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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Off again due to an ear infection :rolleyes: still on anti bio drops. Short session today, wanted to see what the story was.

    Bench 4x10 1x7, 25kg
    rdl 3x10, 30kg
    back bar squat 3x8, empty bar

    tried doing xtrainer after, had nothing left, pretty fcuked
    back to business on Mon hopefully


  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Deadlift

    35 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    50 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps (PR)

    Machine Shoulder (Military) Press

    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps

    Bent Over Barbell Row

    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    30 kg x 8 reps (PR)

    60 was sloppy. Mostly did it to stop myself giving up and going home
    Didn't do leg raises or planks today, will do them tonight.
    Exhausted and everything was hard :p

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You get days like that. Still, you got it done!

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps

    Dumbbell Stationary Lunge

    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps
    8 kg x 12 reps (PR)


    5 reps
    5 reps
    5 reps



    Body Weight Squat

    10 reps
    10 reps
    10 reps

    Elliptical Trainer

    00:22:30 | Moderate, 3.5 km

    I'm on strike from goblet squats sry

    Trying to walk downstairs 2 flights to changing room after all that was hilarious. Legs kept going from under me :pac:
    I missed cardio :)

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Elliptical Trainer

    00:43:00 | Moderate, 7km

    Legs still collapsing. Great fun :D

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Deadlift
    30 kg x 5 reps
    57.5 kg x 5 reps
    57.5 kg x 5 reps
    57.5 kg x 5 reps
    50 kg x 5 reps
    50 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 2 reps

    Machine Shoulder (Military) Press
    22.5 kg x 7 reps
    22.5 kg x 7 reps
    22.5 kg x 7 reps
    22.5 kg x 7 reps
    22.5 kg x 7 reps

    Elliptical Trainer
    00:10:00 | Moderate

    Not sleeping well in heat = give up!
    wussed out of the rest of it
    I got to use chalk today though which was great help can focus on the legs again now

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps

    Barbell Bench Press

    30 kg x 6 reps
    30 kg x 6 reps
    30 kg x 6 reps (PR)
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps

    Dumbbell Stationary Lunge, each side

    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps

    Body Weight Squat, 3s / 3s

    8 reps
    8 reps
    8 reps



    Running (treadmill)

    00:10:00 | 1.5 km

    Yea take that you stupid bench
    The running at the end was a bit ambitious. Proper go at it tomorrow

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Slow jog 37 mins, 4.5km
    4x 1min sprints at 11kph

    Back to running today after um... a month? jaysus
    Lost some fitness for sure but also some of it is in my head I would say. Should be grand to build it back up. Aim for 90 mins again by weekend after this one

    Today's run was brought to you by masterchef & philip glass ...
    also the prodigy

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    I slept in this morning and no hope of getting near the rack after work, so no DLs today. Not much of anything today. Don't like the place that much when it's that busy. Still, I didn't skip it entirely which is always a win

    Romanian Deadlift

    30 kg x 10 reps
    30 kg x 10 reps
    30 kg x 10 reps
    30 kg x 10 reps

    How is this not a PR. Did I actually do this before. jesus. Time to move up again so

    Machine Shoulder (Military) Press
    25 kg x 6 reps (PR)
    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps
    22.5 kg x 8 reps

    Running (Intervals/Sprints)
    00:01:30 | 275 m | run
    00:02:00 | 150 m | walk
    00:01:30 | 275 m | run
    00:02:00 | 150 m | walk
    00:01:30 | 275 m | run
    00:02:00 | 150 m | walk
    00:01:30 | 275 m | run
    00:02:00 | 150 m | walk
    00:01:30 | 300 m | run
    00:02:00 | 150 m | walk
    00:01:30 | 300 m | run

    I decided following c25k again would be good structure for sprint/speed work so I picked week 2. Then I got a bit excited and did an extra interval
    11 kph is too slow for sprints, the 12 kph ones at the end were more like it.
    I'll try it again as w2d2 next time on 12 & 13 kph ones and see how I get on

    Completely guessing on the walking distance log, but the whole thing in the end was 3.5 km

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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    quick lunchtime go

    50 kg x 3 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps (PR)
    50 kg x 5 reps

    catching up since I couldn't do them last time. They were hard today
    edit: I dont know why I logged that as RDL durrr. They're normal DLs

    Running (Intervals/Sprints)
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint
    00:01:20 | 278 m | sprint

    cba logging the walking bits, so I'll just say i did the 2 min walks in between these
    12.5 kph sprints. also hard today!
    hopefully the squat session and or a long run on sunday

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    "hey hanley I'm dying of a cold and haven't done anything in a week"
    "great let's see how heavy you can lift"


