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Cool runnings



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 16th

    6 mile run, with a few strides thrown in with an eye on tomorrow.

    6.32 @8.29

    HR 123/143

    Tuesday 17th

    Bob Heffernan 5k, Enfield. Actually, Johnstownbridge, but this is just part of the charm of this excellent race. Was picking up some clubmates en route, so took the OH's car, and mindful of how warm it had been in Dublin, we were all glad to see the cloud cover as we headed down the M4. After we picked up our numbers, though, it was clear that there was quite an amount of precipitation due to make its way earthwards. We decided to run up towards the start (about a mile away - charm!) and back again for a warm up, and shortly after it started to rain heavily. Then it got heavier, and heavier, and soon we were running in an absolute monsoon, of a type rarely seen outside the Book of Genesis. It was the sort of rain which causes everyone caught in it to start laughing helplessly. Huge puddles quickly formed on the road, and we all took evasive action when mega-puddle and traffic interfaces occurred, despite the possibility of becoming any wetter being exactly zero. Halfway back down the road we spotted Mr. Somba and pal huddled beneath a tree. He would go on to win, again, by one second as usual, and although I'm not sure if he shed his trackie bottoms for this one, I'm reliably informed that he at least ditched the phone as he strolled around to victory. Back at base we stripped off sodden tops, donned race singlets, and legged it back up the road. It rained again but we barely noticed it. Now, let me say this up front: this is a great race. Fantastic, flat course, good shelter from the wind, decent road surface, and a hearty repast after.

    The start, however, is a disaster. We massed at the start area, which was on the main road to Edenderry. There was a handy side-road for warm-ups, strides etc, but as people completed their pre-race routines they gradually congregated around the be-megaphoned van, which was, as far as I could tell, the only tangible evidence that a race was about to ensue. The traffic wasn't heavy, but there was traffic, and I wondered how this enterprise was to be carried off. The man on the tannoy kept exhorting us to stay off the road, and it was quite haphazard and all delightfully Irish, as Bill Bryson might have said, had he ever come here (He did, but I don't think he wrote about it). Like recalcitrant sheep, we kept straying onto the road surface, and there was a moment of comedy when the tannoy man announced that a car needed to get through the crowd and up the side road, and runners were yelling "where is it?", as the vehicle's presence was not apparent to anyone. Finally a car came nosing through the crowd, and by this point 8pm had come and gone; then Mr. tannoy informed us that we were "just waiting on the starter". I had visions of some tardy local worthy finishing his tay and jumping into the Hilux.

    (New Pauliegraph)
    The start itself was quite peculiar. All of a sudden we were massed in the middle of the road, quite obviously no longer going to be giving way to traffic, but the only problem was, paradoxically, that because there was no 'funnel', when the quickies go to the front and everyone else arranges themselves suitably behind them according to pace, we were strewn across the road, so that when a distant factory horn, which turned out to the starting gun, went off, half of us failed to react, as we had been walking, then jogging, then walking again. Having a line to toe can be quite handy. Suffice it to say, lots of time was lost here.
    I saw some very strange manoeuvres. People skipping and jumping, people running, nay, sprinting, around slower groups. There was a weird crunching noise off to my left, and I looked over to see a guy off the road surface altogether, dashing along on loose gravel. Mental stuff. Some people seemed to be in an awful hurry. 5k to go though. Plenty of time, wasn't there? Hmmm.

