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My Career in Standup Comedy (Londonderry)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 118 ✭✭Mungaman

    Why didn't anyone ask Robbie about his huge poo?
    Did you stand to wipe Robbie?
    Are you a folder or a Scruntcher?
    Do you double wipe?
    Do you wipe and have a look and then go again?
    Did your legs go numb and when you got off sh*t yourself again caus you knew you would be in a wheelchair or worse still have your legs cut off like your idol Captain Dan?


    PS I watched the video and I'd book you when you have ten years or 10,000 gigs what ever comes first. Stick with it and keep writing and get as much stage time as you can. Good luck but seriously why didn't you acknowledge Robbie Bon's poo thread?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭elshambo

    Who is your target market?

    [self edit]
    Long string of things i was going to tell you here, but if you actually took note of them, you might succeed and I couldnt have that on my conscience
    [self edit]

    I doubt Carlin would not dig your opening post btw!

    GoodLuck ...btw

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    I appreciate the pointers guys. Some were hard to read. I actually felt a little bit down after it, which is why I haven't posted as soon as I could have. To be fair, there were some good points, by bmbm, iwonaface and Mr Mo in particular. Certainly all of them have something of merit from the perspective of your average 'punter'. Which is fine, it's nice to have that kind of feedback. I will keep it in mind for my next performance.

    But I have to ask the following question. How many people on here actually do stand up comedy? I'd like to know because I really think it is that kind of advice is what will take me to the next level in my career. And I know from a lot of the comments here, some people think I'm terrible. So even if that's the case, don't you think I need some top advice right now? - In order to get better. Like I said, I know my act isn't perfect but some feedback from people who work in the industry would be ideal.

    Lastly, who was it who made/posted that video about me? They didn't even have the decency to post it in their own name. I think most people would agree that that was a cowardly thing to do. I really doubt somebody new here signed up to post that. And that isn't the only blatant attempt to troll me in here either. Are the mods asleep or what?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,817 ✭✭✭✭Dord

    carlinftw wrote: »
    Are the mods asleep or what?

    Yes, am I not allowed sleep? I do have a job also.

    If you've got a problem with a post then report it. In terms of the youtube video you need to report that to Youtube.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,255 ✭✭✭getz

    carlinftw wrote: »
    I appreciate the pointers guys. Some were hard to read. I actually felt a little bit down after it, which is why I haven't posted as soon as I could have. To be fair, there were some good points, by bmbm, iwonaface and Mr Mo in particular. Certainly all of them have something of merit from the perspective of your average 'punter'. Which is fine, it's nice to have that kind of feedback. I will keep it in mind for my next performance.

    But I have to ask the following question. How many people on here actually do stand up comedy? I'd like to know because I really think it is that kind of advice is what will take me to the next level in my career. And I know from a lot of the comments here, some people think I'm terrible. So even if that's the case, don't you think I need some top advice right now? - In order to get better. Like I said, I know my act isn't perfect but some feedback from people who work in the industry would be ideal.

    Lastly, who was it who made/posted that video about me? They didn't even have the decency to post it in their own name. I think most people would agree that that was a cowardly thing to do. I really doubt somebody new here signed up to post that. And that isn't the only blatant attempt to troll me in here either. Are the mods asleep or what?
    in the late 60s in london ,i fancied myself as a stand up comic[no jokes],at that time you could book into a night course to train to be funny,on my first night with 7 others we were given the same joke,and we had to stand up in front of all and tell it,the idea was that everyone could put a input to how the joke was told,[this was the joke]how do eskimos catch a polar bear,first they cut a hole in the ice and place peas around it, then when the bear comes down for a pea they kick it in the ice hole,no it was chaos in the room,trying to tell that joke, girls were crying,i couldent tell it for laughing,and some idiot kept getting it wrong ,[by the way this is true]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Mr Mo

    I think you have a real problem and it's not your comedy act. You come to and post saying you’re looking for advice.

    Some people give you their honest opinions of your act and you simply ignored them because the opinions were negative. Lots of people have tried giving you advice and constructive criticism, but if they said that they didn't like your performance or said anything negative about you, you just ignored their comments and went on a rant about people not getting/(or worse) not understanding your jokes. You can’t just pick and mix the comments you like and ignore the ones you don’t.
    You are guilty of that yourself, I mean look at that youtube video somebody posted. Yeah, it wasn't that funny but I don’t think that was the point. The dubbed parts are "unionist" and such. Obviously whoever posted that was offended by your introduction comments. And hey some people may have found it funny and others probably thought it was just stupid. But you don’t see that guy going on about how people missed the point.

