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War and childhood (jobee's poems merged)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Golf It’s Easy.

    I cleaned and washed my ball last night,
    I hope and pray for accurate flight,
    My bag is spotless, my clubs are clean,
    Today I’m going to realise a dream.

    At the crack of dawn I raise my head,
    Checking to see the missus aint fled,
    Sparrows atwitter, taking the Mick,
    Today that golf course I’m gonna lick.

    On the first tee I step up with pride,
    I know it all, there's no need to hide,
    I’ve got it this time that’s for sure,
    Right arm close get some draw.

    A quick look round to see there all here,
    Today's the day I'll make that clear,
    Just swing away, let it flow,
    Zing ball zing like arrow from bow.

    When I look down the balls still there,
    My club head met with nothing but air,
    The boys stay strait faced, eyes aglow,
    Well, well, well , the Lords Mayors show.

    This clubs bent I swear for sure!
    I aint buying Ping no more.
    You carry on lads its going to rain,
    My old back aches started again.

    jobee © 2003

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Viagra, hmmm?

    Would it work on sodden ground,
    Where moss, stingers, do abound,
    When gnats, flies, will harass,
    Cowpats mingle with starchy grass.?

    Would it help when bodies tire,
    Tho' push, push, has quelled desire,
    When young lovers kiss, smile
    Our exhausted bodies rest awhile?

    Has it got what my youth had got,
    To rekindle fires when spent, hot,
    Then ignore the brush of falling rain,
    Our naked bodies make love again?

    As evenings cool air begins to stir,
    I only then let go of her,
    It's not Viagra I'm looking for
    I need that lovely paramour.

    jobee 03.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Mr Ratzinger, we know your just an ordinary guy.
    Meet us in the bar to reason why.
    Or else we'll have to say--- goodbye.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Saddam Hussien.1937

    Always a rebel was Saddam Hussein,
    '37 in the town of Tikrit,
    Primary school he was to aquit.

    For secondary school he went to Baghdad,
    It wouldn’t be long for this ‘jack the lad’
    Joining the Baath in '56,
    Qasim's regime he couldn’t yet fix.

    One day in '59 he began to evolve,
    His countries problems he tried to resolve,
    Armed to the teeth and making no noise,
    He opened up on Qasim and the boys.

    The Primo was hit more than one time,
    His bodyguard had Saddam in line.
    Young Saddam took a shot in the leg,
    How he escaped the regime never said.

    Saddam reappeared on Syrian soil,
    Sentenced to death for this turmoil.
    Moving to Egypt, back to school.
    Improving education, staying cool.

    Between journeys into Iraq,
    education would never lag,
    a very good mind, quick to learn,
    a degree in law he was to earn.

    In '64 he was charged and arrested,
    His beloved Baath party the regime detested,
    When in prison he was studious,quiet,
    Freed in' '67 by Al Bakr's disquiet,

    The real coup was in '68 ,
    They drove a tank at the palace gate,
    The coup d’etat was a complete success,
    His country now Baath could address,

    Kurds for autonomy they ask him to give,
    As an independent nation they wanted to live,
    He granted freedom, the extremists refused,
    The Peshmerga violence was never defused.

    In 1980 he attacked Iran.
    Eight years of slaughter he began,
    In 88 it came to an end.
    The Iranians steadfast refusing to bend.

    In'91 he took the lot on,
    This should have been his swansong,
    Instead ,he was ,allowed to survive,
    I bet his own people wish he had died..jb.

    Baath=Pan Arab socialism.

    Al Bakr=cousin- becomes President= Saddam Vice.

    Peshmerga =Kurd extremists.

    Qasim=PM. jobee 02.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Della Rose Cottage

    Della Rose Cottage is being reborn,
    The dreams of centuries stripped, torn,
    In pristine condition it should remain,
    But slightly twisted, out of frame.

    What memories it aspires to evoke,
    Since first its chimney extruded smoke,
    Thousands of birds have made their nests,
    Families born then laid to rest.

    The fields around are just the same,
    As when Napoleon came to fame,
    200 years of laughter, tears,
    Children playing with giggles, jeers.

    When first its humble footings were laid,
    Nelson was putting the Danes in the shade,
    At Copenhagen he made his name,
    Assuring himself of lasting fame.

    Della Rose Cottage has a new mistress now,
    A humble lady with skill, know-how,
    Her name is Paula she is so bright.
    A beautiful lady with skill, foresight.