    The first turn came along at three-quarters of a mile, and it was perfectly timed. I needed a change of scene, and was waiting for that gradual pace adjustment that comes when you manage an extra-deep breath or two, and start to believe that you might be able to last the distance, and eke out a decent run. Mile 1 was 6.03, and after another bit I started to relax just a tad.
    I noticed that I had a familiar fellow-traveller: a guy from Bros Pearse who had been at the Tallaght 5k, and who I had run with a good bit of the way before just edging in front towards the end. We swapped places a bit, before coming to the 2 mile mark when I felt myself surging slightly, almost involuntarily. It wasn't a conscious thing: my body just reckoned it could handle a bit more stress without crapping out before the finish. BP guy dropped behind me. Mile 2 was 6:13 - a bit slow, in retrospect. Then we came to the last turn at 2.5 miles, and by now I had the pace down around 6 again. The next half-mile was all about keeping that pace up, and when I saw a sign that announced "500 metres to go" I was able to ratchet it up another notch. After what felt like 600 metres, I still had 100 to go and was beginning to panic that I wouldn't last until I hit the finish line. Eventually the end neared, and although the race clock seemed to read 18:48:xx as I passed, my eventual official time was given as 18:54. A season's best.

    Thoughts? I've been approaching this distance all wrong, for one thing. When I run a race, and it doesn't go to plan, I often assume that I've made the classic mistake of going out too quickly. "If I hadn't run mile 1 in xx:xx, then I mightn't have had to slow down so much at the end". That kind of thing. The 5k isn't like that, though. It is the demarcation line between middle and long distance. It is, simultaneously, the longest sprint, and the shortest distance race. It fails one crucial distance litmus test though. Of all the longer events, it is the only one where you cannot afford to lose time at any point. Run a slow first mile? You won't make it back up later, by and large. It's not like the marathon, where you don't worry because you've lost 30 seconds over the first 2 miles. This has been my mistake both here and in Tallaght, I now realise. In both cases I was slowed at the start by congestion, but I was wrong to assume that A) this slower start would help me to last the pace, and B) that I could make up the lost time by running quicker later on. In the 5k, you have to start quick, and hope that you stay quick. If you've trained well, then you will. If you start slow, then that time is lost, gone. You won't gain it back.

    That's my ill-considered opinion.

    2.8 @9.36
    3.1 @6.05 (18.54)

    Wednesday 18th

    Short recovery run.

    3.19 @8.50

    Thursday 19th

    7 mile run. To club, to discover that mates were keen to run 10 miles at a brisk pace, no doubt in mitigation as they really should have been on the track. I wasn't doing any 10 miles, but found it unpossible to not stay with the pace.

    7.42 @8.10

    HR 130/150

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Nice to meet you Tuesday evening, St Cocas 5k on 24th of June is another quick one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Yeah, likewise, B. I could well be there on the 24th.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 20th


    Saturday 21st

    Hubris. Having bashed out a 5k season's best earlier in the week, why, nothing would do me but to rock up at my local parkrun and attempt to slingshot my way to a Tymon pb. And for, ooh, a half-mile at least I was well on track. Then the rot/tiredness set in, and I had to settle for a spot on the podium; which was most welcome, especially considering the tremendously mediocre time. Was considering a few miles after, to bring the mileage up to acceptable long run standard, as had a family gathering in the afternoon, and eventually ground out 5 more miles. What larks.

    2.69 @8.35

    3.1 @ 6.30 (20:11)

    4.81 @9.03

    Sunday 22nd

    Usual early start out of the question due to hangover. Got out later and met clubmate for a few easy miles.

    8.33 @8.23

    Week's mileage 42

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 23rd

    Usual easy Monday loosener.

    4.25 @8.47

    Tuesday 24th

    12x400m w 75 secs rec. Another solo session, everyone else out tempoing. Hey ho. Tried just to keep these under 90, and more or less succeeded. Always a tough session, though.

    2.23 @8.34

    12x400 (89, 88, 87, 89, 89, 85, 89, 90, 89, 89, 91, 85) Av 88

    HR 141/166

    1 cd

    Wednesday 25th

    Session to be done in the morning, so super easy pace. Lucky I love running.

