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So I boosted last night :(



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,321 ✭✭✭Jackobyte

    Just read through the thread! Rofl! You deserve a nuke for your heroics! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,624 ✭✭✭Thor

    FutureGuy wrote: »
    Wow...150 thanks for a single post. :D Thanks all!

    Since there is obvioulsy an audience for this sort of depravity, I shall attempt to capture such behaviour in technicolor!

    This will allow me to fulfill my lifelong dream of posting a youtube video.

    First off, I will say your story is something that will stay with me until my death bed!!!! TESTICALS!!! JUST BRILLIANT!!!

    Secondly!! Ever since people started nuke boosting, I just got filled with anger as more people were doing it!!!!

    The only brightside was to it that ever since last month, Anytime this started in a match i was in, I found it my calling card to HUNT THEM DOWN AND ANNIHILATE THEM!!!

    I have found all the little hiding places that people use to do it.

    I was once in a game when it was FIVE PRICKS doing it!!! i actually won the game because they kept trying to do it after i had killed them already!!!!

    I really hope that infinity ward get off there asses and fix this(REMOVE TATICAL INSERTION) even until they can come up with a more permanant solution!!! The game has turn to **** with all the glitches out there!!!!

    I dont know about ps3 but i expect a little professionalism from microsoft since we are paying to play games online!!!! its unfair to charge us to play a game online that everyone can cheat in!!! They should be putting preasure on INFINITY WARD to fix this.

    Well thats my rant over and i really hope anyone who boosts like this should have there xboxes taken off them by there mammys!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭General General


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