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War and childhood (jobee's poems merged)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    baalthor wrote: »
    I think you should stop writing poems about war heroes and focus on writing about people and situations of which you have personal experience.

    I think you have a real talent for the latter kind while the "war poems" have the emotional depth of "Jack and Jill went up the hill". The exception is the one about Sepp Dietrich where the first two verses are maybe based on someone you know from real life?

    /QUOTE] Thank you for your constructive criticism.

    Which write do you like best, one person really enjoyed my Ira Hayes write.

    Also I'm getting rave notices on this Dublin forum.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Dwight D Eisenhower
    U.S. President-Suez 56

    1885 Dave and Ida were wed.
    Seven sons made in the marital bed,
    Dwight number three in this lively brood,
    A little quick tempered given to mood.

    No nonsense at all dad would take,
    Insisting the bed you would make,
    Mum was cuddly, ever to oblige,
    A kindly person in anyone's eyes.

    As time past by to school he went,
    History, sport, his leanings were bent,
    Other things he took with salt,
    Not to sure, given to fault.

    Graduating from Abilene high,
    College education he had to put bye,
    Joining his father a mechanic by trade,
    Working long hours, his money was saved.

    With sporting talents he entered west point,
    Then twisting his leg his knee out of joint,
    His sporting days came to a close,
    To military matters his interest arose.

    In 1916 he wed his choice,
    Mamie Dowd, no descending voice,
    For 25 years he slowly climbed,
    To Lt Col. he seemed resigned.

    Then in '41 Zeros attacked,
    Pearl Harbors navy quickly sacked,
    Staff appointments came his way,
    Planning strategy was his forte.

    The rank of General he soon attained,
    That wonderful smile he still retained,
    Easy and comfy with command,
    D day,s landings efficiently planned.

    D day came, went our way
    Berlin now, no longer held sway,
    A five star general he had become,
    Not to bad for a mechanics son.

    But Dwight D. hadn't finished yet,
    In 53, the countries problems he met,
    Going to the country getting the nod,
    The 34th president was given the job.

    In' 61 his reign came to its end,
    A small farm in Gettysburg was his to attend,
    The rural setting was his delight,
    Playing golf as well he might.

    In '65 health came to the fore,
    Clutching his chest he hit the floor,
    From there on in his health declined,
    Walter Reed hospital he was confined.

    In '69 his life expired,
    By the whole free world he was admired,
    To Abilene in Kansas the cortege went,
    The chapel of meditation his body was sent.

    J B A coy 3 para group.© 2003

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 223 ✭✭cobsie

    Jobee, I'm from a military family. My father was a very senior military officer. Shows how you never know who're your talking to, online...if you think war should be downplayed, why do you write uncritical poems about war figures?

    Also, would you consider rolling these into one thread and posting when you update it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    cobsie wrote: »
    Jobee, I'm from a military family. My father was a very senior military officer. Shows how you never know who're your talking to, online...if you think war should be downplayed, why do you write uncritical poems about war figures?

    Also, would you consider rolling these into one thread and posting when you update it?
    I just write as I see them[as it was] I would like to see radical change in the way we think about war. After Iraq and the thousands that died there,Tony Blair was accepted into the Catholic Church by the Pope, why?
    What happened to 'thou shall not kill'. I'm not at all happy about religious people and there involvement in war.

    I shall not be posting anymore, moving to WW2 talk.cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,183 ✭✭✭Antilles

    Jobee why do you keep posting links to forums where you have been banned?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Antilles wrote: »
    Jobee why do you keep posting links to forums where you have been banned?


    Banned! first I knew about it, would you like a small wager on that?

    What's wrong with answering the post content. Ike.?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Regimental pride.

    The teaze

    O, green berets are all right I suppose.
    For bending over, touching your toes,
    Playing games, joining in,
    Mouthing off, making a din.

    Playing at war on practice grounds,
    Huffing, puffing, making sounds,
    Practicing, getting things right,
    Making sure its all right on the night.