    5.24 @9.12

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 26th

    400, 800, 1200x2, 800, 400 pyramid @ 5k pace with 45/90/120x2, 90 secs rec. At the track before noon for this. A little strange, doing a track session so early. After a longer than usual warmup (met a clubmate) opened up with a 93 second 400, which was a couple of seconds slow. Struggled to hit the desired pace as the laps increased, although the second three were quicker than the first. The fact that I'm doing these solo makes a difference, I think. When I referred back to the last time I did this session a few weeks ago, it was done with a group. Makes a huge difference having people to run with. The splits required were 1.31/3.02/4.33, and although I didn't hit them I was reasonably happy with the effort. Also, when I analysed the stats in more depth, I was actually faster overall than on the previous occasion. The one thing that bothered me was the HR data. Both the average and max were a few beats higher than before.

    3.04 @8.36

    400, 800, 1200x2, 800, 400 (1.33, 3.04, 4.42, 4.40, 3.02, 1.25)

    HR 139/166

    No cooldown

    Friday 27th

    Recovery run. Actively tried to keep this slow, knew I needed to, long run tomorrow.

    6.6 @8.43

    Saturday 28th

    14 mile run. A warm morning despite the early start. Our usual waterworks route, taking the in 'duck loop' out the back of same, which means a run that is mostly uphill to halfway, then mostly downhill. The highest elevation is more than 400ft above the starting point. We kept it nice and steady overall, not pushing things on the downhill return. Felt a bit weak, however, and struggled with breathing a bit. A couple of weeks back I ran this 20 secs per mile quicker, and felt better, even though I had no water bottle. I did have on this occasion, though, and was glad of it. I suspect I may have been a little under-hydrated today.

    14 @8.21

    Week's mileage 43

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 30th

    Short easy run. Once again felt drained and sluggish. Perfect race preparation so!

    4.48 @8.37

    Tuesday 31st

    BHAA 5 mile Dunboyne. My debut in this race. I entered because of its reputation as a fast course, and that it turned out to be, although conditions were a little too warm for my liking. My first target here was a sub-32 run, but really I was hoping for something better than my 31.34 pb, set in Terenure a couple of years back. The plan was to run 6.15/6.20 initially, and see how things went thereafter. It was very congested at the start, and it took a couple of hundred metres before I had the room to run at the pace I wanted. It had cooled down a bit, we had a bit of shade, and I felt relaxed and comfortable. Mile 1 - 6:19. I say that, but at the time I was oblivious. I was wearing prescription wraparounds, but they weren't varifocal, so I couldn't see the figures when I looked at the watch. The course was nice and flat, and Mile 2 was another 6:19. Again I couldn't actually see this at the time. In retrospect, this may have been a mistake, but in the heat of the moment I just decided to run at my chosen pace and see where it got me.

    On I went, uneventfully enough, and Mile 3 was a 6:24. At this stage I was running at 31.43 pace overall, and I was beginning to entertain thoughts of a possible pb. Around here, though, suddenly things started to get hard. There had been a water station earlier, and while I wasn't thirsty, I had almost involuntarily snatched the very last in the line of proffered cups of water (my grip/snatch squeezing out nearly all of the liquid) but the rest of it went down the back of my neck. A little later some darling spectator had set up a lovely cold shower, which I gratefully ran through. In short, I was getting warm. I don't perform well in the heat, as a rule, but I had been doing quite well here up to now. Then a new problem reared its head, in the shape of a clubmate, with whom I had a 'competitive history'. For a while we had a bit of a ding-dong battle going on, passing and re-passing each other a couple of times, but eventually I began to flag, and he gradually pulled away. At Mile 4 I managed to see a mile split for the first time all race, and it was the worst of the lot! 6:44, and I sort of lost the plot here and mentally gave up a bit. I assumed that I wouldn't even break 32 minutes at this point.

    It was then that another clubmate appeared on my shoulder, and unbeknownst to him, he was my saviour. Determined not to be ousted by yet another running buddy, I found some more energy from somewhere (funny how there's nearly always some there if you really need it) and pressed on. At this stage I was focussing on random runners around me, and mentally earmarking them for obliteration come the final 200m (track finishes - love 'em). Had no idea of time whatsoever as I approached the track, and wasn't fully confident to put the hammer- such as it was- down, until the last 150m. I managed to burn off a few before I finished though.

