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May 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Which one did you get? I have the Angelcare as I said before and then when we're staying in my Mam's house I have a cheap one I got in Argos. You can get basically every single baby thing you need in Argos for way cheaper than baby shops - no good to you Wuffly I know - but for the irish-based Mums-to-be
    Also Guineys is great for cheap stuff like cot mattress etc

    Now you have me tempted to buy the breast pump and get my mam to bring it over.... ;)

    I went with the angelcare as well, it has movement and video there wasn't much of a difference between the sound and video so said i'd go with the video. Hope it works in my parents old farm house the walls are so thick!

    How are you sleep now? any better?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    wuffly wrote: »

    How are you sleep now? any better?

    Yeeesssss !!!! It is !!!! I'm delighted to report.
    Kathy wished me that Santa would bring me some sleep and unbelievably he did :D
    I turned a corner over the Xmas hols and am sleeping fine now. It's amazing the difference it makes to your energy levels. I was able to carry my daughter home from the child minder in my arms yesterday in the rain. Usually I have to take the buggy even though it's (Always) raining and buggy gets wet as I leave it on the street while I climb the 3 flights of stairs to collect her so I have to sit her into a wet buggy (yes we've lost the rain cover!) so in my arms is way better while holding an umbrella but I simply didn't have the energy for that before Xmas!
    Also since we got back have ''stayed up'' til 11 watching box sets with hubby. Before Xmas I had to go bed when dd went to bed (8 or 9) as I was too exhuasted by then to stay up anymore. It's nice to have a few hours together after she goes to bed.
    Feel like I'm only entering my 2nd trimester purple patch in the last week! And 3 weeks to go til 3rd trim ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Cloud13

    wuffly wrote: »
    hey cloud, glad your scan went well! A little girl so exciting!

    I bought a 2nd hand cameleon from a friend, heard lots of good reviews on it. i got a really good deal on it. if your heart is set on it maybe look for 2nd hand, we got a ton of extra bits too, like car seat(still in warranty), car seat adapters, brolly etc... it was also professionally cleaned. I got it from a friend so i know its in good nick. Also heard good stuff about the uppa baby vista. there are so many options, its head wrecking, i had no idea the whole thing was called a travel system!

    Thanks wuffly I'll see if I can get my hands on a second hand one. There's so many things to get. It's so overwhelming isn't it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Cloud13 wrote: »
    Thanks wuffly I'll see if I can get my hands on a second hand one. There's so many things to get. It's so overwhelming isn't it!

    I hear a lot of good things about the Uppa baby vista and the City select baby jogger as well. I have 2 travel systems both hand-me-downs from family. One was the Phil & Teds sport (ancient....but it's a double buggy so will use it now that I'll have 2) and the other was a Graco travel system, unsure of the type. Used the Graco one mainly, found it excellent.

    We only used the travel system for the first 12 months (if even!) and then you buy the lightest, smallest little fold-up buggy (stroller) you can find. We got one for 60 euro and that's all we use now! Bear that in mind when you're considering how much to spend on travel use them only for a short time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Cloud13

    So yesterday I woke up feeling a bit nauseous, lower back pain, hot/cold flashes and just feeling unwell. Same again today so decided I'd go to the gp and turns out I've a nasty UTI and need antibiotics 😳 I know these just sounds like regular pregnancy symptoms but don't ignore them if you get them! Just thought I'd let ye know 😊

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  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Well our scan went well today. I am so over the moon, baby stuck its tongue out at us during the scan, very funny. The sonographer also pointed out it was due a pee as it had a full bladder...LOL! Literally the best feeling and experience in my life so far, cried when I saw and heard the heart beating at the same time. Hard to believe the next scan is not until 28 weeks! We didn't find out the sex, although I have an inkling its a boy.

    Wuffly you are so organised. We need to start thinking about things properly and get our asses in gear. We bought two lovely blankets after the scan, starting small, LOL!

    Cloud13 we have looked at a few buggies and had pretty much decided on the Bugaboo Cameleon but a close friend of mine has been talking about hers which I think was the city select baby jogger. We also looked at the Quinny. There doesn't seem to be a huge difference in price so just need to decide which is best. I hope you feel better soon, I had a Kidney infection a while back and the nausea and body aches were the worst. Keep an eye on your temperature as if high it can be bad for you and the baby. Hopefully with the antibiotics it clears in a few days. My doctor also mentioned they are more common in pregnancy. Look after yourself.

    Lucuma, delighted to hear your sleep is getting better. I was terrible over the holidays, staying up late each night till 1am, back to work tomorrow ... eeek need to get back into a routine. Bad form on the breast pump, not fair at all you never got to use it new. Hope you can get it fixed.