    And if you think about saying hey I take all the criticisms from people etc. No you don’t. Your head is so far up your own ass you didn’t even notice that I posted the same advice twice. Look at my last post I made the same points twice, one was like you’re a fool and you need to do these things and the second was like, hey well done but you should try these things. Don’t believe me; look through the previous posts, on page 3 you will see my first post. Then when I reword it you’re like, good advice Mr Mo.

    You keep going on about how you were looking for constructive criticism yet if it’s not in the format you want you ignore it. You want advice from people who think you’re already funny not those who don’t. So really you’re just looking for people to inflate your ego rather than actual advice. You’re saying you want advice from comedians not “average punters”. Yeah, I’m sure that’s how all the comedians become great. Ignore the advice from some genuinely helpful and interested punters and hold out for that of veterans…. That was me being sarcastic by the way, I don’t want you to go picking out the bits of this that you want to listen to rather than actually getting what I’m saying!

    You have a real attitude problem man; I mean reading through this you have lots of people trying to help you out. Even those that you end up fighting with still try to help you. I’m looking at Eth0 here. I mean the guy tries to give you his industry experience and help you out and you end up fighting with the guy with your “on your high horse with your head up you own ass blowing hot air” attitude saying you don’t want his advice since he isn’t a comedian. I mean you get offensive with the guy and he still tries to help you. And for God’s sake the guy was a mod! He could have just shut your section down, but no, the guy kept trying to help you!!!

    Now before you think I’m trolling you, since you seem to think anybody who is negative towards you is a troll. Think, is it possible that those people who say they like you are trolls. I mean the general consensus is that you’re material is lacking. Just watching your video is cringe worthy. You don’t do very well despite your best efforts. Alas you’re ego makes you think that’s the people’s fault that they don’t get your jokes and aren’t smart enough to understand you… You are a fool!

    So if there is one thing you need to do it’s this. Get off your high horse and acknowledge that it’s possible that you’re material isn’t considered funny by the masses. Then start looking at the advice that people gives you and take some of it! There is some good stuff there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    Mr Mo wrote: »
    I think you have a real problem and it's not your comedy act. You come to and post saying you’re looking for advice.

    Sorry, what? My 'real problem' is creating a thread on saying I'm looking for advice? What in the world is wrong with that?
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    Some people give you their honest opinions of your act and you simply ignored them because the opinions were negative. Lots of people have tried giving you advice and constructive criticism, but if they said that they didn't like your performance or said anything negative about you, you just ignored their comments and went on a rant about people not getting/(or worse) not understanding your jokes. You can’t just pick and mix the comments you like and ignore the ones you don’t.
    You are guilty of that yourself, I mean look at that youtube video somebody posted. Yeah, it wasn't that funny but I don’t think that was the point. The dubbed parts are "unionist" and such. Obviously whoever posted that was offended by your introduction comments. And hey some people may have found it funny and others probably thought it was just stupid. But you don’t see that guy going on about how people missed the point.

    The keyword there is 'some'. The rest were more than happy to derail the thread hurling abuse at me, asking me to rename it and talking about poo. Notice how you are the one who is quite happy to ignore this. What do we call someone who doesn't take his own advice? Anyway, I'm perfectly entitled to take or leave any advice that is posted here. You certainly have no business in that matter. I think that the guy who posted that video did miss the point and was very deliberately trying to troll me. You can say whatever you like about my act and my posts, but at least I have the decency not to act in a cowardly fashion.
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    And if you think about saying hey I take all the criticisms from people etc. No you don’t. Your head is so far up your own ass you didn’t even notice that I posted the same advice twice. Look at my last post I made the same points twice, one was like you’re a fool and you need to do these things and the second was like, hey well done but you should try these things. Don’t believe me; look through the previous posts, on page 3 you will see my first post. Then when I reword it you’re like, good advice Mr Mo.