    I didn't check my watch. Was fairly sure it wasn't going to make me happy. Then I heard someone who had finished behind me say "I got in just under the 32", so I looked at the Garmin.


    2.5 wu

    5 @6.22 (31:52)
    HR 158/170

    2 cd

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 1st June


    Thursday 2nd

    10x400m @10k pace, 60 rec. A relatively easy session aimed at those recovering from Tuesday racing, but some hadn't been racing, so we settled on a 1.30-ish pace. Handled it pretty well.

    2.24 @8.50

    10x400m. (91, 92, 92, 91, 90, 90, 92, 88, 88, 87)

    HR 128/163

    warm down

    Friday 3rd


    Saturday 4th

    Long run. 14 miles again today, same as last week, waterworks, duck loop, back by Rovers stadium. Nippy finish to this one.

    14.19 @8.09

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Sunday 5th


    Week's mileage 35

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 6th

    Easy run.

    6.52 @8.34

    Tuesday 7th

    6x400, 60 rec. Club race series starting on Thursday with a 3 mile race in Tymon, so a few one-lappers seemed in order.

    1.08 @9.11

    6x400 (88, 88, 88, 88, 86, 85)

    HR 133/161

    2.5 cd

    Wednesday 8th

    Easy run. A couple of uphill strides thrown in, as felt pretty sluggish, with race upcoming tomorrow.

    6.37 @8.40

    Thursday 9th

    Club race. 3 mile lap of Tymon, no watches, predict your time. It had clouded over, and seemed cooler by the time this got underway at 7.30pm, but it was still very warm.

    1.5 @9.02

    3 @6.16 (18.47)

    1.19 @9.58

    Friday 10th

    Easy run.

    7 @8.53

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Saturday 11th

    Rest. Also my brother's 57th birthday.

    Sunday 12th

    14 mile run. Was on lock-up, so needed to be back at club by 9.30, which necessitated an earlier-than-usual start.

    14 @8.22

    Monday 13th

    Recovery run.

    8.14 @8.48


    No running, due to family issues.

    Sunday 19th

    I'm still on a marathon programme. The long run has to get done.

    15.25 @8.29

    Monday 20th

    Can't run. Calves absolutely pulverised after yesterday, for some reason. The lay-off, plus drink, plus stress, I suppose.

    Tuesday 21st

    Working in the evening, so couldn't do club race. Decided on a tempo in the afternoon instead. 4 miles at about 6.55 per.

    8.31 @8.13

    Wednesday 22nd

    Recovery run.

    5.42 @8.29

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 23rd

    Rest. No running because work. Not an excuse, could have run early, or late, but haven't adjusted the mindset sufficiently to get the carcass out early doors, as I know I have zero interest in running in the evening after being at work. That probably sounds wimpish to most 9-to-5 types, and it probably is, but normally I can pick and choose a time to run during the day. That makes me a bit lazy when I do get busy. Anyhoo. Went to give blood yesterday, but wasn't allowed due to a haemoglobin count of only 12.5! I hope it's just temporary.

    Friday 24th

    Could have done a session, having missed Thursday's scheduled 8x800s, but with long run the following day, settled for 8 solid miles.

    8.11 @8.13

    Saturday 25th

    15 mile run. Done with a club colleague. Waterworks including 'duck loop', plus some extras after to get the mileage. Was just inwardly musing that the waterworks route, which includes the climb up Old Bawn road from the village to the Old Mill, is really the wrong one for a flat track like Berlin. No sooner had I thought it, than my partner said it aloud. Some solitary runs beckon, I think.

    15.26 @8.17

    Sunday 26th

    Working all day. No running. 50-plus mile weeks from here on in.

