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March 2014 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Kids are on a roll this morning. 4 dirty nappies between them already. Nothing wrong with their bowels anyway. My hands like sand paper from all the washing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    Back home and life is getting back to normal, thank god. LO was the best baby ever. Not a bother on him in the plane, a lot of people were so surprised when they saw that there was a baby on the plane. He had a bottle at the start the first time and slept through it the rest, on the way back he slept through the start together with his daddy, it looked soooooo cute, was the same face :-) and later he woke up and started laughing at the guy beside us and looking out of the window. Even if it was sad to go over for the funeral but at least his Grandparents could met the little guy and he helped his granny a lot to deal with the loss of her husband. She was so happy to have him. Wasnt so easy for me I have to say. I have no problems somebody holding him but everything was in question. Why is he crying? Why is he windy?and so on. I know she only meant good but I have nobody around normally so not used to this at all. Well got used to it after 2 days :-) We left him home with her, was the first time OH and me did something without LO. Felt weird. Most of the time we brought him with us and he was brilliant, mostly we didnt even notice he was there.
    The funny thing though was that granny always thought he needs more clothes on him. The poor child was sweating just like mummy. The houses over there are much more insulated and they had still the heating on. Poor LO had one time all his neck sweaty and even a wet face, as well just like mummy ;-) so he only wore his body and granny nearly got a heart attack, the poor child is getting cold. That will be fun when she is coming over on the end of the month :-) She is a lovely person and I really like her but the thought to have her for a week in my house gets me the urge to run. Well I guess the dog will get a lot of walks and a lot of people will see more of me then before :-D
    Yesterday I got my results back for my diabetes. The consultant looked a bit disappointed though that I have nothing left. Well he told me then that I will get diabetes later in life and if I decide to have a second child I should inform them straight away. Well, never "decided" to have the LO so good luck for that :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Siipina glad the flights went well. My MIL always thinks the kids are cold. We were going for a walk this morning and i put cardigan on toddler and popped her in buggy and she asked was i not puttin a coat on her. Ah come on . The heat out there. She would prob die if she seen her now with cardigan off.

    Pwurple ya jinxed me. Think got my bloody period. So much earlier this time than with toddler. Mind you no cramps or anything just some blood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Ok weird . I only had that bit of blood yesterday morning and notging since. The bleeding after the birth stopped weeks ago so i assumed it was ny period. Dont know now what it was . Maybe because i went for fairly long walk.

    Woke at 5.10. L still asleep. Got a bit worried and had to go check on him and i woke him. Silly me. But had his bottle and back in cot now. Dont think theres much point in me going back asleep as toddler be up in just over an hour.

    Going to try few carriers today. Hopping i find something he likes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Siipiina i think all grandmothers are crazy about clothes! My mum and MIL are both always asking if i have a cardigan or coat for her.

    Period came alright, hit with a bang last night. I'm maxed out on neurofen plus and paracetemol, never had such a painful one in my life, feels like contractions rather than cramps. I've even broken out the maternity pads it's so heavy. Hope it's just this first one, and not a sign of periods to come.

    Looks like a lovely day!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    My first after A was like that. Never had a period like it. Thought i was dying . But calmed after that.

    So tried on a few slings. The boba 4g what i hadin mind was so uncomfortable and L seemed to hate it. Hated the ergo too was did i. Think i am too small fir either. Settled on the beco soleil and he fell asleep in it in about 2 mins.

    So when we got home decided to go for a walk through the forset. Havent been able to go on walks like that in so long due to the spd. Was lovely. He again fell asleep so quick in it but i tried to adjust hin as he seemed awkward and woke him and he was so unhappy. Dribbling all ovet me. Down my top and all. Had himself soaked in dribble too. Poor divil. But can deff see the teeth in the gums. And poor toddler has awful nappies from her teething (back teeth). She was walking like john wayne as she pooed when out walking and had left nappy bag in the car. OH picked her up to carry her but couldnt put her in mei tai as she was too sore so had her kind of propped on his shoulder.