    I did read your first post and took some points on board, I simply didn't reply directly to it because I was busy dealing with more pressing posts. I did find it odd that you posted twice. At the time, my initial thoughts were that you were suffering from some kind of multiple personality disorder or something. But then I thought that maybe my act had grown on you. Now, it seems it's because of some point you're trying to make and basically you're saying that I don't take criticism from everyone... well that's simply not true. I have read all the criticism carefully and I feel that at lot of them simply don't match up to my act. My act wasn't perfect but I did go out there and make the most of it. To the best of my knowledge, no one here has the credentials or the experience to back up what they're saying, so I don't feel that I should take all of their invaluable 'advice' thank you very much.
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    You keep going on about how you were looking for constructive criticism yet if it’s not in the format you want you ignore it. You want advice from people who think you’re already funny not those who don’t. So really you’re just looking for people to inflate your ego rather than actual advice. You’re saying you want advice from comedians not “average punters”. Yeah, I’m sure that’s how all the comedians become great. Ignore the advice from some genuinely helpful and interested punters and hold out for that of veterans…. That was me being sarcastic by the way, I don’t want you to go picking out the bits of this that you want to listen to rather than actually getting what I’m saying!

    Well yeah, there's a reason I kept asking for so long... and that's because I never got it. I don't know what thread you were following but in the one I was following hadn't got a lot of sound advice until much later on in the thread. You're acting as if I have completely ignored advice from 'punters', I haven't. You'll see that on at least a few occasions I have acknowledged points made by people. Sorry if that disrupts your one dimensional view of me but that had to be said. Now, if you were paying attention to what I said (multiple times mind you), I was saying that I felt the value of comedians feedback would be worth a lot more to me. That's about all I said on the matter and it would be quite a stretch to say I didn't really care about average punters. Of course I do! they're the people that are going to be lining up and forking out cash to go see me!
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    You have a real attitude problem man; I mean reading through this you have lots of people trying to help you out. Even those that you end up fighting with still try to help you. I’m looking at Eth0 here. I mean the guy tries to give you his industry experience and help you out and you end up fighting with the guy with your “on your high horse with your head up you own ass blowing hot air” attitude saying you don’t want his advice since he isn’t a comedian. I mean you get offensive with the guy and he still tries to help you. And for God’s sake the guy was a mod! He could have just shut your section down, but no, the guy kept trying to help you!!!

    As opposed to a fake attitude problem? Nah but seriously here, what are you talking about? Eth0_, the guy who was giving me career advice, telling me about the industry and the like when he himself probably never preformed a comedy gig in his life. You're saying I'M the one on my high horse? Don't make me laugh. And here you are lecturing me on the subject too, when clearly you've got it arseways.
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    Now before you think I’m trolling you, since you seem to think anybody who is negative towards you is a troll. Think, is it possible that those people who say they like you are trolls. I mean the general consensus is that you’re material is lacking. Just watching your video is cringe worthy. You don’t do very well despite your best efforts. Alas you’re ego makes you think that’s the people’s fault that they don’t get your jokes and aren’t smart enough to understand you… You are a fool!

    I'm sorry pal, but trying to say you're not trolling me doesn't magically remove any troll aspects to your post. The general consensus... is of this forum - not just general consensus everywhere. Now you're saying I'm merely playing the blame game when you weren't even at the venue.Where you there? No. Did you see the numerous acts that came before me? No. Did you know what kind of crowd I was performing to? No. How could you possibly have any idea what it's like then? Oh yeah, sure, it must be my 'ego' that's to blame when it's pretty obvious you don't have all the facts. It is you my friend who is overconfident. Here you are so sure of yourself that my 'material is lacking' and that I'm a 'fool' when you have no idea of what it was like up there and weren't able to get my jokes too by the looks of it.
    Mr Mo wrote: »
    So if there is one thing you need to do it’s this. Get off your high horse and acknowledge that it’s possible that you’re material isn’t considered funny by the masses. Then start looking at the advice that people gives you and take some of it! There is some good stuff there.

    That's some great advice right there, a true formula for success. I should listen to people who don't seem to care much for my act my act and have little to no experience as a stand up comedians. Yeah right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭RobbieBonham

    carlinftw wrote: »

    That's some great advice right there, a true formula for success. I should listen to people who don't seem to care much for my act my act and have little to no experience as a stand up comedians. Yeah right.

    Well if it's someone with standup 'credentials' you want, I totally agree with Mr Mo's (and most other people's) posts on the topic, Carlinftw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,413 ✭✭✭frobisher

    Thread of the year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Mr Mo

    First, as I tried to explain, in great detail, using examples and then blatantly stating what your problem was you seem to have missed it.

    Your problem is your attitude!

    Next, you’re on the damn internet, obviously people are going to hurl abuse at you for no reason and talk about poo. That's what happens online, learn to ignore that irrelevant stuff dude and focus on things that are relevant to you and you're act!
    carlinftw wrote:
    Anyway, I'm perfectly entitled to take or leave any advice that is posted here.