    Wappenham village is in for a treat,
    When at last they gather, meet,
    To see the cottage they've known for years,
    Afresh with life full of good cheers.
    John bishop. 1©©©8 /9/03jobee

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Blind Faith Psychosis.
    Psychosis and Money

    What is it then that makes them pray,
    that makes them creep, crawl, all day,
    that makes them read some silly script,
    their pride, confidence, slyly stripped ?

    What is it then that transfers their minds,
    to heavens, angels, spiritual kinds,
    to attend Cathedrals in little groups,
    then dress in robes as elitist troops ?

    What is it then that makes them build,
    on fertile land where food was tilled,
    huge Mosques; Cathedrals too,
    just to sing, confess anew?

    Does it help in anyway,
    to wile away the hours of day,
    dressed in best on their knees,
    praying to anything, making pleas?

    Is it selfishness that makes them think,
    we all need them to cower, shrink,
    on our behalf at their request,
    so that our souls be sublimely blessed?

    The whiff of selfishness stirs the air,
    I think it’s just themselves they care,
    the work is easy, less to think,
    from competition they wilt, shrink.

    This God they advocate with fuss,
    when ask for proof they won’t discuss,
    O proof, O proof; what for you need ?
    the devils home you’ll go with speed.

    My lucid mind begins to stir,
    I’m in the hands of a blackmailer,
    I only ask; for what your sales?
    they came back as hard as nails.

    So business then shall prevail,
    In Woolworth’s by an honest sale,
    the Church an inquisition I think,
    proof of God surely brinks.

    jobee -05

    You may circulate.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Cpl. Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.


    When the First World War broke out Hitler said.
    "Overpowered by stormy enthusiasm- I fell down
    on my knees and thanked heaven for granting me
    the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time".

    Cpl. Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.

    Hitler was rescued from his drifting life,
    By rumblings of war and oncoming strife,
    Germany not Austria his leanings were bent,
    His spirits lifted by this awesome event.

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,
    By a man named Princip from Serbian land,
    Austro-Hungary attacked the Serbs.
    Then Russia and France called on reserves.

    Belgian nuetrality the Germans ignored,
    The British lion awakened then roared,
    Hitler signing for Bavarian command,
    Overcome with enthusiasm for his adopted land.

    For Hitler the army a base and a home,
    Stopping his restless urge to roam,
    With the 'List' regiment he first saw war,
    At Ypres in Belgium he started his tour.

    Decorated early in this vicious war,
    The Iron Cross 2nd class he very soon wore.
    Competent, courageous, alert,keen,
    A credit to any fighting machine.

    Between actions quietly reserved,
    Drawing, philosophy studiously observed,
    No presents or cards at Christmas time,
    His pet dog 'Foxl' suited him fine.

    Surviving Ypres and making his name,
    The battle at Somme his next little game,
    A wound in the leg caused him to fall,
    Convalescing, his nature, not suited at all.

    Back in action for the last great push,
    Heading for Paris in a desperate rush,
    Nearly, the name of this little game,
    A desperate attempt before Americans came.

    A First Class Iron Cross Hitlers reward,
    A Jewish officer gave the award,
    At the second Ypres in a gas attack,
    Partly blinded - he would be back.

    Jobee a coy 3 para
    The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to
    Commissioned officers.

    Nazi Artifacts: Mementoes, Badges, Pins and Painting

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,289 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    Hi Jobee,

    I'm not sure why exactly you're posting videos and news articles in this thread, but try to keep in mind that the forum is for sharing your own work.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Hi Jobee,

    I'm not sure why exactly you're posting videos and news articles in this thread, but try to keep in mind that the forum is for sharing your own work.


    I am trying to add some atmosphere to my 'informative poetry'.

    Hitler was a born warrior he thought war was glorious. He didn't care about his own life or anyone elses.