    Hoping they both sleep ok. Thankfully both settled ok and were asleep by 7.45.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    It can take awhile to find a sling to suit! I cannot wait until S is big enough for my huckepack: only another 6ish months to go if she's anything like her sister!

    Went to Fota yesterday I was tormented for the first little while: S was really agitated and refusing to feed while screaming non stop. Then she stopped and the toddler decided firstly that the only thing that she wanted to do was to get into the lake after the ducks! Then she had a meltdown when we sat down for coffee and screamed some more which sat S off: still enjoyed it though!

    Also am officially dreading the ESB bill. I did 16 loads of washing this week. The reflux is so getting worse and it's not just her clothes: she pukes on everyone who sits anywhere near her!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Jeez cyning sounds stressful. And all that washing. I thought 1 a day was bad enough. Sometimes 2.

    Had my physio today. Pelvis was all out again. Thought i was going to die when she was sorting me. As she said though she had to be gentler when i was pregnant.
    I was hoping ti start aqua aerobics tonight but she said i shouldnt. Swimming ok but no aerobics for at least another 5 weeks.

    OH managed to get 2 kids sorted for bed on his own tonight. Since i wasnt able to go aerobics decided to go for a long walk. I was surprised he done so wel. Both in bed by 7.30 and sound asleep by 8.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Both in bed by 8pm suucee! Sounds glorious! L went to bed at 10.30 and she slept till 5am which I can't really complain with. It would b so nice to have our evenings back to ourselves tho. She doesn't usually go to sleep before 10. From about 7 or 8pm onwards she seems to feed constantly and fuss and winge on the breast. abd have loadsa wind but this is only in the eve. asked my friend who said she could have a little bit of colic or windy pain in the eve. Might try her with some gripe water tomorrow.

    She was weighed this eve. 5.02kg / 11.1lb. So she's put on 3lb 9oz. She was 7lb8oz born. How's that for 7weeks? Have any of ye had your LOs weighed lately?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Gosh she's growing like a weed! My baby was weighed last week, she was 5.4kg at 9 weeks. Still not stretched to 4 hours between feeds yet, but the reflux is easing right off, so hopefully soon!

    Sligo, sounds like that baby is cluster feeding for you at night, and then having a nice long sleep! I wouldn't be in a rush to change that at all. :)

    I can't get her to cluster feed, so it's a feed at 10pm, 2am, 5am and 8am. My latest plan is to give her the tiniest amount I can settle her with at 2am, hoping she will just forget about that feed. Didn't work out too well last night, she woke at 4 looking for grub after the half bottle at 2.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Yep she's definitely cluster feeding pwurple. She seems to have done that since she was born. It doesn't really bother me coz she's a grand wee sleeper. She just seems to be in pain and unsettled tho.

    Getting passports sorted today and gonna try get to London fir long weekend! Would b so lovely to get away :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    My little guy was 13 lbs at his 6 week check up ! He feels heavier now at 9 weeks ! Started to put him to bed between 7.30 - 8.00 and he seems to sleep better !!!! He has his own daytime routine but if 1 more person tells me I need to stop feeding when he cries for a bottle and get a " better " day routine I will scream !!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Maybe it worked afterall! She just slept from 10pm to 5:30, Wahoo! And, she went straight back to sleep and is still snoozing. Awesome or what. I know i can't expect it twice in a row, but we're getting there.

    Of course i couldn't get back to sleep, but who cares, i can live with those hours. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    That's great pwurple. I still seriously think our 2 are on the same sleep time line!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh great there all finally settling . Luke getting there too. Bed last night at 7.15. Dream feed at 11.45 and then woke at 5 back asleep by 5.15 untill toddler woke him at 7.30.. He gets shocking cranky when he gets over tired but i still cant seem to notice when he is getting tired. Could be smiling away then start roaring.