    That’s not what I was getting at. I was telling you to stop arguing and fighting with people when they try give you advice. Even if you don't like it. The least you can do is ignore it rather than telling people that their advice is irrelevant! Then you can start talking about 'decency'.

    Did you hear the news; Simon Cowell isn't actually a singer. Oh shock horror, and people take his advice with their singing career. Oh god no, what do they think they are doing!!!

    Actually, ignore that last bit, the point I am making there is a preamble to talking about Eth0 again. He tried to give you some genuine advice and you were a pr1ck to him and started arguing with the guy! Seriously man, you're an ass. I mean when I gave you advice and opened the post saying good job, you thanked me for it, same with bmbm and iwonaface.
    carlinftw wrote:
    Certainly all of them have something of merit from the perspective of your average 'punter'. Which is fine, it's nice to have that kind of feedback.

    Fair enough point about your act, I wasn't there. I don’t know what the crowd was like. The assumptions I made were based on your previous posts.
    carlinftw wrote:
    I thought I did a pretty good job. I delivered my routine in a confident manner and I got some laughs. Isn't that the whole point of stand up?!?!
    And as for me trolling you…
    Why troll those that troll themselvs?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    Mr. Mo wrote:
    Your problem is your attitude!

    What are you on about mate? There is nothing wrong with my attitude! I've come here, as a performer, looking for some feedback. Now maybe I've been a tad too controversial here and there... but I think for the most part I have been rather civil.
    Mr. Mo wrote:
    Next, you’re on the damn internet, obviously people are going to hurl abuse at you for no reason and talk about poo. That's what happens online, learn to ignore that irrelevant stuff dude and focus on things that are relevant to you and you're act!

    Well finally, someone actually agrees with me on the state of this thread. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Mr. Mo wrote:
    I was telling you to stop arguing and fighting with people when they try give you advice. Even if you don't like it. The least you can do is ignore it rather than telling people that their advice is irrelevant! Then you can start talking about 'decency'.

    Well like I said, it's my call to make about what advice to take and what not to. If I don't like their advice, I don't have to take it. And I certainly don't have to take it from the likes of eth0_. Yeah, I do have some decency, what you see is what you get. You may not like it but that would be your problem really, not mine.
    Mr. Mo wrote:
    Actually, ignore that last bit, the point I am making there is a preamble to talking about Eth0 again. He tried to give you some genuine advice and you were a pr1ck to him and started arguing with the guy! Seriously man, you're an ass. I mean when I gave you advice and opened the post saying good job, you thanked me for it, same with bmbm and iwonaface.

    I'm perfectly entitled to disagree with this man. Actually, what is your fixation with him anyway? I'm allowed to politely argue with people I disagree with, such is the nature of internet forums. You'd think you'd take your own 'advice' about the internet mate.
    Mr. Mo wrote:
    Why troll those that troll themselvs?
    Well if you honestly think you're not trolling me, you are deluded. Your whole long third post is contrary to that, to say the least. You should probably go read it again. With particular attention to personal attacks, you know, like name calling.
    Well if it's someone with standup 'credentials' you want, I totally agree with Mr Mo's (and most other people's) posts on the topic, Carlinftw.

    And what 'credentials' would these be now? If you username is actually your real name then I honestly haven't heard of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭RobbieBonham

    carlinftw wrote: »

    And what 'credentials' would these be now? If you username is actually your real name then I honestly haven't heard of you.

    Well, how many times have you been to a comedy club? I'm guessing maybe twice? I play Derry regularly. And all over Northern Ireland, particularly for the Magners festivals. Compering their open mic nights, and whatnot. Believe me, I have standup comedy credentials to beat the band, if ya care to google. I never said I was famous. Is it a famous person you wanted, to critique your comedy? I don't think we have any on hand, unless Dylan Moran happens to be reading and wants to chime in. Dylan?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭elshambo

    Is it a famous person you wanted, to critique your comedy? I don't think we have any on hand, unless Dylan Moran happens to be reading and wants to chime in. Dylan?

    I was apparently infamous for a period of time if thats any use?

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭RobbieBonham

    frobisher wrote: »
    Thread of the year!

    Aye, that it is! :D

    Heh... "Last edited by carlinftw; Reason: addressing RobbieBonham's troll attempt."

    My 'troll attempt' was basically me saying I agree with Mr Mo...

