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a log with no name



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    3:14ish?? Awesome job!! Congratulations!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    DCM done and dusted; not a happy camper, will do a report later on when I give a rats ar$e.

    everything was grand up to ~35k where a hugh brick wall was placed in front of me, and I died and died and died was never as close to tears with the pain for the last k, and nothing I could do would lift the pace.


    sorry if I seem greedy, and I would be very happy with it before hand but having been so close and watching it drift away was depressing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Do you know I would give my right ***** for a time of 3:14

    Major respect Lad!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey nothing wrong with experiencing a proper wall. Its part of the essence of the marathon distance mystique. You will nail your target another time no doubt and will look back on that wall with amusement rather than distaste.

    Head up, you churned out a very solid time all the same!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    thanks all.

    The report,
    Started following JB plan about 6\7 weeks, only managed to get in the Tues,Thurs and Long run but started to feel good and slighlty confident.
    (Thanks JB a great plan)
    Was suffering from ankle pain after a run but a day recovery and it was grand (till the next outing), I wont mention the extra 5lbs on since the IM.

    So arrived in Dublin, dropped off the bag and set off looking for the portaloo, was feeling bloated, so the queues were brutal so stood there checked the watch loads of time, it barely moved looked at the watch again 20min, when the brother pointed me to a subway, so ran and only a few ahead. well to cut this piece short, nothing.
    checked the watch and :eek: just 9, so the clash song start playing in my head "do I stay or do I go"; still nothing so off I set not happy fearing the worst.

    So as I walk out the wheelchair's are gone and I begin to make my way from the back of the crowd; spot the 3:30 pacers, spot JB give a shout but with the noise or else he just ignored me ;), look around for Red to also wish good luck, and as I dont know what Oryx looks like I didnt look for her.

    so any way we set off, the plan was to run the first half comfortable, and then see, the brother was going to run beside and see what happens.
    the first 2k was brutal trying to run or I made it tuff it was all start stop as I tried to get a warmup and run at the same time, the heart rate was too high here so I calmed down set a limit and this worked.
    Went through the 10k at 44ish, and felt good did not feel like I was pushing it. hit the half way point @1:33 and still in control, decided to keep this pace till 30k, started to feel tired and thought I was running slower but the pace was still spot on, going up a dag I started to feel pain in my right ankle, I knew I could run though it so was not worried,
    kept the even pace to heart break hill, I started to slow, at which point the brother went past :mad:, I struggled kept him in my sights and lost 10 seconds over the top, got going and started to get knee pains (same leg and the ankle pain) and the pace dropped, I was cold and felt empty I dug in tried to lift the pace, could still see the brothers head (the joys of been ginger) so a quick chat with myself and tried to pick up the pace it kind of worked, and thanks to my body I started to get cramps in the other shin, so at this point I was running with 2 straight legs, got around by RTE and I had to stop the cramp was brutal could not go on, so stretch it, but as most have experienced the feeling of strecting one muscle and the opposite one decides to cramp up, finally get going and the pain in my legs were brutal.
    checked the watch and still has some time in the bank for the 3:10, but all I could do was watch it slowly drift away. the last 2k was possible the most pain I have been in running, I was honestly almost in tears, maybe I would have cried if I had the energy.
    Finally crossed the line 3:14 ish. (brother times 3:08 after me pacing him, the cheek), a good time but not what I was after.
    So 2 days later and I have calmed down a fraction, legs still stiff and ankle is very sore, but only when I move it.

    I know it has been a long year and possible not fully rechared from Killarney, or maybe I went out too hard at the start, possible only taking one gel, (until mile 22 where it was possible too late).

    So I plan to take some time off training and figure out whats next, I have a few ideas but need to get the mojo back and the desire to train,

    maybe look to see if any coach wants to be pro bono work:D.

    thanks to CW for the entry, and sorry I missed the Boston qualifier for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    So a week of nothing, hadn't planed that much nothing but work was mad.

    this season I have decided to try a new approach to the year and give myself targets, some of these are long term and possibly beyond my physical capability but if I dont try I will never know.
    Some of these will not be hit this year and are long term and some will never be hit.

