will be on cheering duties - bring your ear plugs :D

    Thanks AM :) yes will definately need ear plugs have witnessed those screams before !!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Had to check was I reading the right log...pyramid sessions...nice.
    Only a couple of years ago that would have mean't necking a case of Bud by the Nile.

    Sounds like training's going very well. Must have a good coach.;)

    Easy on the pints now on sat night and don't ruin all that hard work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Ferris B wrote: »
    Had to check was I reading the right log...pyramid sessions...nice.
    Only a couple of years ago that would have mean't necking a case of Bud by the Nile.

    Sounds like training's going very well. Must have a good coach.;)

    Easy on the pints now on sat night and don't ruin all that hard work.

    I know what have I become C must be a mid life crisis they are catching you know !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    I know what have I become C must be a mid life crisis they are catching you know !!!

    You'll do that midlife crisis proud tomorrow! Will be in cheerleading mode so will keep an eye out for you. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    annapr wrote: »
    You'll do that midlife crisis proud tomorrow! Will be in cheerleading mode so will keep an eye out for you. Best of luck.

    Thanks Anna :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Best of everything, see you there!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Best luck today A,see u there

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Best luck today A,see u there

    Thanks G see ya there best of luck too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Enjoy Mrs Mc. First back gets fed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    denis b wrote: »
    Enjoy Mrs Mc. First back gets fed.

    Thanks D best of luck to you too will get a pb purely for flapjacks !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Best of everything, see you there!

    Good to see you today thanks for supporting was too wrecked to shout out at the finish :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Good to see you today thanks for supporting was too wrecked to shout out at the finish :)

    We were searching for you at the finish but somehow missed you in the crowds!! Well done on the time, you must be happy enough in the conditions?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    annapr wrote: »
    We were searching for you at the finish but somehow missed you in the crowds!! Well done on the time, you must be happy enough in the conditions?

    some of us found her ;) well done today A, it looked damm tough from our comfortable position on the foothpath! lovely to catch up too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Sunday 31st Jan - Raheny 5 mile

    Have to say love this run its one of my favourites and always starts off the running year nicely. Had run this in 45.03 last year but had pb'd 44.01 in the Terenure 5 in May last year so was aiming for sub 44 mins today. Had my strategy talk from FBOT before we left and the plan was to keep it at 8.45 for the first 4 miles trying to bag a few extra seconds on Sybill Hill and coming back down the avenue and keep something in the bag then at the end to give it socks to the finish when I exited the park.

    As usual a great turn out of runners young and old at the race. Plenty from boards and park run there so lots of catching up beforehand and afterwards. Conditions were however not looking great and M had done a bit of a course walk earlier that morning to collect our numbers and the report was there was a steady wind blowing.

    Met PJD at the start and he is recovering from a cold and chesty cough so said he would run with me as the 8.45 pace would suit him. So off we went.

    Mile 1 found this to be so congested, my watch pace would jump from 8.30 to 9.15 within a matter of seconds which was representative of the crowd and it took a while to get into a steady pace, could hear DG in my head, don't start ducking and weaving to gain distance it only wastes energy so if I saw an opening I went for it but tried to keep my position in the pack. Avg pace 8.48.... would aim to get that 3 seconds back in mile 2.

    Mile 2 Wow once we hit the Howth Road the wind hit like a wall and could really feel it in my legs trying to maintain pace on this stretch. M had told me to find a group and try and get in behind them to shelter from the wind, which I did. PJD chatted away and didn't seem to be even out of breath ! Once we turned onto Sybill Hill and Mount Prospect the wind was behind us and but I could feel the legs heavy. But a few neighbours and Mc Jnr were a the top of our road so that spurred me on a bit with their shouts of support. Avg pace 8.42 okay was back on target.

    Mile 3
    More wind as we hit the avenue in St Anne's PJD was shouting instruction to me to dig deep and that we would have the wind behind us once we turned at the top of the avenue. Found this a bit crowded as well and was starting to feel tired the legs were just not doing what they were supposed to do. Avg pace 8.53.

    Mile 4 This was back down the avenue and where I should have been able to pull back some time but I just couldn't push any harder was really feeling it Avg pace 8.48

    Mile 5 Usually I can bag some energy to push it to the finish to sprint to get the pb, PJD reminded me of all the interval training I had been doing and that it would come into play here. FBOT and Yaboya were on cheerleading duties as we came out of the park here, both looking very fresh and I was feeling very jealous that they were finished. I could hear the finish announcements, nearly there. Started to kick the legs but they were like lead, spotted Firedance, DG, and Anna Pr here but just didn't have the energy to say hi. Did manage to sprint to the finish but not evident in the avg pace for this mile either. Avg pace 8.49

    Was wrecked crossing the finish line and was disappointed not to have broken 44 mins, but sure you can't win them all as they say and even though it doesn't sound like it I did really enjoyed the run, it wasn't my best day out there, I could have done better, will get it the next time. Watch clocked 44.07 but official time is 44.10.

    A very nice cuppa and flapjacks made by DenisB which were yum in the GAA club aftewards. Really good to catch up with some of the DCM novices as haven't seen a lot of them since Mc Grattans in October, all seemed happy with their runs and NOP looked like he had enjoyed his trip over to the northside. Great to see DG afterwards as well who was on supporting duties today. All seemed to agree that it was a tough day but everyone seemed to enjoy. Plenty of boardies around as well all seemed to have a good day and some pbs too good to catch up with with Ferris, Aquinn (congrats on the PB !), Bungy, Firedance, Helen Anne and LauraAC afterwards. Headed over for a post race beverage in the cock and bull with the St Anne's park run gang who had also managed to get some pb's on the day.