    Carlinftw, you're confusing 'trolling' with 'disagreeing'. You obviously don't know what trolling is (in fact, you appear to have only discovered that word here, and have been using it willy-nillily ever since). Trolling is coming fresh onto an online community and immediately calling all the regular posters inferior in intellect, because they don't get the rubbish you're trying to crank out as 'career-ready' comedy, demanding opinions, then calling said opinions the work of poor intellect, or sentiments to that effect, and it's not even your comedy performance that's causing aggrevation towards you, from us, it's because you're being so obnoxious, and assuming a superior stance on everything.

    Hey, is anyone else finding that it takes ages to carefully reword their replies, before posting in this thread? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Mr Mo

    I youtubed robbie, this was one of the funnier ones.
    So there you go, somebody with actual experience and you still argued with him...

    And i know what you mean robbie, you have to be so careful to try and be as clear as possible. So many times he completly misses the point!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,413 ✭✭✭frobisher

    Carlinftw: You have come across more arrogantly than anyone else I've seen arrive in this wee community. Easy now...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,480 ✭✭✭Devastator

    frobisher wrote: »
    Carlinftw: You have come across more arrogantly than anyone else I've seen arrive in this wee community. Easy now...

    which throughout this whole thread I'm still wondering why anyone is trying to help him and give him any advice. It seems obvious he doesn't want it.

    He just comes across as some spoilt child. Kind of reminds me of 1 of them headcases on x factor that shout and scream at simon cowell that he doesn't know what he's talking about because they've been told by their granny and aunties their whole life they are brilliant....even though they sound worse than a cat being pulped in a blender!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,413 ✭✭✭frobisher

    Mr Mo wrote: »

    I youtubed robbie, this was one of the funnier ones.
    So there you go, somebody with actual experience and you still argued with him...

    And i know what you mean robbie, you have to be so careful to try and be as clear as possible. So many times he completly misses the point!

    Great stuff!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    Well, how many times have you been to a comedy club? I'm guessing maybe twice? I play Derry regularly. And all over Northern Ireland, particularly for the Magners festivals. Compering their open mic nights, and whatnot. Believe me, I have standup comedy credentials to beat the band, if ya care to google. I never said I was famous. Is it a famous person you wanted, to critique your comedy? I don't think we have any on hand, unless Dylan Moran happens to be reading and wants to chime in. Dylan?

    I haven't seen you at any gigs in Derry and I have been to the laughter lounge in Dublin as well as Galway. I also go to a lot of college open mic nights too. A 'famous' person certainly wouldn't go amiss although I doubt there are many on this board. I haven't heard of this Dylan Moran chap either.

    As for the your material. Based on that video Mr. Mo posted, it is very unoriginal. The whole smoking weed thing has been done to death. And it reminded me of a Bill Hicks routine, (in the video you claim you used to drink and now you only smoke like Bill too, eh?). Near the end of the clip it's very clear that you borrowed the concept from Hicks, the only difference really was Bill's was actually a lot funnier.
    My 'troll attempt' was basically me saying I agree with Mr Mo...
    No it wasn't just that. You were also stepping up saying you've got 'stand up credentials'. I wonder if you've even played a gig outside of this island to be honest.
    ...immediately calling all the regular posters inferior in intellect, ...
    ...then calling said opinions the work of poor intellect, or sentiments to that effect, ...

    You are obviously deluded pal. Not once did I call anyone here stupid or try to imply it. The closest to that would be me calling dubs 'too thick' in my opening post, but really, those two do aren't necessarily interchangeable. and really, when I read posts like yours, it just helps confirm that statement really.
    frobisher wrote:
    Carlinftw: You have come across more arrogantly than anyone else I've seen arrive in this wee community. Easy now...

    Well I'll admit, it can be hard for me to maintain my usually cool composure when people are launching attacks against me personally and my act all the time... but arrogance? No. If anyone is being arrogant, it is these people who start arguments with me under the guise of 'advice'.
    Devastator wrote:
    He just comes across as some spoilt child. Kind of reminds me of 1 of them headcases on x factor that shout and scream at simon cowell that he doesn't know what he's talking about because they've been told by their granny and aunties their whole life they are brilliant....even though they sound worse than a cat being pulped in a blender!