    Teggers best of luck with your scan on Thursday.

    Well off to bed now, time to get back into work mode (for 4 more months :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    That's great Lucuma, such a relief to feel a bit human again!!

    Cloud mind yourself UTI's are awful, I had one early on, definitely agree with going straight to the Dr, I didn't and ended up so sick. Get well soon!

    Great news on your scan Kathy!! That's so cute baby had its tongue out! Ours was hiding their face the whole time!
    There's 4 of us pregnant here at the moment so we are all sending each other bits and pieces that we see online or 2nd hand, with the travel system we got lucky and just went for it, with the crib and moses basket the guys were moving and wanted rid of them and they were free so again just went for it. Now with the sales trying to get the rest of the big bits. Mostly trying to spread the cost really. My health insurance is limited so if there are any complications we could end up with a big bill. So also trying to keep something aside for that on the off chance.

    Are baby showers a thing at home/elsewhere? The girls i know here do them and I be will the last of them all, my OH knows its not my thing but was like you contributed to about 10 of these yokes so why not. Having tea with girls I don't mind in fact it will be nice to see people, but they keep asking me for a list of stuff that I want, which i find really awkward. First world problems!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    wuffly wrote: »

    Are baby showers a thing at home/elsewhere? The girls i know here do them and I be will the last of them all, my OH knows its not my thing but was like you contributed to about 10 of these yokes so why not. Having tea with girls I don't mind in fact it will be nice to see people, but they keep asking me for a list of stuff that I want, which i find really awkward. First world problems!

    You should probably give them the list as soon as possible? That's what I would do. Then make sure you don't buy any of those items yourself.
    Stuff you might want to get:
    steriliser, bottles, soothers, muslin cloths (you only need a few of these like 10 max), bibs, baby socks, neutral babygros, pram blanket, foot muff (a cocoon thing that goes in the buggy), Glo-egg (thermometer for baby's room), baby bath, baby sponges, bubble bath/shampoo for baby, Talc (to put on baby after bath), Baby towel, Soother chain/strap, drool bibs (like little kneckerchefs), play mat, mobile for cot, cot/moses basket sheets, swaddle

    Those are just suggestions! No point you buying stuff that they then subsequently buy

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Baby showers appear to becoming more common, a few friends of mine have had them and I have attended a fair few. I don't really really know how I feel about them and hate the idea of people feeling compelled to give a gift and then another at birth as I have done in the past. If my friends asked I might just have a few close friends and female family over for lunch/tea in my place. I remember going to a baby shower in the four seasons in Dublin and we had afternoon tea for like €70. Don't think I'll be attending too many more like that. Crazy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Thanks for the list Lucuma, good list to have in general! She said she has a bouncer bought, so i might just ask for a baby carrier and leave it at that. Any recommendations? I'm kind happy picking up the other bits myself as I go.
    There's a 2nd hand baby market on this weekend so will see how we go at that.

    Kathy my friend is going to have it at my house, will be a bit easier for everyone. There's four of us within 2 months so trying not have everyone's head wrecked and wallets drained. 70e is pricey even by standards here, it would want to be pretty fecking special!! The burj al arab (the 7*place) is 50e We usually top them at 40e-50e total, presents and tea etc.

    Weekend here at last bring on home time! Feel like the tiredness is creeping back in! Oh another random symptom from me blocked left ear for a few hours the last few days! Feels like darth vader in my head not painful or anything just really random!:rolleyes:

    Best of luck with your scan today Teggers!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭teggers5

    So no scan for me today :(
    Hospital rang yesterday to say the lady that does them has called in sick for the rest of the week and they couldn't get anyone else.
    Rescheduled for Wednesday next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Ah Teggers that's crap, God they are fairly reliant on one person performing the job. Next Wednesday will fly in!

    Lucuma great list to have in general. I wish I could find a list, you know like when you get married, what to do this month, next month etc. and what you will need. Its overwhelming the stuff you need to get. We are heading out to Tony Kealys this weekend and try out a few different travel systems and make a final decision on what we are getting.

    Wuffly, I obviously don't have first hand experience but I am really interested in a baby carrier and have done a bit of research. Two brands stand out, Beco and Ergobaby.

    Would you be able to try some on and see which you find most comfortable?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Aww teggers that's rubbish, such a let down when you were all set for it! Time will fly until next weds!

    Thanks kathy, hadn't seen the beco ones, heard these ones are good as well, although the wrap thing for new borns looks confusing!Good idea to try it out, I think there is a baby wearing group here might try and see if they have meet ups and see what i can find out. I think i can see OH doing using it more than me!

