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Moon landing hoax



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    It very odd to be accused of wanting to prvent discussion for asking questions like "what do you believe?" "Why do you believe this?" Or "can you show the evidence you said you had?"

    While believers of the theories do anything but discuss their theories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,695 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    It's a bit weird alright.

    You're allowed to scrutinise the mainstream view to the point of analysing pictures of people in space with a magnifying glass. But on the flip side, if you ask for some concrete evidence of the conspiracy you get snarky replies and smoke and mirrors.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Not even concrete evidence. That's obviously too much for conspiracy theories. We then usually hear cries of "if we had evidence this wouldn't be a conspiracy theory. Etc etc"

    Just the evidence they boast about having. Like how Markus claimed to have documented evidence Nasa murdered people.

    Or failing that, just the reasons that convinced them to believe in the theory.

    Or failing that even just clarification of what they do and don't believe.

    Meanwhile people who don't buy into theories are getting demands for evidence and explanations.

    (Only for these to be then ignored.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    It is the biggest lie in history and they had to threaten/intimidate/maim/kill a lot of people to sustain it. Even recent years:

    Look up "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" by Bart Sibrel in which he shows unedited footage that was mistakenly sent to him by NASA. Footage shows Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins faking footage they claim was from the earth half way to the moon.

    I don't think you are interested, nor are you posting in good faith. There is no way anyone could objectively look at the information I've provided you thus far and still believe that NASA are an honest scientific organisation who made the greatest achievements in human history (but have failed to do anything recently)

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Bart sibrel claims that footage is shot in Earth orbit.

    You claim it's impossible to be in Earth orbit. So Sibrels claim is false.

    Also another contradiction.

    this decades long perfect conspiracy accidentally sends footage that proves the conspiracy to the biggest conspiracy theorist.

    That doesn't make any sense.

    No one has been convinced by anything you've posted defending your conspiracy. All people see is you making false and silly claims and then failing to defend them from basic scrutiny.

    No rational person would look at your posts and tactics and conclude: "Yes it's entirely reasonable that all space flight is being faked by one person at their computer."


    It's also very funny that your example of "documented murder of Nasa scientists" is not a Nasa scientist and not a murder nor is it documented to be done by Nasa.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    I do not believe the moon landings were faked. There is a wealth of evidence to back up the moon landings. The astronauts have spoken about their experiences on the moon, we have footage of the landings, and there are numerous rock artifacts brought back to Earth from the moon.

    It would be highly unlikely for a large group to keep this conspiracy secret for long, especially when the same Moon landing event occurred again in 1971. Exposing yourself so soon isn't smart. People who do things like 9/11, hide UFOs, and kill the US president are smart in how they get away with this.

    Youtube witnesses claimed they saw weird happenings in the 1960s that could be related to moon flight. Astronauts in the '60s were required to undergo extensive training in preparation for their missions. This included learning how to pilot a spacecraft and how to work in the weightlessness of space. Additionally, the astronauts likely filmed some of these training exercises in simulation rooms, which could explain the strange footage that some viewers have seen on YouTube.

    I've looked into this deeply in the past. It's not news to me that this moon landing stuff is fake, but the evidence isn't compelling at all. If you claim NASA has hidden information about UFOs for national security reasons, I can believe you.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,092 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    Is it the same one person generating the CGI footage, messing about with ISS models on a stick in my back yard, convincing Putin to fake crash their probe and also write all the fake scientific literature to back up the fake concept of space flight and planetary orbits etc?

    And this same person has been doing this since the 1950s?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,354 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    why did you misquote "on pain on censure" as "on pain and censure"?

    @Lorddrakul did you mean to type "on pain OF censure"?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    If you haven't watched "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" or "Astronauts gone wild" (youtube search) then there isn't much point in arguing against the moonlanding conspiracy.

    New evidence is emerging slowly, you just need to filter out the sensationlised crap. As I have posted about one page back - a video declaration from the son of a guard of the base that they shot the footage from. He presents the names of about 10 people who had exclusive access to a highly restricted facility by order of Lyndon B Johnson, the president at the time who even visited the base during his presidency.

    The moonlandings are real as much as 911 was orchestrated by a cave of bearded brown men who hate freedom and western ideals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    No new "evidence" is being produced aside from those like yourself who are arguing that the world is flat.

    The arguments for the moonlanding hoax have been the same tired only nonsense for decades.

    You are right in comparing your conspiracy theory of a flat earth with cheerfuls ideas about 9/11.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,654 ✭✭✭storker

    It's almost unbelievable that you're still hawking this half-witted dumbfuckery. Yes the masons have their secrets, but it's for you to prove that their secrets include the "faked space flight conspiracy", not for others to prove that they don't.


    Warning: please keep it civil.

    Post edited by Big Bag of Chips on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    It must be a bit worrying for him cause he's pushing 90. Going to be hard to find a replacement super genius with all the talents and expertise this one dude had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Oh, you don't like it do you not? Well nobody asked you to come here.

    All longterm boards users are well aware of the real mystery of the conspiracy forum. It's not the variety of the threads, the wealth of information, the depth of debate. It's why 10 or so users have dedicated their entire life to gatekeeping the forum.