    Overall and enjoyable but tough day. Lessons learned - you won't break pbs every day and you won't have great runs every race, but learn from them and as my hubby says "enjoy" . Off to enjoy some of the mountain of chocolate now from the goodie bags.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Sunday 31st Jan - Raheny 5 mile

    Have to say love this run its one of my favourites and always starts off the running year nicely. Had run this in 45.03 last year but had pb'd 44.01 in the Terenure 5 in May last year so was aiming for sub 44 mins today. Had my strategy talk from FBOT before we left and the plan was to keep it at 8.45 for the first 4 miles trying to bag a few extra seconds on Sybill Hill and coming back down the avenue and keep something in the bag then at the end to give it socks to the finish when I exited the park.

    As usual a great turn out of runners young and old at the race. Plenty from boards and park run there so lots of catching up beforehand and afterwards. Conditions were however not looking great and M had done a bit of a course walk earlier that morning to collect our numbers and the report was there was a steady wind blowing.

    Met PJD at the start and he is recovering from a cold and chesty cough so said he would run with me as the 8.45 pace would suit him. So off we went.

    Mile 1 found this to be so congested, my watch pace would jump from 8.30 to 9.15 within a matter of seconds which was representative of the crowd and it took a while to get into a steady pace, could hear DG in my head, don't start ducking and weaving to gain distance it only wastes energy so if I saw an opening I went for it but tried to keep my position in the pack. Avg pace 8.48.... would aim to get that 3 seconds back in mile 2.

    Mile 2 Wow once we hit the Howth Road the wind hit like a wall and could really feel it in my legs trying to maintain pace on this stretch. M had told me to find a group and try and get in behind them to shelter from the wind, which I did. PJD chatted away and didn't seem to be even out of breath ! Once we turned onto Sybill Hill and Mount Prospect the wind was behind us and but I could feel the legs heavy. But a few neighbours and Mc Jnr were a the top of our road so that spurred me on a bit with their shouts of support. Avg pace 8.42 okay was back on target.

    Mile 3
    More wind as we hit the avenue in St Anne's PJD was shouting instruction to me to dig deep and that we would have the wind behind us once we turned at the top of the avenue. Found this a bit crowded as well and was starting to feel tired the legs were just not doing what they were supposed to do. Avg pace 8.53.

    Mile 4 This was back down the avenue and where I should have been able to pull back some time but I just couldn't push any harder was really feeling it Avg pace 8.48

    Mile 5 Usually I can bag some energy to push it to the finish to sprint to get the pb, PJD reminded me of all the interval training I had been doing and that it would come into play here. FBOT and Yaboya were on cheerleading duties as we came out of the park here, both looking very fresh and I was feeling very jealous that they were finished. I could hear the finish announcements, nearly there. Started to kick the legs but they were like lead, spotted Firedance, DG, and Anna Pr here but just didn't have the energy to say hi. Did manage to sprint to the finish but not evident in the avg pace for this mile either. Avg pace 8.49

    Was wrecked crossing the finish line and was disappointed not to have broken 44 mins, but sure you can't win them all as they say and even though it doesn't sound like it I did really enjoyed the run, it wasn't my best day out there, I could have done better, will get it the next time. Watch clocked 44.07 but official time is 44.10.

    A very nice cuppa and flapjacks made by DenisB which were yum in the GAA club aftewards. Really good to catch up with some of the DCM novices as haven't seen a lot of them since Mc Grattans in October, all seemed happy with their runs and NOP looked like he had enjoyed his trip over to the northside. Great to see DG afterwards as well who was on supporting duties today. All seemed to agree that it was a tough day but everyone seemed to enjoy. Plenty of boardies around as well all seemed to have a good day and some pbs too good to catch up with with Ferris, Aquinn (congrats on the PB !), Bungy, Firedance, Helen Anne and LauraAC afterwards. Headed over for a post race beverage in the cock and bull with the St Anne's park run gang who had also managed to get some pb's on the day.

    Overall and enjoyable but tough day. Lessons learned - you won't break pbs every day and you won't have great runs every race, but learn from them and as my hubby says "enjoy" . Off to enjoy some of the mountain of chocolate now from the goodie bags.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Conditions weren't easy out there today A. Well done!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    annapr wrote: »
    Conditions weren't easy out there today A. Well done!

    Thanks Anna onwards and upwards as they say ! Hope you're feeling better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 230 ✭✭PJD

    Mrs Mac... you were awesome. Nasty breeze, congested roads and a pain in the ass running buddy! I have no doubt that you will smash the next 5 mile. Enjoy the goodie bag!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    PJD wrote: »
    Mrs Mac... you were awesome. Nasty breeze, congested roads and a pain in the ass running buddy! I have no doubt that you will smash the next 5 mile. Enjoy the goodie bag!

    Just finished my toffee crisp only 5 more to go ha ha !!! Pain in the ass running buddy .... Never .... You're were great :) see ya soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Good stuff, Anne, sounds like a very honest effort. Sorry we missed you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Good stuff, Anne, sounds like a very honest effort. Sorry we missed you!

    You missed her as well!

    Ffs D. Go back to the racing.
    You's are brutal supporters :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    You missed her as well!

    Ffs D. Go back to the racing.
    You's are brutal supporters :D

    Careful now, there's still Boston...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Good stuff, Anne, sounds like a very honest effort. Sorry we missed you!

    no worries D hope you're feeling better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    annapr wrote: »
    Careful now, there's still Boston...

    You tell him Anna !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Toffee crisp? I didn't get that. Some amount of junk in the bag.

    Great as always to see you after and it was tough going today but you did great so well done.

    See you SATURDAY! Can bring BG shoes for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Toffee crisp? I didn't get that. Some amount of junk in the bag.

    Great as always to see you after and it was tough going today but you did great so well done.

    See you SATURDAY! Can bring BG shoes for you.