    Event|Target 1|Target 2|long Term
    Sprint Tri|1:10 |1:05 |1:00
    Olympic Tri|2:30 | 2:25 |2:20
    Half Ironman|5:00 |4:50 |4:40
    Ironman|11:00 |10:30 |10
    10k|40min |38min |36min
    Marathon|3:10 |3:05 |3
    Donadea 50k |Finish |4:00 |
    Dingle Ultra |Finish |||
    10K Swim |Finish | | |

    So while I figure out the training for the coming year, all input welcome.
    I am doing 2 weeks of prep work, get the body back into the swing of things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nice set of goals. I'm in for Donadea too so we could hook up for runs if you like. Any 10k swim in mind? I'm thinking of Eton but not decided yet

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    BennyMul wrote: »
    So a week of nothing, hadn't planed that much nothing but work was mad.

    this season I have decided to try a new approach to the year and give myself targets, some of these are long term and possibly beyond my physical capability but if I dont try I will never know.
    Some of these will not be hit this year and are long term and some will never be hit.

    Event|Target 1|Target 2|long Term
    Sprint Tri|1:10 |1:05 |1:00
    Olympic Tri|2:30 | 2:25 |2:20
    Half Ironman|5:00 |4:50 |4:40
    Ironman|11:00 |10:30 |10
    10k|40min |38min |36min
    Marathon|3:10 |3:05 |3
    Donadea 50k |Finish |4:00 |
    Dingle Ultra |Finish |||
    10K Swim |Finish | | |

    So while I figure out the training for the coming year, all input welcome.
    I am doing 2 weeks of prep work, get the body back into the swing of things.

    Not putting yourself under any pressure there Bennymul ;)

    Has the real boss seen this yet? :D

    Best of luck with it and enjoy your downtime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Been an age since I have done any training.

    The plan was to start back 3 weeks ago but thanks to a perfect storm in work, the $h1t really hit the fan so basically the only training I have done is typing, getting some nice muscle tone around the knuckles

    as a result I have not entered Dondea as I have havent ran since DCM and while I know I could get the miles up and get around I would not be doing it justice and may do more damage than good,

    goal #1 for the year gone all ready :-(

    Anyway to training before last week there was a session here and there.

    Monday 3rd Dec
    turbo Session 3 * 10min 15 seconds @150% 15 seconds easy - 5min recovery
    this was a nice session, the time flew by and leg were stinging by the end of it.

    Tuesday 4th:
    35min tempo run, @4:15-20 pace, cold day but nice run amazing how the speed and comfort goes in only a few weeks.

    Wednesday 5th
    due to more crap missed my mid day swim, had to do something so got out for a late night run, running out the door I turn left and notice a glistling on the road so as I child would do I see if i can "slide" and I can the roads were like glass, so go home or go on, I was well wrapped up so ran very slowly and in the gutter, it was nice no pressure at all.

    Thursday 6th
    Turbo, BG set
    3*10min @55rpm 3min recovery
    these were nice, rode at 95%ftp and hit the number for each set
    Legs were in bits the next day do.

    Friday 7th
    Easy 40min run at lunch time, no watch and just ran easy.
    3K swim,
    I am working on lenghting my stroke, have the 50m from close to 60strokes to 48, my repeat times are down but I am assuming this is to do with no swimming,
    I had no structure to the set just swam lenghts.

    Saturday 8th:
    Got a call the previous night and had to work again late, so set the alarm for a morning spin, slept through it and woke late, the only window I had for a cycle was gone.

    Sunday 9th:
    again was a zombie in the morning, there was no waking me, the past month of work is really taking its toll.
    Got out late for a run, and to be sure i got over the 2k for the year added on a loop.

    Monday 10:
    A repeat of last Monday and the 15sec on \ 15 sec off for 10min
    felt ok and thought I was hitting the numbers but when i downloaded the data the NP was down about 20watts from last week. peak power was up so not too sure what to make of it.

