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Romanians BOO Madonna



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,373 ✭✭✭Executive Steve

    marcsignal wrote: »
    Just for the record [cm]tyranny, i've posted nothing here with a view to having a go at you personally. As long as that's unserstood.

    I know - i suppose I was just... probing really; I do spend quite a lot of time lurking on far right / White Nationalist forums and it's a bit of a Red Flag when you see people with interests in Wehrmacht memorabilia as no doubt you must be aware!


    For what it's worth, I grew up in a house stacked floor to ceiling with war related history books of all flavours, and I'm certainly not presuming to infer anything on your personal politics on the basis of your historical interests...

    Anyway - to save me the effort of typing out any more of my actual objections to your previous posts in this thread I'm just going to refer back to Sock Puppet:
    While your knowledge of the Holocaust may be much greater than any of us, you're being extemely disingenuous with that statement. Even the biggest idiot can give you a more logical sounding reason for hating a group other than "Uhhh....... cuz he's black/white". What you seem to be suggesting is that the Roma weren't discriminated against and that it was partly their fault they were targetted for extermination. I suppose if the Jews hadn't been conspiring to take over the world they might have escaped persecution too.

    Do you really mean to say that:

    1. All the Roma executed in the Holocaust were exterminated for engaging in Anti-social behaviour.

    2. Where those members of the Roma who were exterminated in the Holocaust that this made their extermination excusable

    3. That Genocidal actions are forgiveable if you have a good reason?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,373 ✭✭✭Executive Steve

    marcsignal wrote: »

    More than aware of that, but were you aware that the reason the Roma were targeted in the first place, was not for racial/biological reasons, but because they were simply considered Anti-Social and refused, by and large, to integrate into society. It might also surprise you to know that, not a large amount, but some Gypsies served in the Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine ?? and were given special consessions for this fact ?

    Just for the record [cm]tyranny, i've posted nothing here with a view to having a go at you personally. As long as that's unserstood.

    Doesn't surprise me in the slightest about some Roma serving in the Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine; I would imagine that it would have been a safer place to be than within arm's reach of Hitler's allies in the Romanian army! Sure there were Americans in the SS as well, as no doubt you are aware, as well as concessions for "Aryan" Poles as long as they had been raised in German state orphanages; as you rightly point out the German attitude to "Racial Hygiene" was never exactly logical nor internally consistent.