    I think war is disgusting, we should only do if we are attacked directly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    A Brief History of the Suez Canal.
    The Suez Canal was opened in 1869 under French and Egyption ownership..
    Both countries had contributed to the cost. The French under a 99 year lease which expired in 1968.
    The British involvement in the canal came about when the ruler of Egypt put his shares up for sale because of financial problems in 1875. Disraeli bought the shares for 4 milliion pounds giving the British government as security. Thus Britian became a controlling shareholder in the Suez Canal Company.
    In 1888 a treaty was signed to help boost the weak Egyptian economy. The treaty stated that the canal was open to all in peace and war.' In 1922 Egypt became independent' it had a King [Fuad]and an army.
    In 1936 Fuad died and King Farouk took over as King of Egypt and Sudan. Farouk became alarmed when Italy attacked Ethiopia in the 1935 war. He then drew up a treaty between Britain and Egypt stating that the UK was to withdraw all troops from Egypt except those necessary to protect the Suez canal and its surroundings, 10,000 troops plus auxiliary personnel. The UK would also supply and train Egypt’s army and assist in its defence in case of war. Both countries signed the agreement.
    The Suez Crisis 1956.
    The Suez Crisis began when the U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles found out that Gamil Nasser, President of Egypt, was buying arms from the soviet block.
    He then informed Nasser that money for the Aswan Dam project would not be available. Nasser retaliated by nationalising the Suez canal, even tho' it was his in 1968 when the lease ran out.
    He also stopped Israel's ships from using the canal and the Straits of Tiran, thus stopping Israel’s oil supplies.
    On October 25, Egypt signed a tripartite agreement with Syria and Jordan placing Nasser in command of all three armies. The continued blockade of the Suez Canal and Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, combined with the increased commando attacks, prompted Israel to attack Egypt on October 29, 1956.
    The attack was described as a 'work of art' by the military historian Sir Basil Liddell Hart.
    The attack started with a parachute drop at the Mitla Pass not to far from the Suez Canal and deploying some troops along the Jordon border. This confused Nasser as to where the brunt of the attack would come. He waited 24 hours before moving his 2nd Brigade from Suez to the Mitla Pass with one battalion moving into the narrow part of the pass. Ariel Sharon’s 202 paratroop battalion then attacked the Egyptian troops, some bitter hand to hand fighting took place before the Egyptians conceded defeat then broke and ran. Sharon rested his men for 48 hours before moving them in the direction of Sharm el Sheikh where the main attack would focus. Sharm el Sheikh overlooks the Straits of Tiran. The Egyptians at Sharm surrendered with very little resistance.
    In the aftermath, the Americans wanted the Iraelis to give back all the land they had gained, saying they would stop financial aid. The Israelis refused, demanding that the UN took over the land they had gained. They also wanted a guarantee that the Straits of Tiran would stay open for their ships. The Americans granted their request.
    This kept the peace for a few years.
    The Six day War.
    In 1967 Nasser started again. He told the UN he wanted them off Egyptian soil. After a while U Thant [ the UN secretary] obliged him. Nasser then closed the Straits
    Of Tiran to Israeli ships.
    He knew this move would put Israel on a war footing.
    Nasser had amassed the largest army the conflict had ever seen. Egypt, Jordan, Syria,
    With contingents from Iraq, Sudan, Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria.
    Israel went strait off the front foot. Smashing the air forces of Egypt, Jordon, Syria whilst they were still on the ground. They then set about the ground forces that had no air cover. It was a complete rout, with thousands of Egyptians surrendering.
    Six days to wreck the largest army in the Middle East. Nasser offered his resignation.
    Field Marshal Amar the man Nasser picked to lead the attack, committed suicide
    The canal stayed closed for the remainder of Nasser’s rule. When Nasser died in 1970
    his country was flat broke, his internal politics had failed, his huge army had failed.
    Nasser had failed.
    As for the Anglo French attack on Port Said. The 3 Para attack on El Gamil was all over in a couple of hours. B company took the brunt of the attack and lost 4 comrades.
    The French did an equally quick job at Port Fuad By the time the Russians and Americans started moaning it was all over. We were 20 miles up the canal at El Cap and not a shot was fired. In the negotiations after the attack compensation was offered to the share holders and was all paid up by 1963. The British that had to leave Egypt over the troubles also received some compensation; this was paid up by 1969.
    Nasser would have been better off leaving the British to protect the canal, he certainly couldn’t do it with that army.

    Do you have any comments?
    After the six day war in in 1967, the canal was closed for 8 years until things calmed down. Anwar Sadat the president who replaced Nasser signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 this brought hostilities between the two countries to an end permanently..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Would it better if men were more spared,
    women stopped praising he-men who dared,
    Would it be better if tenderness reigned?
    Those blood and guts nerviest held, restrained.