    LH luke can be bit all over the place with bottles during the day too. But sure hey he drinks that quick and sleeps well at night i wont complain.

    I just became a gran aunt. (Sounds old). . Duno why but im as excited. Lil boy too so L will have someone to grow up with. Cant wait to meet him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh im wrecked. L sleeps from 7, or 7.30 ish until oh does dream feed at 11.30 or 12 them he sleeps until bout 5 ish. Yes thats great but as its bright i cant get back asleep. And its really catching up on me. Gona try tonight to not do dream feed and see what time he wakes himself. Thinking if he sleeps until 1 ish he might sleep until 6 then OH will get up with him.

    Will try tonight and see.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Suucee wrote: »
    Oh im wrecked. L sleeps from 7, or 7.30 ish until oh does dream feed at 11.30 or 12 them he sleeps until bout 5 ish. Yes thats great but as its bright i cant get back asleep. And its really catching up on me. Gona try tonight to not do dream feed and see what time he wakes himself. Thinking if he sleeps until 1 ish he might sleep until 6 then OH will get up with him.

    Will try tonight and see.

    Suucee I wish Lilly slept as good as luke!! 7.30 till 11.30 is great? Ur so lucky to have ur evenings! Lilly has fed off me usually from around 7 or 8pm till 10-10.30pm since she was born.

    She still won't take a bottle for me. My best mate is heading out tomorrow night and I was hoping to get out properly for the first time since Lilly was born... I can't see that happening now.... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    Suucee can we swap for a few nights? He has me up every 2 hours, im wrecked, like living in Guantanamo Bay...

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    Oh Sligo, I feel so sorry for you. Did you try the tommee tippee ones? they are formed like a bub so its easier for them.
    Ah you are all so lucky to have such a routine. LO is all over the place, before his last grow spurt he had one and now its all gone, totally. Every night differed times and even the days are mad. One day he sleeps until ten and its hard to wake him and he is awake all day, sleeps maybe ten min from time to time. My idea of routine doesent count at all and then he sleeps good at night wakes up at 6 and is first full awake and then sleeps nearly the rest of the day. But hey at night ..... party as he slept all day. And I try to wake him or go somewhere, nope he is sleeping. Oh and then days like today. Slept from 10.30pm until 12 ( dont ask me why, thats a new one) then until 4.15 am ( thats brilliant) but thats it. Was grunting and growling and what so ever, no bottle no soother, nothing. None of us got any more sleep, not even the poor dog. Well I got up and after his exercise on his blanket , he is either a sleep or screaming or both. When he is awake he wants to look at things and go there and gets then horrible frustrated that he cant do it. So back to screaming. Doesnt take bottles well or is drowning them like he is never been fed. Oh and my favorite, he screams his head of like he is starving to death, he gets a bottle, he drinks maybe 30 ml and then thats it. Anymore trying and he spits it out. Dont know whats wrong with him. But I know mommy needs some drinks tonight, for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Succee I made my aunt a gran aunt within a a few days of her having a baby with my first ;) I love it!

    S is driving me beyond nuts. She has another cold and is completely stuffed up. Her reflux is worse than ever. Think I might try going dairy free to see if it helps? Shes not bothered by it though with the Zantac as much though and is gaining weight so don't know. Also day 7 of no poos the smelly wind is vile!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Got to meet my gorgeous grand nephew today ha. He felt so light and looked so tiny. He is 7lb 10. So not that tiny but just goes to show the difference 7 weeks makes. Cant wait to put the 2 boys side by side (L was at home in bed) and see the difference.
    My mother told me not to be gettin any ideas. I burst out laughing. Ive my own newborn. Duno what shes like. Then started harping on to my niece about spoiling him (hes 2 days old). I told her to ignore her and do what ever it takes to get some sleep. Shes only 17 last thing she needs is her nanny saying things like that..
    Irish nannies eh.