    Good luck with the travel system shopping, hope you get lucky with the sales!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    I don't really really know how I feel about them and hate the idea of people feeling compelled to give a gift and then another at birth as I have done in the past.

    No you don't have to give another present when baby's born. I asked my American friend this (where baby showers originated) she said you only give 1 baby related present. So if you give a present at the baby shower, you don't give one when the baby's born.

    If Ireland are going to embrace baby showers they have to embrace this part of it as well !!

    You can actually have people that will buy a baby shower pres, a pres when baby's born AND another pres at the christening. Mental!
    I've disciplined myself now, if I buy a present at the baby shower I don't buy one when the baby is born. Why would you give 2 presents like? Nobody would expect that, I wouldn't expect that and I don't think anyone would.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    wuffly wrote: »
    Thanks for the list Lucuma, good list to have in general! She said she has a bouncer bought, so i might just ask for a baby carrier and leave it at that. Any recommendations?

    Oh everyone clubs together to get you 1 or 2 big things? I assumed everyone would get you something little my list was more geared towards that! That's a good idea actually to get people to club together for something big, although isn't the whole point of a baby shower to open little gift after little gift and ooh and aah over them? (I didn't have one so I'm not 100% on the etiquette!)

    I used a few different slings. For breastfeeding a newborn and getting stuff done around the house I found the ring sling great (that's not a model that''s a type of sling - like a hammock around your chest). I coudl BF bubs inside it, she'd nod off, delatch and hey presto I could get up and eat, drink, go to toilet, wash clothes, get bits and bobs done around the house. I even BF her inside it walking down the main street in Cork once and no-one can see :) It only goes across one shoulder though so I wouldn't use it as the babies get heavier as the weight isn't evenly distributed. I kept swapping which side it was on all the time so there'd be pain inflicted equally on each shoulder!

    Then I moved onto one like those in the links you've shown. The Boba, Ergo and Beco all look like the same basic type of sling from those links? i.e. a structured non-wrap one. Oh I also tried the wrap one for a newborn - NOT for me. Baby felt totally unsecured in it. I'm sure they're great if they suit you, I rather something that doesn't rely on my wrapping technique being correct every time to Ensure bub's safety.
    Another one i hear mentioned a lot is the Connecta?

    I have the Ergo and stopped using it before dd was 1, but I was pregnant by the time she was 1 and 1st trimester nausea etc meant I just didn't have the energy to keep carrying her. She needed to go from being worn on the front (facing me) to being worn on the back at age 1 and I found it difficult enough to mount her on my back on my own, plus the waist strap gave an awful muffin top when she was on my back ha!

    I might have to get the newborn insert for the Ergo alright for next May coz I don't have that as she was a few months old when I got it.

    Teggars what a bummer about your scan!!! God we spend so long counting down to the scans that having to wait an extra week must be excruciating!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    No you don't have to give another present when baby's born. I asked my American friend this (where baby showers originated) she said you only give 1 baby related present. So if you give a present at the baby shower, you don't give one when the baby's born.

    If Ireland are going to embrace baby showers they have to embrace this part of it as well !!

    You can actually have people that will buy a baby shower pres, a pres when baby's born AND another pres at the christening. Mental!
    I've disciplined myself now, if I buy a present at the baby shower I don't buy one when the baby is born. Why would you give 2 presents like? Nobody would expect that, I wouldn't expect that and I don't think anyone would.

    Ha I have been that person before, baby shower, birth and Christening. I really agree though, you should just be getting one gift for the baby. People have started having Christening parties so if I am going to a party or event I always feel compelled to bring something in the form of a gift with me. However, now being on the other side I would hate someone spending so much money on me.

    My close friends usually club together to get some big items for the baby. They have asked me to think of a few, I was thinking a monitor and maybe some baby changing stuff.

    For anyone in Ireland, Lidl has some baby stuff coming out on special this weekend -

    Lucuma, the sling sounds very handy for indoor use. I like the idea of having the baby close and being able to get things done. I also agree and would not trust anything that relied on me wrapping it in a certain way which is why I was avoiding those and going for the carrier type. I'm excited to go look at stuff this weekend. I have a friends wedding next month so really need to try find a dress for it. Hopefully I can source something long and stretchy in the shops, would prefer to try it on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »

    For anyone in Ireland, Lidl has some baby stuff coming out on special this weekend -