    Tuesday 11th:
    more late night meetings so nought

    Wed 12th:
    more meetings again,but I did however get out late, sitting on the side of the bed saying I do not want to train, next thing I notice Im running and saying I dont want to train,
    so after a K I am to complete the set 40min tempo run,
    got 3k in and was slowly coming around and I run up a short sharp hill and die, the body felt like it shut down. any pace went out the window could not get the HR up. and shortly after this I was shuffling along, felt like my laces were tied together I coulnd not get proper form.

    thursday 13th:
    still feeling fecked and had a crap load of work so decided to leave any training ended up working till 12 so just as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Been an age since I have done any training.

    The plan was to start back 3 weeks ago but thanks to a perfect storm in work, the $h1t really hit the fan so basically the only training I have done is typing

    +1 :mad:

    Been 2 weeks since I did a tap. All over the place :(:o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Don't feel so bad bennymul, not done a tap since the Hardman :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    well a belated merry christmas, happy new year and all that malarkie.

    the past few weeks I have done nothing, work was mad and then the man flu, the whole house was sick over christmas:( and as a result I have done nothing.
    So a new year brings a new lease of life.

    last week was a reintroduction to training, 3 spins on the road the first time the bike has seen tar for over 2 months, and these were lovely realisied how much i missed the outdoors. 4 laboured runs these were $h1t, my methabolism means no training and looking at food means weight gain so Im heavier than I want. and 0 swimming,

    This week started with a good turbo session.
    10min @ 80-90% FTP and this was comfortable.
    5min rec
    10min @ 100-105% FTP this not so comfortable struggled to hold the power, and about 8min punctured,
    got off the bike and began to change the tube and vomited, thankfully the window was open:confused:,
    so i left the session.

    Tuesday 8th:
    Feeling ok nice 30min tempo run, I get into the habit of running slow and it takes a kick in the arse to get going agian so this was that kick.
    plan was a few min warmup and then run to tempo feeling.
    the 30min came in on 4:18min/km pace - the last 10min I did slow down a bit but at least its a start.
    Hit the pool on the way home for the first swim in 1 month.
    and this was shocking my arms felt very very very weak. but I got to play with my new swim watch (thanks AKW or sorry Santa)
    my times were shocking and I noticed a few odd things which I have to look into.
    I noticed I was back to bad habits, arms in a windmill stoke and when I do this my right elbow drops when I breath to the left.
    please no laughing at how slow this is :o

    has anyone read the swimsmooth book, worth getting?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Welcome Back Bennymul

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wed 9th:
    Simple recovery runwith no watch just easy

    Thurs 10th:
    Turbo, 1 hour @80% ftp and every 3min a 10sec effort to 150% ftp.
    this felt good, the 80% was 200watts and possible a bit low.
    After the hour I was still very comfortable and would have loved to do more but it was late. no point in killing myself this early.

    Friday 11th:
    Lunch time run,
    Plan was 5k at PMP (I have visions or a sub 3 at some stage)
    So simple wu and 5k at 4:20 pace arund the ind. est

    tried to run these without keeping an eye on pace and just run.
    splits (4:08,04,14,06,23)
    the HR was high for these and I did feel it near the end.

    Back in the pool and feeling slightly better.
    it was not a structured set.
    there was a SA young one (younger than me anyway) and did she make me feel like a brick, doing 100s around 1:10ish and it looked easy.

    Saturday 12th:
    only time for a short spin
    a slow spin feeling a bit lazy and could not get going.
    Dist 40k
    Time 1:30
    Avg pwr 170
    Np 201
    TSS 103

    Sunday 13th:
    a very very cold run, up early and out into the fog could only see a few meters in front and it was $h1t cold
    plan was an endurance run,
    ran on feeling and made sure I could talk to myself during it.

    time: 1:35
    Dist: 19k
    pace: 4:57
    hr: 143/155

    Monday 14th:
    Turbo LT session
    5min easy 3*1min spin ups
    10min at 80% FTP
    4*5min 95-100% FTP 1 min rec

    a good set and felt good, again finished feeling I could do more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Welcome back BennyMul! (I'd shorten it to BM, but that's just wrong :o)

