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Men Who Cross There Legs Like a Woman ?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,076 ✭✭✭✭Czarcasm

    it should only be a problem for your dad if you are wearing a skirt and doing a kenny everett impression.

    Or the ever irrepressible Cupid Stunt :D

    Seriously though OP, you're not that naive not to know exactly what your old man meant, the whole crossing legs thing whether rightly or wrongly is an effeminate gesture that dates back to Victorian times when ladies were expected to be prim and proper and cross their legs so they wouldn't fanny flash at the gentry. Hence why they also rode side saddle on horseback- it was unladylike to be seen straddling a horse.

    I presume you've never been into 21's where you could be fanny flashed by the girl sitting across from you if she doesn't cross her legs?

    Your father's views might be old fashioned, but they're somewhat understandable given his age.

    Your view on the other hand where you felt the need to tell the Internet about your Daddy still giving out to you is, well, quite frankly, rather childish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 955 ✭✭✭Scruffles

    Links234 wrote: »
    Also, why do you think they're crossing their legs like women? They could be crossing their legs like men, couldn't they? The subtlety must be lost on me.
    humans are a petty breed who like to believe in social/gender rules as if its the law of the land,beyond the biological/physical side of gender,it is just a concept invented by people and governed by/conformed to by themselves,and anyone outside that box is seen as some silly stereotype instead of being someone who is a leader; behaving naturaly and how they feel comfortable with, and not being a follower who adapts themselves to how they think society wants them to be.
    people shoudnt give a sht about what others think of them,especialy when it comes to innocent behavior,its no business of anyone else if someone behaves or does something usualy asociated more with the oposite gender,if are called gay or transgender for being exactly like that then well done-are making it uncomfortable for them and helping them to challenge their views.

    just sit andd behave how it naturaly comes,dont try to act any way to please someone else,if it wasnt for those of us who go against the tide then we woud be still in the dark ages.
    have grown up with no understanding of gender differences or its boundaries and am still the same way due to disabilities-have been called gay and a 'tranny' for many years when am unable to understand the concept of gender in the first place and have the most extreme level of asexuality possible,will never alter self to make other people more comfortable with their closed minds and woud suggest others do what they truly feel is right to!