    Oooh that looks great! I wouldn't go near a manual breast pump but other than that some handy stuff like the Tommee Teeppee bottles and soothers, bottle brush, microwave steriliser and the nursing bras. I got great nursing bras in Lidl before, they're really nice to look at and good quality as well. Think it's the same brand as shown there as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭teggers5

    We were soooo disappointed when the hospital rang but we made the most of having a day off work together. spend the morning on the beach with the dogs and the rest of the day clearing out the spare room getting it ready for baby! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Only a few days to go now Teggers. Hope the wait hasn't been too long for you! Well we finally started getting our ass in gear and went looking at buggies. We had it down to the Quinny buzz and the Bugaboo Cameleon and also looked at a few others. Think we are pretty set on the Cameleon and going to order online as my husband can get a discount through his company. We went out to Tony Kealys and the woman who showed us a few of them was pretty good. We picked up some vests and basics in Mothercare and also got a Tommee Tippee Feeding and Sterilisation Set for half price. We also got a really nice moses basket for half price in Eurobaby, when we brought it to the till it turns out it was marked wrong but they gave it to us at that price anyway. Feeling a little more organised and getting excited, just over 4 months to go! Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭teggers5

    Have to say the past few days have flown by. Kept busy all weekend by painting the nursery and yesterday I picked up a moses basket from adverts. Its like new so we're thrilled with it. Just need to get a new mattress for it.
    After lots of buggy test driving we've both decided on the bugaboo cameleon. They're crazy expensive new so we're having a look at a second hand one during the week. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have that sorted too. Both our families have decided to club together and get us the car seat and steriliser set so that's a huge help! Getting so so excited now :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Glad the days are flying by for your teggers! Weds won't be long coming around now. Sounds like you've had a busy weekend!

    Kathy glad the shopping went well, if you're like me once you start its hard to stop... the list just grows!

    Pulled out the fitbit and starting yoga tonight, realised I've been going a bit mad on chocolate since I got my appetite back!

    Getting lots of movement now, don't know what they are doing in there. OH has been able to feel a few kicks as well, mad to think we are on the count down side of things now! 24 week apt on Sat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    So exciting everyone buying the baby stuff! Bugaboo cameleons seem to be very popular on this thread! I was looking at a few out and about over the weekend and the basket wouldn't be big enough for me. It's more the shape of it, don't think my shopping bags would fit nicely inside haha.

    I was looking at slings after seeing a friend post on Facebook a photo of him with his daughter forward facing in an ergo. You can't do that on mine so I was convinced he was doing it wrong then I spotted that there's one called the ''Ergo 360'' in which the baby can forward face! I don't know if this wasn't available in 2014 when I bought my Ergo or whether I just foolishly didn't see it but I'm so annoyed now i don't have that one! Got to a stage with dd where she wanted to be looking out and the only option with my (basic) Ergo is to put them on your back then, even then they're not really looking out, they're looking at your back or the back of your head! Plus I found putting them on your back in teh Ergo a royal pain in the you-know-what. Hubby just refused to use it anymore at that point

    Even though I spent around 100 on the normal Ergo and only used it on 1 baby, now I want the Ergo 360 !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Best of luck with your scan today Teggers. Hope it goes great and you guys have a lovely day.

    Coming up on 23 weeks now and I am having a lot of aches and pains, assuming they are growing pains. I read last night that the baby doubles in size over the next 4 weeks (link here if anyone is interested in taking a look). Eeek! I am also super tired, if I lie down for more than 10 minutes I am asleep even if I have had a decent nights sleep. Going to go to my GP and get my iron and B12 checked again as I have had issues with both of these in the past.

    Can I ask when people first started to feel movement from outside? My husband is eager to feel movement and can't wait till he can.

  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    Can I ask when people first started to feel movement from outside? My husband is eager to feel movement and can't wait till he can.

    21 weeks here, but my little guy moved early in general. 30 weeks now and yesterday someone who leaned back into me while standing on the tube felt him move...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    Best of luck with your scan today Teggers. Hope it goes great and you guys have a lovely day.

    Coming up on 23 weeks now and I am having a lot of aches and pains, assuming they are growing pains. I read last night that the baby doubles in size over the next 4 weeks (link here if anyone is interested in taking a look). Eeek! I am also super tired, if I lie down for more than 10 minutes I am asleep even if I have had a decent nights sleep. Going to go to my GP and get my iron and B12 checked again as I have had issues with both of these in the past.

    Can I ask when people first started to feel movement from outside? My husband is eager to feel movement and can't wait till he can.

    You might have to start taking an iron supplement. A gentle one to start off with is the Spatone sachets. You should take them with a citrus drink like orange juice or you can get ones with the fruit juice already mixed in. If they're not strong enough you could take Floradix or if you need the heavy hitting one: Galfer. There's also iron in Pregnacare, that's all i'm taking so far so hopefully it's enough. I also eat red meat at every opportunity.