    37.5kg squat, 37.5 kg bench, and.... body weight deadlift!! 81kg! I'm so happy!

    pew pew PEW

    It's great to see all the mobility work and everything has been paying off, my squats apparently are much better.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Bench Press

    20 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 8 reps
    27.5 kg x 8 reps
    27.5 kg x 8 reps

    Finally took the time to mess with the actual bench with the height and stuff. bar height is fine, bench I still don't like being elevated slightly on the side of the bench away from the bar but gettin used to it

    Barbell Squat

    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps

    One-Arm Dumbbell Row

    6 kg x 6 reps
    6 kg x 6 reps
    6 kg x 6 reps (PR)

    "Triple rows"? No idea how to log them on the site
    I should probably be saying reps x3 but whatever sure

    Lat Pulldown

    37.5 kg x 8 reps
    37.5 kg x 8 reps
    37.5 kg x 8 reps

    Elliptical Trainer

    00:15:00 | Moderate

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Just call them "the rows I stole off Kieran, who probably stole them off someone else"

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Deadlift

    40 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps
    57.5 kg x 5 reps
    57.5 kg x 5 reps

    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    10 kg x 8 reps (PR)
    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps

    and today I learned how different free weight is to machine press ... 22.5 kg on machine press grand, 20 kg on dumbbell weight NOPE

    Dumbbell Stationary Lunge

    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps

    Running (Intervals/Sprints)

    4x 45 second sprint at 12 kph, 1.5 incline
    3x 45 second sprint at 13 kph, 2.5 incline
    final sprint 45s at 14 kph, 2.5 incline

    Very tired today and everything was heavy

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Didn't we use 5kg in the gym?

    Program's coming today.

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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Did we? :D
    I was just going off whatever would be closest to what I was doing on the machine. Didn't realise it would be THAT different.
    5 kg ones would be better next time to get it properly

    grand stuff I will start it tomorrow/ thurs :cool:

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    day one of Operation "Hanley is trying to kill me"

    Barbell Squat

    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps
    25 kg x 8 reps

    Group A

    Barbell Squat
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps (PR)
    triple rows, 6 reps 3

    Group B

    Body Weight Split Squat
    12 reps (PR)
    10 reps
    10 reps
    10 reps
    6 reps
    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps

    split squats are the devil's work :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24,710 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bluewolf wrote: »
    split squats are the devil's work :pac:

    Yes...yes they are.


  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Bench Press
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps
    20 kg x 8 reps

    Group A
    Barbell Bench Press
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    Reverse Flyes
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps (PR)

    Group B
    Dumbbell Rear Lunge
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps (PR)

    Bent Over Barbell Row
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps

    00:00:40 (PR)

    Group C
    Running (Intervals/Sprints)
    00:00:45 | 162.5 m | sprint
    00:00:45 | 162.5 m | sprint
    00:00:45 | 162.5 m | sprint
    00:00:45 | 162.5 m | sprint
    incline 3

    Running (Intervals/Sprints)
    00:00:30 | 116.7 m | sprint
    00:00:30 | 116.7 m | sprint
    00:00:30 | 116.7 m | sprint
    00:00:30 | 116.7 m | sprint
    incline 3.5

    that was 4 sprints at 13 kph and 4 sprints at 14 kph

    I did originally want to just increase fast time on the flat but I think I'll leave endurance for the long slow ones and keep increasing the incline on the hills and *then* time

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Working on regaining cardio fitness again still have lost a lot
    Half hour slow jog incline 1, few hill sprints then at 12kph incline 7
    I guess that
    escalated quickly!!


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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    65 kg x 8 reps
    65 kg x 7 reps
    65 kg x 7 reps
    65 kg x 7 reps
    65 kg x 6 reps
    65 kg x 5 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    50 kg x 5 reps <- supposed to be doing 5x5 mid shin but all form gone out the window by then so gave up

    I'll do the leg lowers tonight there was no way I was doing anything else then. jumping from 60 to 65 was very hard

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Would you not go to 62.5 first?

    [/quote]I'll do the leg lowers tonight there was no way I was doing anything else then. jumping from 60 to 65 was very hard[/quote]

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    yeah it's a weird jump, was just doing what I was told!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Sorry, forgot you were following a program :)
    bluewolf wrote: »
    yeah it's a weird jump, was just doing what I was told!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Is it your grip thats giving out when you are deadlifting? are you using chalk?

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Is it your grip thats giving out when you are deadlifting? are you using chalk?