    Methodical correct, just like that,
    this goes there, that is that,
    waiting cautiously at the back,
    bringing clarity to this attack.

    There’s a breed of men I know,
    Who frown on practice they just know,
    They learned it quickly, took it in.
    When war comes I'm calling them in.

    They jump in planes, off they go,
    Where, when, it matters no,
    any place on earth will do,
    not much fuss, less ado.

    The Red Beret they proudly wear,
    A little rough, prone to swear,
    How to die, they know the score,
    Asking none for no favour.

    The worlds best warriors they surely are,
    fighting wars near, far.
    It was an honour to this day,
    To have worn the Red Beret.

    Jobee. A coy 3 parachute Reg.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee


    Zig Zag

    In 1917 Balfour declared
    tormented Palestine could be shared
    both sides gave a promising nod
    combine talents unease be shod

    a Palestine majority didn't stop war
    retalitary acts they both stood for
    Husseini tried his Arab rise
    fleeing to Hitler was his demise

    Peel and Woodhead tried their plot
    a Jewish minority was their lot
    a foot in the sand was their way
    then Lord Moyne Lehi did slay

    the U.N. Issues It's report
    equal division was It's resort
    the Jews gave a reluctant yes
    break through here the world would bless

    but not so it seems in Arab eyes
    reluctance could be their demise
    opportunity indeed here was missed
    to attend the table submit their list

    resolution 181 was the way
    equal opportunity, equal play
    Jerusalem under protective care
    till Arab and Jew learned to share.

    the gun, bomb, get publicity yes
    but not to clear this awful mess
    this type of war will come to an end
    with both sides learning to yield, bend

    your war is spreading across the globe
    It needs restricting to your abode
    9/11 proved nothing at all
    American people still stand tall

    the table as usual will clear the air
    will end your torment and despair
    181 a way to success
    now the table you must address


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    davyjose wrote: »
    I'm very impressed by this. What inspired you to write about someone who would, to most people, seem obscure?

    I like the rhyming pattern. Intended or not, it jars against the theme of the poem. I also love how you spend little more than a few lines on the actual events that made hima hero, instead focussing on the man himself.

    A truly wonderful piece, well done.
    Thank you for your comments.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    A lovely rhyming poem with a great message.
    Its about time we broke the strangle hold of religion,they cannot prove anything.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Another believer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    jobee wrote: »

    In far off lands, out of sight,
    men still fight for what is right,
    give their lives to sought things out,
    lose their limbs, writhe, shout.

    Called up men were forced to fight,
    to bite the bullet, not take flight,
    glad to see that call ups gone,
    but spiteful wars still drag on.

    Those called up lads are old, some gone,
    some nerves still shattered by shell, bomb,
    the fist of government we did our best,
    still no medal clasps our chest.

    Britain’s small wars are ignored,
    as long as government is assured,
    men will face the gun, die!
    no one hears their widows cry.

    For many years we have asked,
    some small medal you give at last,
    so as our children, and theirs too,
    know their kin fought good, true....jobee 3 para.03.

    [/QUOTE Pics.

    am putting them all together as requested in your warning email.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,262 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    jobee wrote: »

    am putting them all together as requested in your warning email.

    Hi Jobee,

    I'm not sure who this is addressed to, but if you would like the threads merged, please ask a moderator as it is not possible for a user to merge threads.


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,262 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    No, they are not. Each poem still has its own thread and now each thread has been bumped with a spam post. So instead of clearing up the front page you've done the opposite.

    If a moderator (or Category moderator or admin) has requested that all poems go in one thread, then only a moderator can do the merging.

    If you want them all merged into one, I'm happy to do it for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    No, they are not. Each poem still has its own thread and now each thread has been bumped with a spam post. So instead of clearing up the front page you've done the opposite.

    If a moderator (or Category moderator or admin) has requested that all poems go in one thread, then only a moderator can do the merging.

    If you want them all merged into one, I'm happy to do it for you
    Why didn't the moderator just do it,surely you know who sent it.