    Would it be better if modesty prevailed?
    We kissed, caressed, all those who failed.
    Ticker tape welcomes for those who are quiet.
    Who mind their own business refusing to fight?

    I think twould be better to stop making guns,
    By spending the money on laughter, puns,
    I hope in the future we’ll think again,
    Governments think deeply about women, men.

    The animal kingdoms no problem at all.
    Its humans that’s spreading, taking it all.
    Should we consider our productive rate.
    Lesson our urge to procreate.

    China had fun with this little game,
    Should we take stock and do the same,
    Nature tells us to watch our stock.
    Or we could be in for a blooming big shock.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Major General Orde Charles Wingate DSO.
    The most unconventional General in the British army
    during the Second World War was undoubtedly Major
    General Orde Charles Wingate. His eccentricity in
    matters of dress, diet, and military operations had
    caused comment even before the Second World War.
    Military they were not successful , therefore Wingate
    can only be regarded as a pioneer in that field.
    Major General Orde Charles Wingate DSO.

    1903- 1944
    Unconventional in any day,
    In diet, in dress, in military fray,
    Drawing attention the year he began,
    Eccentricity the master plan.

    Fluent in Arabic he went to Sudan,
    But shortly after a change of plan,
    To Palestine the next event,
    Where Jew and Arab wouldn't relent.

    Jews he favoured in this timeless war,
    Advising how, to settle the score,
    Night patrols, surprise tactics,
    Developing his bag of tricks.

    Diverse, changing, never the same,
    Frustrating Arabs in this little game,
    Haile Selasse wanted him next,
    Italian soldiers his country annexed.

    Wingates skill came to the fore,
    Soon Italians reigned no more,
    Haile Selassie back on the throne,
    Ruling Ethiopia virtually alone.

    Burma next, different terrain,
    Japanese soldiers ruled this domain,
    Wingate ruthlessly over the top,
    His badly wounded instantly shot.

    But Japanese soldiers not easily fooled,
    In jungle tactics efficiently schooled,
    Burmese, Ghurkhas, and British elite,
    Speedily outwitted, made to retreat.

    Deep penetration his last campaign,
    For him a theory it would remain,
    In 44' he took to the sky,
    At 41 years young Wingate would die.

    Jobee. A coy 3 para.©©

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    The Oak in Winter

    Don’t stare at me in winter time
    Im just an oak tree not a pine
    pines stay neatly dressed all year
    come winters chill they have no fear

    From chilly winds freezing snow
    that rack my bough from top to toe
    pouring rain biting sleet
    unguarded trunk branches meet

    Pines don’t have this awful stress
    casting off a summer dress
    they don’t wear my worried frown
    as dancing leaves flutter down

    Changing partners on the way
    acknowledging their final day
    hello goodbye its time to quit
    no good sighing this is it

    Dance be merry twirl around
    twist flutter to the ground
    make a carpet O so rich
    block the farmers drainage ditch

    The pine looks on with nonchalant air
    smartly dressed with not a care
    my silhouette is stark bare
    to natures gaze and freezing air

    O how I wish I was a pine
    to hold these dying leaves of mine
    don’t stare at me in winter time
    come back in may I'll be fine


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    For christ sake say something.

    What use is heaven to modern man
    what use is after life
    dont lets meet, clash again,
    we're nothing but trouble, strife?

    Why should God care up there,
    he showed no form down here,
    to settle our own frustrations,
    we run to guns, beer?

    Hey goddy boy try again,
    you made a mess with us,
    I packed in praying long ago,
    Was such a stupid fuss.

    Just show your face, make a bunce,
    lets see a happening true,
    dont be shy, show your place,
    give us all a clue.

    jobee -Nice little earner.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee


    Theres more to education than training the mind,
    The staff are helpful the tutors are kind
    Theres lots of talent to view, enjoy.
    Confident ambitious the real McCoy.

    Up in the morning a shower, dress,
    Gathering your wits after last nights mess,
    Steady as you go, down in the lift,
    A hearty good breakfast your ready to shift.

    The canteen is spotless the food is fine,
    The conversation directed with tutorals in mind,
    The revolutionary sixties todays little lot,
    A startling reminder of what we've forgot.

    Im trying to concentrate, whats being said?
    But a lovely kind face keeps turning my head,
    Her name is Paula she sits so cool,
    She makes me heady im starting to drool.