    Week's mileage 37

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 27th

    Slightly concerned that I might not stick out a couple of extra miles, so sort of accidentally wound up at club in time to meet whoever was doing the usual Monday run. Stuck with them for a while, then turned for home. They run slow too, which is no harm at all. Got 9 in in the end. Which was nice.

    9 @9.06

    Tuesday 28th

    Club race night, but I was, yet again, going to miss it. C'est la vie. Decided on a 5 mile tempo in the afternoon instead, but had to settle for 4 in the end. The body just isn't at the races right now. Same pace as last week, though, more or less.

    2 @8.40

    4 @6.56

    2 @9.35

    Wednesday 29th

    Another decent bit of mileage. Changed the route on a whim as I left the estate, and ran every local path and laneway I came across. The whole Firhouse/Knocklyon area north of the Firhouse road is an intricate network of estates with many paths and gates leading from one to another. It can really eat up distance when you don't know quite where you are going. Kept the pace nice and easy again. I anticipate many solitary miles in the next 13 weeks. I aim to be pushing 60 miles most weeks, and I can't do that at the sub-8.30 pace my peers usually maintain.

    9 @8.55

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 30th

    6x800, wu/cd. On my own at the track for these. Got a longer warm-up in before returning to the track. In limbo slightly while firming up the training plan, so this was basically last week's session, 6-8 800s @5k pace, 1 min recovery. Very quickly decided that 6 would be plenty, after the first one came in at 3:13, much slower than the planned 3:05. Picked it up a bit after though. Happy enough with the session.

    3 mile wu.

    6x800 (3:13, 3:09, 3:08, 3:07, 3:08, 3:03)
    HR 135/169

    1.67 cd

    Friday 1st July

    Easy run. Another bit of suburban exploration, or: Get to know your neighbourhood. Fascinating the way the estates around about are networked and connected by laneways and paths. Great way to while away the miles, and stay relatively close to home. Kept it real slow too.

    7.21 @9.54

    Saturday 2nd

    Long run. 16 miles on the agenda today, so turned up a bit early at club and got the extra mile in in advance. I hope to convince my buddies to do a Dodder run (flat) instead of the (hilly) Waterworks route, but one of the lads had gone to the trouble of dropping drink bottles up at the back end of the WW, so that was that. Hills it was. Nice and controlled though.

    16 @8.21

    HR 132/159

    Saturday 2nd

    National Beer Mile 2016. A huge pb for me here on the way to a respectable 7th place. 9:03 was a great result and there's more to come, especially given a lot more beer training.


    Sunday 3rd

    Very short very easy run. Barely a mile and a half, actually, but all I need to get me over the 60 mile barrier. A good week.

    1.5 @9.03

    Week's mileage 60

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 4th

    Nice easy recovery run.

    8.01 @8.56

    Tuesday 5th


    Wednesday 5th

    A difficult training week, as we were away all week in the west for our 25th anniversary, staying at three different hotels along the way. So it was the dreaded treadie in the hotel gym for this. Did 10k somehow. The first half was easy enough, machine set at 5.5mph. For the second 5k I cranked it up to 9-10mph. Just glad to get anything at all done.

    Thursday 6th


    Friday 7th

    ....Although there are benefits. We were travelling from Sligo down to the Castlebar area, so I drove down the coast as far as Mulranny and the hotel there overlooking Clew bay, changed into my running gear and set off along the Greenway towards Westport. By my calculations it's about 18 miles, somewhat longer than the planned 16, but I figured that I might get the OH to pick me up somewhere along the way. That was a mistaken assumption, as she isn't a massive shopper, and eventually decided to settle down in a hotel in Westport, have a few pints, and leave the driving to me. I have to admit, it's exactly what I would have done. In the end I covered 19 miles, and was a sweaty mess by the time I found the hotel. It was a long-held wish to run the Greenway, though. And someday I will run the whole thing, Krusty, promise.