    Okay, you're a guy who's likes to gauge the credibility of people's sanity from a show like x-factor. Let me guess, later on you flick over to an adult entertainment channel to get some ideas about how to please a woman? Word of advice. Lay off the tv. A lot of the stuff on there isn't real and the stuff that is will more likely be depressing and replayed so often you'll become desensitised to it. I hear outside is good, you might want to try there first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    carlinftw - that's not his act, it looks like an improv 'duel'. I'd like to see how you'd fare on an improv night, and let's not neglect to note the fact Robbie got more laughs in the first 20 seconds than you got in your entire act.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    eth0_ wrote: »
    carlinftw - that's not his act, it looks like an improv 'duel'.

    That still doesn't magically make his material original and bits borrowed from Bill Hicks become his own.
    eth0_ wrote:
    I'd like to see how you'd fare on an improv night, and let's not neglect to note the fact Robbie got more laughs in the first 20 seconds than you got in your entire act.

    We'll to be perfectly honest, just bring it, I'll happily duel against anyone, especially if it was improv. As for him getting more laughs well, who's not to say half the audience were his pals from Personally I didn't find him funny at all and would have loved to have made his material my material, but not in the way he uses other people's material.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭elshambo

    carlinftw wrote: »
    I haven't seen you at any gigs in Derry and I have been to the laughter lounge in Dublin as well as Galway. I also go to a lot of college open mic nights too. A 'famous' person certainly wouldn't go amiss although I doubt there are many on this board.
    And you wont be changing that anytime soon!
    carlinftw wrote: »
    I haven't heard of this Dylan Moran chap either.
    yer making it too obvious!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    elshambo wrote: »
    And you wont be changing that anytime soon!

    Contrary to your beliefs, the future hasn't been written yet. Just you wait though, I'd advise you to keep your cynicism to a minimum as I've already proven skeptics like yourself wrong in the past, who thought I couldn't even get up on stage.
    elshambo wrote: »
    yer making it too obvious!
    The name doesn't ring any bells honestly. Besides, I'm George Carlin and I read up on this thread on a regular basis. My point being, this is the internet and even if this place was full of claims of celebrities, I'd have to trouble them for a little proof that they are who they say they are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭elshambo

    carlinftw wrote: »
    The name doesn't ring any bells honestly. Besides, I'm George Carlin and I read up on this thread on a regular basis. My point being, this is the internet and even if this place was full of claims of celebrities, I'd have to trouble them for a little proof that they are who they say they are.

    Are you speaking with a scouse accent at the moment
    because the only way your george Carlin is if Derek Acorah is channelling your dead a$$

    Dylan Moran as in

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    elshambo wrote:
    Are you speaking with a scouse accent at the moment
    because the only way your george Carlin is if Derek Acorah is channelling your dead a$$

    Way to miss my point completely and use it as an excuse to promote some bad television. Read up on some of the advice I gave Devastator, I'm sure you can learn a lot from that too.

    Ah, the bloke who was in black books. Great. So where is he then? *tumbleweed passes by*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭elshambo

    carlinftw wrote: »
    Way to miss my point completely and use it as an excuse to promote some bad television. Read up on some of the advice I gave Devastator, I'm sure you can learn a lot from that too.

    Ah, the bloke who was in black books. Great. So where is he then? *tumbleweed passes by*
    :o (you not me)

    Yes i am Harry Hill and im pimping my TV show using your comedy career and its stardom ratings

    TBH Thats a really poor comeback, good luck with these improv challenges you sent out for slagging matches if thats your stuff!

    ooh no wait, i get it now...
    Your wisdom is above the likes of me
    Someday when you are him who is he
    Maybe i will learn at your feet
    How is the UK these days?:eek::rolleyes:

    or not....

    boring me now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭RobbieBonham

    Who is this 'Bill Hicks'? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 329 ✭✭drBill

    Surely this has to be a wind up, the way he keeps coming back for more, sounding even more outrageous each time? Something's not right...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 carlinftw

    elshambo wrote:
    boring me now!

    Yes, go back and do what you do best and lurk on this thread as it's quite obvious that nothing you say has any real comedic value, unless of course you're picking up a thing or two from me and have invented an alter-ego... in which case that's quite a good job you've done of portraying someone who's funny because they're unfunny.
    drBill wrote:
    Surely this has to be a wind up, the way he keeps coming back for more, sounding even more outrageous each time? Something's not right...

    well if you mean 'coming back for more' as me defending myself against the numerous trolls on this forum, then okay. these people have been chipping away at my patience since day one so it's no wonder you might think that I've got 'more outrageous'. these people simply won't listen to me, time and time again. it's frustrating.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭RobbieBonham

This discussion has been closed.