    So night 1 of no dream feed and leaving him until he wakes. We'll see how it goes. He might end up wakibg himself anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    I think we've hit another growth spurt. Just could not keep up with her hunger today. Suspect not a lot of sleep tomorrow.

    Mr pwurple was working late every single night this week, and played soccer after work, so we barely saw him at all. And now he tells me he is planning on watching sport on tv for most of the day tomorrow. So i'm on sole parent duty again. Priority adjustment needed. I know nobody wants to be the nag, but ffs, what do we have children for if he is just going to ignore them? Participate dammit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh pwurple id dump them on him and head out. Ive left OH to do bedtime duty nearly every night this week.

    I reckon ye would shoot me if ye could. L slept from 7.30-12. OH was still up so gave him the bottle. He then slept from 12 until now 6 . Im delighted. Although ive been awake ages waitng for him. Ha stupid body clock has gotten used to night time wakings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    I liked your post Suucee but if there was a two finger salute button you`d be getting that instead! Im so ridiculously jealous!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    I'm very jealous suucee! Cyning I hope she's feeling better soon. U seem to be having a rough time of it. Siipina... Sounds like ur little one has reflux? Hope u get some sleep. I always use the tommee tippee coz I know they r shapes more like a boob. Also tried nuby. But still no joy :(. Pwurple I would murder my husband! He plays football once a week now and I've put that as a restriction. I know that sounds bad of me but seriously... I need adult conversion at night and would go off my head if he was out after work aswell.

    So she's still not taking bottle so no going out for me tonight... O well... Maybe another time.... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Ah ha. Finally figured out how to get L to take nap. He is great at night. Bottle, top to toe, another bit of bottle, In to gro bag in cot quick story and knock on his slumber bear and he falls asleep himself. During night feed keep lights dim. Quick change at 12 feed but none during the night and back in to cot with slumber bear in. Again off to sleep himself. During the day. He gets over tired and starts to roar the house down.
    So have discovered after 1.5hr since waking. Swaddle him (has to be soft blanket, doesnt wirk with cellular, hence why it never worked anytime we tried) then in to cot/travel cot . Knock on music and off he goes. When hes asleep i unswaddle him. At least he doesnt need swaddling at night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    We have started putting N down to bed around half 7-8 every night and he sleeps until about half 12 - 1 ...... Then sleeps until half 4 - 5 .... I am still tired though :0

    My tummy muscles feel all bruised like someone has kicked me :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    I am so jealous, my LO still wakes every 3 to 4 hours. But he gets the bottle while he is in the cot so he falls back to sleep directly. So its not too bad, its kind of funny because last night we fell both asleep during the feed so I found the bottle this morning somewhere in my bed :-)
    OH was out last Saturday, he really really needed it and the good part of it is .... instead of picking up mother and sister in law from the airport, its my turn to go out, yaaahhyyyyyyy. And OH is moving on my side of the bed so he will do alll the night feeds. So I guess I will not hold or see much of my baby next weekend until Wednesday. I know it sounds bad but on one hand I am kind of looking forward to it. I love him to bits and I think he is the cutest sweetest best smelling baby on the planet but yes it will be nice to say, here can you take him for a while . just like I know I will be a very happy person on Wednesday when I have my baby back and the day back to myself :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Definitely don't be feeling bad Siipina! Everyone needs a break. Just in GPs here waiting for Lilly's vaccinations. I hope it doesn't hurt her to much. My fella was grand with his. But I hope this doesn't put her in bad form for the day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh ive injections next week, dreading it. With A she totally went off her bottles, didn't want anyone except me. Was hard. Got like that after each injection nearly.

    L has kind of gone off bottles. Only having 3-4oz (which is not much for him) and loads and loads of dirty nappies. Still dribbling like mad so thinking its maybe down to teething. Not in overly bad for thankfully. Probably just painful to suck.
    Ah well once he's not in bad form and at least having a bit I wont complain.
