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A Third World War on the cards.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,378 ✭✭✭BuilderPlumber

    FortySeven wrote: »
    I'm not so sure, America is rapidly being replaced as the worlds superpower, largely due the their need for cheap tat, they allowed their industrial base to be offshored and the Chinese are rapidly catching up on development. China can cripple the US anytime it sees fit just by dumping its dollar holdings on the bond market. That day is when the US will realise its day is done. A critically wounded superpower with nukes(and still the only nation to have used them in anger) is a dangerous beast indeed. Especially when it realises it may have the knowledge to support an arms manufacturing base but not the materials, skills or tooling to support it, never mind the funds.

    The US may see its position slip in years to come. True, if critically wounded, anything can happen. It depends on who is president. Certain options like Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would be scary in such situations.

    At present, there are 3 major superpowers: US, China and Russia.

    A lot of regional powers exist that could one day become a superpower. The ambition is there and who knows what the future superpowers will be. But it often takes a MAJOR WAR to create a new set of powers. War often destroys the previous predominant powers. WW2 killed off a lot of the old European powers like Germany, France and the UK but provided the US and USSR with their turn to be main world powers. The latter was one of the biggest victims of WW1 and had moved from a very poor country to one of the top 2 powers within 40 years.

    Someone as arrogant as Donald Trump being president could inevitably lead to bad feelings between countries and could lead to a major war. That is the big danger. Also, the fact that Trump and his kind only care about their own business interests could mean he could start a war to create business opportunities.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,296 ✭✭✭FortySeven

    "start a war to create business opportunities. "

    There's rarely been any that weren't IMHO.

    Trump would be great about now, it might at least derail the dynasties of Bush and Clinton.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,378 ✭✭✭BuilderPlumber

    FortySeven wrote: »
    "start a war to create business opportunities. "

    There's rarely been any that weren't IMHO.

    Trump would be great about now, it might at least derail the dynasties of Bush and Clinton.

    Jeb Bush v Hillary Clinton v Ted Cruz v Donald Trump. 2 members of less than brilliant political dynasties, a chap with a name akin to a Miami Vice coke dealer who lives up to that type of person politically, and a corrupt businessman. What a choice! Makes our crowd look good!