    I have never read the swim smooth book but have have checked out their website a few times and feel that most of what I have read there is pretty informative. However, I also feel that you really can't learn to swim properly by reading a book - it takes some personal attention in the way of a coach/instructor to correct what you are doing wrong and get you in the habit of swimming correctly before all the bad habits become the norm. Even just one or two refresher sessions to fine tune things can go a long way to big improvements for you. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Welcome back BennyMul! (I'd shorten it to BM, but that's just wrong :o)

    I have never read the swim smooth book but have have checked out their website a few times and feel that most of what I have read there is pretty informative. However, I also feel that you really can't learn to swim properly by reading a book - it takes some personal attention in the way of a coach/instructor to correct what you are doing wrong and get you in the habit of swimming correctly before all the bad habits become the norm. Even just one or two refresher sessions to fine tune things can go a long way to big improvements for you. :)

    shucks bm :o,

    cheers for the advise. I will look for the 1x1 lessons to try and sort it out.
    thanks again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 14th:
    Lactate threshold set:
    10min @ 80-90% FTP (coming in on 202w)
    5min rec
    (5min @ 100-105% FTP, 1 min rec) * 4 (~245w)
    Nice set feeling good on the bike, FTP still below where I would like it.

    Tuesday 15th:
    Easy recovery run, trying to change my approach to "easy" runs and actually run them easy as opposed to worrying about pace\time etc.
    Had planned to hit the pool on the way home but an evening meeting ran over and the window I had was gone :(

    Wednesday 16th:
    lunch time run canned dam work getting in the way

    Evening Bike:
    Tempo session:
    45min @ 80-85% FTP (coming in on 206)
    5min rec
    10min @ 90-100% FTP (244)
    another good session happy with the effort.

    Thursday 17th:
    again work and time got to me and missed my window for a swim, not a happy bunny.

    Had to bring the youngest to soccer, and you could hear the rain beating on the roof, one brutal sh1t night, and I was toying with the idea of running in it.
    Got him home and to bed, looked out and it was bad, but as the great Sean Kelly says you never know how bad it is until you are out in it, so out i went
    and it was bad, wore a cycling thermal jacket and it was nice and warm,
    Plan called for 4*800, 400 rec, ( i was looking to get these close or under 3min for the efforts but with the wind rain cold it was going to be hard)
    efforts came in on (3:06; 3:011; 3:09; 3:14),

    Friday 18th:
    Again no lunch time run, missing the planned tempo session.
    but finally got to the pool.
    total 3.5k (3k swimming and 500 drills)
    started off with 10*100 off 2:20
    Didnt push the pace just wanted to do a more structured set,
    My timing is brutal for each of the first 50m these were around 55 sec's the return was 1:0x
    the rest was a mix of 400 easy with\out pull buoy.

    Saturday 19th
    Was late getting to the bed Friday night so didnt hear the alarm going off, and when I did get up was giving a few things to do before I could get out on the road. so attack them I did and did my back in lifting a rabbit cage (its a big one :D honest), I got everything done and the inlaws came down.
    So spin but on hold, while I had to do a few more things by the time I was done it was freezing and dark, and I could barely walk,
    but I was not going to waste the night so off for a run, and this was stupid the pain from the back was impacting my leg range and my running form was brutal and slow.
    could only manage 7k,

    Sunday 20th:
    slept badly last night every time i moved I woke with the pain from the back,
    Finally got up and brought the wee man to basketball, finally started to loosen up so jumped on the turbo, I felt this was a bit safer than the road.
    Session was great. but I wiped the head unit before I could upload it and this pissed me off no end.

    2hours @ 85% ftp (not sure of the watts here last time I looked was 204 including a very easy warmup)
    during the session on the 5 min 30 seconds > FTP, on the 10min 1min >FTP
    Felt really good during this the last 20min I had to concentrate this was only in the head the body was still fine hitting the numbers.