    No, grip is fine, just found the weight itself tough and wasn't used to doing 8 reps or trying to. Mixed grip and chalk :)
    I'll do it again hopefully this week when I cycle around to DL day again and should nail it next time

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    You're just not used to pulling 8s. You won't be doing it for long anyway.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    ya, be grand :cool:

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Hey, so, funny story... I can't add...
    Hanley you may have to send pics of plates to me after all :D:D

    Was supposed to do 27.5, was wondering why I was so weak and barely able to even get up from some of them - "this is because i didnt have dinner last night isnt it ;( " - then discovered I'd actually done 32.5...

    Barbell Squat
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 5 reps

    Group A
    Barbell Squat
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    triple rows

    Group B
    Body Weight Split Squat
    12 reps
    12 reps
    10 reps
    10 reps

    Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    seated not standing I don't know where the seated one is gone

    probably shouldn't be let out on my own

    also the split squats were surprisingly easier today

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Bench Press

    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps
    22.5 kg x 6 reps

    Group A

    Barbell Bench Press
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    Reverse Flyes
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps

    Group B

    Dumbbell Rear Lunge
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps

    Bent Over Barbell Row
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    00:00:45 (PR)

    Hill Training


    ^incline 7, 12 kph

    today was easy enough
    Also I lost another kilo, isn't that nice.

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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps
    32.5 kg x 2 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    67.5 kg x 6 reps
    67.5 kg x 6 reps
    67.5 kg x 6 reps
    67.5 kg x 6 reps
    67.5 kg x 6 reps

    Barbell Deadlift, mid shin

    55 kg x 5 reps

    Supposed to do 5x5 mid shin, couldn't. Can't do anything after DLs these days except maybe curl up and cry :pac:
    Forgot to do a warm up set also

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    30 kg x 5 reps
    30 kg x 4 reps
    30 kg x 4 reps
    30 kg x 4 reps
    30 kg x 5 reps

    Group A

    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps

    Barbell Squat
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    Group B

    Romanian Deadlift
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps (PR)

    Body Weight Split Squat
    12 reps
    12 reps
    12 reps
    Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    seated not standing

    Hill Training: incline 7, speed 12.5 kph

    Squats supposed to be 4 but wanted to push them a bit where I could.

    The RDLs were to make up for the mid shin pulls I didn't do and to help DLs.

    Got winded after 3 hill sprints :confused: I am definitely going to have to do a normal 30-40 min jog this week. Think next 3 days will be bench/jog/DL

    Good stuff!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Stop running. It's a lot of ****e.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    I love running :) I miss doing the long slow ones
    I just haven't done much lately

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Great session, how long did it take?

    Between warmups, workout, stretching, and cardio my sessions are all breaking the 90 minute mark now.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    I do mobility and rolling stuff the night before :o
    So i just go in and start attacking it. today took about an hour including the sprints.
    I think the benching day one is closer to 40/45 mins for the weights bit cos it's easier

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    pew pew pew

    Barbell Bench Press

    27.5 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 5 reps
    27.5 kg x 5 reps

    Group A

    Barbell Bench Press
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    Reverse Flyes
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps

    Group B

    Dumbbell Rear Lunge
    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps
    7 kg x 12 reps (PR)

    Bent Over Barbell Row
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps

    00:00:50 (PR)

    Elliptical Trainer
    00:36:00 - 6.4 km

    I was having great craic on the crosstrainer today didn't want to stop :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Statements you'll probably never see again in your lifetime:
    bluewolf wrote: »

    Elliptical Trainer
    00:36:00 - 6.4 km

    I was having great craic on the crosstrainer today didn't want to stop :p

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    It happens with jogging sometimes too :eek::D

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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    5.8 km slow jog, 200 m sprint at 13 kph, and that was the BEST bit ^^
    total time 50 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak



  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat

    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 4 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    45 kg x 5 reps

    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 5 reps

    So much easier today :D:D Totally kicked ass.
    Did an extra rep at the end just to show those DLs who's boss!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Good start to your weekend :)

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Barbell Squat

    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 4 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    45 kg x 5 reps

    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 5 reps

    So much easier today :D:D Totally kicked ass.
    Did an extra rep at the end just to show those DLs who's boss!!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Barbell Squat

    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 3 reps
    32.5 kg x 4 reps

    Barbell Deadlift

    45 kg x 5 reps

    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 4 reps
    70 kg x 5 reps

    So much easier today :D:D Totally kicked ass.
    Did an extra rep at the end just to show those DLs who's boss!!!

    FML. I've created a monster.

    Serious work.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Barbell Squat
    32.5 kg x 4 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps
    32.5 kg x 5 reps

    supposed to do 5x4 but boring ...