    Problem with iron supplements is they can cause constipation so that's why it's good to take the lightest one you can get away with, if the Spatone is enough for you, happy days. Of course you can take something OTC for the constipation if you do need to take one of the stronger iron supplements.

    Movement outside the body, I'm really not sure. My OH has zero interest in that, and he couldn't care less about it on no.1 either.
    I'm getting loads of kicks now this weather, little kung fu fighter in there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    You might have to start taking an iron supplement. A gentle one to start off with is the Spatone sachets. You should take them with a citrus drink like orange juice or you can get ones with the fruit juice already mixed in. If they're not strong enough you could take Floradix or if you need the heavy hitting one: Galfer. There's also iron in Pregnacare, that's all i'm taking so far so hopefully it's enough. I also eat red meat at every opportunity.

    Problem with iron supplements is they can cause constipation so that's why it's good to take the lightest one you can get away with, if the Spatone is enough for you, happy days. Of course you can take something OTC for the constipation if you do need to take one of the stronger iron supplements.

    Movement outside the body, I'm really not sure. My OH has zero interest in that, and he couldn't care less about it on no.1 either.
    I'm getting loads of kicks now this weather, little kung fu fighter in there!

    Thanks Lucuma. I don't eat red meat so try and get iron from other sources but have in the past had low iron. I used to take Spatone as my body had difficulty absorbing iron and the liquid format worked better for me. I am taking pregnacare but i may need an added boost. Hopefully my doctor can do bloods this week. I had low B12 early in pregnancy which had me super tired but I have had 2 injections so should be feeling a little less tired. I literally feel like I could remain asleep for an entire day and still not feel fully refreshed!!! :(

    I am having a few movements but they are not regular and definitely not felt from the outside. It makes me nervous but the sonographer and my doctor were not concerned as the baby was moving during the scan but I could not feel a whole lot. My husband keeps touching my belly when he sees me feeling their movements and I know he is dying to feel it himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭teggers5

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    Best of luck with your scan today Teggers. Hope it goes great and you guys have a lovely day.

    Thanks so much. It was perfect. We have a beautiful baby boy on the way! Could have stayed watching it all day :)

    Can I ask when people first started to feel movement from outside? My husband is eager to feel movement and can't wait till he can.

    Im 22w3d now and my husband still hasn't felt baby move. He's getting impatient too lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Another week almost over. So that's week 10 down....9 to go to til mat leave!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Another week almost over. So that's week 10 down....9 to go to til mat leave!

    You must be so excited to finish up. I am 14 weeks or so until maternity leave and counting. Cannot wait!

    Got my bloods done so just need to wait for results. Also got an antibiotic for my chest infection which has been lingering for weeks at this stage. I had a big list for my doctor yesterday as find he is much more open to my worries than my consultant who thinks everything is all grand and probably thinks I'm too much of a worrier. Got to hear the babies heartbeat again which was nice, they are moving a lot more these days. I just love the feeling when they are moving about, makes it all so much more real! Happy Friday guys :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    You must be so excited to finish up. I am 14 weeks or so until maternity leave and counting. Cannot wait!

    Got my bloods done so just need to wait for results. Also got an antibiotic for my chest infection which has been lingering for weeks at this stage. I had a big list for my doctor yesterday as find he is much more open to my worries than my consultant who thinks everything is all grand and probably thinks I'm too much of a worrier. Got to hear the babies heartbeat again which was nice, they are moving a lot more these days. I just love the feeling when they are moving about, makes it all so much more real! Happy Friday guys :D

    Yeah I can't flipping wait to get out of here. My eyes are KILLING me every day at the computer. In my job I could have various types of roles but the one I'm in at the moment is 100% desk work so I'm sitting at the computer all day long. I don't even have meetings to break it up, just 1 team meeting every fortnight, that's it!
    I had this dry eyes thing in the last pregnancy as well but I think it's worse this time coz of the type of work I'm doing. It's exacerbated by not getting as much sleep as normal -although I won't complain about sleep as it has improved alot from when I was only getting 2-3 hours a night, getting 4 or 5 consistently now :). I'm tryign to drink gallons of water to help my eyes (it's a form of dehydration I think) but by the evening my eyes are hanging out of my head. It was so great at Xmas to get 11 days not in front of the computer!

    25 weeks now and am starting to get that feeling like my tummy is full and I can't eat as much as normal. Hurrah for small mercies!!! The scales was getting scary.....