    She's a very nice lady with considerable charm,
    Her huge spread in Towcester resembles a farm,
    Im not really looking for a trouble and strife,
    But i'll cherish her friendship to the end of my life.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    jobee wrote: »
    For christ sake say something.

    What use is heaven to modern man
    what use is after life
    dont lets meet, clash again,
    we're nothing but trouble, strife?

    Why should God care up there,
    he showed no form down here,
    to settle our own frustrations,
    we run to guns, beer?

    Hey goddy boy try again,
    you made a mess with us,
    I packed in praying long ago,
    Was such a stupid fuss.

    Just show your face, make a bunce,
    lets see a happening true,
    dont be shy, show your place,
    give us all a clue.

    jobee -Nice little earner.

    No remuneration from the Vatican bank,hmmmm.


    The Irish government is to hold a cabinet meeting this weekend to finalise its four-year-plan to cut its budget deficit, the BBC has learnt.

    The meeting will take place on Sunday, with details published by Tuesday.

    Meanwhile talks between Dublin and the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are continuing.

    The Republic is negotiating the terms of a bail-out worth tens of billions of pounds to shore up its public finances.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    The Sky Lark

    We hardly see this twittering bird,
    Mystery abounds only sounds are heard,
    Pylons stretching for miles around,
    Golden cornfields its terrain abound.

    Moths and butterflies all in view,
    After sucking the morning dew,
    See the sparrow hawk fluttering high,
    A scurrying rabbit catches its eye.

    It drops like stone out of the blue,
    A shimmering sun blurs its hue,
    A startled rabbit sniffs the air,
    Danger threatens must beware.

    Its warren beckons yards apace,
    Hope indeed in this deadly chase,
    In it goes quick as a flash,
    The screeching hawk lands with a crash.

    High above the lark still sings,
    What joyous melody this chatterbox brings,
    All day long it entertains,
    Only dusk can still this refrain.

    Mystery surrounds this melodious bird,
    Visual contact almost unheard,
    Come days end it leaves the sky,
    Still unsighted from human eye.

    Copyright © - John Bishop - All rights reserved

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    jobee wrote: »
    No remuneration from the Vatican bank,hmmmm.


    The Irish government is to hold a cabinet meeting this weekend to finalise its four-year-plan to cut its budget deficit, the BBC has learnt.

    The meeting will take place on Sunday, with details published by Tuesday.

    Meanwhile talks between Dublin and the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are continuing.

    The Republic is negotiating the terms of a bail-out worth tens of billions of pounds to shore up its public finances.
    Pope's condom comments welcomed by campaign groups The Vatican has long opposed the use of condoms as a form of contraception Continue reading the main story
    Related stories
    Excerpt: The Pope on condoms 'Condoms OK in some cases' - Pope Will Pope's condom comments change the Catholic Church? Catholic reformers and groups working to combat HIV have welcomed remarks by Pope Benedict that the use of condoms might not always be wrong.
    The Pope said their use might be justified on a case by case basis to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    In 1956 British parachute troops
    and French Foreign legion Paratroops
    attacked Port Said in Egypt.
    I took part in that attack.

    Suez. the reasons why.

    Nasser up to his age old tricks,
    closing the Straits of Tiran for kicks,
    pouring verbal abuse at Jews,
    trying to make the headline news.

    Removing the British with great success,
    the British rejoicing, saying God bless,
    into their planes, boats , and ships,
    heading for blighty to fish and chips.

    But Col Nasser had not finished yet,
    Disraeli’s investment he had to get,
    £4,000,000 we vested in this canal,
    taxpayers money in this foreign channel.

    I will close this canal company down
    said Col Nasser without a frown
    some honest Egyptian’s had their doubt
    this is thieving they were heard to shout.

    But close it down the mighty man did,
    its all mine, there’s no need to bid,
    not long after in a morning sky,
    roaring engines were heard on high.

    At a place called El Gamil ,
    Egyptians asserted Nasser’s will,
    the sound of shells and cordite smell,
    men descending to a thunderous hell.

    Ack ack and flack was poured at these troops,
    but none of it mattered to these sturdy groups,
    B companies men dropped over enemies heads,
    alerting them to realities dreads.

    Acrid smoke and cordite smell,
    self propelled guns releasing shell,
    streams of tracer searing a path,
    fallen heroes in a bloody bath.

