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Deaths in france after taking pill/acne medication



  • Registered Users Posts: 8 RHQS

    I was on and off the pill over the years and Yasminelle for about two years and got multiple blood clots on both lungs from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Dark Phoenix

    THanks guys. RHQS I do appreciate it does have that side affect and I feel very sorry for anyone affected in that way. In my case though I feel that if Ive been fine on it for a decade im unlikely to suffer that problem at this stage? Im also on another medication periodically during the year that thins your blood anyway which I suspect would counter act it

  • Registered Users Posts: 622 ✭✭✭greenbicycle

    I am the same but my doc has retired and his replacement is adament that I need to come and see him when my prescription is expired as he wants to take me off it due to some scandal about blood clots etc in UK and canada. I dont want to come off it though as i've been on it ten years and a) it works! and b) I havent had any awful side effects on it and would dread changing to another as I;ve heard so many times people even on this thread talking about the awful side effects of different pills

    Can I refuse to change? Am I better to go to another doctor? The way i figure there are risks with every pill and if after ten years I havent had any issues its hardly likely now?

    Dark Phoenix, remember, i was on my pill for 7 years and thought the same as you, nothing has happened yet so why change. then it all changed very very quickly and i had no choice but to come off the pill altogether. being on it 10 years with no side effects is not something to take solace from when it comes to going against a doctors advice.

    just as an aside, i discovered my clot a few months before i started this thread, as an update, i am still on medication almost a year later for this, the clot has still not cleared and i have to go for almost weekly blood tests and fairly frequent MRI's. it will take a good long while before this clot is gone, it just slowly (very slowly!) dissolves away into your normal blood.

    My advice is, listen to my story, consider the inconvenience that changing pill would have and then consider the inconvenience that you could suffer if your doctor was right and things did not go well for you.

    again to confirm, i was not on yasmin, yasminelle or dianette.

    it is hard to convey tone in writing out a post however i hope this doesn't come across in a preachy or bad way, it is meant to be read in more of a factual tone with a bit of concern for thousands of ladies on the pill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Dark Phoenix

    that is food for thought. Thank you and best of luck with your recovery

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Flaker

    Boofle wrote: »
    I have been taking Dianette for five and a half years now. I was prescribed it for moderate acne -which it cleared up very quickly. It has a lot of positive points; ie always knowing when 'time of the month' will arrive, no period pain, clear skin. However it has definitely made me gain weight and I do feel rather bloated a lot of the time.

    I attempted to go off it after about a year after taking it and after about 2 months my face just erupted in the most awful cystic acne :( I had really, really painful spots/cysts all over my face and neck - twenty times worse than the acne I originally went to my GP with and for which he prescribed Dianette! So I went back on it and my skin duly cleared up.

    So I am just wondering has anyone else experienced any problems after coming off Dianette - as I am now petrified that I will break out in horrific acne if I ever attempt to stop taking it!

    All these different experiences with Dianette is so interesting to me! Boofle, in my case, after being on Dianette for 8 years (I had been on it for moderate acne), it just wasn't really working for me anymore. My skin was starting to get a bit spotty and greasy again, so I just stopped. I probably shouldn't have stopped without asking my doctor first, but as he just used to write out the repeat prescription without asking to see me at any stage in the 8 years, I'm sure he couldn't have cared less either way.

    I have to say being off the pill has transformed my life to be honest! Firstly, I was getting hormonal migranes for a few months before I stopped and these have totally disappeared. Also, my sex drive has really increased and my boyfriend is delighted to say the least. He says he's more than happy to put up with a few spots if this is the trade off! I just wasn't very interested when on the pill (ironic, huh??). I lost a stone in weight almost immediately and my moods have changed dramatically. People have really noticed a change in me (not that they know the reason for this change) as have I. I'm more energetic, less moody, always in good form, sleep better, more motivated, less lathargic - basically a new woman. And I have done so much stuff that I wouldn't have done before cos I just couldn't have been bothered; gotten fit, joined clubs, changing my job, etc,etc, the list goes on.

    As for my skin, it stayed ok for a long time, then I tried the contraceptive injection afew years ago and that fecked my hormones and so my skin up altogther. So after trying all the lotions, potions and herbal remedies I could (I just didn't want to be putting medication into this new, improved body of mine :D), I had to go back to the doctor for something. I'm now on By-micin, a very low dose antibiotic, which is working (slowly, but it's working) and I'm hoping that once my skin as cleared up on this, a good regime of topical skincare might hold it at bay.

    I know how hard it is to get into adulthood with crappy skin (I'm hitting my forties in a few years :mad:) but I don't know, I just think Dianette is quite extreme if you think about it. Messing with my hormones is just not something I'm that keen on trying again. I use condoms and the rhythym method at the mo and the only thing I might consider using in the future is the coil as the hormones are only localised. My sister swears by it.

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