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Do you have a TV in your bedroom?



  • Registered Users Posts: 805 ✭✭✭reverenddave

    got rid of bedroom TV about 7-8 years ago
    and got rid of sitting room TV about 4-5 years ago
    Best decision ive ever made
    and i never want a TV again

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    My bedroom is the size of a small cardboard box so it wouldn't be practical to have a TV in there. Sometimes it'd be nice, but generally I don't feel the need to have one anywhere but the living room.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,657 Mod ✭✭✭✭Faith

    I have one because my mum bought me one for Christmas. I rarely watch it though. The sound doesn't work properly, and I'm too lazy to bring it back :o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,461 ✭✭✭Queen-Mise

    I have a telly in the bedroom but it has never been turned on or connected to anything. It has been there for the past 18 months :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 740 ✭✭✭Sibylla

    I don't, I would find it distracting. Bedrooms just don't seem like a place for watching tv.
    It's impossible to unwind and relax, I prefer to have a place to switch off.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,367 ✭✭✭✭watna

    Yep, we have a small one in the bedroom and love it. It's not hooked up though so we don't go in and watch random ****. It's where our hard drive player is so we'll often go snuggle up if we have a specific tv programme or film that we've downloaded and want to watch. To be honest. I watch it more than the tv in the sitting room. There's so much crap on that I prefer to watch DVDs or downloads anyway. I don't feel like it interuppts sexy time at all. I can see how some people wouldn't like it though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,628 ✭✭✭Truley

    Boyfriend and I are hippies so we don't have a TV full stop! Honestly I love not having a TV and don't think I will ever be getting one. Even if I did, I would never have one in my bedroom. I could imagine us getting into the habit of staying in bed too long or staying up too late and not having enough sexy time :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭viota

    I've never had a tv in my bedroom.I would like one though but its not going to happen, i cannot afford to buy another tv.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭tatabubbly

    If we wants to watch a wee movie in bed, we usually pop the fire on downstairs and bring the blankets down but i won't allow a tv in our bedroom cos i don't want the ole love life to go down the drain!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 952 ✭✭✭bills

    We have a v.small tv in the bedroom or feels tiny anyway compared to the 42" in the sitting room. I very rarely watch it, only if he is watching a match & i want to watch something else!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,028 ✭✭✭✭--LOS--

    No tv in bedroom, just the living room, it's only really used for watching movies for the comfort of a big screen, not a tv fan, otherwise my laptop is my tv substitute which I regularly use in the bedroom to watch stuff with my bf, can't see how it would have a bad impact on your love life, you're nekkid together watchin stuff, what are y'all doing wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,551 ✭✭✭panda100

    No way!Bedroom is soley for sleeping and (very occasionaly:o)sexing.
    I have a little bean bag in the corner of my room where I read, and that is the height of the entertainment centre in my room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,055 ✭✭✭snickerpuss

    No tv in our bedroom, it's so nice to have a room with just a bed and wardrobe and nothing else. We've got a tv in the living room which is mainly used by him for his PS3 or watching DVDs.

    I was never big into telly anyway and we've only got an aerial so we have about 5 channels! Actually don't miss having tv stations at all and it saves loads of money. Plus I read so much more instead of flicking around aimlessly. Turning into a hippy in my aul age!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,768 ✭✭✭almostnever

    Yeah, very rarely watch it though. I share a room with my sister and it's hers more than mine really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 454 ✭✭liquoriceall

    Have one and my favourite thing on really bad nights is to go to bed and watch telly in comfort!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Peculiar_Man

    Of course im watching it as i type this :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Peculiar_Man

    But Now adays who doesn't ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,981 ✭✭✭ElleEm

    But Now adays who doesn't ?

    If you read this thread, you would've seen that loads of people don't, me included!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    i dont, and intend never to.

    thats not what bedrooms are for, imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    No, I've never had a tv in my room. Not much of a tv person. Only really use the tv to watch films.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,342 ✭✭✭✭starlit

    No TV in my bedroom. Never had one. Wasn't allowed when I were younger, but spend most of my time in the sitting room anyway at the mo so can put on tv there, better tv like. If I had a partner or my own house I probably would have a tv in my bedroom, but think its a distraction! I rather use my laptop for watching 'tv' instead. Bedroom meant for sleeping not technology! :cool: Everyone is different.

  • Registered Users, Moderators, Education Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional South Moderators Posts: 15,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭rebel girl 15

    Have one but rarely watch it - watch more on my laptop than on the TV!

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    When I got one for Christmas when I was 14 I used to watch it for movies with my sister. But then my brother stole it from me for his games console. When I stole it back I'd pretty much lost interest.

    Now I have the laptop so I can have internet/reading/movies/tv in the bedroom and it definatly removes the impulse to sleep. Not living with my significant other at the moment, but he doesn't have a telly in his room, but we use the laptop to watch movies in the bedroom - mostly cos the couch is way too uncomfortable to cuddle on. I think when we get our own place and more comfortable furniture we'll go back to watching stuff on the telly sitting on the couch.

    I have to agree that it's nicer not to have a telly in the room.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 103 ✭✭starling.

    I really couldn't imagine having a tv in my room, I barely watch tv at all anymore. Though I do have a laptop in my room so I watch programs on that. Totally doesn't count though :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,540 ✭✭✭Giselle

    I have a tv in my bedroom, and have the habit of watching the news when I get into bed, or sometimes a movie.

    It doesn't interfere with any other activity, since I'm single and the only action my room sees is when I switch on CSI.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,423 ✭✭✭tinkerbell

    Nope, no TV in our bedroom. Bedroom is for sleeping and other things, not vegging out watching whatever :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭Sofiztikated

    No, both myself and the Mrs agreed, no TV in the bedroom.

    When I was younger, I did. But then I also had a computer, games console, sofa, stereo and a mini fridge, so it was more of a flat than a bedroom. (Always had a lot of people over.) But then I was getting very little sleep due to always being on the internet or gaming. Even now, I have to make a concerted effort not to always be messing on the internet on my phone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭akamossy

    Ya, I have a tv in my bedroom! I live at home with my parents so I don't really get to watch tv downstairs in the living room, well to watch the programmes I like. It's handy anyway and It's nice when I just want to be alone

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭rain on

    I do like the idea of the 'bedroom for sleeping and sex only' thing but I'm not sure if it'd work out for us - we don't live together and I have never even owned a telly but I bring my laptop to bed most nights when I'm on my own and watch a few episodes of House or 30 Rock or something to put myself to sleep - I'm a light sleeper and my housemate opening a door would keep me awake if I didn't have some sort of noise or other of my own going on. Himself is practically married to his giant flatscreen telly and despite having lived in a house with no TV for the first 18 years of my life I have to say I love it - we are both big film fans and would watch 2 or 3 films a day together on the weekends at his place. I don't think we've ever 'watched telly' as in receiving an actual broadcasted channel on it, but we watch a lot of box sets and so on. He uses it for gaming as well when I'm not there and I got him to get a HDMI lead, wireless mouse and wireless keyboard so that he could use his telly as an external monitor for his laptop. GIANT TVS + US 4 EVA

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭merlie

    Yes there is a tv in my bedroom, it is 21 inch telly. I have no problem with watching a good movie all snug n cosy in the bed, complete with a nice bar of choccie. :P