    All because Nasser could not wait.
    till that day in ‘68,
    this worldly waterway would be his,
    not one parent their son would miss.

    To ALL those that fell at El Gamil.
    [Jobee 3 Parachute Group. [primary source]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Mr pope=dope.
    This is a women.
    They wont hurt you.
    They dont want your job.
    Nor, your philosophying gob.
    They look after things.
    Even, without wedding rings.
    The're not perfect, like you, h,mmmmm.
    They dont need your god.
    They haven't got time.
    The washing line.
    Nappies,washing anew.
    They go to work as well.
    Their pay, you didn't know.
    Mr pope, you are pretentious.
    You are an ego tripping dope.
    jobee. 010.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Brief Encounter

    Uneasy glance across the room, second glance none to soon
    she’s looking at me that’s for sure, she’s very smart with much allure
    the guys she's with seems to care, his arm around a waist that's bare
    she turns him with his back to me, her eyes just say she can be free

    uneasy wriggle in my seat, where and when can we meet?
    who is she then ? what her name? sure enjoy this flirting game
    I reach the bar, get a drink, then ask the barmen, who's that in pink?
    he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, I haven’t a clue who she can be

    heading back to my seat, her lovely perfume my nostrils meet
    think he's twigged it I saw him glance, our sly glances spoiling the chance
    he then heads her to the door, she gives that look, what’s this for?
    my stomach sinks, we've lost our chance, a brief encounter has no romance


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    More modern times.
    Usama Bin Laden
    Usama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh in 1957- he is said to be the 17th of 52 children by Yemeni born Muhammad Bin Laden Saudi Arabia's wealthiest construction magnate with close ties to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.-after his father's death in 1968 Usama Bin Laden inherited some estimated $300 million

    The Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel, the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the subsequent creation of a ‘shiite’ islamic regime - plus-the soviet invasion of Afghanistan changed the young man's perception of the world. "I was enraged," he told the newspaper ‘Al Quds Al Arabi.’

    Usamah Bin

    Saudi Arabia the place of his birth
    his father seemingly ruling the earth
    the construction business brought him fame
    wealth and power in this Arab domain.

    52 children his father would sire
    bricks and mortar not his only desire
    the Sunni religion instilled in them all
    they considered it better than Peter,Paul

    Young Usama tired of it all
    wealth and luxury was not his call
    he decided that fame was his game
    and Sunni fame his ultimate aim.

    Free thinking Russians he started on first
    Infidals all was his first outburst
    if your not Sunni your nothing at all
    no think no fun no having a ball.

    Slapping the deck five times a day
    then babying women and going astray
    up to the hills shouting the odds
    bombing killing playing at gods

    Killing all no question asked
    Christians, Muslims, all stand aghast
    we went through this centuries ago
    then we decided to give it a go

    You pray to your god I'll pray to mine
    this is our Mosque that is your shrine
    come off it Bin Laden we'll ignore your call
    most of this world awaits your fall.
    Jb. ©©©

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    The German Soviet War 1941/45 was the most
    destructive in history, 27 million lives were lost.
    The military commander who deserves the most
    credit for this victory is Marshal Georgi Zhukov.

    Marshal Georgi Zhukov.

    The Zhukov family were desperately poor,
    With a Tsarist regime making the law,
    Just ten years of age mature of years,
    Georgi left home his father in tears.

    To Moscow then, his uncles abode,
    Expected to work, share the load,
    A furriers apprenticeship he began,
    Keen, ambitious, no also ran.

    A pitiless master leading the way,
    They rise at dawn for a twelve hour day,
    When day was done and bodies tired,
    The factory floor was where they retired.

    Childhood days were quickly spent,
    Call up papers officialdom sent,
    A natural gift for military things
    Exited by war, all it brings.

    The First World War came, went,
    Georgi blossomed in this event,
    But in 1917 his country withdrew,
    The Tsarist regime was overthrew.

    With reds and whites fighting it out,
    The reds victorious in this little bout,
    So communist Russia it became,
    Georgi excelled in this red domain.

    When the Japanese invaded Mongolian land,
    Zhukov showed his powers of command,
    Wrecking the Japs in a counter attack,
    He gave the Mongolians their country back.

    But in '41 they were ill prepared,
    When Hitler decided they would not be spared,
    Barbarossa he named this campaign,
    For Russian lands he made his claim.