    Please merge them, thank you.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,262 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    Mod note: threads merged

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Mod note: threads merged[



    Shout! Shout! then shout some more,
    as men strive to settle score,
    two faced Tooly elbows in,
    departing from his rubbish bin.

    Claiming style, panache, dash,
    then churning out ambiguous trash,
    arsehole creeping round the flock,
    holy spirits his selling stock.

    Four thousand years of hope, pray,
    murder, mayhem, kill, slay,
    silken dalliance the elders wear,
    as choir boys bottoms they lay bare.

    Tooly belongs to this two faced lot,
    mature minds would have them shot,
    Inquisition, burn, tears,
    millions slaughtered o'er the years.

    Believe in god or thou shall die,
    he gives the orders from on high,
    ask the Pope's his reps on earth.
    human psyche arrested at birth. 2003


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    War over Braunstone. Leicester. England.

    Home of the U.S. 82nd Airborne. 1944

    Walking round, sitting down,
    I often get my mind around,
    Things that happened long ago,
    Up to my waist in drifting snow.

    Or when I wondered how, why,
    Birds took wing, learned to fly,
    When women often talked of war,
    Boyfriends they would see no more.

    Airplanes that filled the sky,
    Where they going? for what,why?
    Vapour trails all day long,
    Today you know there's something on.

    Then at night what a show,
    Amazing searchlights all aglow,
    They pierce the sky off, on,
    Till droning planes they shine upon.

    Little silver specks on high,
    Like luminescent fire fly,
    Huddled together in groups of four,
    Embroiled into the winds of war.

    I hope that there's some more to come,
    O boy! am I just having fun,
    Id love to see a plane on fire,
    Crash into that old church spire.

    Parachutes come floating down,
    Me the hero of the town,
    Arrest them all take them too,
    That old Home Guard arresting crew.

    Alas, the all clear can be heard,
    Then at once my thoughts transferred,
    Tomorrows school, what a shame!
    Not those silly sums again.

    I much prefer Bluebell Wood,
    Pretending I am Robin Hood,
    Or Fir Tree Forest that secret place,
    Where startled pheasants scurry apace.

    I'm tiring now must close my eyes,
    Lets hope tomorrow brings surprise,
    With some good luck the schools ablaze.
    I'll indulge in halcyon days.

    Jobee a coy 3 para©

    After leaving Braunstone Park Leicester England, here are the 82nd U.S. Airborne
    jumping into Holland, actual film. Sept 17 '44

    YouTube - Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Division

    YouTube - Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Division

    cut and paste to view

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Omar Nelson Bradley KCB (February 12, 1893 – April 8, 1981) was one of the main U.S. Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War II and a General of the Army in the United States Army. He was the last surviving five-star commissioned officer of the United States. He was the first officer assigned to the post of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    Omar's father a teacher by trade,
    A young pupil he made his fair maid,
    Marrying , then settling down,
    Clark, Missouri, his adopted town.

    The Bradley's were quiet, and content,
    1893 saw a special event,
    A boy was born they named Omar,
    The baby destined to travel far.

    When Omar was 14 his father would die,
    Just a moment, to sit. sigh,
    His mother a seamstress, not well to do,
    Taking in boarders to see them through.

    Working hard, collecting rent,
    Eventually, to West Point, Omar she sent,
    Omar was interested, devoted, keen,
    Graduated easily in 1915.

    The rank of Major quickly attained,
    A teachers manner, quietly restrained,
    The First World War came, went,
    Omar missing this tragic event.

    In '29 at Fort Benning he trained,
    Infantrymen, their respect he gained,
    Modestm, quiet, a regular guy,
    Subdued, aloof, publicity shy.

    In '41 a Brig Generals position.
    Preparing to deal with Axis opposition,
    Pearl Harbours attack, caused a fright,
    But the U.S. braced, ready to fight.