    An ok week, a few sessions missed and only 1 swim.
    the weight is still crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Some good ninja training going on here...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Monday 14th:
    Lactate threshold set:
    10min @ 80-90% FTP (coming in on 202w)
    5min rec
    (5min @ 100-105% FTP, 1 min rec) * 4 (~245w)
    Nice set feeling good on the bike, FTP still below where I would like it.

    Tuesday 15th:
    Easy recovery run, trying to change my approach to "easy" runs and actually run them easy as opposed to worrying about pace\time etc.
    Had planned to hit the pool on the way home but an evening meeting ran over and the window I had was gone :(

    Wednesday 16th:
    lunch time run canned dam work getting in the way

    Evening Bike:
    Tempo session:
    45min @ 80-85% FTP (coming in on 206)
    5min rec
    10min @ 90-100% FTP (244)
    another good session happy with the effort.

    Thursday 17th:
    again work and time got to me and missed my window for a swim, not a happy bunny.

    Had to bring the youngest to soccer, and you could hear the rain beating on the roof, one brutal sh1t night, and I was toying with the idea of running in it.
    Got him home and to bed, looked out and it was bad, but as the great Sean Kelly says you never know how bad it is until you are out in it, so out i went
    and it was bad, wore a cycling thermal jacket and it was nice and warm,
    Plan called for 4*800, 400 rec, ( i was looking to get these close or under 3min for the efforts but with the wind rain cold it was going to be hard)
    efforts came in on (3:06; 3:011; 3:09; 3:14),

    Friday 18th:
    Again no lunch time run, missing the planned tempo session.
    but finally got to the pool.
    total 3.5k (3k swimming and 500 drills)
    started off with 10*100 off 2:20
    Didnt push the pace just wanted to do a more structured set,
    My timing is brutal for each of the first 50m these were around 55 sec's the return was 1:0x
    the rest was a mix of 400 easy with\out pull buoy.

    Saturday 19th
    Was late getting to the bed Friday night so didnt hear the alarm going off, and when I did get up was giving a few things to do before I could get out on the road. so attack them I did and did my back in lifting a rabbit cage (its a big one :D honest), I got everything done and the inlaws came down.
    So spin but on hold, while I had to do a few more things by the time I was done it was freezing and dark, and I could barely walk,
    but I was not going to waste the night so off for a run, and this was stupid the pain from the back was impacting my leg range and my running form was brutal and slow.
    could only manage 7k,

    Sunday 20th:
    slept badly last night every time i moved I woke with the pain from the back,
    Finally got up and brought the wee man to basketball, finally started to loosen up so jumped on the turbo, I felt this was a bit safer than the road.
    Session was great. but I wiped the head unit before I could upload it and this pissed me off no end.

    2hours @ 85% ftp (not sure of the watts here last time I looked was 204 including a very easy warmup)
    during the session on the 5 min 30 seconds > FTP, on the 10min 1min >FTP
    Felt really good during this the last 20min I had to concentrate this was only in the head the body was still fine hitting the numbers.

    An ok week, a few sessions missed and only 1 swim.
    the weight is still crap.

    you must be on the Fink Plan Brendan if you started with a rest day on Monday :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    you must be on the Fink Plan Brendan if you started with a rest day on Monday :D
    you have to start with a rest :D just wrong not too.

    Monday 21:
    Latacte Threshold session
    10min warmup,
    6*1min on 1 min rec @>110rpm
    10min easy
    2* 15min @100 - 105% ftp
    the battery on the PM died mid session so the 15 min were done on feeling, felt ok but think I was a fracton under FTP for the 15min efforts.