    19.01 @8.20

    Saturday 8th


    Sunday 9th

    Back home. Easy local run.

    7 @8.52

    Week's mileage 40

    I did well to get 40 miles in this week. Next week I've a gig to go to, plus a wedding. So I'll have to plan carefully and be disciplined, to get a full week in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 10th

    Easy run. Ran from the house to meet club colleagues for regular run, got 9 in total. Had to run a 7.30 mile to catch up with them, which explains the high max HR.

    9 @8.22

    HR 133/156

    Tuesday 11th

    Unable yet again to make club race, so ran in afternoon. Should have done a tempo, but I've been hitting the grape juice too much since coming back from holiday. Couldn't countenance a tempo, just ran 8 easy, and it was awful.

    8.01 @8.59

    HR 119/139

    Wednesday 12th

    Got out today with the firm intention of running that tempo, but after 2 miles of warm up, I found myself doing another one, and then vacillated for some minutes before eventually setting off. Since some personal upheaval in the last few weeks took the wind out of the sails I've been a bit rudderless, to continue the nautical metaphor. I doubted that I was able to last a full five mile tempo, and sure enough was forced to take a break after two miles. Did a further two, then took another rest. Attempted the last mile, but gave up after only a minute or so. Got 10 in in the end, which was good, and at least I've done a session of sorts.

    2x2 mile tempo, wu/cd.

    3 @8.30ish

    2x2 (6.32, 7.09, 6.50, 6.32)

    HR 133/165

    2 @slow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 13th

    Up in north today, then at a gig. No running.

    Friday 14th

    A wedding today, so up and out early for some easy miles. Head not too bad after last night's drinks.

    10.01 @8.35

    Saturday 15th

    A real challenge this. Just over 10k into the RHK to retrieve the motor, with an epic hangover to be reckoned with. The first few miles were tough, I'll admit, but got into it eventually.

    6.52 @8.23

    Sunday 16th

    Long run. Out again the previous evening for many drinks, yet more wedding celebration. Didn't feel quite as bad as yesterday, thankfully. It is bloody warm out there, though. I have consumed 1.5 bottles of sports drinks, eaten three satsumas and had a glass of orange juice since I finished, and I had a bottle with me as well, which I finished by halfway and refilled at a petrol station in Donnybrook. Got it done, and passed 60 miles for the week. Not a bad effort considering.

    18.01 @8.28

    Week's mileage 62

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    The Pixies?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    tang1 wrote: »
    The Pixies?

    Yes indeed. Fantastic gig. Black Francis spoke nary a word to the audience all night. Just one bangin' tune after another.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 17th

    Recovery run. Amazing the difference it makes when your long run was at noon on Sunday, rather than 8am on Saturday, or even early Sunday, for that matter. Add in the stifling, cloying heat, and it made for a torrid experience. It got done, though.

    7 @8.39

    Tuesday 18th

    This year's marathon plan features the MLR, for the first time. Previously my main sessions have basically been a tempo, a track session, and a long run. Although most of my peers are doing Dublin, while ich bin ein Berliner, I'm doing what they're doing, structurally-speaking. So it'll be a tempo, an MLR, and a long run, for the next few weeks anyway. There will probably be some other, more speed-focussed sessions later on. I was on call for work, but figured I was in the clear when the phone hadn't run by 5.30pm. I was sitting in the club dressing room in my jocks when the phone did ring. "Go to Greystones". Anyone do any runs out around the Charlesland leisure centre? There's loads of illegal dumping going on right beside it. Disgusting to see. Anyway, didn't get out until 9pm, and although the sun had gone in, and it was definitely cooler, it was still and muggy and not easy to run in. Hadn't a route in mind, and when I did a lap of the little section of park between the Old Bawn road at Aherne's pub, and the 'new' bridge over the Dodder, it was just a precursor to the actual route. That's when I had the idea: to just continue running circuits of the park, as long as I felt like it.