    Zhukov was given the army command,
    He wanted the job of defending his land,
    At Stalingrad his hour would come,
    Field Marshall Paulus was made to succumb.

    At Kursk he faced the Germans with tanks,
    The world biggest tank battle this still ranks,
    The Germans crushed, made to give way,
    On Russian soil they'd had their day.

    Ukraine, Romania, Poland were next,
    The whole of his country and others annexed,
    Zhukov the genius was hailed in awe,
    Victorious Russia had won this war.

    After taking Berlin he returned to his land,
    Dabbling in politics, some military command,
    In '74 he would eventually fall,
    They laid him to rest in the Kremlin wall.
    jobee .©©


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    General Vo Nguyen Giap


    General Giap.
    Who defeated the French at Dien Bien phu
    and forced a political defeat on combined
    forces in the Vietnam War

    In fairness to the combined forces [largely American]
    they won every major land battle that was fought
    in the Vietnam War including the Tet Offensive.

    They were indeed military victorious but lost the
    political initative.
    A small village in North Vietnam,
    Is where the Great Generals life began,
    In village huts with muck packed floors,
    The French commanded, made the laws.

    An Xa village was quite unknown,
    For hundreds of years rice was grown,
    Goats, animals, moved around,
    Muck, dung covered the ground.

    But young Giap wasn't the same,
    Inside his head was an excellent brain,
    He didn't like the French in command,
    It wasn't their culture it wasn't their land.

    Off to Hoa to school he went,
    On intellectual progress he was bent,
    At just 13 his nationalist mind,
    Was causing trouble a mature kind.

    This precociuos child the French noticed,
    The Surete added him to their list,
    Not knowing then he would bid them adieu,
    At the battle of Dien Bien Phu.

    A degree in economics he would attain,
    His countries freedom his earnest aim,
    Military tactics he studied with zeal,
    The intelligence to master, turn for real.

    At Dien Bien Phu he made his name,
    A place in government he did attain,
    With Directive 15, the North made its claim,
    Unification was their ultimate aim.

    So General Giap was placed in command,
    The mandate, to unite and free his land,
    Political adventure the stuff of dreams,
    Only unification, by military means.

    All through the sixties the battle raged.
    To setpiece battle the North rarely engaged,
    A guerilla campaign Giap wanted and got,
    Time was irrelevant in his little plot.

    But time was important on the American scene,
    American dead on the TV screen,
    After Tet they knew it was lost,
    Giap had won at enormous cost,

    Vietnam is free as ever its been,
    Whether its better remains to be seen,
    The best laid plans of mice and men,
    They did put humpty together again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    The Cyprus trouble's.
    Cyprus 1956

    Cyprus o Cyprus 1956,
    Reading the press it looks a bag of tricks,
    Eoka, Enosis, then British troops arrive,
    A terror campaign we hope to survive.

    Pitching our tents in a mud bath,
    Laying duckboards, a giggle, laugh,
    Pouring rain will it ever stop?
    Ankle deep in water coming o’er the top.

    Reveille in the morning nuff to wake the dead,
    Half drunk buddies crawling out of bed,
    Corporals, Sergeants, opening the tents,
    Get up you lazy bastards, are you all bent?

    Going to the toilets sliding on your arse,
    O bloody hell aint this a farce,
    Organised chaos at its very best,
    Mother send me money I’ll do the rest.

    Suddenly in April the sun breaks through,
    Clean up your kit without more ado,
    We’re here to hunt cowards carrying guns,
    Playing at politics gunning down mums.

    Full of ideas that Cyprus is for them,
    Blind with anger are Grivas and his men,
    Full of pride, they know best,
    They can’t run a piss up, never to gain their quest.

    All through the summer guns are ablaze,
    Young men and women dying in this craze,
    On and on they go, until '74,
    Then the Turks move in, stand no more.

    Why not autonomy for this little isle,
    An elected government to make them smile,
    Good luck Cyprus I often think of you,
    Get well soon more will come to view.

    Jb..©© Primary source

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee


    In far off lands, out of sight,
    men still fight for what is right,
    give their lives to sought things out,
    lose their limbs, writhe and shout.

    Called up men were forced to fight,
    to bite the bullet, not take flight,
    glad to see that call ups gone,
    but spiteful wars still drag on.

    Those called up lads are old some gone,
    some nerves still shattered by shell, bomb,
    the fist of government we did our best,
    still no medal clasps our chest.