    But Omar wasn’t heading this way,
    Ike, called him, to Europe’s fray,
    As Ike’s advisor on N. African sand,
    Omar prepared, for combat command.

    At the Kesserine Pass Gen. Fredenall failed,
    Omar advised, Gen.Patton be hailed,
    Ike, took the advice, Fredenall went,
    Never recovering, from this tragic event.

    Whilst Patton was planning the Sicilian Campaign,
    Omar took over the 2nd Corps rein,
    Heading north, to the town of Bizert,
    Omar was King in this scorching desert.

    At the Casablanca conference the big boys agreed,
    Sicily next, would be made to concede,
    On Sicilian land, Omar made his name,
    The ‘Soldiers General’, lasting fame.

    The Normandy landings the next big task,
    Were Ike, Monty, Omar were ask,
    To push the Germans out of France,
    Over the Rhine, to break their stance.

    A million men Omar eventually ran,
    All but Ike he eventually outran,
    Take your time, easy as you go,
    A nice little climb, from a log cab in Mo.

    Jobee El Gamil club©© Aldershot

    Mo. Missouri.

    Omar was made Chief of Staff , in '48 thus
    Annexing Ike,s military achievements

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Two People

    Fran and Lol

    Two people whom I met today,
    It’s not often that I want to say,
    I’ve known them since I was a boy,
    Still they fill my heart with joy.

    Fran and Lol they go by name,
    Their charisma is still the same,
    Lovers are as lovers do,
    Sharing life, feeling’s too.

    Father time has seen no cure,
    Now tender care is needed more,
    Once youthful bodies aged by time,
    But spirit’s not to undermine.

    Proof that true love lasts for sure,
    All cares of life become obscure,
    They gesticulate, still poke fun.
    Hearts are twinned, beat as one.

    I wonder when the sands of time,
    Take them to a place sublime,
    Could we have this new abode,
    Two stars could mark the celestial road.

    “Look Marl! Fran and Lol up there,
    In care of Ursa Major’s Bear,
    I told you they would let us know,
    The place where all of us could go.”

    So all of us will meet one day,
    Then we’ll hold a huge soiree,
    I again at once will say,
    Two people whom I met today.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 4,415 ✭✭✭MilanPan!c

    Jobee, this is what I see
    You are obsessed with poetry
    And topics that, especially
    Come from bloody history.

    But please oh please consider, man
    That repetition is quite bland
    There's many other rhyming schemes
    Than A A and then B B.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    MilanPan!c wrote: »
    Jobee, this is what I see
    You are obsessed with poetry
    And topics that, especially
    Come from bloody history.

    But please oh please consider, man
    That repetition is quite bland
    There's many other rhyming schemes
    Than A A and then B B.

    Yes I know, but I'm more interested in content.

    Show me your style[written yourself] cheers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    Imagination funny
    cloudy day sunny
    beez think honey
    imagination crazy
    perceptive hazy
    ever felt gentle touch
    kiss, now, then
    trip to the stars
    jupiter mars
    black holes then
    maybe heaven
    back here then
    not heaven
    but some times
    i get crazy
    the booz im hazy
    not lazy
    i wanna rock
    i wanna rol
    i wanna swing
    im king
    i wanna kiss
    bowie king
    jakson swing
    frank sinatra
    mr cool
    johny mathis
    nice, rule
    i wanna
    fall in love
    touch a dove
    im so happy
    to be alive
    lets jive

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,415 ✭✭✭MilanPan!c

    jobee wrote: »
    Yes I know, but I'm more interested in content.

    Show me your style[written yourself] cheers.

    Style IS content.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    MilanPan!c wrote: »
    Style IS content.

    New style.


    Imagination funny
    cloudy day sunny
    beez think honey
    imagination crazy
    perceptive hazy
    ever felt gentle touch
    kiss, now, then
    trip to the stars
    jupiter mars
    black holes then
    maybe heaven
    back here then
    not heaven
    but some times
    i get crazy
    the booz im hazy
    not lazy
    i wanna rock
    i wanna rol
    i wanna swing
    im king
    i wanna kiss
    bowie king
    jakson swing
    frank sinatra
    mr cool
    johny mathis
    nice, rule
    i wanna
    fall in love
    touch a dove
    im so happy
    to be alive
    lets jive

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,415 ✭✭✭MilanPan!c

    jobee wrote: »
    New style.