    Tuesday 22:
    Plan was for 4*800m hill work, but there is a brutal fog out there and I forgot a high viz jacket this morning so swapped thursdays tempo session.
    this allowed me to do laps of the ind. est. less traffic and better visibility.

    the Tempo session was a simple 35min @ slightly below 10k pace.
    setting off and i forgot a hat, one stupid mistake.
    the session was good with an average pace of 4:08min/km. never struggled and was able to relax through out the session, Once I stopped I noticed that the sweat in my hair had honestly started to freeeze :eek: should have brought a hat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wed 23
    handy lunch time run at slow pace.

    hit the pool on the way home, feeling a bit better in the water.
    times are on the way down very very slowly
    started with an easy 500 and times were even enough, then 500 with the pull buoy,
    then into a 400 started easy and tried to pick it up and set a marker for the 400. came in on 8:08 with a bit of traffic,
    not overly happy with the time but I will drop it to a respectable enough time.

    total 2000

    Thursday 24:
    Evening bike,
    Session called for 10min warm up and then 2*10min (15 sec hard 15 easy)
    been a few weeks since this and there was an increase in the 15sec power numbers.

    Friday 25:
    Getting changed for lunch time run and got a call to collect one of the kids from school sick, and now on inhalers, steroids etc so no training
    swim also off,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Saturday 26th:
    was minding the kids and with a hyper child on steroids he was bouncing off the walls, honestly took 12\13 hours for him to calm down and took this as a chance to jump on the turbo. handy hour

    Sunday 17th:
    Up early for a mlr, a nice lumpy 25k, feeling ok slowly getting running legs, if I could lose a few kg's I would be happy.

    This leads me in to a rec week, feeling very tired and needed it, the training up to now was not tuff but a fair bit of work stress if adding up.
    So no hard bike or run all easy, got 2 swims in and started to feel better in the water, still slow but better.
    A long way to go still.

    Monday 4th Feb:
    Bike session called for a nice anaerobic set,
    10min wu, 10*2min on\off at 120% ftp.
    the first 6 were fine, then it started to hurt, I was swinging for the 9th and was close to packing it so had to give out to me and got on with it,
    the last was torture the last 30 seconds dragged.
    was glad it was over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tuesday 5th:
    the plan for today was a tempo run, woke up to a few inches of snow, but threw the gear in the car anyway. so sitting at the desk I could hear the wind and rain, not nice and I going then not going honestly anything at all but finally convinced myself to get out.
    so to make live easy did laps of the ind. est. so 1k warmup and then 35min at tempo (or 9k) to make the calculations easy
    the run was fine for most parts, on one of the straights there is a dang nice wind which slowed me down, got p1ssed on twice and this was freezing.
    got to the 6k comfortably and then suffered and the pace slowly dropped off for the last bit and it was a struggle. I am blaming the wind and rain for taking it out of me :rolleyes:
    38min @4:13pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wed 6th:
    handy 7k lunch time run,
    Was stuck for time on the way home so could only manage a short swim.

    200 wu
    800m drills, (200 single arm, catchup, fist, high elbow)
    400m - feeling better again and trying to swim faster without messing up the stroke, got stuck behind traffic and a shower of ..... all standing at the wall none of them moved so had to stop turn and go, but still a pb for the 400,
    a few seconds left out there, but hey
    400 pull buoy and paddles concentrating on high elbow under the water.
    200 cd, I hate feeling when I remove the paddles I feel I have no grip or leverage in the water - is this normal?

    Thursday 7th:
    a day full of meetings so no run.
    on the way home and the car died :(, so this set a nice mood for the evening, but managed to convince myself to get on the bike.
    plan 1 hour @80% ftp. with 10 seconds sprints ever 3min
    took a few min to get the legs into action but it was an easy enough spin,
    got the hour done and felt good and "comfortable" another hour was possible,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 8th:
    had a small window for a run, so took it and I should have known it was going to be bad from here.
    Plan was for 7k at pmp, this was grand hid the watch and ran on feeling the pace was 4:18 and felt good till 4k in, and then a "rumble" down below looked around and not a toilet to be seen, it will be fine got to the 5k mark and had to stop, stomach cramps were brutal, long story short struggled to get to the office and had to get to the nearest toilet,
    this wrecked me and felt crap for the afternoon. (pardon the pun)

    Brought the young man to swimming lessons
    the pool was closing early so had 40min, not sure what to do so tried to swim 2k straight.
    Done in 42min, (avg pace 2:07) and felt like an all day pace.