    I always had a notion that running lots of laps was inherently boring. On the track, it's deadly dull. Three or four laps of Tymon park, as we used to do on our long runs when unwilling to face the wind on the climb from the Basketball arena up through Tallaght and Old Bawn to the Old Mill, and you were nearly changing your mind, just for some variety in the scenery. This little loop was just over a mile, though, and as I lapped it and lapped it, I began to see the benefits. A small circuit, where you can see all parts of it at once, rather than a biggish park like Tymon, and especially one slightly longer than a mile like this one, really worked for me psychologically. My mile point kept coming up earlier and earlier on the loop, and I could leave my drink bottle at a certain point, so I didn't have to hang on to it all the time. I found the same phenomenon applied in Marlay, where the roughly 800m lap seemed less daunting than 2 laps of the tartan somehow. Again, you can see your starting/finishing point, and the whole loop from all points on the course. Monitored the HR for parts of it, and was pleased to be able to keep it within quite a narrow range.

    12 @8.34

    HR 133/143.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 20th

    Short very easy recovery run.

    4 @8.44

    Thursday 21st

    I've just noticed my dates are a day out for the last couple of weeks. what a clown.

    8 miles with 6 @MP. It's what the DCM crowd were doing, but I've done no MP stuff, so it seemed to make sense for me too. Trouble was they're on 7.30 pace, so I was going to be running this solo, after the warm-up. Times were a bit erratic, but no more then they might be in a real marathon. Felt quite comfortable: normally this would be a tempo, and about 25-30 secs quicker per mile, and it was reassuring to be able to tell myself: this is marathon pace, and to be able to handle it fairly well.

    1m wu

    6 @MP (7.15 p/m) (6.59, 7.02, 7.22, 7.15, 7.17, 7.31)

    1m cd

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    davedanon wrote:
    6 @MP (7.15 p/m) (6.59, 7.02, 7.22, 7.15, 7.17, 7.31)

    Very positive session.

    I wouldn't be too concerned with the variability of splits if it's over a rolling route or fighting wind. You can't (or shouldn't!) run even splits in Dublin given the course nature so learning your effort level now, while keeping it nice and even, is definitely the way to go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Cheers, and yes, you're right, even if I'm actually doing Berlin, and not Dublin (well, I am, but it's a pacing gig).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 22nd

    1200m track race. The 7th and final race in the club summer series, and only the 2nd I've been available for this year. There's a 400/800/1200/1600 race, so teams of at least four are selected on the night (sometimes more, depending on numbers, in which case there might be more than one entrant per team). Teams are selected on a sort of handicap basis, so that results should balance out, and good performances rewarded. Anyway, what it boils down to is it's fairly easy to decide who should run which distance. These days, I always get the 1200, and while I've yet to break 4.00, I usually get close enough. Not so tonight. I stayed with my usual rivals for a lap and a half, but the extra racing they've had really showed, and I finished on my own a good ten seconds off my usual pace. Then we went upstairs and drank all night, which was the real point of the exercise.

    3m wu/cd

    1200m @5.52 (4.16)

    HR 151/171

    Saturday 23rd

    Rest. You better believe it.

    Sunday 24th

    The plan was for 20m at 8am, but unfortunately Stranger Things on Netflix put paid to that. After 6 episodes I went to bed at 5.30am, and didn't make it out for a run until nearly 8pm. Had no route in mind, especially given that all our usual routes work well because traffic is light at 8am on the weekend. So I did one of my impromptu suburban explorer jobs. Felt quicker than it really was, but no matter. Fell short of 60 miles this week, because I missed a day.

    20 @8.45

    HR 127/149

    Week's mileage 55

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 25th

    Was going to take this as a rest day, I was that tired after Sunday, but after a walk with the dog that loosened me out a bit, I told myself I'd do 2 miles, no more. Loosened out a bit more en route, and got 4 in in the end. Very slow, but no matter.