    Imagination funny
    cloudy day sunny
    beez think honey
    imagination crazy
    perceptive hazy
    ever felt gentle touch
    kiss, now, then
    trip to the stars
    jupiter mars
    black holes then
    maybe heaven
    back here then
    not heaven
    but some times
    i get crazy
    the booz im hazy
    not lazy
    i wanna rock
    i wanna rol
    i wanna swing
    im king
    i wanna kiss
    bowie king
    jakson swing
    frank sinatra
    mr cool
    johny mathis
    nice, rule
    i wanna
    fall in love
    touch a dove
    im so happy
    to be alive
    lets jive

    That's not a new style:

    Jobee, this is
    what I see

    You are obsessed
    with poetry

    And topics
    that, especially

    from bloody history.

    But please oh please
    consider, man

    That repetition
    is quite bland

    There's many other
    rhyming schemes

    Than A A
    and then B B

    Same old style.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    MilanPan!c wrote: »
    That's not a new style:

    Jobee, this is
    what I see

    You are obsessed
    with poetry

    And topics
    that, especially

    from bloody history.

    But please oh please
    consider, man

    That repetition
    is quite bland

    There's many other
    rhyming schemes

    Than A A
    and then B B

    Same old style.
    Write your own in other styles, go for it. On here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    MilanPan!c wrote: »
    That's not a new style:

    Jobee, this is
    what I see

    You are obsessed
    with poetry

    And topics
    that, especially

    from bloody history.

    But please oh please
    consider, man

    That repetition
    is quite bland

    There's many other
    rhyming schemes

    Than A A
    and then B B

    Same old style.
    You are obsessed with jobee.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 549 ✭✭✭jobee

    War over Braunstone. Leicester

    Home of the 82nd Airborne.1944

    Walking round, sitting down,
    I often get my mind around,
    Things that happened long ago,
    Up to my waist in drifting snow.

    Or when I wondered how, why,
    Birds took wing, learned to fly,
    When women often talked of war,
    Boyfriends they would see no more.

    Airplanes that filled the sky,
    Where they going? for what,why?
    Vapour trails all day long,
    Today you know there's something on.

    Then at night what a show,
    Amazing searchlights all aglow,
    They pierce the sky off, on,
    Till droning planes they shine upon.

    Little silver specks on high,
    Like luminescent fire fly,
    Huddled together in groups of four,
    Embroiled into the winds of war.

    I hope that there's some more to come,
    O boy! am I just having fun,
    Id love to see a plane on fire,
    Crash into that old church spire.

    Parachutes come floating down,
    Me the hero of the town,
    Arrest them all take them too,
    That old Home Guard arresting crew.

    Alas, the all clear can be heard,
    Then at once my thoughts transferred,
    Tomorrows school, what a shame!
    Not those silly sums again.

    I much prefer Bluebell Wood,
    Pretending I am Robin Hood,
    Or Fir Tree Forest that secret place,
    Where startled pheasants scurry apace.

    I'm tiring now must close my eyes,
    Lets hope tomorrow brings surprise,
    With some good luck the schools ablaze.
    I'll indulge in halcyon days.

    Jobee a coy 3 para©

    After leaving Braunstone Park Leicester here are the 82ND U.S. Airborne

    YouTube - Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Division

    YouTube - Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Division

    Photos of reunion 2010.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 4,415 ✭✭✭MilanPan!c

    jobee wrote: »
    You are obsessed with jobee.


    But if you want anyone to take this seriously (and hope to gain anything except annoyed reactions from you're endless deluge of sing-song history-lite) then you need to take on-board the honest reaction you're receiving.

This discussion has been closed.