    How does it feel being one of them?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,092 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    But what power they had in their early 20s, fooling the globe and all superpowers and the entire scientific world.

    But who appointed them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    I watched Astronauts Gone Wild. Telling Apollo astronauts to put their hands on the Bible and demand the truth if they went to the moon is the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen. His most compelling evidence is an off-camera reflection that seems odd to him.

    I find it very implausible that it was faked; they kept repeating the same hoax within a very short window of time. That's your clue; it's not a hoax.

    This is different from a conspiracy, such as 9/11 or the assassination of JFK, which happened quickly over most of a day. and the motivations have been debated ever since.

    Staging multiple moon landings would require a much larger and more complex network of people and resources, and would be much harder to keep secret over an extended period of time. Additionally, the risk of someone coming forward with evidence of a conspiracy would be much greater, as more people would be involved.

    In a video on YouTube, there is one guy. Where is that footage that the son of the guard is talking about?

    Photographs or videos can help support the hoax version. I like to see them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,695 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Would you rather nobody challenged you on your wild claims and we all just agreed that the moon landings were faked?

    Sounds like the makings of a pretty boring forum tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,695 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Currently watching a 'funny thing happened ..' I'm half way through and they're now 'debunking' the Apollo 11 photographs with the shadow nonsense.

    I actually find it rather amusing the conviction the narrator talks about how light and shadows work as if they're expert in the matter when they clearly haven't a clue what they're on about. The ignorance is staggering.

    I might leave this one there for now and give Astronauts Gone Wild a try instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    It baffles me that you think it would require many, many people to fake this. The footage is dog's bollocks, get a grip please!!

    You've already told me you are only interested in JFK/911 so not really interested in persuading you about anything. But to lurkers (if there are any left) who are genuinely interested in the topic, I will put answers to your questions here.

    The "astronauts" are all in a tightnit faction, namely freemasons. They will never blow the whistle because 1. they are making too much money and 2. they are under severe duress and will likely have their or one of their family members head blown off (like the attempt at Mark Kelly's wife. Mark clearly pissed someone off with something relating to his recent venture into politics). There are so many other highly suspicious incidents that happened over the years such as a "suicide" where one former NASA scientist was found in a bath with his throat slit. They are purposefully brutal with their punishments to send a message (you should know this already with JFK). The apollo 1 astronauts being burned alive was another example. Get the message across to those who don't play along - you or your family will die a horrific death. If I was privy to any info relating to the hoax, I certainly wouldn't be blowing the whistle, and even if I was to, who would listen?

    The footage that has been shot since the moonlandings is a joke. It is so easy to fake it. Most of the footage is shot in front of green screens, often times the astronauts wont' even be in the same room but they stitch the segments together to make it look like they are. Here is some very crude early stage footage where they were in fact all together in front of a green screen. And before you ask, no you can't actually see the wires because they are edited out in post-production:

    Here's another one where there is a snapping sound in the harness rigging, causing astronaut Tim Peak to lose his bearings for a split second:

    Here's an image of George Bush Snr visiting NASA HQ. You can clearly see some unedited footage in the background showing Tim Peak in front of a chromakey (green) screen:

    And here is the footage with the end result, the footage of Tim Peak manipulating a large CGI drop of water side by side with the unedited version:

    There is nothing sophisticated about what they are doing. All their footage since the 1950s ALWAYS aligned with the capabilities of Hollywood film studios.

    Here is the testimonial footage you asked for of Eugene Akers, son of Cyrus Akers of Cannon Air Force Base:

    Some other compelling links: (bubbles in space :D)

    This is only about 1% of the evidence out there proving the fraud that is the moonlandings and space activity in general. But of course, the usuals will swarm in, spam out the thread with mindless repetitive drivel and in a few weeks will claim I provided zero evidence as usual...

    Post edited by Markus Antonius on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    You have provided zero evidence. You constantly refuse to explain or defend your position.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,654 ✭✭✭storker

    And again you display poor comprehension skills, it's no wonder you're so easily fooled by the spinners of conspiracy fairy tales. Now see if you can summon your vast intellectual firepower to point out where I was gatekeeping. The precise words, please. Not "reading between the lines" but a precise quotation of the gatekeeping words I used. I'll wait. And when you fail to respond adequately, rest assured that I will be back to point it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,849 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    To fake global space travel for the last 7 decades would have required millions of people..

    Most of the people who have ever worked in NASA

    Most of the people who have ever worked in all space agencies globally

    Related scientists, astronomers, physicians, and experts

    The entire GPS industry

    The entire satellite and satellite communications and broadcasting industry

    You've involved millions of people in an imaginary conspiracy rather than face the fact that you can't understand how rockets work in space.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    No. Remember that he's claiming all of that was one by one person on a computer.

    It's perfectly reasonable.

    One guy has been generating fake images of space flight since the 50s. He has also been the one faking things like GPS and ISS sightings using his 50s computer skills.

    Post edited by King Mob on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Leaving aside the fact that markus has to believe that documentary is false, since it claims stuff could go into orbit...