    Saturday 9th:
    Plan was 3hours
    with 2*15min @90-100%FTP and 40min @80% FTP.
    feeling a bit tired starting off first hour was ok,
    first FTP felt ok came in (avg 94% NP 97%)
    a few min descending and then the Tempo session
    40min ended up been 50min (avg 80% NP 85%) this was hard the roads were crap rode in a BG (avg cad 57)
    A quick decent and into the last FTP session I was fvcked for this struggled to hold the numbers finished with 90% FTP for 10min when I punctured
    the happest part of it until I looked and had a slit in the tyre.
    so spent a few min looking around to cover it and get me home, found some cardboard which did the job (vent: in this time standing on the side of the road cold 2 cars with people going mountain biking past and not one stopped; dam off roaders)
    finally got going and took a while to warm up again.
    rode the last 40min 83% ftp.
    This was a good hard spin and did take it out of me.

    Sunday 10th:
    woke up early to get the run in and hit snooze for 5min, and woke up 2 hours later :eek: ao rushed to get the young man to basketball.
    the afternoon was gone trying to fix a car, and another hour trying to get some heat into the bones.
    Feeling sht about not training I hit the roads. looked out and it was cold and wet but it will be fone once out there.
    plan was 25k, so off I set and didnt feel the best the pace did not match the effort, got about 7k in and had to stop to vomit, done and off I set, wait one more needed.
    So off i set again and feeling a little lighter and still struggling I came to the junction to go up to 20k or cut it short, I buckled and cut it short.
    the last 20min was brutal,

    Feeling very tired after this week and olny 2 weeks to go for a recovery one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Jesus Benny.. take care of yourself, it reads like you are running youself into the ground...hopefully its not that bad but if you have the s**ts and you are puking then maybe you are should probably take a few days off point running yourself into the ground at this part of the season... take care...should meet up for a lunch time run in the ind estate some day, although from the looks of it your faster than me anyway...whereabouts in the Ind Est you based?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Jesus Benny.. take care of yourself, it reads like you are running youself into the ground...hopefully its not that bad but if you have the s**ts and you are puking then maybe you are should probably take a few days off point running yourself into the ground at this part of the season... take care...should meet up for a lunch time run in the ind estate some day, although from the looks of it your faster than me anyway...whereabouts in the Ind Est you based?

    It was just a bad weekend (I hope), I am based in Dell; just up the road from you. and would love the company for a run or 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 11th:
    The plan called for a 45min at effort, then 3*2min @FTP with 3min tempo between the,

    not sure if I sould try the session after the past few days, in the end jumped up and if it was $hit I would stop if not good.
    5min warmup and then into 45min
    this was to be 76-90% ftp, and came in on 84% so was happy HR was nice and controlled with a gentle rise as time progressed.
    then the 3*2min - again no problems hold FTP for 2min, the rec was done at 80% ftp
    a nice session and got off the bike happy (power is down from where I would like it but I am happy with the sessions Im doing)
    total 1hr @207watts

    Tuesday 12:
    Session called for 5*800's but due to work it was late, dark and cold getting out so canned this and swapped for a 40min tempo run from later in the week. this was ok, speed wise not a fast as a few previous weeks but was on a shilghtly harder route.
    Time 39min
    Dist 9k
    Pace 4:22 min/km

    Wednesday 13:
    One crap day, just went downhill.
    the plan was a nice swim and then on the bike for 2hours watching the football.
    The swim didnt happen and by the time it came to getting on the bike I was in no form for sitting there so the day won and got the better of me.