    4.02 @9.12

    HR 114/126

    Tuesday 26th

    12m MLR. Arranged to meet some clubmates a little earlier than usual for this. As soon as the slow initial mile was out of the way, the pace kept picking up relentlessly, so after a few miles I just dropped off and let them go. Training is hard enough without all that malarkey. As it was my average pace was only MP+65secs.

    12 @8.20

    HR 134/144

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 27th

    Went out for an easy run, not really sure how far, or to where, I was going to go. Came out of the estate, and there were two of my clubmates steaming up the road towards me. Stayed with them for a mile or two, but they were finishing their run, so ended up in Tymon via Glenview. Ran a bit on grass to spare the joints, and a couple of miles later I ran into El Capitan himself, who complained about his calves and bemoaned the fact that he might only be able to run 2.45 in Berlin. Still, it made the miles fly by.

    9.01 @8.59

    HR 124/144

    Thursday 28th

    4x2m@MP, w 3min rec. The DCM crew were running at HM pace, so I just picked the appropriate group and went with them. 7:15 pace was the goal, and that was the result, despite a bit of variation due to course undulations. An 11-plus mile session to boot.

    1.5 wu

    4x2m (7.13, 6.57, 7.10, 7.13, 7.01, 7.25, 7.11, 7.26)

    Av 7.12

    HR 135/156

    1.3 cd

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 29th


    Saturday 30th

    18 miles, 4@ MP. Four of of us set off, but one was only doing 90 mins, and then I needed to visit the loo, so the second half was run solo. Thankfully the route - up the bypass/Lucan road toward Citywest with a turn-around at about 13 miles, meant that my MP miles were run slightly downhill overall, and with a wind at my back. The way it worked out, the MP section was miles 13-17, and that had me back at the club, so I had some water, before wearily heading out for a laboured last mile. Very happy overall though.

    18.04 @8.15

    MP miles 7:23, 7:05, 7:15, 7:09

    HR 135/158

    Sunday 31st

    Only needed 5.6 miles to hit the 60 mark for the week, but managed a bit more. Nice and slow out of necessity.

    8.11 @9.10

    HR 115/129

    Week's mileage 63

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 1st August

    No prospect of getting up early on this bank holiday. Waited around all day for the hangover to subside, then ended up dozing on the bed in the early evening. Really, really, REALLY didn't want to run a step, but eventually forced myself out the door, and after a mile I just wanted to stop, turn back, and walk home. I didn't see the point of the run, didn't care about the miles, didn't care about Berlin, didn't care about anything. But I kept going, and when I reached Tymon park, I told myself I wouldn't run anywhere I had run before: a tall order considering I've been running in Tymon since 2009. I went down a few dead-ends, scratched myself a bit, and got stung by nettles, but in the end I struggled home with 8 miles under the belt.


    HR 110/127

    Tuesday 2nd

    12 mile progression, with 5m Easy, 4m Steady and 3m @ MP. Another very warm and muggy night, and after the first 5 was run in company, after I was on my own. Apart from a mental clubmate who can't resist a challenge, and caught up and then passed me after 8 miles. Managed ok, but the last 3 @MP were tough. Didn't quite hit the required pace.

    12 @7.56

    5 Easy: Av 8.26
    4 Steady: 7.23, 7.40, 7.38, 8.02 (Target pace 7.40/45)
    3 MP: 7.14, 7.26, 7.18 (Target pace 7.15)

    HR 139/167

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 3rd

    Easy run. Ran from house and met up with club crew for the regular run on grass of a Wednesday. Just wanted to make it easier to get a longer run in.

    9.01 @9.18

    HR 117/135

    Thursday 4th

    No session tonight, with the half on Sunday. Easy run, but keeping the mileage up. Finished off with 8x100m strides on the track. 24/25 seconds per 100.

    10.05 @8.27

    HR 127/154

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck tomorrow Chief, run well.