    I've never seen a believer actually explain how all the shadow stuff was actually supposed to fit into the conspiracy narrative.

    If Nasa was faking being on the Moon, there's no reason why they'd use multiple light sources or such. It can't be that they didn't just make a mistake as they would have been experts in photography and film and they'd be working with the most perfect conspiracy in history. They'd know that the photos would look fake to even non-experts who don't know anything about photography. Nor can it be that they were simply lazy and didn't care about the details, since apparently faking things is easy and they go to great lengths to fake stuff today.

    It would make far more sense for them to just light the set like hoax believers think it should be and hand them less evidence.

    Or if they didn't do that for some reason, they could have just used their magic computer skills they apparently had to fix the photos after the fact.

    It would have been trivial for them to airbrush a C off a rock or fix the crosshairs on a picture.

    Or even then, they could just not release the photos that show these mistakes.

    Theorists don't want to address these points or think about them. Doing so might run the risk of realising the real reason all of these "mistakes" are used to prove a conspiracy.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,092 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    A moment ago you were declaring that it was one guy creating the cgi footage, yet there are loads of people just in each of those clips and who knows how many more in the control rooms watching it be created. How come all of these people now know about the fakery, yet not one has ever said anything? Or are all the astronauts fake as well and the likes of Tim Peak doesn't actually exist?

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,000 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hannibal_Smith

    Mod note

    I'm going to step in for a second with some Charter reminders.

    Firstly folks, on the one hand, remember this is the Conspiracy Theories Forum where we discuss:-

    topics in which there is an allegation that they involve some degree of misinformation and/or coordinated deception - ie. Conspiracies.

    Secondly on the other hand the forum is for open minded discussion

    not derision and ridicule of contributors for asking questions or questioning information.

    Thirdly there are many forms of evidence and

    Just because you don't find something to be convincing as evidence doesn't mean that it isn't evidence, nor that someone else can't find it convincing.

    Getting wound up about posters believing in Conspiracy Theories is pointless. It's what the forum is for. Equally, just because you find evidence is compelling doesn't not mean others are obliged to and they are allowed to raise questions on it and again getting wound up about it isn't going to change matters. The forum is for a discussion of CT topics.

    So, going forward with the thread:-

    1. Discuss the topic in a civil way without sniping or snide remarks against other posters.

    2. No more claims of gate keeping or the like, the forum is for discussion so be prepared for others to discuss what you've posted. If you're not able or prepared to discuss evidence you've posted, its unreasonable to expect others to just accept it on your say so.

    If you have an issue or question with this let's not derail the thread with it, but take it to the Feedback thread or PM me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,849 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    But you don't just deny the moon landings, you deny everything. And never provide explanations.

    In your world how does GPS work?

    When people point dishes to pick up satellite TV, what's going on there?

    When I (or anyone) sees the ISS passing overhead, what's going on?

    Post edited by Dohnjoe on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    @King Mob - your post off topic and so has been deleted.


    Post edited by Hannibal_Smith on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Let me explain.

    How is the knowledge of a conspiracy kept hidden from the public? They use small groups of people to do it, in that way, they limit the information they share and control who is involved.

    JFK assassination - the whole operation was managed by a few people at the top and a few extra people shooting. The same goes for the 9/11 attacks - a relatively small number of people were needed to plan and carry out the demolition mission on 9/11.

    The Moon Hoax conspiracy theory, however, implies that a much larger number of people would have been needed to successfully carry out the hoax over decades.

    It would require hundreds, if not thousands, of people across multiple government agencies, private companies, amateur and professional space watchers, and universities all coming together to create and maintain a lie about space exploration for fifty years. It would also require an enormous amount of resources and money to carry out a deception of this magnitude. 

    Examining this evidence allows us to determine whether our claims are actually true or not.

    Is the blue square thing in the background a green screen? I admit it looks oddly shaped since it covers all corners. I need to see where that original image was taken from. Have you got the source video?

    Tim's location may be behind the screen because he appears to be closer to the two TV screens in the ITV video.

    In that ITV footage, unfortunately, we don't see what lies ahead of him. The blue square thing appears to be further ahead

    Wires cannot be seen at all. I see people have placed their feet into some handles to remain steady when getting interviewed.

    When astronauts are being interviewed, they are restrained by a foot restraint handle. His hand is gripping something in the background to keep himself steady since there aren't enough to go around for four people, I think? As far as I can tell, the video does not show anything suspicious. In space, you can expect to see something like this.

    You only have the testimony of one person, which isn't enough to draw any meaningful conclusions. There is nothing to support Eugene Akers' story from that video alone.

    You have other YouTube links, but I haven't got the time today to watch all this today, I have addressed some of the stuff here to start off with. 

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,557 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The blue square thing is made of fabric and used for measurements on video, you can see the ISS as normal behind it:

    (435) Astro Academy: Principia - Circular Motion - YouTube

    The reason I brought this thread back again is what's the theory behind russia having a fake fail and india having a fake success, what are russia and india (and the rest of the world's governments) colluding on?