    :( not a happy bunny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 14th:
    Working late and was stressed out so had to train, on the turbo at 10, and just spun the legs for 40min,

    Friday 15th:
    got a 30min window for a run so I took it. simple plan feck all wu and then 5*800s in the est and then back to work.
    wu was fine, feeling tired and not free, but hey they the intervals and then worry
    the first one was good, second not so, and all the way to the 5th, I should have stopped on the 4th but hey the plan said 5.
    Times (2:50, 2:55, 3:02, 3:01, 3:12)
    back in 35min, close enough

    Had to cancel the evening swim, as work was mad and this meant the wee man had to miss his lesson :(

    Saturday 16th:
    a hectic day and I know the long run was gone so I changed this to a PMP run, Ran it on feeling and felt good at the start so pushed it on a fraction,
    total 40min @ 4:20min/km pace (felt like I could keep this a bit longer)

    Sunday 17th:
    Long very windy spin, rode in to Carlow to met the racing group, flew in thanks to a nice tail wind, the first 90min of the group was slow due to the wind, (avg pwr 140w, Np 195)
    stopped at the bottom of a drag to answer the call of nature and let the group get out of sight so I could chase them.
    a nice 23min @265w,
    for the last hour went to the front of the group and rode steady
    60min, avg 226 np239 35kph.
    Left the group and back into the headwind :rolleyes: so a nice 30min climbing and a brutal headwind.
    First real long spin in an age and was happy felt good, tired once home.

    Dist 125k
    Time 4:30
    Avg 163, Np 211.
    TSS 322

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 18th:
    Feeling ok, hit the planned turbo bike session
    the first 20min was low gear and 1min on 1 off of >110rpm.
    then into 2*15min FTP 5min rec
    and both bang on target, (250,251)

    Tuesday 19th:
    Nought crap day in the office meant no lunch time run and a really late night left me with 0 motivation to do anything so I didnt.

    Wednesday 20th:
    Lunch time run was a nice easy jog feeling ok, easy pace felt very easy.
    Evening watching the Barcelona game but on the wretched and suffered through this, legs feeling slightly dead at the start but soon woke up, and enjoyed the suffering.

    Thursday 21st:
    decided to do the missed Tues hill reps session
    So 5*800m hill reps @5k effort. the drag was nice and I did suffer on this,
    was fecked at the end.

    Friday 22nd:
    Pool was closing early so hit it early (first swim in 2 weeks :eek: finding this a struggle to get to)
    Met the lunch time tri group a nice no nonsense session.
    start with 5*100 off 1:50, so I sat in at the back so I can do my own thing
    was happy first 100 in on 1:33, the other 4 1:40ish.
    2*50 easy
    the second * third (5*100) were a bit slower coming in on 1:45,
    the last set was a simple 2*100 hung in and both in ~1:35-40
    happy with this hardest swim in an age.

    got out of work late so hit the roads before heading home.
    the plan called for a Tempo session,
    1k wu and into the effort the first 4k were perfect <4:10 pace and feeling good then it started to slow down the next 7k were ~ 4:20 pace and I felt it.

    Saturday 23rd:
    up to a very very cold morning, so out on the bike dressed like the Michelin man,
    plan was simple a nice progressive spin
    first hour easy, second @80% and last @90%
    the first hour was slow, not sure if it was me or the cold.
    then into the first piece, a nice rolling road and while the speed was low the power was spot on, coming in on avg 196, np 214.
    the 3rd hour started on a nice 6mile drag so easy to keep the power up,
    (turned out to be 1:20) feeling good again avg 214, np 225.

    proud daddy note, the young man completed his first sufferfest, the downward spiral. as his wheels are to small to work in a normal turbo I modified an old turbo to hold the front wheel and then put the back on a set of rollers

    Sunday 24th:
    Up for my long run it looked at the temp and it was reading and -5, do I really want to go out in that. so up it cant be that bad.
    so out the door and dang it was cold 1k in and I was not feeling the love.
    considerd turning around. sturggled on but cut the long run in half as there was not gain to be made in what I was doing. (possible having 4 hrads days in a row was not the idea thing).
    In the afternoon brough the young man mountain biking, did the 17k loop in Ballyhaura was a nice laugh just the two of us, He was shattered at the end of it but he can decend the lack of fear of hitting a tree or rock really helps I suppose, (his first double day basketball in the morning) not bad for a 10year old.

    So at the moment I am so glad I have a rec week feeling very tired and in need of sleep.