    Britain’s small wars are ignored,
    as long as government is assured,
    men will face the gun and die,
    no one hears their widows cry.

    For many years we have asked,
    some small medal you give at last,
    so as our children, and theirs too,
    know their kin fought good, true....jobee 3 para.03.

    Politicians and preachers are useless,
    Dont let the bastards do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    War over Braunstone.Leicester

    Walking round, sitting down,
    I often get my mind around,
    Things that happened long ago,
    Up to my waist in drifting snow.

    Or when I wondered how, why,
    Birds took wing learned to fly,
    When women often talked of war,
    Boyfriends they would see no more.

    Airplanes that filled the sky,
    Where they going? for what, why?
    Vapour trails all day long,
    Today you know there's something on.

    And then at night what a show,
    Amazing searchlights all aglow,
    They pierce the sky off, then on,
    Till droning planes they shine upon.

    Little silver specks on high,
    Like luminescent fire fly,
    Huddled together in groups of four,
    Embroiled into the winds of war.

    I hope that there's some more to come,
    O boy! am I just having fun,
    Id love to see a plane on fire,
    Crash into that old church spire.

    Parachutes come floating down,
    Me the hero of the town,
    Arrest them all take them too,
    That old home guard arresting crew.

    Alas, the all clear can be heard,
    Then at once my thoughts transferred,
    Tomorrows school what a shame!
    Not those silly sums again.

    I much prefer Bluebell Wood,
    Pretending I am Robin Hood,
    Or Fir Tree Forest that secret place,
    Where startled pheasants scurry apace.

    I'm tiring now must close my eyes,
    Lets hope tomorrow brings surprise,
    With some good luck the schools ablaze.
    I'll indulge in halcyon days.

    Jobee ©

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee


    The sun starts its downward glide,
    Huge, glowing, reddoned with pride,
    The days work loved, done,
    Breathing life into mans kingdom.

    Slowly descending this giant orb,
    Emitting light that plants absorb,
    Lower, lower, then disappears,
    Only the glowing horizon appears.

    A cool breeze begins to stir,
    Flies, midges, clear the air,
    The occasional sound of falling things,
    A spectre of silence, all it brings.

    Listening for the occasional noise,
    As night things begin to express their voice,
    Roaming free helped by the night,
    Creatures wait to show their might.

    The moons face observing all,
    High, aloof, just a glowering ball,
    Its craggy face not changing its stare,
    Penetrating the cool night air.

    Occasionally obscured by darkening clouds,
    Rolling shadows, pillowing shrouds,
    Starlight twinkling from afar,
    Like aliens observing who we are.

    Night now and day is done
    Wait the morrows rising sun,
    The celestial orb that gives us life
    How much longer can its energies drive?

    Copyright © - John Bishop - All rights reserved

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee


    I thought of you again today
    did you host some small soiree
    I feel you are amongst your friends
    unless of course my mind transcends

    occasionally I get like this
    the precincts of my mind dismiss
    any thoughts that you are down
    tears beget that puzzled frown

    I think of all the lovely things
    meeting you, warm feelings
    Northampton town on our first date
    how cool you looked, so sedate

    the library another day
    how simple was that T.M.A.
    when you ask me to assist
    a gesture I could not resist

    that classy two piece suit you wore
    not anybodies paramour
    lovely tussled flaxen hair
    aloof, remote, debonair

    my eyes beheld a wonderous sight
    to me you felt, exactly right
    this ambience of country life
    rustical, free of strife

    O well i’ve got my mind back now
    I don’t think you will mind somehow
    my sincerity, when I say
    I thought of you again today

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    What I'm trying to emphasise is that Christianity is NOT pacifist.
    The Nazis were christians, Hitler hated atheists.

    After Blair made his 'illegal' and disgusting attack on the Iraqi people, he went running to the pope and the pope accepted him into the catholic church.

    Both these men are wolves in sheeps clothing [encouraging war].

    Archbishop Makarios encouraged the killing in Cyprus.

    Christy Moore explains further christian involvment in war.


    Many Irishmen heard the call of Franco
    Joined Hitler and Mussolini too
    Propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers
    Helped O'Duffy to enlist his crew

    The word came from Maynooth, "support the Nazis"
    The men of cloth failed again
    When the Bishops blessed the Blueshirts in Dun Laoghaire
    As they sailed beneath the swastika to Spain


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