    Group A
    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
    6 kg x 18 reps
    6 kg x 18 reps
    8 kg x 18 reps
    8 kg x 18 reps
    8 kg x 18 reps (PR)

    Barbell Squat
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps

    Group B
    Romanian Deadlift
    55 kg x 5 reps
    55 kg x 5 reps
    60 kg x 5 reps (PR)

    Body Weight Split Squat
    12 reps
    12 reps
    12 reps

    Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    6 kg x 10 reps
    seated not standing (and I cba changing the saved routine settings)

    Hill Training

    3x incline 10 speed 12 kph
    1x incline 7 speed 12 kph

    incline 10 is a bitch....

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  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Had a tummy bug last week. Lost ~2 kg, down to ~78 kg now. Either no food or simple carbs most of the week. Today went better than expected. Pretty wiped out now. Plan DLs tomorrow but no point overdoing it either, see how I feel

    Barbell Bench Press

    32.5 kg x 4 reps
    32.5 kg x 4 reps
    32.5 kg x 4 reps
    30 kg x 4 reps
    30 kg x 4 reps

    Group A

    Barbell Bench Press
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps
    Reverse Flyes
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps
    2.5 kg x 10 reps

    Group B

    Dumbbell Rear Lunge
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps
    5 kg x 12 reps

    Bent Over Barbell Row
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps
    20 kg x 12 reps


    Elliptical Trainer
    00:25:00 | 4 km

    ^more fun on the xtrainer listening ot the guardians of the galaxy soundtrack :p

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    today went much better than expected :D duno was it stuffing my face with chicken and steak dinner or the disgusting energy drink this morning :pac:

    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    8 kg x 5 reps
    8 kg x 5 reps
    8 kg x 5 reps

    Dumbbell Split Squat

    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps (PR)

    ^ was waiting for another girl to finish using the rack and didn't want to be staring her out of it ...

    Barbell Squat

    35 kg x 2 reps
    (realised I'd probs done enough squatting already and left it at that)

    Barbell Deadlift

    60 kg x 2 reps
    (forgot to warm up til the 20s were on it so just did those)

    72.5 kg x 3 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 5 reps

    80 kg x 1 reps

    Elliptical Trainer

    00:16:00 | 2.6 km

    did the 80 because I could and because it's now heavier than me so now I can lift things that are heavier than me hehehehehehe :D
    could easily have done more reps of it too, wasn't quite as heavy as I was expecting but decided I better stop being crazy and left it at 1


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Embrace the crazy, that's where my last rep comes from every time :)

    bluewolf wrote: »
    today went much better than expected :D duno was it stuffing my face with chicken and steak dinner or the disgusting energy drink this morning :pac:

    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    8 kg x 5 reps
    8 kg x 5 reps
    8 kg x 5 reps

    Dumbbell Split Squat

    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps
    8 kg x 8 reps (PR)

    ^ was waiting for another girl to finish using the rack and didn't want to be staring her out of it ...

    Barbell Squat

    35 kg x 2 reps
    (realised I'd probs done enough squatting already and left it at that)

    Barbell Deadlift

    60 kg x 2 reps
    (forgot to warm up til the 20s were on it so just did those)

    72.5 kg x 3 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 4 reps
    72.5 kg x 5 reps

    80 kg x 1 reps

    Elliptical Trainer

    00:16:00 | 2.6 km

    did the 80 because I could and because it's now heavier than me so now I can lift things that are heavier than me hehehehehehe :D
    could easily have done more reps of it too, wasn't quite as heavy as I was expecting but decided I better stop being crazy and left it at 1


  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Alison Scrawny Yearbook

    Today's workout is entitled "I was really tired and not in the mood cos I was up late last night studying so I pissed around a bit and then left it"

    Catchy title?!

    Also someone stole the safety bars off the rack and hid them somewhere. Couldn't find them. Why would you do that!!

    Barbell Squat
    35 kg x 4 reps
    35 kg x 4 reps
    35 kg x 4 reps
    35 kg x 3 reps
    35 kg x 3 reps

    (supposed to be 5x3. 4 was fine til I started the forward tilt thing again. Cut back to 3 and corrected)

    Group A
    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
    8 kg x 18 reps
    8 kg x 18 reps

    Barbell Squat
    20 kg x 5 reps
    20 kg x 5 reps


    Group B
    Dumbbell Split Squat
    8 kg x 10 reps (PR)
    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    8 kg x 10 reps

    Sprints, incline 4.5, speed 13

    Sprint, flat, speed 13

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24,710 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Today's workout is entitled "I was really tired and not in the mood cos I was up late last night studying so I pissed around a bit and then left it"

    Catchy title?!

    Try again but this time....100 words or less.

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